Hey there my childrens, it got really fuckin cold outside. There's even snow~ I feel like a kid again. Anywhore, have this chapter as an early present. Merry Christmas, you fake gays, you false homosexuals, you misleading bixsexuals, you trustworthy straight folk. Merry Christmas to all you little shits!

Miss Pauling had finally allowed the Soldier to go up to the surface to get supplies, and after some brief organization between the Soldiers from both teams and Miss Pauling, they made their excursion to the surface. Of course, the first didn't serve any purpose but scouting. They had to make sure that they had a quick, safe route to the surface and to the supply rooms and kitchens in both bases. After all, there was still a war raging on the surface. The RED Scout was still bedded with a broken leg; however, the other two injured REDs were back on their feet and ready to cause trouble. There had been quite a bit of bickering over sleeping quarters, though, and we'd been forced to share our already-small private space with the REDs. Although, I didn't have any complaints; we were to room with our counterparts, meaning, for one, that we had three people in our room instead of four (because the RED Scout was still on the couch day and night), and also that I had a distraction from my feelings for the Scout. After a mere two days, the RED Sniper and I had beaten him into submission via pillows several times. My counterpart was definitely a good partner in crime. Needless to say, we got into trouble on a damn near daily basis.

The days passed ever so slowly, and my guard posts at the supply room had grown by an insane amount. When I'd told the Scout why I just sat by the door reading so often, he laughed and said that most of BLU knew about them. Nevertheless, he offered to sit with me and keep me company, and I had no objections.

Those times where I would sit with him were quickly winning my favor. We would just sit talking to each other for ages, or I would sit and read while he sat next to me with some sports magazine or other. Occasionally, he sat with nothing, humming at my side and leaning gently into me, or sat sighing and muttering until I paid him attention. One day, while I sat reading and he sat sighing like a toddler, I did something crazy and intensely stupid. I'd gotten so tired of hearing him that I'd closed my book, grabbed his shirt, and kissed him. That shut him up. Then, I picked my book and continued reading. After a moment, I felt him take my hand; and so we sat there, holding hands like a couple of idiotic teenagers, until the Spy and Engie had come out of the closet.

The boredom was beginning to make the whole bunker feel rather gloomy. Everyone, even the Scouts, just sat around the base, crammed into the small space. One night, however, while I was talking to the RED Sniper, he came up with an idea.

"A Christmas party?" I asked, raising an eyebrow, "What're you on about?"

"Oh, really Sheila, Don't tell me you think it's a bad idea." He said, nudging my shoulder lightly, "Think about it; everyone will be drunk, we'll all be happy, and you can get some alone time with your boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend!" I hiss, "Stop saying that all the time."

"I saw you two the other day, outside the store room." He chuckled. I couldn't think of anything intelligent to say. "And it'd be obvious without that bit, anyways. I've seen those 'lingering looks' you two give when the other's not looking."

"Just shut up." I mutter, changing the subject. "I do think it'd be nice to show everyone a good time. Everyone's been so down recently."

"Good. I'll go tell everyone about it. Oh, and you should talk to your Demo; surely he's got some booze hidden away in here."

"Oi! Careful with those crates! That's half a' my store. Yeh lose a single drop a' scrumpy and yeh'll be paying for the lot." I just rolled my eyes as the Demoman hollered at me. As my counterpart had assumed, the drunken Scot had four crates of scrumpy that he'd gotten the Soldier to bring back from the surface. However, he'd only given us two of them; the remaining two were his precious private store, seeing as he seemingly needed to be drunk off his ass 24/7.

The RED Sniper's idea of a christmas party had been met with no resistance and possibly some excitement. Everyone seemed to like the idea of getting piss drunk for no other reason than a holiday meant for children. Christmas eve had come around quicker than we'd thought, however, and our last-minute preparations were hardly enough to call it a party; it was more of a night of drinking and accidents.

It took the Soldier about five minutes to get so pissed that he could hardly stand. Twenty minutes later, he and a very drunk Demoman were singing some raucous nonsense that sounded a bit like "White Christmas" while the both Pyros, completely sober, danced around them. The Engie and the Spy were lying on top of the counter, making out like a couple of horny teens, and were already starting to rip their clothes off. So much for "keeping a secret." Although, I doubt anyone actually noticed, considering they were all drunk off their asses.

It wasn't too long until someone would discover the kitchen and all it's dangerous things; like the stove for example. The Pyros had left the Soldier and Demoman to their singing and had finally started taking shots from behind their masks. A few minutes later, they'd taken to trying to set a lamp on fire over the stove.

I, meanwhile, had managed to stay somewhat sober. Mind you, it was pretty hard to keep your head and not drink until you passed out when everyone else around you was doing the same. Our Scout, such a lightweight, was blacked out after a few shots. He was draped over a table next to the RED Scout's couch, muttering gibberish and prodding at the giggling girl beside him. There came that irritation again, bubbling in my stomach. I tried to distract myself, but it was hard not to focus on the fact that he was over there, with another girl, and not with me. Just when I felt my irritation turning to anger, the RED Sniper came over to sit with me in my corner.

"Hey there, Sheila." He mumbled, plopping down beside me and tossing his legs over mine. "You look a bit down. What's up?" I didn't want to talk about it. How could I explain it? After all, I didn't have feelings for that little brat. I tried to think of a way to draw attention away from me. Something about him; he's so full of himself.

"You've been drinking since the start." I mutter, "Shouldn't you be rolling around the floor like the others?"

He just laughs, and says: "I've been drinking since cradle days; it'll take more than a few bottles of scrumpy to get me pissed." He laughs, shifting his legs and accidentally kneeing me in the stomach. "Speaking of, why the hell aren't you hobbling around without a care in the world like the rest of your teammates? Look, even your boyfriend is out of it." I felt the irritation returning.

"Stop calling him my boyfriend." I could feel my face reddening, though from either anger or embarrassment I didn't know.

"Well, what else am I supposed to call him?"

"My teammate." I suggest, feeling my face grow hot; it's definitely embarrassment.

"He's a bit more than a teammate, Sheila, even I know that" At this, he tosses his hands behind his head and leans back against the wall. "With the way he talks about you, there's gotta be something else there." His words seem to make my heart stop.

"W- He doesn't... What does he say?" I can hardly form an intelligent sentence now.

"Oh, lots of things. Why don't you go and ask him yourself? I'll bet he's talking to our Scout about you right now." I roll my eyes at him. "Go on. If you think I'm lying, just go have a listen." I let out a huff of breath, then snagged the bottle that he'd set on the floor and downed what remained of it. Then, I struggled to my feet and hobbled in the general direction of the Scouts. I didn't quite make it though; about halfway to them, I stumbled over the legs of the RED Spy, who'd somehow managed to weasel himself under one of the chairs and then pass out.

Obviously, the noise drew the Scout's attention away from his counterpart. He waddled over to me, offering a hand.

"Ya'll right there, sweetcheeks?" he muttered, his words slurred to the point where I could hardly understand him. I grabbed his hand, but when he tried to pull me up, he fell down on top of me in a flurry of limbs and laughter. Instead of getting up, however, he wrapped his arms around my neck, still laughing like an idiot.

"Oi! Get off me, yah lightweight." I spat, trying to push him off me; he was a lot heavier than he looked. I wasn't about to let that stop me, though; I kept trying shove the idiot off, but with no avail.

That's when I realized that his lips were moving against my neck. For a moment, I merely sat there, too stunned to even consider moving. Then, I buried my hands as best I could into his short hair, pulled him up, and kissed him proper. Well, I say kiss, but it was more a mess of tongues and teeth; that last bottle had done a number on me. After a moment, he stooped to my neck again, biting lightly but still hard enough to leave purple-ish love marks all over me. It was quite a while before he rolled off me, and we both struggled to our feet. I noticed the other Sniper smirking at me from the corner, but I was too occupied with other things to take much notice; seeing as the Scout had slipped his hand into mine, and was tugging me towards our room. My liqueur-boggled mind needed no other convincing and eagerly went with him.

A hangover is always worse when it's also a "morning after." I woke up in my room, but was momentarily surprised to find that I was in the wrong bed. That's when I realized I was naked and that there was an equally naked man behind me and everything I'd done the night before hit me full in the face. I got to my feet, threw on a shirt and boxers I found on the floor, and started heading towards the bathrooms. I didn't get far though, because I was stopped by a hand on my shoulder. I turned and saw the Scout, stark naked if not for the blanket he'd wrapped around his waist. He smiled sheepishly at me, and I smiled back before planting a chaste kiss on his lips and walking out the door.

I noticed there were a few bodies on the floor and draped over the furniture from the night before when I walked into the common room. The RED Sniper must've drank himself to sleep, because the brute was still sitting in the corner, five empty bottles at his feet. The RED Spy, I noticed, was in the other man's arms. The Demoman had collapsed on the chair where the RED Spy had been lying. The Soldier was lying on the tile floor just off the living area in a pool of his own vomit. The Spy and Engineer were on the counter, covered, thank god, by a blanket.

"It's been a long night for everyone." I mumble, striding into the bathroom to find the RED Scout already inside, examining the dark circles under her eyes. Her cast still in place, but had been scribbled on by what looked like crayon. When she heard me come in, she turned and smiled at me.

"Seems you had a lot of fun last night." She said casually, her eyes lingering on my neck and the boxers that were obviously not mine.

I smile weakly at her. Before she can say anything else, I stride into one of the stalls and sit there until she leaves. The last thing I needed was to take shit from some jealous Bostonian chick about my life choices. I stepped out of the stall, glancing at my own reflection. To put it nicely, I looked awful. There were bags three miles long under my bloodshot eyes, and my hair was sticking out in every possible direction. My neck was covered in bright bruises, and I didn't even want to know what the state of certain other areas were. I felt sore everywhere. I ran my fingers through my hair, trying desperately to tame it down a bit, but to no avail. I went to grab for a toothbrush, but I felt that if I put anything in my mouth, I would vomit everywhere, so I passed on the hygiene. I wandered back to my room, where I found the Scout sitting on the bed, wearing a fresh pair of boxer shorts. I sat next to him, resting my head on his shoulder.

"What did we do?" I mumbled, glancing at him.

"Well," He said, scratching his chin as though contemplating something, "I'm pretty sure we banged the hell outta each other."

"You know what I mean."

"Yeah..." He sighed and laid back down, "I know." I laid down beside him, resting my head on his chest. We stayed like that for awhile, listening to each other's breathing. Will anything ever be the same for us? I think, turning my eyes towards him. He saw and smiled at me, absentmindedly running his fingers through my hair. No... No they won't; but... Maybe that's better.

I done told yah. light-hearted and fluffy for your enjoyment. WHEN SUDDENLY THEY FUCKED WHOA WHO SAW THAT COMING I TOTALLY DIDN'T. Alright kiddies, I have to leave you now. I've got a fuckton of schoolwork to catch up on. Also, I'm learning how to use SFM so maybe youtube videos? okay bye.