Disclaimer: I do not own Evangelion, or anything associated with it. I have written this story solely because I enjoy writing.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything belonging to Marvel Comics or anything associated with it. I have written this story solely because I enjoy writing.

Superwomen of Eva: Storm Bringer

Chapter 5: Machinations of the Gods

"You know I didn't expect this, Maria. And that I'd never have asked you to get dinner for me, all by yourself," Rebecca informed her ward as the two of them sat back in their living room. Then she smiled and added, "But I'm not going to complain about it, either."

"I know. But it wasn't any trouble," Maria assured her guardian. "Besides, I wasn't alone. I had Lieutenant Smith drive me out there."

"Well…I would've preferred that you had someone else play chauffeur for you," Rebecca noted with a slight frown. "But even so, you came back home in one piece, so I guess it all works out in the end."

Maria nodded to this, savoring the sensations of a full stomach, the lingering memory of the delightful meal she and her guardian had recently finished, the movie they were watching, and just being in the company of someone she knew genuinely cared for her. It helped her deal with things that were far less comfortable. Things that were deadly dangerous.

Amora…she made it clear that she doesn't care about me or Rebecca or anybody else. I don't doubt that she'd kill me if not for the fact that she needs me. And she definitely wouldn't hesitate to kill Rebecca. Or at least threatening her to keep me under control, Maria thought, carefully analyzing her situation. But at the same time, she won't risk using her powers when the Odinsleep ends. Assuming I can believe her – which I can't – then Rebecca and everyone else should be more-or-less safe then. Then she frowned slightly and added, At least from any magical tricks Amora has. That doesn't rule out her trying to poison them. But at the same time, it wouldn't be as easy for her to get away with that sort of thing. Especially since I'll still be able to use Storm Bringer to transform.

With this, Maria nodded. Once Odin wakes up, Amora and Skurge shouldn't be a problem. At least…not until the next Odinsleep. Realizing that she didn't have any means of knowing when Odin would sleep and wake up, the blonde frowned unhappily. Making a mental to investigate the possibility of monitoring the situation in Asgard by her own means, she then turned towards some other issues. Still…that doesn't explain why they need me for all of this.

That was the big question that was truly nagging at Maria. Why was it her specifically that Amora and Skurge needed? What was it about the blonde girl that made her so essential to what they had in mind?

It's true that I already know how to fight. And I also know a lot about the Angels. As much as anybody could know except for the scientists that research them, Maria mused with a slight frown. I've been training to fight them, studying their strengths and weaknesses from a tactical standpoint. So in terms of combat ability, it makes sense. They don't have to train someone up from scratch to get them ready for battling the Angels. Furthermore, this…worthiness clause on Storm Bringer makes it clear that not just anybody can even lift Storm Bringer, let alone use it in battle.

But even as this thought registered, Maria frowned a bit more. As much as she didn't want to admit it, her ability to wield the enchanted hammer was presently limited at best. If Amora was to be believed, there was something about her that made Storm Bringer reject her to some extent. Like there was some flaw of hers that made it not accept her fully.

Putting aside the fact that I have no idea what this flaw might be – if there even is one – the way Amora acted made it clear that I wasn't ideal in her eyes. So that still leaves the question; why was I chosen to wield Storm Bringer? Maria wondered. I should do more research on Norse mythology. Perhaps I can -

"Maria?" came Rebecca's voice, startling the blonde out of her thoughts. "Are you listening?"

Sucking in a quick breath, Maria looked about at her guardian. Taking note of the older woman's mildly stern expression, she realized that she had been lost in her thoughts and briefly wondered if this was the first time her guardian had called for her attention. "I – I'm sorry," she soon replied. "I'm just…I've been thinking about…what happened. That's all."

A few seconds passed as Rebecca considered her ward. Then she raised an eyebrow and gave Maria a knowing look. "Maria…this is me, remember? You might be able to bullshit most people, but you can't bullshit me," she tersely informed her. "Now, c'mon. Out with it. What's going on?"

"I – hold on!" Maria retorted, stalling for time as she tried to think of an effective response. "I'm not bullshitting anyone! I just – there's a lot about what happened that night that – just doesn't make any sense! And I don't like it! That's all!"

Rebecca considered Maria for a time. "I know you, Maria. I know you well enough to know that you're not lying." She gave this a moment to sink in before adding, "But I also know that you're not telling me the whole truth, either." The blonde opened her mouth to protest but was cut off when her guardian placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "But I also trust you enough not to press you on it if you really don't want to talk about it."

Giving an inner sigh of relief, Maria was once again grateful that it had been into Rebecca's care that she been placed. "Thank you."

"Just don't forget that you can come to me about…whatever it is that you're thinking about. If you have to," Rebecca gently reminded her. "And now that that's out of the way, why don't we change subjects."

"Gladly," Maria immediately replied.

"For starters…have you heard anything from the 2nd Child? Asuka?" When Maria frowned perplexedly, Rebecca went on to say, "She's shipping out to Japan soon, isn't she? And since you two were friends, I'd figured that she might have sent you an email."

Sucking in a gasp at this, Maria replied, "Oh…I just realized that…with everything that's happened, I haven't checked my email lately!"

"Then maybe you should do that before you start thinking about anything else again," Rebecca suggested with a mildly teasing smile.

Deciding that this was a good idea and that she could use a distraction from her woes, Maria rose up from her seat. "Okay, just give me a second," she said even as she pulled out her smartphone. "Let me look this over and…ah! There we go!"

Sure enough, there was a message from her German counterpart. Without hesitation, Maria opened the electronic mail and began reading. "'Hello, Maria! Got great news! You've probably already heard this, but I just got word from the higher-ups! Me and my Unit 02 are being sent to Tokyo-3! I'm gonna be on the frontlines of this war and saving the world!'" the blonde read. "'It's really too bad that your Unit 04 isn't ready and the rest of it! Maybe once it is, you might be able to help me kill an Angel or two! Keep me posted on things are going over there! Signed, Asuka Langley-Sohryu!'"

As Maria finished, Rebecca gave a slight shake of her head. "Sounds like Asuka hasn't changed much."

"No, she hasn't," Maria frowned, caught between envy and frustration and envy for the redhead.

During what little time Maria has spent in the presence of her German counterpart, she had found Asuka to be eager to brag and dismissive of others and could be abrasive to be around. On the other hand, she couldn't help but jealous of her position in life. Of the fact that she had been handed the opportunity to pilot so readily, and at such an early age.

As for me…I had to earn everything I have! Even this apartment, this life! Maria thought with a trace of bitterness. I had to be the perfect girl in order to catch the eyes of the NERV recruiters, back in that awful orphanage!

On one level, Maria knew her envy was irrational. Asuka had lost her mother at a very early age and had lost her twice. She had lost her mother first when Kyoko Zeppelin-Sohryu had been driven mad by an experiment. And then she had lost her mother once more when the maddened woman hanged herself, a situation made even worse when the younger Asuka had found the body suspended in the air. Her father had had an affair with one of the doctors attending Kyoko, and had even married her before Kyoko's funeral. And even someone who didn't have a Ph.D. could tell how that had damaged her.

But at the same time…

At least Asuka knows who her parents were. At least she has other family, has a home. She was born with those things! Maria couldn't help but think. Me…I have to be perfect for the people here. I have to be the perfect soldier for everyone. Because if I hadn't become that person for them, I wouldn't even have this much in my life.

At this, Maria thought of the abysmal hole of an orphanage where she had spent the earliest years of her life. Of her visits there and how many others from that time still remained in that awful place. Of how many had died because of overcrowding, of lack of resources, and more. Of the rumors that some of her fellows had been sold into slavery on the black market, and had died without knowing any freedom.

Shuddering at these horrid thoughts, Maria sighed and again focused on the email. NERV and this war with the Angels…it's my best – only chance of solidifying my future. Of making sure that I have one worth living. And if Amora is right, and she can make it so that I'll be going to Japan, then… But even as she thought of the untrustworthy Asgardian Enchantress, she frowned once more. Still…how will she go about doing it? With three pilots in Japan, NERV Central already has a considerable fighting force. And I doubt that the American government will be willing to give up one of their ultimate weapons after spending so much money on them. So…what does she have in mind…?

"Whew! Almost done!" Asuka proclaimed as she stood within the confines of her home. Studying the many, many boxes she had been filling with her clothing, assorted belongings, and more. Everything that she planned on bringing with her for her stay in Japan. For the ultimate triumph she could all but taste.

"Won't be long now!" Asuka declared as she brushed her hands together. "Kaji's got everything arranged for our trip! All that's left is a short trip on the Over The Rainbow, and I'll finally be able to show the world just how great I am!"

This wasn't the only reason Asuka was eager to get away from Germany, of course. Even though she no longer lived with her father and her step-mother, she was still looking forward to getting as far from them as possible. Even as much as she had tried to shut away from the past, she could never forgive her father for so blatantly cheating on her mother, even having sex with her future mother-in-law in the room next door. And while she didn't actually hate her mother-in-law, she didn't want anything to do with her.

Besides, I have more important things to think about! Asuka thought, shoving aside that part of her past and sending it back into the depths where it belonged. I've got have everything ready for when I hit Japan! I want to show everybody there what Asuka Langley-Sohryu is all about! To show them what a real Eva pilot is like!

Pausing to think evil thoughts about the untrained idiot that had lucked out on the battles he'd been involved with so far, Asuka found herself pausing to think about Maria. It is kinda too bad that she's not going to be shipping out to Japan. Not that I actually need any help, but…if even half of what I've heard about the pilots they got in Japan is true…!

At this, Asuka shook her head. She was aware of the 1st Child, Rei Ayanami, and while the redhead didn't know much about her, she had heard jokes about her being referred to as Commander Ikari's windup toy. And she certainly had heard people bragging about Shinji Ikari, who had won his very first battle without any prior training.

I mean – okay, they're both Eva pilots. That fact alone puts them above…well, most of the people out there, Asuka thought, well aware of how her own status as a designated Child of NERV set her apart from others. But even so – an untrained boy who was handed his Eva on a silver platter? And a girl who got mangled by her unstable prototype? Yeesh!

Shaking her head at these thoughts, Asuka considered Maria. Like the redhead, she had already been through college and earned herself a college degree. The blonde had a Ph.D. and was acknowledged as a prodigy in her own right. And unlike the prototype and test type Evangelions presently stationed out at NERV, Maria had synched with a production model. Her Unit 04 was akin to Asuka's own Unit 02, and thus it was also a much better badge of honor than the outdated kludges that NERV Central presently used.

Besides, I have to admit that it must suck for her. She went through the same training that I did, and she's stuck on the sidelines, Asuka thought. But…oh, well. She'll probably get her chance later, anyway. Even if she doesn't get in on the Angel War, there'll always be a need for the Evas! And so there will always be a need for people like us to pilot them! A beat passed before the German added, Besides, I deserve this! More than anybody else, I've earned my shot at this! And I -!

"Ugh, what a pathetic little girl," came an unfamiliar voice. One that froze Asuka with surprise. "And I thought that my charge was tiresome in her arrogance…"

"Hey, what's going -?!" Asuka started, already whirling about to confront the intruder…only to find her face filled with green smoke. "Wait – what…wha…ugh…"

Before Asuka even knew what had happened, blackness claimed her mind.

Effortlessly levitating the redheaded mortal into the air, Amora smiled as she once again manipulated the mystical powers that were her birthright as an Asgardian. The powers that she had worked so long and hard to master and develop to their full potency.

Even this onerous duty cannot take away from this, Amora thought. Forcing aside the reality that she would only be able to enjoy such usage for a limited time, she focused on her mission.

Once the appropriate incantations were in place, Amora gently lowered Asuka to the floor. "There. Soon, you will awaken with no memory of what has happened," she whispered to the insensate mortal. "And when the time is right…you will help me pave the way for the salvation of Asgard." Pausing to heave a deep breath, the Asgardian Enchantress wove the spells that would take her from this place. "Now…to work on the others needed for this venture…"

"I still don't understand why LCL has to smell and taste like blood," Maria muttered as she showered herself off the foul-smelling fluid that clung to her.

After spending a relaxing evening with Rebecca, Captain Sanchez and the others had wanted to make certain that Maria's synch ratio had not suffered as a result of everything that had happened. It hadn't been a big deal, but even so, the blonde wasn't entirely pleased. Simply because there was already so much that she was trying to take care of. Things that she needed to think about. And thus the last thing she wanted was more needless burdens being placed upon her.

But I can't say that. A perfect, obedient soldier and little girl wouldn't defy her superiors, Maria reminded herself, once again feeling the thorns in building an outward identity to satisfy those in power. And from Captain Sanchez's perspective, this isn't unreasonable. He needs to be able to track my ability to pilot and make sure that it doesn't decline. If my synch ability wanes, then my usefulness to him and NERV declines as well.

That was one of the brutal realities of life. To massive organizations such as NERV, the people that worked there were nothing more than cogs in a huge and hideously complex machine. If someone wasn't able to fulfill a given function, then they were discarded in favor of someone who could. Just one of the reasons why Maria had to be that perfect soldier; to be as useful to those who had the power to replace her.

Doesn't mean I have to like it, Maria thought even as she got dressed and exited. Still, I wonder what my score was?

Deciding that her synch ability had best have improved or she would be in a spectacularly foul mood, Maria made her way up to the bridge. Upon her arrival, she found Captain Sanchez and Rebecca, as well as all of the other faces she knew so well from the bridge staff. "Good work, Prodigy," the Captain began, rewarding the blonde with a warm smile. "Not only did you and your synch ability come through your little adventure unscathed, but it appears that your synch ability has gone up a few points as well."

How many points is a 'few'? Maria asked inwardly. What she actually said was, "Oh…well, thank you, sir."

Nodding like a proud father, Sanchez heaved a deep sigh. "However, I didn't just order you here for a test, Prodigy," he soon admitted. "That little adventure you and Rebecca had made quite a few people very nervous. And that goes double for us sitting higher up on the totem pole. Which is why Commander Lamberton has decided to assign you a personal bodyguard."

"A personal -?!" Maria squawked before she reined herself in. The absolute last thing she wanted was some kind of stranger hovering around her at all times. She had a great deal to do and learn in order to both master Storm Bringer and understand the situation with Asgard. Something that was made even more troublesome by the fact that those who had firsthand information about that realm and the powers of Storm Bringer were none too trustworthy.

I don't believe this! A bodyguard is the last thing I need! I can handle anybody with Storm Bringer! And having someone looking over my shoulders will just make it that much harder for me to slip away and do the things that I need to do! was what Maria thought. What she actually said was, "Um…Captain Sanchez? With all due respect…I don't see how a bodyguard would've been any help during what happened. And…well…"

Pausing to shrug in a way that made it clear she had something to say that wasn't precisely polite, Maria watched and waited for Sanchez to get the picture. "And you're not too happy about having a complete stranger hanging around. I understand that." Then he sighed again and went on to say, "But at the same time, the Instrumentality Committee isn't happy about what happened. They've made it abundantly clear that if Commander Lamberton doesn't take some precautions to keep it from happening again, heads will roll. And the first head to roll will be hers, so…"

As Sanchez trailed off with a shrug, Maria sighed in defeat. If it had been the Operations Director who had come to this decision, it would've been at least possible for her to find some holes in his decision and get him to back off. But the instant that the Committee entered the picture, that chance had died.

Those with power get their way. Always, Maria thought, recalling one of the hardest lessons she had learned. If Captain Sanchez tries to defy the Committee in any way, they'll simply arrange for someone to replace him that will carry out their orders. Which means that I'll have to deal with this bodyguard. A beat passed as she began thinking, But…that doesn't mean I can't find a way around him or her. Hmm…

As Maria began considering the various means she might be able to get around this latest restriction, Sanchez went on to say, "Besides, it might not be so bad. Lieutenant Jack Lee comes highly recommended. From what I've heard, he's a skilled fighter, follows orders to the letter, and is as tough as the whole outdoors." Then he smiled imploringly at the blonde and pleaded, "So why not give this a chance?"

Still unhappy but unwilling to betray this fact unduly, Maria sighed and nodded. "I…okay, Captain." A moment later she asked, "So…when do we…?"

"Meet him? No time like the present." Sanchez then turned about and called out, "Lieutenant Lee? Why don't you come on out? Introduce yourself to the ladies you'll be watching over?"

There was no vocal response. Only footsteps. But those footsteps betrayed considerable bulk, so much so that Maria could almost feel the ground shaking. And as such she already suspected she knew the identity of her new bodyguard when the one making those footsteps came into view.

"Oh…my…god…!" Alexandra breathed as Skurge the Executioner marched onto the bridge, The bald Asgardian was sans his leather outfit and his axe, and instead wore the typical beige uniform that most NERV officers were given. A uniform that was being strained to the absolute limits by the massive musculature that Skurge boasted. "Now that's what I call some beefcake!"

Skurge didn't even glance at Alexandra. He just marched up to Maria and Rebecca and gave them a polite bow. "Greetings, Pilot Vincennes. Ms. Carlson."

"Ladies, this is Lieutenant Lee," Sanchez announced as he made his way over to Skurge's side. "He'll be in charge of your personal protection from now on."

As Maria did her best to keep her face neutral, pausing to wonder just how Amora had been able to arrange for this, Rebecca gave a nervous chuckle. "Well…I don't know about you, Maria, but…I know that I sure feel safer already…"

You wouldn't feel that way if you knew how close he came to killing you! Maria screamed in her mind. What are you and Amora scheming now, Skurge?!

The question of Amora's and Skurge's schemes remained at the forefront of Maria's mind as the Executioner drove them both home to their apartment. The blonde tried hard to ignore the way that Rebecca would eye the heavily-muscled Executioner, the attempts at striking up a conversation, and all of the rest of it. She simply did her best to keep her silence until they arrived at their apartment building.

"Well, thank you for driving us back home, Lieutenant Lee," Rebecca smiled when they finally stood at the door of their apartment. "So, um…if you're Maria's bodyguard, I assume that you'll be stationed someplace close by? The reason I ask is because…well, with us just finding out about you, I'm…afraid I don't have a space for you right now, so…"

"You don't have to worry about me, Ms. Carlson. Captain Sanchez has already assigned me that apartment over there," Skurge replied, gesturing towards a door right next to their own.

As Rebecca nodded, making a thoughtful noise in her throat, Maria frowned. There was a lot she wanted to ask, but no productive discussion could take place while Rebecca was nearby. "Um…Rebecca…I'm not sure about this…" she gently began. "I…understand why Captain Sanchez is doing this, but…"

"But you don't like the idea of a complete stranger just moving in right next to us without any warning. Right?" Rebecca intuited. "Well, if that's the problem, then perhaps Lieutenant Lee can join us for dinner this evening? We can spend some time getting to know each other."

Not what I had in mind! Maria screamed inwardly. What she actually said was, "Um…"

"Excuse me. I appreciate the offer of dinner, and I will gladly accept your invitation," Skurge stated, much to Maria's surprise and dismay. "But…perhaps before we do so, I should spend some time speaking with Pilot Vincennes. My duty is to protect her, first and foremost – no offense."

"None taken," Rebecca replied without missing a beat.

"And seeing as she seems the most concerned about my presence…I should at least do my best to reassure her of my capabilities," Skurge continued, still speaking in a polite, even manner. "As well as my intentions."

"I don't see any problem with that," Rebecca decided. Then she glanced over at Maria and asked, "Would you like some privacy?"

Finally! Maria thought. She actually replied with, "Thanks, yes. I…there are a few things I'd like to discuss with…Lieutenant Lee."

Nodding, Rebecca replied, "Well, alright. Would you like to go to the Lieutenant's apartment, or…would you rather talk in your room? I promise that I won't listen in."

After a moment's consideration, Maria replied, "Well…alright. As long as…the Lieutenant has no problem with that."

"None whatsoever," Skurge obediently replied.

"Good! And now that that's settled…!" Rebecca smiled even as she opened the door. With a gesture, she waved both Maria and Skurge into their home. And while the blonde was bristling somewhat at the notion of having the Asgardian in her home, she liked the idea of bearding him in his own den even less.

Without a word, Maria led the way into her room. The massive Executioner said not a word as he entered the blonde's abode, simply glancing about once before turning to face her. As for Maria, she quickly closed the door behind her and turned a deadly scowl at her unwanted guest. "Alright…Lieutenant," she began, keeping her voice low so that there was no risk of it being overheard. "What are you doing here? What's going on?"

"I'll explain. But first…" Skurge then held up a small stone. Emblazoned upon it was something that resembled a Norse rune Maria had seen during her research of Thor and Asgard. The small stone flashed a brilliant green light, at which Skurge nodded with satisfaction. "There. Now we need not worry about your guardian overhearing us."

Maria frowned, dubious that a small stone could accomplish such a feat. But then she reminded herself that her crucifix pendant could now transform into a hammer which in turn could turn her into a goddess. With this in mind – as well as the reality that Skurge likely wished to keep their discussion as secret as Maria herself did, the teenaged girl sighed and hoped that he was right. "Alright. Fine. Then let's try again," she began, not even bothering with her usual façade of meekness and politeness. "What are you doing here, Skurge? And what's going on? How were you even able to infiltrate NERV?"

"You can thank my Enchantress for my presence here," Skurge easily replied. "As part of our plan, she established new identities for us, so that we could pass among you mortals."

Raising an eyebrow at this, Maria asked, "Amora hacked the MAGI? Was able to slip you in as a member of NERV?"

Skurge frowned somewhat at this. "I…if you mean that she altered the mechanical brains you call the MAGI, then…yes. Such a feat was easy for her."

The MAGI are the most powerful supercomputers on the face of the planet! They virtually run all of NERV! Japan uses the MAGI to pretty much run everything! It shouldn't be easy for anybody to just waltz into them and do whatever! Maria cried out inwardly. What she actually said was, "Alright. But there's still the matter of why she did that. And what you're here for."

Nodding to this, Skurge replied, "As you know, we only have a limited amount of time before the Odinsleep ends and we are at risk of being discovered by the All-Father. When that happens, the Enchantress and I will no longer be able to visit or contact you by magical means. As such, Thor and his allies in Asgard felt it best that we remain in close proximity to you so that we can aid you as best as we can."

Wrinkling her face in disgust, Maria demanded, "Then…Amora's going to coming here as well?!"

"She will join us eventually, yes," Skurge confirmed with a nod. "She still has much to do before the Odinsleep ends, but when the time comes, she will arrange to stay close to you. In order to help you fulfill the purpose handed down by Thor."

Maria scowled somewhat at this. She wasn't happy about being forced into doing whatever it was that Thor wanted, and she truly wished she could be certain that what was being asked of her would indeed help save both Asgard and Earth as Amora claimed. Still, I wonder if I could use Amora to contact Thor directly? Perhaps see Asgard? Confirm whether or not I'm being told the truth about what's happening there? Deciding that she should find a way of accomplishing this as soon as possible, the blonde then asked, "And what about you? Is there something more to you being here other than being my 'bodyguard'?"

"Aye. For while it is clear you have learned some of what Storm Bringer is capable of, as well as the powers it grants you, you have only begun to learn and master these things," Skurge explained. "Thus my purpose will be to train you in wielding Storm Bringer. Learning all of its powers, and how you can use them to their fullest potential."

This statement immediately riveted Maria's attention. "Really?" she replied, trying to conceal her excitement as best as she could. "You can teach me everything Storm Bringer can do?"

"Aye. There is much that you need to learn," Skurge informed her. "I will begin by explaining its basic powers. Then I'll train you in how to use them effectively, starting with the creation of portals."

"Portals?" Maria repeated, increasingly intrigued. "You mean…portals to the other Realms?"

"Aye, and more. Like Mjolnir, Storm Bringer can create portals through space that will allow you to travel to anywhere in this realm of Midgard, as well as to any of the seven other Realms currently accessible to us." Skurge then frowned somewhat before declaring, "But I must warn you, young thunderer; you must never attempt to open a path to Asgard! Even attempting to do so will garner attention from those who be our enemies. And if the All-Father discovers us…"

As Skurge's expression turned grim, Maria frowned. She didn't trust the Executioner or Amora, not in the least. They were using her for their own purpose and had threatened her and Rebecca. But at the same time, there was no mistaking the fear that darkened Skurge's expression.

No doubting that he was clearly terrified of Odin.

"Alright. So…you'll start by teaching me how to create portals," Maria began, which prompted a nod from Skurge. "And you're certain that Odin won't be able to detect Storm Bringer?"

"Aye. As long as you don't attempt to travel to Asgard," Skurge informed her. "And I'll need to train you quickly. Once the All-Father awakens, Storm Bringer will be our only means of traveling across this Realm of Midgard, save for mortal conveyances. And they will be too slow to be truly useful in the battles to come."

Given Amora's instantaneous teleportations, Maria could see how this would make sense. But even as she thought this, she found herself reaching for the pendant about her neck. Just how much power does this hammer have…? she wondered, her eyes widening at the possibilities. Can it create portals to anywhere on Earth? Maybe even…to other planets?! And these other realms, they -?!

"Young thunderer, there is one more thing that I would like to say to you," Skurge declared, snapping Maria out of her thoughts. "During our first encounter, I threatened the lives of both yourself and your guardian. But let it be known that it was never my intent to imperil either of you. I was tasked with testing your capabilities as a warrior; not executing unarmed maidens. Regardless, I…I must apologize for what happened. And any harm that I caused you and your guardian."

Maria paused to consider this. More and more, it was clear that there was a world of difference between Skurge and the arrogant Enchantress he served. Still, I better watch myself, just in case, she reminded herself. Even if Skurge isn't as bad as Amora, that doesn't mean he won't turn on me if she orders him to.

But even as Maria thought this, she also realized that needlessly antagonizing a massively powerful Asgardian with a devastating axe was not in her best interests. So she paused to heave a deep breath and replied, "I…appreciate that, Skurge. Or – Lieutenant Lee. I…better get used to calling you that. At least around Rebecca."

"Right, of course," Skurge nodded in appreciation. "Will that be all?"

"For now," Maria replied. "I'm sure I will have more questions in the future. But right now, let's go out and talk to Rebecca. I don't want her worrying." Inwardly, the blonde added, Or getting suspicious…

With that, Skurge nodded. But he made no other moves. He simply stood there, waiting as Maria opened the door and led the way out of her room.

Skurge definitely looks like he's trying to work and play nice. And I get the feeling that he…he really didn't want to hurt either me or Rebecca, Maria frowned, considering the matter carefully. But at the same time…he's taking orders from Amora. I don't know how far he will go or whether there are orders he won't take, but…it's still possible that she could order him to attack me or someone else. Pressing her lips together, the blonde continued to think things through. Still, they both need me. To fight the Angels and to wield Storm Bringer. So for now, they won't be in a hurry to do anything that would cause me to be uncooperative. But at the same time…they're liable to do whatever they feel they have to in order to make sure that I continue to go along with their plans. They won't want to push me too hard, but that doesn't mean they won't push at all. And once this is all over…

Maria trailed off, a grim frown adorning her lips. Assuming that everything went as Amora wanted, then this would end with the salvation of Asgard. At which Maria herself will have outlived her usefulness to the Asgardians. They would have no reason to allow her to keep Storm Bringer.

They would have no reason to allow her or anyone close to her to live. And while Skurge seemed civil enough…Amora was another story.

And if she's going to be living close to me…then that means she'll have all kinds of opportunities to cause me and Rebecca trouble. Even while Odin's awake, Maria thought, decidedly unhappy. Of course, it would be a lot riskier for her to try something under those circumstances…but not impossible. And even if she needs me right now…that doesn't mean I can trust her not to exploit such a situation. In fact -

"So, Maria," Startled from her thoughts, Maria looked up to see Rebecca studying both her and the disguised Asgardian. "What do you think of Lieutenant Lee so far?"

Maria groaned in her throat, trying to order her thoughts so she could respond. But before she could say anything, Skurge cleared his throat. "Excuse me, Ms. Carlson, but…just as you allowed me to speak with Pilot Vincennes in private, I think perhaps I should allow you both to do the same." As both women turned towards him, the Asgardian Executioner went on to say, "I will be back later for dinner, if you still want me to visit."

"Well – of course!" Rebecca beamed happily. "And please, Lieutenant, just call me Rebecca!"

Bowing his head, Skurge replied, "As you wish." Heaving a deep breath, the Asgardian turned towards Maria and said, "I will see you both later, then."

Without another word, Skurge turned on his heel and departed. Leaving Maria to look at her guardian and sigh at the realization that Rebecca was still grinning like an idiot. I don't believe this. I know that hormones have a way of making people stupid. I've been around Alexandra enough to know that much. But I never thought that you would throw your common sense as easily as she does! Heaving a deep sigh, the blonde did her best to keep her emotions under wraps. I don't know if this is something that happens with age. But I do hope that I never find myself led around by the nose by hormones…

"Is something wrong, Maria?" Once again starting at the mention of her name, the blonde again focused on her guardian. And found Rebecca studying her with an air of concern. "C'mon, what is it? I know you too well not be able to read that face of yours."

Thank god she's already come to her senses! Hopefully, whatever attraction Skurge has for her is just some temporary thing that she'll get over soon! Maria thought. What she actually said was, "I…I'm sorry. I just…I'm…not sure about the Lieutenant, that's all."

Giving Maria a thoughtful frown, Rebecca sighed. "I guess that's understandable. We only just met him, after all. And trust isn't something that's just given away," she conceded. "But even so, I can't imagine Sanchez authorizing the Lieutenant to be your bodyguard unless he thought he could do the job."

I get the feeling that Captain Sanchez had nothing to do with Skurge being made my bodyguard, Maria thought. What she actually said was, "Even so…but we still don't know anything about him. And…I have heard about some of the trouble Asuka has had. With stalkers and so on."

"And you'd feel better if you be certain that you could depend on him." Giving a soft shake of her head, Rebecca sighed. "Well, I don't know what it is that's got you so worried about him. After all, Jack – I mean, Lieutenant Lee – certainly seemed polite and willing to cooperate. But – if it'll make you feel any better, I'll ask Captain Sanchez if he can track down any additional information about him."

I doubt that he'll be able to track Skurge's resume as far back as Asgard, Maria snarked inwardly. What she actually said was, "I – thank you. I'm sure that…would help." A beat passed before the blonde added, "It just – for now, I'm going to keep an eye on him. Like you said; trust is earned, not given."

Heaving a slight sigh, Rebecca shook her head. "Alright, that's fair. But I still think that you're worrying over nothing. It's not like the Lieutenant has actually done anything."

Actually, he's already done a lot that I hope you never find out about! Maria thought, doing her best to keep her expression normal and suspecting that she was only partially successful in this. And more to the point, it's not what he's done that I'm worried about; it's what he'll be ordered to do in the future…!

"Oh, man! A MiG 55-D Transport Helicopter!" came an exuberant, joyous voice. Once that echoed through the chamber and were readily heard by everyone present. "Who'd've thought that I'd ever have a chance to fly on one of these hot mamas! It's really great, having somebody famous like you for a buddy, Shinji!"

A puzzled squeak was the initial response to this. It was soon followed by a woman saying, "No problem, Kensuke! With everything that's been happening, I figured you and Toji were probably sick of being cramped up in the mountains. And since Shinji and I were ordered to go on this trip, I thought it'd be nice to have his best friends come along for the trip!"

"What manner of warrior would bring along mere children for such a journey?" wondered the raven-haired woman off to the side. "Heimdall, did you not say that they were setting out to procure a weapon of some kind?"

"That I did, Lady Sif," Heimdall replied, giving a slow, thoughtful nod as he looked off to the side. Paying no mind to the magical aperture that was being drawn from his own mind. "However, as I understand it, they are not expecting any threats during this journey. And so the woman there is simply…allowing the children to spend time with each other."

"I see nothing wrong in allowing children on such a journey," remarked a nearby man with a thoughtful smile. "It rather reminds me of the trips we would go on as we grew up. Just playing in the forest, getting to know the woods, while we were growing and training for a time when we would go out to hunt and battle ourselves. Wouldn't you agree, Thor?"

Even at the mention of his name, Thor Odinson remained silent. He simply stood there, studying the magical window that was being conjured for their benefit, allowing them to see and hear what Heimdall's vaunted all-seeing eyes and all-hearing ears could detect. He studied the strange machine that was carrying the mortals that were unknowingly flying into the path of the machinations of gods. And as he did so, he tightened his grip on mighty Mjolnir and gave a heavy frown.

"Thor? My love?" Lady Sif asked, frowning her concern as she studied the Odinson. "Balder – why won't you respond to him?"

Again, Thor didn't speak. Something that prompted a powerful hand to fall upon his shoulder. "Thor…you are a like a brother to me. Don't think that you can fool me with silence. I know that you still have doubts about this."

"Aye. That I do," Thor finally admitted as he studied the many metal ships marking Midgard's ocean. Ships crewed by many mortal warriors, carrying with them a massive weapon of their own creation. "Are we…is there no other way?"

"I realize you have concerns. I have many myself," Sif declared, scowling heavily as she eyed the magical window. "Relying upon that witch Amora to achieve our goals…"

"Amora is not what concerns me," Thor bluntly admitted, causing several eyes to swing in his direction. "I – our chosen warrior, in order to accomplish what the goals set out for her, she must be sent to the mortal lands called Japan. Volla, your prophecies made this clear."

"Aye, Odinson," confirmed the spectral wraith that stood before them. The ghost of the long dead Asgardian prophetess, summoned to their side by the power of the Norn Queen Karnilla. "The child of Asgard and Midgard must stand in this land of Japan. It is the only way she will be able to fulfill the destiny we have set out for her."

Again, Thor fell silent. And again, Balder was quick to realize the cause. "Thor, we've gone over this countless times. We've already agreed that this is the only way."

"You all agreed, friend Balder. But I – my heart continues to plead otherwise," Thor hesitantly admitted. Heaving a deep breath, the Prince of Asgard looked towards another of their small circle of allies. "Karnilla…I need to speak to Amora. Immediately."

Karnilla scowled at this, reminding everyone in the chamber that she was considered a person of great power in Asgard. That she wasn't one to take orders under any circumstances. But after a few seconds, the Norn Queen relented. "Very well, Odinson," she muttered even as she wove further magic. "But be quick about it. If Volla is correct, there is not much time."

"None are more aware of what is at stake than I, Norn Queen. Or how little time remains if we are to set Volla's prophecies into motion," Thor promptly assured the sorceress.

A few seconds passed as Karnilla worked, causing another mystical window to appear in mid-air. A window that revealed what looked to be a mortal woman in some kind of uniform. A woman that was plain to the eyes and without a single remarkable trait.

But while Thor had been deceived by many an illusion in the past, he did not allow himself to be tricked by this one. "Amora?"

"Thor?" the woman that had to be Amora started, looking up towards the window in surprise. With but a gesture, the Enchantress sent forth clouds of green smoke that dispelled her disguise. "I – has something happened? I have everything in place for us to begin, but I must position myself for when the proper moment comes!"

"I will be brief, then," Thor assured her. "Amora, even before the Odinsleep began, I and the others have debated this part of this plan. It has always been something that I have opposed, despite being told many a time that it was a necessary evil. And now, I must ask you; is there truly no other way of sending our chosen warrior to this land of Japan?"

Sucking in a deep breath, Amora soon replied, "Thor, I have told you many times that this is the only way. So have the others. Why must you bring this up now?"

"Because my heart and my honor demand no less of me, Amora," Thor declared, tensing his fingers about Mjolnir's handle. "Also, I know your power. How adept you are manipulating both situations and people to your own benefit. Certainly, there must be other ways of accomplishing that which must be done."

Pausing to study Thor, Amora paused before narrowing her eyes. "Were the situation different, then…yes. There would be a multitude of ways by which I could accomplish this task. But Thor, I must remind you that, while my abilities are as potent as ever, time is our enemy on all fronts. Manipulating every mortal mind, every tiny aspect of their abysmal systems of governance without it being detected – all of this would have taken a prohibitive amount of time. Possibly even more than that allotted us by the Odinsleep. And with so much that needs to be accomplished by both myself and Skurge…such an endeavor was not a viable alternative."

"She speaks the truth, Odinson," Karnilla declared, giving Thor a pointed look. "My former apprentice is deceitful and scheming, but she cannot deceive me."

"Nor would Amora wish to take such a risk. Not when we've made the ludicrous promise of allowing both her and Skurge to return to Asgard," Sif seconded, darting a poisonous glance at the Enchantress.

"They're right. And I have seen the future," Volla reminded them. "This is the only possible means of saving Asgard."

As these words fell upon Thor's shoulders, weighing as heavily upon him as all of the Nine Realms themselves, Balder again spoke. "Thor…I understand your displeasure. I feel the wrongness of this as well. But as much as any of us may wish otherwise…there is no other way. Not as long as we are forced to do everything possible to keep our efforts away from Odin's eye."

Odin. Just the mentioning of his father's name sent daggers of sorrow and frustration stabbing into Thor's heart. The two of them had had their differences over the centuries, and those differences had gotten much worse in recent decades. But seeing his father now, the way he had declined from the noble leader of the shining light of the Nine Realms to…

Wincing at this, forcing his mind away from things far too painful for him to bear, Thor looked around at the people that he had gathered together. People brought together by the greatest of calamities to ever confront Asgard. And as he did so, they all told him with their eyes what he already knew in his mind.

Told him what his heart still refused to accept.

And so with his heart still screaming in protest, Thor turned his gazes towards Amora. "Very well, then," he muttered, his eyes slowly falling to the floor. "Let it be done."

With these words, Amora nodded. Thor's heart shrieked in protest.

And Mjolnir, Thor's most constant companion, seemed to weigh that much heavier in his hand...

Ugh, finally… Amora thought even as she appeared onboard the crude vessel named the Othello. The ship that carried that human-made giant known as Unit 02. I'll never understand Thor's concern for these mortals! Why would any rational being even waste their time thinking about insignificant things?!

Shaking her head in disbelief, Amora prepared herself for what was about to happen. She watched, cloaked in shadow, as events played out as Volla had foretold. Two mortal children, a scrawny boy and a boorish girl, came aboard the Othello. The girl then proceeded to boast about her hideous monstrosity until at last one of the race of creatures the mortals had dubbed Angels appeared and started attacking the various ships. The redhead dragged the boy off somewhere else before shedding her dress for different attire. And then forced a similar outfit upon her male companion.

Oh, what a spineless simpleton! Amora cackled inward when she saw the boy garbed in a crimson bodysuit that was clearly intended to be worn by a female. Witnessing his stupidity and weakness is so amusing! It almost makes up for this tiresome duty.

"I – Asuka!" the boy cried out in clear humiliation, covering up the feminine aspects of his attire to the best of his ability. "Why do we need these flight suits, anyway?!"

"Isn't it obvious, dummkopf?!" the redhead demanded in return. "We're gonna go kill that Angel with my Unit 02!"

No, you will not, Amora thought, making a few gestures with her hands. Invoking the magics she had placed upon the redhead earlier, all in preparation for this moment. Magics that were unseen by the mortals, just as the Enchantress was unseen. All you will be doing is clearing the way for Volla's promised child.

"Brace yourself for some amazing piloting, 3rd Child," Asuka smirked even as she got inside the cockpit of her crimson monster. "So get inside and don't be an idiot."

What is it that mortals say? About glass houses and throwing stones? Amora wondered even as she teleported away to the largest ship in this fleet. Already awaiting what was to happen. This might even be entertaining…

I can't believe this is happening…! Shinji groaned inwardly as he sat within Unit 02's Entry Plug. Pressed up against the back of one Asuka Langley-Sohryu and experiencing the familiar sensations of an Evangelion powering up and readying for battle. Why me?! Why is it always me?!

This trip had been one disaster after another in Shinji's opinion. Getting punched by Asuka simply because a sudden wind resulted in her panties being revealed, being dragged to this ship by the bombastic redhead, an Angel attacking, and now being forced into an underequipped Evangelion by an overbearing Asuka who had never fought a single Angel in her entire life.

The only good news is that this really couldn't get any worse, Shinji thought, only to wince in dismay. Who am I kidding?! Things can always get worse!

"Attention, whoever's inside of that Eva!" ordered the Admiral in charge of the Pacific Fleet over Unit 02's com systems. "Abort the activation sequence immediately!"

"Just ignore this idiot, Asuka!" came Misato's voice. "Go for it!"

"But – hold on!" came another voice. "Unit 02 is equipped with B-Type equipment!"

Whoever said this had an uncomfortably valid point in Shinji's opinion. "He's right, Asuka! If we fall into the ocean, we won't be able to move at all!"

"Then we won't fall in!" Asuka declared with absolute certainty. "Now let's do this! Eva launch!"

Silently wishing that he was as confident, Shinji could do little more than hang on as Unit 02 shot up into the air, still trailing its concealing tarp like a massive cloak. He heard a loud crashing sound before the crimson Eva came to land on another ship.

"The Angel!" Asuka shouted even as Shinji looked wildly about. "Do you see it?!"

"Over there!" Shinji cried out, pointing towards the leviathan shooting towards them. "Asuka, this is crazy! We only have fifty-eight seconds left!"

"I know that!" Asuka shot back even as she urged Unit 02 to leap off of the ship it had jumped on. Just before the Angel could obliterate it and all of those who had been on it. "Misato! The external power system!"

"On it! I'll have it up on the flight deck before you get here!" Misato vowed certainly.

"Wha- but how?!" Shinji demanded even as Unit 02 landed on another ship. "How're we -?!"

"Let's play hopscotch!" Asuka replied even as she urged Unit 02 into another leap.

The blood drained from Shinji's face when he realized what the redhead meant. Is she crazy?! he demanded even as Unit 02 began leaping from one ship to the next. I – I know there's no other way of getting to the – but one false step and that's it! And even if we make it, how're we gonna fight an Angel that's underwater when all we have is B-Type equipment?! We won't even be able to reach it!

But if these issues had occurred to Asuka, she gave no indication of it. Instead, she continued to prod the massive Unit 02 forward, leaping from one ship to the next even as the 6th Angel continued to rip the Pacific Fleet apart. Leaving Shinji to hang on for dear life.

"Asuka, we've got the power supply in place!" Misato informed them as they continued to leap from ship to ship.

"Roger!" Asuka grinned in response. "Better brace yourself! Because I'm about to – huh?!"

Jumping at the way Asuka interrupted herself, Shinji looked about just in time to see her shift the control yokes off to the side. "Wha-?!" he started, only to blanch in horror when he realized that Unit 02 was leaping again. Only it was veering off to the side. "Ack! No!"

"What in the -?!" Asuka cried out, but it was too late. One ship away from reaching the Over The Rainbow, Unit 02 went flying well of the carrier's side. Both Children cried out, but there was nothing they could do to stop the crimson Eva was slashing into the ocean.

"Wha-?! No! Shinji! Asuka!" Misato cried out in pure horror.

The instant Unit 02 crashed into the ocean, Misato felt like her heart had stopped.

It was over. There was nothing that could be done. After somehow managing to pull victory out of the jaws of defeat in each of their previous confrontations with the Angels, they were completely helpless and without any recourse.

B-Type equipment…why in hell did NERV Germany fit Unit 02 with B-Type Equipment when it was about to shipped overseas?! Misato snarled, clenching her fist and pounding furiously on the glass.

"Misato-sama! Shin-man, he -!" Kensuke bleated helplessly. "Wh-what do we do now?!"

Misato looked towards Shinji's friends, Toji and Kensuke. She looked at their expectant, fearful expressions, faces that made it clear that they were counting on her to tell them what to do. Tell them Shinji would be alright, that there was still some way out of this mess.

And with that, Misato remembered that she still had to be in charge. Just as she was forced to confront the ugly reality of their situation.

"Shinji, Asuka – put Unit 02 in life support mode!" Misato ordered from between clenched teeth. "Shut down all other systems!"

"Wha- are you kidding me?!" Asuka screeched. "But the Angel -!"

"There's nothing more you can do!" Misato immediately countered. "You can't fight that thing underwater with B-Type equipment!"

"Hey, we don't know until we – hey!" Asuka screeched, cutting herself off. "What do you think you're doing?!"

"You heard Misato!" came Shinji's voice. "We have to shut everything down! There's – ouch!"

"Hey! Get your hands! Off! My! Eva!" Asuka cried out to the tune of fists pounding on something. Most likely Shinji's head.

"Just do it!" Misato roared in frustrated despair. Then she turned to the Admiral and his First Mate. "Admiral…contact the rest of the fleet. Tell everyone to…abandon ship."

These words sank into the pit of Misato's stomach even as she gave voice to them. They burned even more when Kensuke cried out, "But – what about Shinji?! There's got to be something we can do for him!"

Misato wanted to say there was something they could do. Something that could make this situation better. But even as she was struggling to think of something to say, the First Mate announced, "What – there's a plane getting ready for takeoff!"

"Huh?!" Misato demanded even as she looked about. Just in time to see a small jet rising up on an elevator.

"It's a Yak 38 Custom!" Kensuke certainly declared.

"Hey there, Katsuragi!" came a painfully familiar. Startled by both it and the mix of anger and tender emotions not quite forgotten, Misato focused on the jet. And soon realized that one Ryoji Kaji was in the jet's backseat.

"Kaji?!" Misato cried out, hoping that somehow he had an idea. That he could think of something that would turn the tide. That he…

"I have to take off now. Got a delivery to make," Kaji continued, sounding more like he was casually discussing the weather than getting ready to flee a life-and-death situation. "I'll let you clean up this mess."

With these words, whatever fond memories of times gone by immediately evaporated from Misato's mind. Leaving in their place blind, seething fury as she glared pure hatred at her former lover. Hatred that intensified when Kaji urged his pilot to take off. With the last thing he said being, "See you back on dry land, beautiful!"

Violently twitching with unspent fury, one of her eyes twitching dangerously, Misato could only stand there and look after the jet that was now disappearing from sight. "He – he ran out on us!" Toji sputtered out. "What a jerk!"

While Misato was standing there, grappling with her fury, the First Mate announced, "Sir! The Angel is on course for the Eva!"

At these words, Misato was snapped out of her sudden rage. And with only battery power and in the water…there's nothing they can do to fight back! she hissed inwardly. And with this grim thought in mind, the part of her that was trained and disciplined announced, And right now…there's nothing that we can do for them…!

Pausing just long enough to curse the monsters that had haunted her for the past fifteen years, the beasts that she hated above all else, Misato turned towards her charges. "Toji, Kensuke, get to the helicopter! Admiral, proceed with the evacuation! Get everybody to the lifeboats! Hopefully, the Angel will consider them too small to bother with! And launch every jet you can!"

"Captain Katsuragi, this is absurd!" the Admiral protested.

"Don't think! Just hurry up and make it happen!" Misato shrilled, trying not to think about the two Children trapped beneath the waves. That she had sent into battle and was now powerless to help. "While we still have time!"

"Asuka, it's no use! We have shut it all down!" Shinji cried out even as he fought to reach Unit 02's controls. "We're almost out of power and – ouch!"

"Hands off, dummkopf!" Asuka ordered right before driving her elbow into Shinji's skull. "Unlike you, I'm not about to back down just because things get a little tough!"

"But there's nothing else we can do!" Shinji howled in protest even as he looked at the timer ticking down the amount of time Unit 02 could remain active. "We only have seconds of power left like this and we can't even do anything! We have to switch over to minimal life support! Hopefully, that'll keep us alive long enough for rescue and – yeouch!"

"We're not being rescued by anybody! I'm the one who's doing the rescuing!" Asuka decreed with a scowl and another elbow to Shinji's head. "All I have to do is swim us back up to that damned carrier, and we'll – huh?!"

With a heavy groan, Shinji watched as Asuka worked Unit 02's controls. But unsurprisingly, the biomechanical titan failed to do anything. It just continued to sink like a rock, deeper and deeper beneath the waves.

"Hey, what's going on here?!" Asuka demanded in astonished outrage. "It's not working!"

Unable to believe that this was the girl who had been training for years to pilot and he was the novice that had been dragged into NERV just in time to nearly get killed by an Angel, Shinji muttered, "It's B-Type equipment, remember? It doesn't work underwater!"

Turning her furious blue eyes towards Shinji, Asuka demanded, "Well, what are you gonna do about it?!"

Giving a disbelieving look at Asuka, Shinji groaned, "Wh-what am I – what am I supposed to -?!"

"Well, you're the famous 3rd Child, aren't you?!" Asuka venomously demanded. "So do something!"

Looking incredulously at the girl who had apparently slept through every training session she had ever been put through, Shinji groaned and reached towards the control. "Okay! Then let me shut down everything but life support before we use up anymore – ouch!"

"I meant do something useful!" Asuka snarled as she once more rammed her elbow down upon Shinji's head. "We're not just giving up! I'm gonna get that Angel, so either you make yourself useful or stay out of my -!"

"Look!" Shinji cried out, distracted from both his throbbing head and belligerent redhead he was stuck dealing with by something moving. And as Asuka followed his outstretched finger, the 6th Angel opened its mouth, revealing rows of monstrously huge fangs.

"Teeth!" Asuka squealed in fear.

"It's an Angel," Shinji lowly declared…right before the display flickered and broke down into static. Followed immediately by the lights fading completely. "Oh, no -!"

"What just happened?!" Asuka demanded.

"We're out of power!" Shinji cried out in horrified dismay. "You wasted it all because you wouldn't shut Unit 02 down!"

"Hey, this is all your fault, baka!" Asuka shot back. "If you hadn't messed me up in the first place, then we wouldn't -!"

A massive impact rocked Unit 02 hard. Realizing that the 6th Angel had reached them and likely had them clamped in its mouth, Shinji could do little be shaken to the core. Right before blackness claimed him.

"Unbelievable. These are the ones that the people of Midgard have chosen to be their champions?" Amora muttered as she worked her magic. Rendering both Shinji and Asuka unconscious in an instant. "As I once said to that strange writer, 'What fools these mortals be'."

Pausing to wonder what had happened to that writer she had once tarried with out of boredom before ultimately deciding that he had been of no consequence, Amora continued to weave her magic. The first thing she did was recharge the batteries of the Entry Plug, enough for its life support systems to function once more. Her next task was to teleport both the plug and its occupants away from Unit 02, leaving it to the Angel to use as a chew toy.

"There. Once this foul beast has gone on its way, I'll arrange for these two fools to be found and rescued…though it will do their masters little good," Amora smirked in triumph. Then she looked about at what remained of the Pacific Fleet. "My task here is done. Now to set everything in motion for Volla's promised child to journey to Japan."

And with these words, Amora surrounded herself with green smoke. An instant later, she was gone.

"I still can't believe that we're just bailing on Shinji!" Toji muttered sourly as the helicopter they were on rose up into the air and headed for safety. "Dammit, isn't there anything we can do?!"

"Not right now. Not with that Angel running loose," Misato grimaced, feeling the same disgust that Toji and likely Kensuke felt for leaving her ward behind. "Once the Angel leaves, we can come back and mount a rescue operation. But until then…"

Words failing her, Misato trailed off worriedly. For while she was aware of just how durable the Evangelions were, there was also a limit to that endurance. And with Unit 02 powerless beneath the waves, it and the children it held were completely defenseless against the 6th Angel. Meaning that if were so inclined, it would have all the time in the world to batter the biomechanical giant until it finally cracked open. And then there's the fact that this Angel showed up at all… Misato frowned, her heart rife with dread. Up until now, all of the Angels that have shown have made a beeline for Tokyo-3. So why did this one come after the Pacific Fleet unless it was after Unit 02? And -

"Aw, man, what a waste…!" Kenji moaned in despair. Starting somewhat at these words, Misato looked about to see the otaku gazing sorrowfully at the ocean below. And was just in time to see the remains of one of the destroyers sinking down into the depths. "All of those awesome ships…!"

"I'm more worried about the people that were on them!" Toji snorted derisively even as he looked down at the flotilla of yellow life rafts that now littered the ocean. Each and every one of them filled to overflowing with crewmen escaping their doomed vessels. "They're all sitting ducks down there! What happens when the Angel runs out of ships to sink and decides to go after them?!"

If that happens, then all we'll be able to do is sit up here, safe and sound. A perfect place…to watch them all die… Misato thought even as she cursed her powerlessness. Cursed herself for being able to do nothing more than watch from a safe distance as others were endangered, over and over again. Dammit to hell…I – I have to stay focused. Contact Headquarters, tell them to have Search and Rescue teams deployed immediately. I just hope they have the GPS frequency for Unit 02 and it's Plug on hand so -

"Hey! What's she doing?!" Kensuke squawked in surprise. Once again stirring her from her thoughts and prompting her to look down at the horrid scene below.

Virtually every ship that had once made up the Pacific Fleet was no more. All that remained of the once proud naval unit was hordes of sailors in lifeboats and the Over The Rainbow. And to Misato's surprise, the aged carrier was presently turning sharply, taking up position between the survivors and the area where the 6th Angel still roamed in search of further prey.

"Wh-what's going on?!" Misato squawked in confusion. "Is – is someone still down on that old tub?! I ordered everyone to abandon ship!" Scowling furiously, feeling her powerlessness even more now, the purple-haired woman turned towards the pilot. "Radio! Contact the Over The Rainbow! If anybody is onboard, I want to talk to them right now!"

Misato waited just long enough for the pilot to hold up the receiver before impatiently snatching from his grasp. "Listen up! This is Captain Katsuragi of NERV to whoever's still onboard the Over The Rainbow! Get the hell off of that ship now! The Angel -!"

"Captain Katsuragi, I've already told you," came an elderly voice that Misato immediately recognized. "The ocean is my jurisdiction. I'm the one who gives orders here. Not you."

Misato's mouth immediately popped open at this. "Wha- Admiral?!" the Captain cried. "I – are you crazy?! That Angel is still roaming the area! You aren't safe on the Over The Rainbow! You have to abandon ship!"

"And do you honestly imagine that I would be any safer aboard a tiny raft made of rubber?" the Admiral pointedly countered.

"Sir, the Angel has been focusing on the ships! From what I can tell, it doesn't seem to notice or care about the lifeboats!" Misato hurriedly retorted. "Your best chance is to -!"

"The Angel might not be focusing on my people, but that doesn't mean it isn't a threat to them," the Admiral replied in a low, eerily calm voice. "I know this…because I've already seen several lifeboats crushed by that beast. Along with the people they carried."

Her mouth popping open in surprised horror, Misato throttled down her emotions and did her best to keep calm. "Admiral…I'm sorry for your people. But you have to realize that there's nothing you can to stop the Angel! Its AT-Field has already blocked everything you've thrown at it!"

"Yes, I saw. I saw everything, Captain," the Admiral replied, still speaking in the terrible calm. "I watched as my people fought with everything they had, and…they weren't able to do a thing. They couldn't stop this monster. They…couldn't even save themselves."

With these words, Misato found herself flashing back to the first disastrous attempt made by NERV to combat the 5th Angel. And how Shinji very nearly paid for it with his life, utterly powerless to defend himself while Misato watched. "I understand, but there's nothing you can do! The Over The Rainbow is an aircraft carrier, not a destroyer! It doesn't have the same kind of firepower as some of your other ships! And even if it had, you still can't break through its AT-Field!"

"Yes, so I've discovered. But perhaps I won't have to," the Admiral declared in a tone of resignation. "This AT-Field surrounds the beast, but to what extent? Does it wrap around every bit of its flesh, or does it extend outward, like a man wearing a diving suit?" A beat passed before he added, "I intend to find out."

"But – hold on, that's crazy!" Kensuke cried out.

"Even if you're right, do you really think you can bring that thing down?!" Toji seconded.

"Perhaps. Perhaps not. But at the very least, I can keep that beast busy. Perhaps wound it enough to drive it away. Give my people a chance to escape," the Admiral admitted in a solemn manner. "I've already watched my entire fleet be wiped out. My people crushed to death while that monster continues to runs rampant. And now you're asking me to flee on the off-chance my life will be spared by it. Me. An old man who has just witnessed everything he held sacred be obliterated. The life he's given himself to having already stagnated and sunken into oblivion as more and more is taken away from the Navy every single day." A pregnant silence fell in the wake of these words before at last the Admiral spoke once more. "Captain…I hereby order you to contact my people. Give them my final order."

Despite her earlier frustration with the old man, her annoyance over the glorified pissing contest he had subjected her to, Misato still listened in silent respect as the Admiral said, "Tell them that I order them…to live their lives to fullest."

"Thor, Balder. Lady Sif, Heimdall," came a voice from behind. One that the Odinson didn't even bother turning to respond to.

"Brunnhilde?" Sif started, turning towards the leader of the Valkyries as she stepped into the chamber. "What are you doing here? You and the other Valkyries are supposed to be holding the line of Asgard's gates."

"My apologies, Lady Sif," Brunnhilde apologized. "But the situation has taken a turn for the worse. We have need of you all on the field of battle, and…I could not risk sending anyone else to retrieve you."

Frowning heavily, Balder demanded, "Our warriors…do they still hold the lines?"

"Only just barely," Brunnhilde grimly admitted. "Trolls, frost giants, dark elves, and demons – they all press towards the walls that guard our fair city. And our forces – they have fought with everything they have, but – with so many needed just to maintain Asgard…"

As Brunnhilde trailed off, Thor gave a heavy sigh even as he continued to study the travesty that he and the others had knowingly and willingly set in motion. Whenever the All-Father entered the Odinsleep, Asgard's enemies were emboldened by his absence. As had always happened in the past, Odin's descent into dream had prompted the denizens of Jotunheim, Svartalfheim, and Muspelheim to rally their forces and lay siege to Asgard. All in the name of slaying the All-Father and laying claim to the wondrous artifacts that were kept in Odin's treasure room. And so the Odinsleep had become a week-long spectacle of carnage, and as well as an onerous, tedious burden that served little more than snuff out the lives of warriors on both sides.

But as much as Thor had come to loathe the coming of the Odinsleep in the past, he found himself almost longing for those days. The Odinsleep was no longer a regular thing that came once a year, but a thing that would come upon the All-Father suddenly and without warning, happening two or even three times in a single year. And instead of lasting but a week, it had come to last double that time.

Even worse, with so many of Asgard's finest warriors and sorcerers forced to hold the declining realm together to the best of their ability, the number of potential defenders was greatly reduced. And even the greatest of warriors, veterans of countless centuries of battle, were feeling the heavy burden brought down upon them all. And thus they were declining along with the land, worn down in both body and spirit.

Something I feel as well… Thor thought with a heavy scowl. "Very well, Valkyrie. We will join the battle shortly. But first…there is something that we must see."

"Milord?" Brunnhilde asked, sounding almost puzzled that Asgard's finest weren't already rushing out the door to join the battle raging outside. Stepping closer to the magical window that showed what was happening on Midgard, the Valkyrie then asked, "I – the plan…it is proceeding?"

"Aye, child," Volla confirmed with a nod. "Everything is happening as it should."

Thor didn't say anything to this. He only stood there, watching in solemn silence as the lone surviving ship from the Midgard fleet turned to position itself between the survivors of the decimated ships the creature their kind referred to as an Angel. The leviathan continued to swim wildly about, as if in search of something. "Perhaps the beast will disregard the final ship," Balder suggested, casting a glance at the images playing out before them all. "It's true objective is no longer to be found there."

"Nay, Lord Balder," Volla assured them in a tone of finality. "The creature has been on that ship for far too long. Its lingering stench is more powerful than any other trails remaining for it to sense. It will attack."

This was not the first time that Thor had hoped that Volla would finally be proven wrong. He was also certain that this would not be the last. But at that moment, the Prince of Asgard could not recall a moment where he had wished that the ghostly prophetess had been in error more than he did at that very moment.

True to Volla's words, the creature named Gaghiel eventually broke away from its wild, circular path and slowly on the surviving mortal craft. It seemed to study the metal ship for a brief moment before surging towards it at full speed.

All the while a single mortal, one that was clearly near the end of his limited lifespan, stood at the helm of the vessel. He did not flinch, did not betray any sign of fear. He continued to steer his ship towards Gaghiel, preparing his vessel's armaments for one final battle.

Gaghiel opened its mouth, eagerly anticipating its prey. The mortal vessel continued towards its attacker.

Right up until the moment when the savage beast brought twin rows of razor-sharp teeth down around the ponderous craft.

Thor wanted to look away, but he couldn't. He instead stood there, watching as Gaghiel's many fangs tore into steel, the beast already ripping the mortal craft to pieces. While the aged mortal at the helm worked a series of controls…and fired every single weapon available to him.

With the bow of the mortal ship trapped securely in Gaghiel's jaws, its weapons were unhindered by the light of its soul. And so a wide array of projectiles of different shapes and sizes exploded from the ship, screaming towards the crimson orb that lay at the back of Gaghiel's throat.

The Angel screamed in pain at this assault, instinctively biting down even harder. This resulted in the many weapons that still remained on the mortal ship being damaged and exploding as well. Ripping apart the ship, inflicting substantial injury to Gaghiel…and ending the life of one brave mortal warrior.

With the destruction of the mortal ship, Gaghiel cried out once more, badly burned and all but helpless as it slid down into the oceans from which it had come. Rapidly sinking down into the depths, falling away from the lingering debris that marked where the mortal shop had once been.

As silence ruled the chamber, Thor continued to study the scene presented to them, saying nothing. Instead, it was Karnilla who broke the silence by asking, "Is the creature dead?"

"Nay," Volla simply returned. "It is hurt, and badly so. But it will recover in due time, and will again set out to recreate the events that have led to Asgard's descent."

"But still, we have been bought precious time," Balder pointed out. "With this creature incapacitated, Amora and Skurge will be able to bring the Child and the soldier to Japan. Soon, everything will be in place."

"Aye," Thor concurred in a low, heavy voice. His eyes still focused on the lingering remains of the ship, the fires that ate away at them. Fires that would serve as a fitting funeral pyre for a fallen warrior. "But the cost…"

"Is a few mortals and their worthless machines. Which amounts to hardly anything at all," Karnilla dismissively declared. "Now, then, Odinson, I suggest you and your fellows should attend to the battles raging outside of the walls of Asgard. Unless we can keep our enemies at bay, all of this will be for naught."

"Karnilla speaks truly, Odinson," Heimdall agreed as he turned towards the others. Allowing the spell that let them all see and hear what he did fade away. "We have more immediate battles to be fought and won this day. Let us be off."

Pausing just long enough to spare Thor a reassuring look, a look that made it clear that he felt his pain, Heimdall then moved to join Balder. Both warriors again looked Thor's way, reassuring him with their gazes, before departing alongside Brunnhilde. "Thor, we must join the others," Sif pleaded of him. "I know you're upset about what happened, but –"

"Upset? Sif, that word does not even begin to convey what I feel," Thor declared as he lowered his eyes to the floor. "Volla's prophecies made it clear that, if not for our interference, the mortals would have been able to triumph in that battle. That Angel would be no more –"

"But that path would have led to the union of the two creatures that must be kept apart! The end of everything!" Sif hurriedly reminded him. "Thor…I know you have a great fondness for Midgard and its mortals. I don't pretend to understand it, but I know that is how you feel. But still, you must realize that a few mortals – you cannot weigh their fate against that of all of Asgard!"

Pausing at this, Thor turned towards Sif. "I know that, if my father and Asgard are to be saved, then there was no other way. And if one were to look at this as simply a matter of numbers, I'm sure that it is easy to cast off the lives of mortals. Call them expendable, a bitter price to be paid in order to achieve a greater good." These words said, the Odinson then sighed. "But it is easy for us to say these things…when we are not the ones who are paying the price."

"Thor…" Sif began.

"We manipulated the situation on Midgard to our own ends, Sif," Thor sadly explained. "We used those who live there for our betterment. And we willingly sacrificed their lives because it was convenient for us to do so."

"But what we do is for their betterment as well!" Sif quickly countered. "Volla's prophecies make it clear that, whatever the cure for Odin's malady may be, it will also mend all of the Realms afflicted by what happened on Midgard! Even the mortals will benefit from what we are doing!" When Thor failed to respond to this, the shield maiden clasped her hands about his shoulder. "Thor…I know that this a heavy burden for you. But this war that we fight is for our very survival. And just like any other war –"

"There are warriors who fall in battle? Aye. But this battle isn't like the ones we fight during the Odinsleep, Sif. In this battle, we are forced to fight through proxies. Through those we use for our own ends," Thor muttered somberly. Thinking of all the death he had seen that day. "We did not allow them to choose whether or not they wished to act in our service. Instead, we have used them for our own benefit, and when it costs them their lives –"

"That may be, but they are still mortals. How can you hesitate when the life of Asgard and all of its people are at stake?" Sif demanded. "Their deaths may be a tragedy, Thor. But they are so frail, so short-lived…in ten of their years, twenty, most of them will be -!"

"Do not dare try to justify what we have done, Sif!" Thor gruffly countered, shooting the shield-maiden a killing glare. "It doesn't matter what we say, how we try and excuse our actions…how desperate we have become to save our home. We have used others for our own benefit, and they paid the ultimate price for it."

Clearly surprised by Thor's outburst, Sif recoiled a few steps. "I – did not mean to offend. My only desire was to comfort you."

"I do not wish to be comforted. We do not deserve comfort after what we have done." Pausing to heave a deep breath, Thor slowly scanned his homeland. Thought about how it had once shined and prospered. Of the war that was presently being fought outside Asgard's walls. And the war being fought elsewhere. "And while it is true that mortals may not be our physical equals…that does not mean that they do not have courage. Or worth of their own."

With these words, Thor started forwards once more. Mjolnir weighing heavily in his hand as his mind's eye turned back to what he had seen. To the many mortals fighting desperately against a foe that they could not hope to triumph against. And yet had fought with everything they had had to the very end. Including the lone mortal who had lived far fewer years than any of the warriors that Thor counted himself fortunate to call friends, and yet had died a death as noble as any of Asgard's finest for the sake of his fellows.

I can only hope that when my own time comes, I meet it with even half the dignity you had, Thor thought, wincing as he realized that he didn't know the Midgardian's name. May your soul find its way to where fellow warriors wait to greet you.

"Ikari," came a familiar voice. One that prompted the Commander of NERV to look up from his desk and study the man who uttered his name.

"Sensei," Gendo began as he watched his former teacher and current Sub-Commander Kozo Fuyutsuki enter the darkened expanse of his office. His brows furrowed in a way that the Commander immediately recognized. "What has happened?"

"It's the Pacific Fleet, Ikari," Fuyutsuki replied, his voice low and worn. The former professor looking far older than he had earlier that day. "It's been attacked. The 6th Angel has appeared."

"Which was a possibility we had anticipated," Gendo countered, already aware that something had gone very wrong with his plans. "I take it that something happened that we didn't anticipate."

"Indeed. Unit 02 has been lost at sea, along with both the 2nd and 3rd Child," Fuyutsuki informed him in that same worn, flat voice. As quickly as possible, he gave Gendo as full a briefing as possible regarding what had happened out on the ocean that day. "In addition, the Pacific Fleet was completely destroyed in the battle. And while the 6th Angel was apparently severely injured, we're still detecting its pattern. It's still alive. It's not heading for Japan at the moment, but we have no idea how long before it recovers and comes our way."

As these words sank in, Gendo felt his insides twist about somewhat. He had had his concerns about this mission, had known that things could go wrong. And so he had made sure to prepare for the worst to guarantee that the key object being transported by the Pacific Fleet would reach him. And while he had heard nothing but the highest praise for the 2nd Child's combat skills, he had been aware that she had not yet seen battle and so had sent Shinji to join the Pacific Fleet in case a more seasoned pilot was needed.

But in all honesty, Gendo had never envisioned Unit 02 failing to destroy the Angel. After the many years he and so many others had invested in their creation and perfection, the knowledge of the sheer power the Evas possessed…

"What exactly happened?" Gendo demanded in a deceptively mild tone. "Did Ryoji escape? And what is the status of Unit 02 and the Children?"

"Mr. Kaji is en route to us even as we speak," Fuyutsuki assured Gendo. "As for the exact details, I only have the preliminary report from Captain Katsuragi. However, I understand that Unit 02 fell into the ocean before it could reach the Over The Rainbow and the power cable. We have no idea what happened to the Evangelion or if its pilots…" Trailing off for a moment, Fuyutsuki lowered his gaze somewhat before again meeting Gendo's eyes. "We're still tracking the Entry Plug's tracking unit, so we know that it must be at least somewhat intact. I've already ordered a salvage team to be deployed. But until the Entry Plug is found, there's no way of knowing what condition the Children are in."

Gendo scowled heavily at this. On the one hand, the fact that Kaji was one his way there with the Commander's prize was some relief. But there was no getting around the fact that losing the 3rd Child would ruin his plans, or that the loss of Unit 02 and its pilot would hurt their chances of even defeating the Angels at all. And as much as Gendo would prefer not to think of such things, there was also the Committee to be considered and those that they represented. There was no doubt about how they would react to what had happened. After all, they were politicians first and foremost. And there was only one way in which a politician could be expected to react to a disaster; find someone else to blame for it.

However, I still have more immediate concerns to deal with… Gendo muttered inwardly as he weighed his options. Which to his dismay were far from plentiful. "Fuyutsuki, alert the bridge. I want around-the-clock monitoring of the Angel. We need to be ready the instant it recovers," the Commander ordered. "And contact me the instant Captain Katsuragi arrives. I'll want a full report regarding everything that happened out there."

Politely bowing his head to this, Fuyutsuki then asked, "And what about you, Ikari? Unit 00 is nowhere near operational capacity, and I doubt that Rei will be capable of piloting Unit 01. At least not to the same degree as Shinji can. And if the boy…"

Again, Fuyutsuki trailed off. But there was no denying the fact that he had made some terribly good points. With the loss of their main pilot and all of the damage they had suffered during the 5th Angel's attack, NERV's combat capabilities were effectively ruined. "Then we're going to need reinforcements, Sensei. I'll contact the Committee, let them know what happened." Pausing to remind himself that they likely already knew, Gendo went on to say, "There are two other functional Evangelions available. Both of whom have fully trained and capable pilots assigned to them. And with the current state of emergency, they're needed here. Regardless of how the bureaucrats will try to argue otherwise."

Giving Gendo a look, Fuyutsuki sighed. "Then I suppose there's some silver lining in this for you, Ikari," he muttered solemnly. "After all, you've had your eye on Unit 05 for some time now."

Gendo didn't bother acknowledging this. All he said in response was, "You have your orders, Sensei. There's a lot that needs to be done. There's no way of knowing how long we have before the 6th Angel recovers. And we need to be ready before that happens."

Author's Notes: Well, I'm slowly getting back into the groove of writing. Sorry to be such a mess, everyone. I hope that you all enjoy, so please, read and review! And maybe check out my other stories? And support me on , maybe?

Some time ago, I was notified that there was a mistake in terms of the spelling of Maria's name. That it was initially mistranslated, and that it's actually Marie, not Maria. Well, that might be so, but I'm not changing it now. First off, I've written this much while using the name Maria. I'm not going back to change it now. Second, with all of the glitches in translating Japanese to English and so on, who knows what exactly is supposed to be right. Third, Marie sounds uncomfortably close to Mari, another character in my stories. And finally, with all of the fuss with unnamed characters, different spellings, and more, I see no point in trying to conform now. So I'm sticking with Maria. End of discussion.

Dragonjek, thanks for bringing up that scene. I'll have to consider doing such a scene in the story later on. I've dropped a hint as to who this teacher is, and you'll be seeing who it is later on. You're right that Maria's going to have training problems, especially as Storm Bringer's weight changes in response to her worthiness level. Just one of the many things she's going to have to deal with. And I'm sorry if I messed up that scene. Maria being upset over being passed over was more a kneejerk. It was intended to be a funny moment, but it apparently didn't work as well as I thought it would. I'll have to scrub it. The fact is that Maria cares very deeply for Rebecca. Her main issue in this story is the fact that Maria…she's distancing herself from others on one level. She feels she has to. She spent her earliest years in an orphanage, and she feels that the only reason she has the things she has is because she is playing the role of the perfect soldier. She feels that she is a fully replaceable thing in the eyes of NERV. That's one of the reasons she acts the way she does. That's something I'll be going into in more depth later on. Also, Maria and Asuka have already met. Maria is going to be puzzled over Shinji at first and find herself conflicted over him. On the one hand, her pride is somewhat stung over him synching higher than her. But on the other hand, he lost his mother and his father sent him away. In short, Shinji has been very much an orphan for most of his life, and that's something that Maria identifies with. As for Maria's mask…that's another issue she'll be dealing with as time goes by.

And now that that's done, onto the omakes!

Omake 1

"Alright, that does it!" Asuka snarled as she marched through the studio of OrionPax09. A script was clenched in her hand, and a deadly scowl marked her face. "This is it! The absolute last straw!"

"Now, Asuka! Hang on a second!" Shinji cried out as he chased after the volatile redhead. "You really don't want to do this!"

"Oh, yes I do!" Asuka immediately shot back. "That dummkopf has portrayed me as a heartless monster, murderer, and all-around bitch for far too long! And this – this!" she continued, holding up the script in question. "This is where I draw the line! I mean, have you even seen the schisse that he plans on subjecting me to in this story?!"

This gave Shinji pause, and reason to frown in confusion. "Uh…no. No, I – I haven't had the chance to –"

"Trust me! This puts everything else that rat bastard has put me through to shame! And if he thinks that I'm gonna let him go ahead and put me through all of this, then I'll be happy to prove him wrong!" Asuka declared in a huff. And without another word, she turned on her heel and stormed off once more.

With a heavy sigh, Shinji shook his head and moved to follow. He had no idea why, except that he had no better ideas as to how to handle this particular mess.

Less than a minute later, the two of them arrived at the door to Orion's office. Asuka didn't even bother knocking; she just kicked the door open before storming in at full throttle. "Alright, Orion! I've let you get away with dragging my good name through the mud for way too long! It's time to pay the piper!"

Letting out a heavy sigh, Orion grumbled, "Alright. What triggered you this time?"

"Like you even need to ask! Take a look at this!" Asuka snarled before hurling the script at Orion.

Grunting as the bundle of paper smacked him hard in the face, Orion took hold of it. Pausing to spear Asuka with an ugly glare, the fanfic writer then settled to look down at the script. "Hey, this is a rough draft of my Storm Bringer script!" he sounded with a note of surprise. "And what's wrong with it?"

"What's wrong with – what isn't wrong with it?!" Asuka shrieked in sheer outrage. "Let me remind you that had me humiliated in my debut battle! Lost at sea and my poor Unit 02 -!"

"Oh, give me a break! You humiliated yourself plenty in canon during that fight!" Orion declared with a derisive roll of his eyes. "You spent the entire time since the camera first landed on you writing checks with your mouth that you couldn't even hope to cash! All those years of training and the best you could do was scream and whine for Shinji to clean up your mess, then bash him on the head and pull on his hair when he was trying to do your job for you!"

"Bullshit! I killed that Angel singlehandedly!" Asuka decreed.

"Maybe in one of the mangas that have been released. But we're dealing with the Evangelion anime. The source material that everything else was built on. And in the anime, you were a useless lump of dead weight who put her ego in front of everything else and wound up endangering everyone else and making things worse," Orion declared without hesitation. "Now, okay, I get that your part in Storm Bringer doesn't get off to the most auspicious of starts. I admit that. But I hooked you up with someone! Got you a happy ending and some serious character development! You throw off your dependency on Eva and make a new life for yourself! All of which is good!"

"Are you kidding me?! You're putting the screws to me harder than ever! And this pairing that you're so proud of – ugh! You disgust me!" Without another world, Asuka drew forth a hammer from out of nowhere and brandished it menacingly. "And now it's time to give you the pain you deserve! Charge!"

With a cry of fury, Asuka charged at Orion, hammer cocked and at the ready. In less than a second, the redhead leaped into the air and brought the hammer down upon the fanfic writer's head. Both he and his chair were sent crashing down to the floor, wearing the hammer's head like a very large hat.

"How's that feel, you asshole?!" Asuka demanded even as she hefted up the hammer to take another swing. "Maybe next time you decide to screw me over, you'll think twice about -!"

"Asuka, wait! Don't!" Shinji cried out even as he came up from behind Asuka and grabbed the hammer handle.

"Wha- hey, what do you think you're doing, Third?!" Asuka harshly demanded. "Let go or you're gonna get the same kinda beating that this bastard is gonna -!"

"But you didn't hit Orion, Asuka!" Shinji countered before pointing at the downed fanfic writer. "Look!"

Asuka immediately whirled to look at the fanfic writer. Only to find that he had been replaced by a large, stuff doll that greatly resembled him. The doll wore a goofy grin and even has a ribbon wrapped around it. Right along with a card saying, "This time, I was ready, Asuka."

"Wha-?! Oh, I hate that piece of schisse!" Asuka snarled before throwing down her hammer in disgust.

Meanwhile, on the side of the Fourth Wall, a certain fanfic writer smiled smugly at the screen. "Ain't I a stinker?"

Omake 2

"Thor? My love?" Lady Sif asked, frowning her concern as she studied the Odinson. "Balder – why won't you respond to him?"

Again, Thor didn't speak. Something that prompted a powerful hand to fall upon his shoulder. "Thor…you are a like a brother to me. Don't think that you can fool me with silence. I know that you still have doubts about this."

"Aye. That I do," Thor finally admitted as he studied the many metal ships marking Midgard's ocean. Ships crewed by many mortal warriors, carrying with them a massive weapon of their own creation. "Are we…is there no other way?"

"I realize you have concerns. I have many myself," Sif declared, scowling heavily as she eyed the magical window. "Relying upon that witch Amora to achieve our goals…"

"Amora is not what concerns me," Thor bluntly admitted, causing several eyes to swing in his direction. "I just…having Amora arrange for Garey Busey to win 'Dancing With The Stars'?! Surely, there are more deserving mortals!"

"Thor, we've already discussed this!" Baldar groaned in protest. "We're not letting Nick Carter win! Not after all that time you spent singing, 'Baby, bye, bye, bye'!"

"Even so, there has to be someone else!" Thor grumbled sourly.

"I for one argued in favor of the daughter of Irwin," Heimdall remarked. "She is cute, and I had a great deal of respect for her father."

"We are well aware of that, Heimdall," Sif muttered with a roll of her eyes. "I recall you insisting that he should be allowed to enter Valhalla, despite waging no wars or –"

"Protecting creatures from the likes of poachers is certain a valiant cause," Heimdall promptly shot back. "And certainly nobler than half of the mortals you opted to…!"

As his fellow Asgardians broke into a pointless argument, Thor groaned and massaged his forehead. There are days I can't help but wonder if perhaps we should let my brother Loki rule Asgard, he muttered sourly. I can hardly imagine his rule being any worse than having to deal with this…