I do not own any part of Attack on Titan. Sadly.

Full summary:

Summary: A story that came to me after seeing this pic: post/56186099241/i-want-to-know-levis-past-xddd

I know that pic is Levi meeting his younger self, but I didn't realize it at first, and this story wouldn't leave me alone. So this is the story of what if things were different? What if Levi met Eren when he was younger? Full of ups and downs, naturally. I hope you like.

Alternate Beginning

Chapter 1

Levi thought he'd seen everything. He'd been a notorious street thug until Captain Erwin had come across him and enlisted him in the Survey Corps. It had changed his life, given him a purpose. He'd seen so much during his fifteen years of life. But he still wasn't prepared for that day. The day the Colossal Titan broke through Wall Maria.

He'd fought hard after that, for his own life and the lives of so many others. Humanity had been unprepared for a wall breach. As a result, too many had died. And the Titans kept coming.

"Fall back!" He heard Captain Erwin shout. "Grab what civilians you see and fall back to Wall Rose! We can't do anything more here right now!"

Because he had moved closer to talk to Erwin, his was right there when the two visibly shaken soldiers approached. "S… Sir!" One of them saluted Erwin. "We… have, uh, a situation."

"What is it?"

"It's… a Titan child, Sir." The other continued when his partner failed to respond.

Levi's mouth falling open echoed Erwin's surprised expression.

"Titan's don't have children." The Captain explained. "You must be mistaken."

"I wish I was, Sir. But this… it's human sized. But it looks and acts like a child. And it… isn't attacking humans."

The Captain frowned. "I would like to see this Titan. Levi, you will accompany me."

"Yes, Captain." Levi hurried after them, his thoughts whirling. A Titan child?! If that was true, it changed everything they knew about Titans. Everything.

He could hear the muffled cries before he saw it. His Captain and the two soldiers stopped, but he walked forward a few extra feet, curiosity driving him forward.

"Levi." Erwin warned.

Levi acknowledged the warning, but still looked the Titan over. The size of an adult male, but its chibified features did make it appear very child-like. In its hand, it held a long kitchen knife. Blood covered the surrounding area, and he thought he saw an arm behind the Titan, but it was the Titan's eyes that captivated him. There was so much pain, anger, and fear there.

He heard Erwin slide up next to him. "What do you make of it?" The Captain inquired.

"I think it's intelligent." Levi told him. "Look at the eyes. I would like to try and talk to it."

Erwin considered this, and then nodded. "Be careful though. I do not want to lose my future replacement."

Levi took a few steps closer to the Titan, expecting it to attack, but it merely shrank farther back against the wall. "Hey, I'd like to talk to you." His voice was as calm and soothing as he could make it. "You are different from the other Titans. Can you talk to us?" He paused, then added, "I'm not going to hurt you."

The Titan closed its eyes after considering him for several long moments. A huge cloud of steam billowed out from it, obscuring its body.

Levi was going to step back from the advancing steam, but something moving within it made him freeze. As the steam cleared, he found himself staring at a human child that couldn't be more than five years of age. A child with eyes the same color as the Titan's.

"You… you won't… hurt me?" The child asked with a hesitant voice. The hand holding the knife in front of his body trembled.

Levi glanced back at his Captain, but Erwin was in such a state of shock that he couldn't respond. Sheathing his blades, Levi got down on one knee, saluting the boy. "My word as a member of the Survey Corps. My name is Levi. What's yours?"

The boy lowered the knife, fat tears spilling from his eyes. "E… Eren, S… Sir." The boy stammered. "Eren Yeager."