A/N Last chapter. Sad face. :( Thank you all for reading my story. Really, it means a lot.

Thank you Corey YoungBlood for following and BlueRoseRabbit for reviewing the last chapter! :)

Arthur was still in complete shock as Gwen led him back to his chambers. The servant held his hand for comfort. "Is everything alright, my lord?" she asked, and Arthur shook his head.

"I have made a terrible mistake." He muttered as they arrived, and the girl narrowed her eyes with concern.

"My lord?"

He turned to the servant and kissed her forehead. "I would like to thank you, Gwen."

The servant smiled warmly. "Whatever for?"

"You have always been kind to me since you've arrived, even when I was unbearable to be around. You have a very kind heart; promise that you will never lose it."

Gwen looked at him curiously, but nodded. "Of course. Are you sure that you don't need something?"

The prince smiled grimly. "I'll be fine, Gwen. You are excused." He replied as he entered his chambers sadly.

The prince walked solemnly through his darkened chambers. There was only one reason why Merlin wouldn't have come for him. Morgana really killed him. He was dead again, and it was Arthur's fault for leaving him. He sat down at the table, heartbroken.

Gwaine chased Morgause through the castle, shouting behind her "Hello, my name is Gwaine. You killed my father. Prepare to die." Eventually, she came to a dead end and hearing Gwaine catching up with her, she drew her knife. When the rogue came around the corner, she threw her weapon, which struck the man in the side. Gwaine backed into the wall, clutching his side with surprise.

"I'm sorry, Father." He whispered. "I failed."

Morgause chuckled as she stepped closer to the injured rogue. "You must be that little brat I taught a lesson to all those years ago. Pathetic. You've been tracing me your whole life, only to fail now? I think that's the worst thing I ever heard. How marvelous."

Gwaine pulled out the dagger and struggled to stand. Morgause scoffed. "Are you still attempting to win?" Gwaine took a step forward, hold his magic-proof sword in front of him.

"You are either the bravest man I've ever met or the most idiotic. You cannot win!" the witch declared as Gwaine swung his sword at her. "Hello, my name is Gwaine. You killed my father, prepare to die!" he yelled, lunging at the blonde, who was backing away from the man with fear in her eyes. He charged her like a mad man until she was backed into a corner, a sword at her gut.

"Please," she begged. "I'll give you anything your heart desires."

"I want my father back, you evil son of a bitch!" he cried as he plunged his father's sword through the sorceress' gut. He smiled as her body hit the ground, and he quickly ran to find Percival and Merlin.

Arthur held his sword in his hand and hung his head. He refused to live in a world without Merlin. He'd had done it once, and it had frozen his heart. He wouldn't let that happen again. He raised his sword to his stomach, preparing to run himself through.

"You know, there's a shortage of prattish princes in the world." A voice called from behind him. "I'd hate for the world to lose the most perfect one of all."

Arthur turned in amazement to see Merlin lying in the prince's bed, with a large smile on his face. "Merlin!" he cried as he dropped his sword and rushed over to pounce his love. He ran his fingers through the pirate's hair as he began to kiss him deeply, ignoring his groans of pain. "Arthur… careful please."

"Merlin, we're together and that's all you can say?" He asked and, noticing Merlin's pain, kissed him gentler, before pulling away.

"Merlin, can you forgive me?" he asked, stroking the dark-haired man's cheek.

"What for?"

"I married Morgana. I didn't want to. It all happened so fast."

Merlin grinned. "Did you say I do?"


"Did you say I do?" the pirate repeated. The prince thought back to the events of the wedding and shook his head.

"Not exactly. We kind of skipped that part."

"Then you're not married." Merlin chuckled, kissing his love's forehead. "If you didn't say it, it didn't happen. Isn't that right, Morgana?" he shouted, turning his attention to the doorway. The princess stood there, glowering at the man she thought she killed.

"It matters not. You being here has given me a wonderful opportunity." She declared, holding up her dagger threateningly. "When the guards find Arthur's body next to the body of the Dread Pirate Cenred, they will believe that the Mercians sent you to kill him. Without a king, Camelot will turn to me, the prince's grieving fiancé, who the prince gave the royal seal to with his last, dying breath."

Merlin began to chuckle, and Morgana raised her eyebrow. "What's so amusing?"

"You believe that you can kill me. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you've already tried that once and it didn't work. What makes you think that you'll do any better this time? I, on the other hand, have more powerful magic than you can possibly imagine. You will be dead before you can even touch either of us with that dagger."

Arthur watched as Morgana and Merlin stared at one another in complete silence.

Finally, Morgana spoke up. "I think your bluffing."

"It's possible, you heartless witch, that I might be bluffing." He responded, sneering. "It's conceivable, you bitter, miserable toad, I'm only lying here because I lack the strength to stand." He sighed and looked at Arthur. "Then again, perhaps I have the strength to stand after all."

With that said, Merlin slowly pushed himself off of the bed and stood, holding his hand out with a menacing air of confidence. "Now, surrender." He ordered.

Terrified, the princess stepped back, hands held in the air. Merlin looked over to Arthur. "Grab the ropes from the curtains and tie her to that chair."

Arthur just finished tying up Morgana when Gwaine and Percival ran into the room, smiling happily. Merlin started to walk over to his friends, when his false strength left him and he began to fall to the ground. Gwaine rushed forward quickly and caught him before nodding to the prince. "Help him."

Arthur grabbed Merlin and pulled him up. "Why does Merlin need help?"

"He has no strength; he's been mostly dead all day." Percival answered, helping the prince hold the man up.

"I knew he was bluffing!" Morgana exclaimed, drawing everyone's attention to her.

"What are we going to do with her?" Gwaine asked, pointing his sword to the princess' throat.

"We send her home," Merlin responded, frowning at the witch. "She will live, knowing that Arthur and I are together and happy, while she has to spend the rest of her life alone and unloved." Merlin looked at Arthur, who nodded in agreement. The four turned to get the guards, not noticing that Morgana had used her magic to untie the ropes.

She quickly grabbed her knife and threw it at Arthur's back, who was pulled out of the way by Percival at the last minute. Merlin's eyes flashed in anger and the princess was thrown backwards towards the window, which she crashed through. Percival ran over and looked out the window, before looking back and shaking his head. The Lady Morgana would not be threatening them again.

Merlin smiled Gwaine. "So, what are you planning on doing, now that Morgause and Morgana are dead?"

The rogue thought about it, before shrugging. "You know, I'm not sure. I have been in the revenge business so long; now that it's over I don't know what to do with the rest of my life."

Merlin reached over and patted the man on the shoulder. "Have you ever considered piracy? You'd make a wonderful Dread Pirate Cenred." Gwaine nodded, considering this as Merlin turned his attention to Arthur. A wave of love swept over the two as they pulled each other close and their lips joined together.

Since the invention of the kiss, there had been five kisses that were rated the most passionate, the most pure. This one left them all behind. It was a kiss of true love. At dawn, they were married, safe in the knowledge that, as long as they had each other, nothing could ever harm them.

A/N Merthur all the way! I had a long discussion with my family regarding killing off Morgana, and we all thought that Morgana would go after them if she stayed alive because she's kind of crazy, so I should kill her. I really hope that you guys enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing this! Thanks again!