His Insecurities

A/N: I'm back! I know it's been awhile since I last wrote a fic but I've been busy! Went to Europe during the end of June and beginning of July! I can drive alone and.. That's it. Oh! And I spend too much money on sherbet and lemonade. So this is my first Callian fic. I've watched LTM on Netflix and LOVE IT! I wish it wasn't cancelled :( I haven't watched the last 3 episodes yet (I'm in denial). I've tweeted netflix twice saying I love Lie to Me & that they should bring it back. Because 1) it's been popular on Netflix for awhile 2) it's a bloody awesome show ;) and 3) Netflix has brought back the wonderful Arrested Development! So, if everyone that reads this just so happens to tweet Netflix a couple times (and tells fellow LTM fans to tweet them) we can bring attention to the fact that people want this show back. Now it doesn't mean it'll happen but... We don't know until we try! So this is just a short little fic that popped into my mind and wouldn't leave. Please R&R! And tweet Netflix at netflix :) Sorry for the long authors note!

Disclaimer: I own pictures from Europe. And a few snow globes from there too. LTM though? I wish! I don't have enough money to buy the rights. (Read: I have NO money)

Listening to: "All Night" by Icona Pop

His Insecurities

"Do these pants make my butt look big?"


"Oi, luv, I'm talking to you," said Cal, checking out his reflection in the full-length mirror.

Gillian was gaping at him. 'Does my butt look big in these pants?' "Uhmm... Well... No? It doesn't. Why do you ask Cal?"

Cal gave her a disgruntled growl. "Bloody Loker. Said I have 'gained some weight', and that it makes my 'butt look big'. You don't think so, do you luv?"

Gillian looked away for a minute, trying to collect her thoughts in a way that wouldn't hurt Cal's feelings. "Well, honey, you may have... gained... a little bit of weight. And before you interrupt Cal, you look great. You really do. I really couldn't tell until you brought it up. And in two months you'll lose all the extra weight. It's no big deal Cal. Don't listen to Loker. You never do anyway."

"That's true," Cal replied, sighing at his reflection. "I can't believe we only have two more months until we meet her."

Gillian smiled at her husband. They only have two months until they met their little girl. "She's pretty excited to meet us too," said Gillian, while absentmindedly rubbing at the spot her little girl was kicking. "She's been active all day. She's going to be a little soccer star."

"If you're done being a girl, Cal, we should really get going. I don't want us to be late to the banquet. I feel bad enough leaving early, but with our little princess in here, I want to get to bed early."

"I know luv. I think I'm ready. But you're sure my butt doesn't look big?"

With a sigh and a shake of her head, Gillian turned on heel and replied, "Yes, Cal. I'm sure. Your butt does not look big in those pants." And then she left the room, ignoring his rambling mouth.


A/N 2: PLEASE TWEET NETFLIX! We could possibly bring LTM back...