I have my head switched on now and I'm sorry that I seem all like; WHAT IS SHE GOING TO DO NOW?! Make up your mind, woman.

Well. I have decided that I will rewrite 'I'm a what?' named under the new story name; 'Black Demon of the Leaf'.

I know that Author Notes aren't usually allowed as a single chapter, but I wanted to inform all you readers of my decision.

I will discontinue 'I'm a what?'. Instead, I'll be using my time to work on both 'Black Demon of the Leaf' and 'The Uzumaki Seal'. And with life, of course.

I'm sorry for all of you who wished for something more on this story, but I will keep it up for any to read; but please know that this is done.

Kuroki will still be in the new story, and it'll follow along some of the things that happened in this story, but I'll be changing things.

I would love for you to all look at it when it's up and posted. This story was created out of pure boredom and therefore it wasn't very thought out and made me dislike it now that I've improved as an author.

You people made it my passion for a long while. I'm thankful for that.

But I do believe my muse is now with the new story and 'The Uzumaki Seal' now. I had fun with this one.

BDOTL (because I'm too lazy to spell it out again) will have a sort of more slightly different take on things. Kuroki will be a bit different and certain things that happened here may not happen there, so be warned.

I don't want the story to be too serious, and I'm not good at being all descriptive about chakra and all that jazz so a lot of the time it'll only be mentioned or skimmed at a lot of the time. Humour is still in the story, as I can't have no humour in any of my stories. It unnatural, really.

Do note that I'm not a professional author and I will make many mistakes, I'll write things that may seem weird but I want you all to know that I do this because I love to, and I want to share my weirdness with you all.

If any of you want to follow the rewritten version, it'll be on my profile and I'd appreciate feedback on it early on so I don't lose my muse like last time.

I love you all for supporting the story up until now and as I've said before, this story will still be here for you all to reread if you want.

It actually hurts me to reread the story now, ha.

If any of you wish to PM me, please do so and we can have a chat or you can ask me a tonne of questions and all.

Alright, it's time to go. Thank you all.


'I'm a what?' is love. 'I'm a what?' is life. It's never ogre.
