Hello my dear reviewers. I'm glad that I have reviewers like you. Though it's sad to say that this will be the last chapter to "Unexpected Relationship". However, during the end of the chapter, I will have you do something. Without a further ado, here's the chapter. Disclaimer: I do not own Alien vs Predators or the song "Hello my baby".

Chapter 25: Finale

Shawn's P.O.V.

Once I read the note, I laid on the ground depression, knowing I had lost the one that I had loved. I pitied myself during the time being, as I was completing alone. Solora was out hunting, death still asleep in his room, and remora...she went back to her home. I felt so stupid not knowing my love for her. I got up from the floor before walking over to the living room and just lied down on the couch. I picked up the controller and turned on the TV before flipping through the channels. I continued flipping through the channels before find an English novella. I shrugged before just relaxing into the couch, still a bit depressed. "Previously on 'Broken Hearts', the rich man, Matthew Alvarez, has lost the love of his life, Maria Sánchez, who left him and went back to her family", the narrator stated. "You've got to be kidding, even this telenovella relates to me", I said sadly before turning the TV off.

"Who am I kidding, I'm just going to lay here and rot in self pity", I said to myself, looking at the ceiling. "I swear, I just one more chance to prove myself to her, that I could prove to her that I love her. The only problem is that she's far away", I thought. "I mean it's not like she can read my mind." "Actually, I can read your mind, you idiot", remora stated angrily and sadly. "Oh, so, how are you able to talk to me", I asked. "Since we've bend bonding, I decided to link us together, which turned out to be a big mistake", she explained in rue.

"Look, I'm sorry that I didn't see your love, I was blind", I tried to apologize. "You're blind to my love and blind to my hatred", she said quite angrily. "I'm just trying to apologize to you, I'm just really sorry", I explained. "It too late now idiot. Unless you know a song to get me back, I will still hate you", she demanded sarcastically. I thought for a moment, pondering about her joke. I then suddenly figured out a song to try and get her back.

"Remora, I might know a song to get you back", I stated happily. "Oh joy, let's see what you got moron", she asked. "Now, let's see how the song went", I thought before remembering:

Shawn: Hello my baby
Hello my honey
Hello my ragtime gal

Send me a kiss by wire
Baby my heart's on fire

If you refuse me
Honey, you'll lose me
Then you'll be left alone

Oh baby, telephone
And tell me I'm your own

"Shawn, did you really think this would work. You could've tried to earn my love by something else. By...by...Oh for crying out loud"


You call me on the telephone
You tell me that you're all alone
I know that you are lying through your teeth
You dirty rascal

How could you expect me
To believe the lies you hand me
You've been out with that shorty again
Now do you understand me

You broke my heart and made me cry
With every phoney alibi
When I could see the lipstick on your shirt
You stupid moron
Telephone and tell me I'm your own

"Come on remora, I'm sorry that I made you sad. I never wanted that to happen. I promise to make you happy if you just give me a chance."
"I just need time to think this through. I'm still mad at you, but I still just can't forgive you"

Shawn & Remora:

S: I'm sorry that I made you blue
R:(Hello my baby)

It was a beastly thing to do
(Hello my honey)

I shouldn't have upset you like I did
(Hello my ragtime gal)

With Lil' the barmaid

If you take me back again, I'll never
(Send me a kiss by wire)

Ever wander

'Cause when I did I found that absence, made the heart grow fonder
(Baby my heart's on fire)

So cross my heart and hope to die
(If you refuse me)

I'll never tell another lie
(Honey, you'll lose me)

I'll mend your broken heart, as good as new
(Then you'll be left alone)

My little

(Oh baby)

Telephone and tell me I'm your own
(Telephone and tell me I'm your own)

"So remora, do you forgive me", I asked. "I guess, but on one condition", she asked plainly. "Yes, anything", I said eagerly like a lovesick puppy. "If you ever leave me for another girl, I swear to you that I would make your life a living nightmare. You are now my mate, you don't belong to anyone else. Also, if you ever break my heart, I will not hesitate to rip your limbs out, agreed", she demanded darkly. "I agree remora", I answered. "Just please, don't harm me." "Don't worry, I won't harm you...yet", she stated, with a seductive tone. "This is was one heck of a day", I thought before sinking into the couch.

Well everyone, here's the last chapter. If you have anything to ask, PM me. Also, I have left a poll on my account for you guys to answer.

I love all of you. Until you answer the poll, I won't see you again.

This story is now complete