Wow I never got so many reviews on a chapter before, you guys make me really happy!


A knock on the door startled Mikasa as she still wasn't used to live in her own house. Living alone (for most of the time) meant that nobody else would answer the door and as she realized that fact the girl hurried to see who her visitor was.

"Petra!" Delighted to see the young woman Mikasa let her in. After her marriage the girl had no longer a reason to hate the other and the two quickly had become friends. In Petra Mikasa had found somebody who could give her advice, tell her the newest happenings at the Survey Corps and just keep her company.

"Good to see you, Mikasa." The young woman smiled. "Can I see the baby?", she asked excited as she went into the interior of the old house, quickly closing the door to avoid letting the summer heat in. The first weeks had been hard for her, seeing Levi and Mikasa together but soon afterwards Petra had realized how happy the Lance Corporal was, so she just couldn't hold a grudge against the girl. Now the young woman had found back to her cheerful self and was able to smile again. "How did Captain Levi react when you told him her name?"

"Surprisingly calm", the girl answered while carefully taking the newborn out of its manger. She had been convinced the discussion about their child's name would end in an argument, but all the Lance Corporal had said was 'it's a fine name'. Mikasa wondered if really had thought so or if he just hadn't cared enough to argue with her.

The other giggled shortly. Levi had indeed changed. "She resembles him, doesn't she? But she has your eyes", Petra noted then, charmed by the cute little creature who was deeply asleep. "Let's hope she doesn't inherit his faulty way of talking, shall we? … Oh, and you have to let me hold her, okay?" It was her first time seeing the child and she was as excited as a good friend would be. "She is so cute, Mikasa, really – you should come and show her around. Everybody will be so envious."

Mikasa was proud of her baby, she was happy to be married, to be able to show her affection towards Levi openly (although the girl rarely did), but as Petra left, she couldn't help but feel the desire to go with her – back to the Survey Corps. It felt a bit like being left behind … raising his child while he was out there risking his life beyond the walls. Mikasa understood that the title 'humanity's strongest soldier' obliged him to fight but still, she'd much rather have him here, knowing he was safe.

It was already dark as the Lance Corporal showed up, the girl's fine ears heard him bringing his horse into the adjacent stable and shortly after Levi entered their home.

"I want to return to the Survey Corps", were Mikasa's first words, the baby still in her arms. "I'll go with you tomorrow." The girl knew Levi wouldn't leave the military so it was the only thing she could do to cast off this feeling of being left behind. Going back to were everyone else was – Eren, Armin, Petra … and her husband.

"I love your shitty way of greeting me", the Lance Corporal answered rather amused than annoyed, however his view focused on the baby. He had expected her to bring up the topic at some point and thus his answer came rather mechanically. "Don't say you dislike the house after we finally found a place for you." He kept his voice low, afraid to wake up the newborn, but still expressed his displeasure.

The girl didn't dare to say a word. Levi was right, he had offered to find a family that would take her in, he had tried to persuade her to find a house inside Wall Sina – with his influence the Lance Corporal wouldn't have difficulties to arrange a house in the capital – but Mikasa had disagreed to all of that. Instead she had ignored Levi's effort and preferred to live alone in a small village just because it was only a two hour ride to the Survey Corps headquarters.

"It doesn't have to be the front line", the girl finally began anew, unsure how to voice her feelings. "I can do maintenance stuff while taking care of her. I trust you with protecting Eren – I won't do anything stupid, I promise."

Levi gave her a doubting look, considering the shadows under her eyes she wouldn't be able to work any time soon. Although the Lance Corporal was aware that Mikasa wasn't somebody who would live a quiet life as a housewife, he wanted her to live peacefully for just a little longer. The girl would want to fight on his side again and Levi feared that it would accelerate this decision if she lived within a military environment. However, on a second thought, he realized the advantages of her returning to the Survey Corps: The Lance Corporal would be able to spend every night with her and in case of danger or illness Mikasa was probably safer at the headquarters than in a half-abandoned village far away from civilization. "I'll see what I can do. Don't expect anything", Levi responded still considering the pros and cons.

"Thanks, Levi." The girl came closer, intending to kiss her husband but stopping as a sudden cry interrupted her attempt and focused her attention back to the baby. "Shhhh … ", Mikasa whispered cradling the child carefully in her arms. "Sorry for waking you up … ."

"You're tired, give her to me", the Lance Corporal offered, not allowing any objection. If it was up to him he would spend far more time with his daughter – another problem that would be solved if the girl moved into the headquarters.

Mikasa smiled. Who would have thought Levi could be such a committed husband? "You're an amazing father, I love you", she whispered before handing the baby over. "I'll go and prepare something to eat for you."

Now alone with the baby the Lance Corporal couldn't help but feel a little helpless – whilst at least the crying had stopped he had still no idea how to even hold his child. Her body was so soft and fragile, wouldn't it break if he made even a single wrong movement? How could Mikasa call him 'an amazing father' and leave them alone? Motionless, in order to not make her cry again, Levi waited for his wife to return. It had been almost a year now since the girl had suddenly popped up in his room and everything had started. Looking back, the Lance Corporal was glad everything had happened the way it did and that he now was able to hold the result of their love tightly in his arms.

With a voice soft and barely audible he called the baby by its name, which her mother had chosen for it. "Elena."

I think you get the name, if not try to spell it in katakana. ;D Also I'm happy I had a chance to bring Petra back again - I feel so bad for her in this fic.

Thank you all for reading my story and writing reviews! I'm sad that it is over too, but it has to end at some point. What I MIGHT do, since a lot of you wanting me to continue, is writing something kinda like a sequel where you can bring in your ideas (since I have no plan ^^"). In the meantime, please check out my new fic which I will upload ... well, once I have written it.