***ABOUT THE FIRST PART, THE OTHER OPTION: The admins have removed the first part of this series from the site, which is why you can only find 5 out of 6 stories. I'm really sorry about that, guys. But I found a site to put it on (finally, I know, sorry D:) Here's the link, just remove the spaces between the characters: intensityintended .wo rdpress Thanks again for putting up with me and reading my stuff!***

Author's Note: Hey everybody! Welcome back to my never-ending tale of three loves! For those of you just joining in, this story is part 5/6. If you haven't read The Other Option, What Was Hidden, This World Is Not Enough, and/or A Daughter's Revenge, you might want to at least skim them, so you have an idea of what's going on.

I LOVED writing these stories, and I'm kind of sad that this is the last part. But I am eternally grateful to those of you who've stuck with me and read through everything I've written and that have left inspiring feedback. You guys are so awesome.

If you're interested in reading other things I've written (not fanfiction related), check out the new story I'm working on at FictionPress! Same username and everything :D

So, per the norm, I must say that I do not own nor have any rights to Adventure Time, its characters, its story, or any concepts pertaining to it.

Also, this is a *LEMON*, so if you're not into smut, there are a few chapters you may want to ignore.

Alright then, I'll leave you all to it! Please enjoy, and if you can, tell me what you think! I love you guys :D

Fried robindove eggs…

Fried… robindove… eggs…

Glob, that sounds so good right now. So good that I should probably wake up and get some… Wait, we don't have any robindoves in the Candy Kingdom. No, that won't do. I need those eggs. I won't be able to sleep, to function without them.

I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes, looking at the clock on the bedside table. It was 2:04am. For a slight second, I thought I should just try to forget about it and go back to sleep. I looked down at my bloating, 4 month pregnant tummy, and decided; nope!

"Marshall," I whispered, shaking the sleeping vampire next to me gently. He just lightly swatted my hand away and mumbled something I couldn't understand. "Marshall!" I tried again, shaking him harder. He furrowed his eyebrows, his eyes still shut, and mumbled again. This time he rolled over onto his side.

I noticed, as time went on and my tummy grew bigger, my temper grew shorter. I had no patience for not getting what I wanted, when I wanted it. I smacked him on the back of the head.

He flew out of bed in a fright, hovering above the sheets and rubbing his head. "Ow, Fi! Jeez, what the hay?!"

"Ssshh! Be quiet! Don't wake up Gumball," I whispered harshly, checking over my shoulder to make sure he was still asleep. Gumball had grown into the habit of sacrificing every basic human need in the name of research. For the baby. The moment he found out I was pregnant, he stopped eating and sleeping, and even peeing. It was a miracle we got him into bed.

Marshall floated down and sat on the sheets, his expression tired and his body gravitating towards the pillow. "What is it, Fi?" he asked, sounding exhausted and worn.

"I need robindove eggs. Fried robindove eggs. Can you go get some and make them for me?" I asked, trying to be sweet about it.

He gave me a shocked look, examining my face with surprise before speaking. "Are you serious? There aren't any robindoves anywhere near here! I'd have to fly all the way to the Wildberry Kingdom, at best." I just gave him the sad eyes, the begging eyes, the eyes he was weak to. "Uuuugghhh come on Fi! I just went two nights ago to get you a fire jam and plum banana sandwich. From the Fire Kingdom. Can't I have a break?" he whined, trying to fight the eyes.

"But Marshy! I need them! The baby needs—"

"Uuuuggghhh fine!" he growled, climbing out of bed and slipping on the nearest jeans he could find. "But if I get back and make you your damn eggs, and you're fast asleep, I'm going to—"

"Going to what, bad boy?" I said seductively, cutting him off. I batted my lashes a bit and let the sheet fall slightly, just barely falling past my bare breast. He watched intently, hoping for more, but when he figured out that he couldn't get any more, he just sighed and shook his head, smiling.

"Be right back, bunny girl."

"Hurry back, bat boy." I smiled warmly at him and fell back onto the pillow, snuggling as best I could with my bulging belly into Gumball's back. Within seconds, Marshall had jumped onto the window sill and had flown off.

When I woke up the next time, the room was bright with sunshine, and I was alone in the bed. The clock read 8:47am, so I wasn't too surprised that I was the last one up. Marshall liked to be up before the sun woke him up with searing pain, and Gumball… well, he had that little habit to keep up with.

There was a smell encapsulating the room, a familiar smell. It smelled like… eggs. Fried eggs. The moment I realized what it was, I felt sick to my stomach. I threw the sheets over my legs, crawled out of bed, darted straight for the bathroom, and ducked my head into the toilet. Whatever I had for dinner last night never had a chance.

When I was done… expelling… my dinner, I brushed my teeth and rinsed my mouth as best I could. I'd been throwing up at least 3 times a week since I woke up from my coma, so I had this routine down pat. I pulled my hair up into a pony tail, pulled the silky royal bathrobe around my shoulders, and just before I was about to tie it around me, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

They say that when a woman's pregnant, she gets this glow about her, this shine of happiness. As I looked at myself from the side in the mirror and ran my hand up and down my growing tummy, I thought that I really couldn't deny that saying. I looked healthy, and happy. My curvy body took on the look of pregnancy like it had been meant to carry children all its' life. My breasts grew a little plumper, my hips became a little thicker, and my face… my face looked calm and kind.

I still wasn't used to the idea of giving birth. Or having a little me, or Gumball, or Marshall running around. The thought of it actually terrified me. But, when I sat and thought about it and thought about how I was no mother, I reminded myself that I left titles behind a long time ago. I'm Fionna, and I'll be whatever the lump I want to be.

I finished dressing myself as best as I could—or, at least, as much as I felt like dressing—and headed towards the dining room. On the way, I passed by Gumball's open study and slinked in, silent as can be. He had his nose buried in another baby-naming book, one that was probably written by some old cretin based on the plants that grew under certain stars during this month at this temperature and blah blah blah. Gumball really didn't know how to just go with the flow when it came to this.

Quietly, I crept up to his desk, his eyes still focused on the pages. I raised my hands up in the air and slammed them on the table, making a huge SMASH sound, and startling him out of his chair.

He jumped straight up and dropped his book, his face looking shaken and worn. "Oh my glob, Fionna! You scared me!" he breathed, his hand on his chest as he panted and tried to calm down.

I sat on his desk and let the robe ride up a little bit. "Your nose was so deep in that book that I wasn't sure if you were even on this planet anymore. It was the only way to get your attention," I said, smiling at him innocently.

He smiled back at me, never being able to stay mad at me for any period of time, and came around the desk, pulling me off of it and wrapping me in his arms. "I'm sorry if I've been distracted lately," he said, stroking my back.

I looked up at him and cupped his face in my hand. Despite the sleep he got, he still looked exhausted. "Distracted is putting it lightly. You can relax, you know. The Seeress already said he'll be a healthy, happy baby."

He sighed and leaned his forehead on mine, closing his eyes. "I wish I could relax, but I can't. Every time I think about the child growing in your belly, I get so excited that I have to do something to keep my attention, before my heart tries to escape through my throat. I mean, that's our son growing inside you! A little royal prince! I have to make sure everything is perfect for when he comes."

"Okay, first of all, we don't know if it's our son. It could be Marshall's. And second, the baby is coming in five months, and you've already spent the last two doing nothing but research. How much more information could you possibly need?" I pulled my head away slightly to look into his tired pink eyes, hoping that I could convince him to, at the very least, take a break.

"Whether he's mine or Marshall's, he'll be our royal prince, and he needs to be prepared for. There's so much to know, Fionna! Like, for instance, did you know that, depending on what the mother craves and eats during pregnancy, the baby could come out with those particular food preferences?" Instantly his eyes went from tired to excited. He wanted so badly to talk about everything he's learned.

I smiled and shook my head, realizing that I wouldn't win today. "No, I didn't. But…" I said, slowly backing away from him, "I am craving something sweet…" I said seductively, sitting back on the desk and hiking up the robe. Gumball chuckled and closed the space between us, leaning over me and kissing me passionately, moving his hips between my legs. I could feel myself get excited just by the thoughts racing through my head. I wanted him so badly to just take me in that instant, right there on the desk.

He pulled away from the kiss, pulling on my wrists and standing me up. "I want to, Fi, but I can't. Not right now." He kissed my forehead, and I could feel the disappointment spread across my features. "I think Marshall's making breakfast, though. You should eat, my love." Gumball smiled warmly at me, holding my face in his hand as he stroked my cheek with his thumb. I guess I couldn't be mad at him for long, either.

I stood up on my toes to level with him and gave him a peck on the lips. "Don't work too hard, okay? A king needs his rest."

"I won't," he chuckled, seeing me out before returning to his desk and his book.

I shuffled down the hall, following the sickening smell of fried eggs. I knew that, before I was pregnant, fried eggs were like my second favorite breakfast, next to Cake's bacon pancakes, but even those sounded nauseating right now.

I found Marshall in the kitchen, practically hanging over a frying pan, a nest of small eggs with blue and red dots on them next to the stove and a plate full of fluffy eggs on the other side of him. He looked so worn out, so exhausted.

Oh. That's right. I sent him out this morning to get me these eggs.

"Sooo, heh heh… funny story," I started, scooting into the kitchen and keeping my eyes from making contact with his. "I, uh, don't… want… the eggs anymore. The smell is making me sick." I looked up at him through my eyelashes, his tired, yet intense eyes blazing into me.

"You… what?!" he growled, stopping everything he was doing.

I hung my head for a moment and walked up to him, wrapping my arms around his bare torso. I'd forgotten that all he left with this morning was jeans. "I'm sorry, Marshy. I really, really am. This pregnancy thing is a real bummer."

He didn't hug me back. He just moved the pan off the burner and leaned on the counter, breaking my hug and letting his long, black hair cover his features. He was upset.

"I knew I should have just pretended to go. Jeez, Fi," he said, rubbing his eyes with his palm. He crossed his arms and peered at me through a break in his black hair, his red eyes looking dull with tiredness. "My little monster better not be as demanding as you are," he said, grinning at me.

I punched him in the arm, lightly, and smiled. "I am not demanding. I'm the coolest, awesome-est chick you know. And who ever said it was your little monster?"

He pushed off the counter and, with incredible speed and strength, swooped me up into his arms, suspending me in the air. "I said so, because I'm the coolest, awesome-est guy you know, and therefore, the demon spawn is mine," he said, leaning down to steal a kiss.

"Marshall, that doesn't even make sense!" I laughed, wrapping my arms around his neck. We chuckled together, his eyes brightening with every passing moment.

Then, out of nowhere, I craved, needed roasted boar hawk soup. It enveloped my mind and took over my soul, to the point where I couldn't even think past it.

"Hey, uh, Marshall?" I asked, preparing my begging face.

His laughing, smiling face immediately fell. "What do you absolutely need this time?"

"Roasted boar hawk soup," I said, smiling big and innocently. He hung his head back in mock frustration, being dramatic as usual. "Hey, if you don't want to go, I would be more than willing to go out and wrestle down my own boar."

He snapped his head back and glared right into my face. "Absolutely not." Marshall set me down again and rested his hands on my shoulders. "You're on house arrest until that baby comes. No adventuring, no hunting, and especially no boar wrestling."

I crossed my arms and watched him as he looked around for something to wear as a shirt. Apparently it was too much work to go get one from our bedroom. "I don't get why you're so protective, Marshall. I can kick monster butt with both hands behind my back and be totally fine!"

"I'm not okay with you taking that risk. Not with you being pregnant." He slipped on a chef's coat from the pantry and came up and hugged me. "You have two lives to think about now. And so do I."

I sighed and hugged him back. "I know. I'm just tired of doing nothing." I pulled back from the hug to look him in the face. "And just so we're clear, you're not putting me on house arrest. I'm here because I want to be," I said smiling and sticking my tongue out at him.

He smashed his lips to mine, sucking in my tongue and massaging it with his own, his fangs gently poking at my lips. The kiss was dizzying, and instantly I was brought back to that place where I wanted nothing more than for him to take me, right there on the counter.

He pulled back and smiled seductively at me. "Whatever you say, your highness. But alas! I must venture forth to find my love her roasted boar hawk! 'Til we meet again, sweet Fionna!" Marshall waved his hands around and bowed, again, being dramatic. I just laughed at him and curtseyed.

Together we walked out of the kitchen and to the nearest window. He picked up an umbrella, gave me a peck goodbye, and jumped out into the open air.

I rubbed my tummy gently, looking out the window, watching him fly away. Inside me was my son, my little boy. I didn't know who his father was, or who he was going to be, or how he would end up, but I knew that, no matter what happened, he would be my son. My prince. And I would love him as much as I loved his father.