Prologue – 24 years ago.

She was tall for her age. Dressed comfortably in jeans and a sweatshirt, the child looked a few years older than she actually was. Still it was obvious that she was far too young to be here. Here just happened to be a behavioral science class at John Hopkins University. The child slipped away from the guardian that watched over her during class hours.

"Excuse me please, Dr. Lecter?"

Hannibal Lecter turned at the sound of the child's voice. He smiled ever so slightly. The voice was soft, yet there was nothing timid about it. Looking down at the little girl, he spoke.


"My name is Anastassia Serdste. I wanted to thank you for allowing me to participate in your class."

She inclined her chin gently and then dark eyes looked up to the man. They studied each other for a brief moment. He offered a hand, she took it. Even as young as she was, the handshake was firm and confident.

"It is my pleasure Ms. Serdste. It shall be intriguing to work with a mind such as the one that you have been gifted with."