Stranger Danger

Chapter 1

Sasuke was a 24-year-old businessman and was walking home from work when he spotted a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. He looked like he was homeless and was lonely. Sasuke decided to help him.

"Hey, you could get hurt out here all alone. Why don't you come with me to my apartment, and I'll give you something to eat?" Sasuke said in a kind voice.

"Back off, pervert. I'm not a hooker," said the blonde boy.

"I didn't think you were, but you are pretty cute. I'm just trying to help."

"Why would you want to help me?"

"Well, for starters, you're sitting on the cold ground looking pretty lonely, and you also look starving. Why would you turn down the offer to eat dinner for free with me?"

"Fine, but you have to promise you're not a pedophile or a rapist."

"Okay, I promise now let's go," Sasuke said while offering his hand to the sapphire eyed boy to help him stand up, "What's your name, baby?"

"Naruto," he said while taking the older mans hand, "And don't call me baby."

"I'm Sasuke."

Then they started walking to the raven's apartment.

When they arrived, all Naruto could think was that it was the biggest apartment he had ever seen.

Sasuke gestured for him to sit down at the counter. "I'll be right back. I need to use the restroom," Sasuke said.

While Naruto was waiting he started looking around the place. How rich was this sexy man? Wait! Did I just say sexy? I just met him! No not even. I barely even know him!

Then a noise disrupted his thoughts. There was a girl with bubblegum pink hair walking down the stairs. Naruto was slightly startled, but got over it.

"Oh, hello. What's your name?" Naruto asked.

"Um…I have to go now!" the girl shouted as she ran out the door.

"Pretty fricken weird name," Naruto mumbled to himself as the front door shut.

Right after that, Sasuke returned to the kitchen and started making dinner.


"Yeah, Naru-chan?"

Naruto was a bit aggravated by his name used with that honorific but brushed it off. This guy was giving him food. "Was that pretty pink haired girl your girlfriend?"

"Oh, that bitch Sakura? Hell no. We are not dating."

"Then why was she here?"

"Because I am what some would call a man whore."

"What?! You said you weren't a pervert!"

"No, I said I wasn't a pedophile or a rapist. And besides I'm only a little bit perverted," the raven said handing Naruto his food, "Now tell me why you were on the streets by yourself?"

"Whatever," Naruto said taking the delicious looking dinner. "When I was younger, my parents died, but I still wanted to go to school. Since my older brother was in America studying abroad, the school paid for my tuition and my small apartment. Now that I'm 18 and I've graduated, I have nowhere to go. Now tell me about yourself and how you got this huge apartment."

"Well, I work for this American company, so I speak English. My bosses name is Kyuubi-

"Wait! Kyuubi is my older brothers name!"

"So you're the infamous younger brother that Kyuubi-san is always talking about." Sasuke said.

"I thought Nii-chan was still in America."

"He got back a few weeks ago. I'll take you to see him one day, that is if you live here with me." Sasuke negotiated.

"Really? You'd take me to see big brother? Wait! I just met you! But you are pretty attractive. Wait! I just met you! Why do you want me to stay here with you anyway? I wouldn't be able to pay!"

"You ramble on a lot," Sasuke stated, "and I like having your company and you could live here for free as long as you clean a bit. And it's not like we're complete strangers. I work for your brother."

"Fine, I'll stay here and not because your sexy because you work for my brother." Naruto said.

"So you think I'm sexy?" Sasuke asked in a seductive voice.

Naruto blushed. "I never said that. I don't know what you're talking about."

"Whatever you say Naru-chan." Sasuke purred in Naruto's ear. "I'll show you to your room" Sasuke said while grabbing Naruto's ass.

Naruto jumped when he felt Sasuke's hand on his butt. Maybe staying with this pervert wasn't such a good idea.