Hey guys! I'm really sorry I've been taking such a long time to update. There is just a lot going on in school and volleyball and stuff. And not to mention that my sister found my fanfiction account. After she read this story she came into my room and was like "Rachel, how do you know how to give a blow job?"Yeah... that was awkward..so... Hi, Allison, if you're reading! Anyway, enough with my lame excuses that fail to hide the fact that I am really lazy and on with the story! I hope you enjoy! :)

Chapter 12

"Naruto, wake up." Sasuke said while he shook Naruto's body. Naruto's eyes fluttered open. "I packed all of our stuff into the car. Kyuubi and Itachi are waiting for us."

"What the fuck? What time is it?" The grumpy blonde asked.


Naruto groaned and buried his face in a pillow. "Let me sleep."

"No, our brothers are waiting for us." Sasuke said as he pulled the covers off the blonde and grabbed him, pulling him out of bed.

"Nooo! Let me sleep!" Naruto yelled as he tried to struggle out of the raven's tight grasp but was too tired to really do anything. "I don't even have a shirt on!"

"It's okay, little Naru-chan. I like it that way."

Naruto rolled his eyes but couldn't keep a little bit of blush from forming on his cheeks. Sasuke carried the blonde over his shoulder down to his car and threw him in the passengers seat.

"What took you guys so long?" Kyuubi asked.

"Naruto wouldn't wake up."

"How the hell are you all up so early?!" Naruto asked, still a bit sleepy.

"Just go to sleep, Naruto." Kyuubi said. "It's a far drive."


Naruto woke up to the bright evening sunset shining through the window, irritating his eyes. Sasuke's warm arms were wrapped around his body.

"Good morning, love." The raven said as he pecked the blonde boy on the cheek with a light kiss.

"You're awake?"

"Uh-huh. I was just looking at you while you slept."

"That's not creepy at all." Naruto said. "Where are the others?"

"Sleeping. I was the only one who was awake."

"Oh, yeah. Where are we? And how did I get in this room?"

"We're at Itachi and my beach house, and I carried you here from the car." Sasuke said smiling.

Naruto got up from the bed and looked out the window. "Hm, the view is really beautiful."

"Yeah, so do you want to do anything?" Sasuke asked.

"Let's get up. It seems like you were bored before."

"Well, I did like staring at you."

"You're so creepy."

"Didn't you hear, Naruto? Creepy is the new sexy."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I wasn't informed on this newly discovered information. Please forgive me, Sasuke." Sasuke chuckled.

"Hmm, okay. I'll forgive you, but you'll have to make it up to me." He said, placing his hands on Naruto's waist. Naruto felt a warm tingling in his abdomen where the raven's hands were.

"Hmm, how about after we take a walk on the beach?"

Sasuke smiled. "Okay."

Sasuke led Naruto out the door.

They both held hands and carried their shoes in their free hand, as their feet got wet with the small waves of the ocean. The moon shined brightly on them and helped them see as soft grains of sand filed through their toes as they made their way across the beach.

"It really is beautiful." Naruto said as they continued their walk along the shore.

"Yeah, Itachi and I have been coming here since we were kids."

"Really? That sounds nice."

"Mhm, our parents used to own this beach house. It was really nice when we came here as a family, but we stopped doing that together."

"Why is that?"

"Well it's a long story, but I guess we have time," Sasuke said, "When I was around ten years old, our family was perfect. We would always hang out with each other and have good times, but soon after, our parents started fighting…a lot. At first it was just small arguments about splurging too much money on shopping for things that we didn't necessarily need, but then I turned into huge fights about money that were so bad that our parents would stop talking to each other for weeks."

"Hmm, I wouldn't have expected that from you."

Sasuke gave a small smile. "Then, my dad started taking his anger out on my mom and would sometimes hit her. Soon after, our parents got divorced and our dad left us. I honestly think it was a stupid choice to get divorced because if they weren't making enough money together, they won't do any better on their own, but they just weren't happy together anymore and my dad was a total douche. Later on, when I was, I think fourteen or fifteen, our mom got sick and died. My father didn't really want anything to do with us, so Itachi became my guardian. He always taught me to do well in school so I could be successful in the future, and I guess it worked. But anyway, I don't know where my dad is now or if he's even alive or not, but I don't really care anymore. I mean, he left my mom and my brother and me and I hate him now. How could he do that to my mother?! She was such I good person and I personally think she died because of the stress my dad put on her. I hate him so much!"

Tears were slowly streaming down Sasuke's face now. Naruto stopped walking as he saw how heartbroken the raven was. The blonde slowly brought Sasuke into a hug and embraced him tightly. "I'm really sorry, Sasuke. It's alright, I'm here."

Sasuke squeezed Naruto tightly and buried his face into the crook of his neck and sobbed, causing the hem of Naruto's shirt to get damp.

Sasuke's breathing calmed down as Naruto drew circles with his fingers on the raven's back. Sasuke slowly lifted up his head and looked the blonde in his bright blue eyes, which were reflecting the moonlight perfectly, making them look like sapphire gems. "You know, Naruto? You're the first person I've ever told about this. Even the first person, other than Itachi, to see me cry."

Naruto smiled slightly. "There's a first for everything."

Sasuke smiled back and squeezed Naruto tightly into another hug before looking him back in the eyes again. "You know Naruto? I think I might be in with love you."

Naruto's eyes widened slightly in shock. He was surprised that some one as handsome and successful and perfect as Sasuke would love him. "Really?"

"Mhmm, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm just surprised. I think this is the first time that someone told me that they loved me and I genuinely felt the same way back."

Sasuke's onyx eyes lit up as he smiled even more. "Like you said, there's a first for everything."

Naruto gave a smile as Sasuke pressed his lips to the other males in a passionate kiss. Naruto felt sparks fly as their lips moved in time with each other's. The kiss wasn't messy or too short. It was just passionate. It was perfect.

They soon broke apart, both smiling, as they walked back to the beach house one hand entwined in the other.

Did you like this short chapter? Please follow, favorite, and review, and feel free to let my know if you think this story is too rushed. I don't really mind some constructive criticism. Anyway, thanks for reading! :)