Wow, well loooong time since I have updated. I am not going to give any excuses:) But we all know how life is. Enjoy! R&R if you still care;)

Walking through the two grand doors, my grip on Marcus's arm tightens. He pats my hand reassuringly and leads me forward through the mass of Volturi guard members. Red and black eyes stare down at me most with curiosity but some with what appears to be jealousy. As Marcus and I reach the pile of rubble, which used to be three immaculate thrones, I notice Cauis is still giving Aro a glare that would frighten any normal man. Aro, of course, is unaffected. Marcus whispers in my ear what I assume are words of encouragement in Italian and then kisses my forehead. He greets a few guard members as he makes his way up to where his brothers stand. I stay put waiting for anyone to speak and feel a hand touch my shoulder. As I turn I recognize Demetri's smiling face, he gives me a wink that would have made my heart skip if it was still beating. He walks up to Aro handing him a grey piece of fabric and small black box. Aro thanks him and Demetri heads over to where Felix, Darien, and William are standing, but not before giving me another wink. I feel as though I could puke as I see Aro staring at me, he keeps his gaze as he begins to speak.

"Good evening," Aro then takes his gaze to the mass of cloak covered vampires.

"I welcome you tonight for a special reason. As all of you know we had a situation that required my brothers and my own traveling. The problem has been solved, the newborn has been destroyed along with the responsible coven… All accept one."

Everyone's eyes again go towards me as Aro walks forward handing off the contents Demetri gave him to the girl I recognize as Renata. She, if I recall correctly from Kyro's lessons, has a shielding ability and is Aro's own personal body guard.

I feel like an animal caught in a trap watching as the hunter approaches to collect his prize. I instinctively take a few steps back, but instantly stop when I see Aro's reprimanding eyes. I am left frozen with my muscles clenched unable to even respond as Aro softly speaks the words,

"Hello again, my dear."

Aro once again turns his focus to the Volturi members surrounding me.

"Everyone, this beautiful young girl is Lyra. She is the newest member of the Volturi guard. She is to be trained and hopefully become one of our highest ranked here. I know that you will all be the utmost helpful and kind to her as she grows accustomed to our life in the castle. As a newcomer she is on a level zero status, which you are all aware of what that means so assist me in reminding her. My brothers and I have already decided who will support in her training, so they will be as follows. Main overseer is Demetri, anything regarding Miss. Lyra can be taken up with him, as he is devoted to her well-being until otherwise noted. Other caretakers are Chelsea, and William. Her key combat trainers Felix and Alec. And finally her power training is to be authorized by me… and to start, Jane I would like you at every training session."

"Of course, Master."

Jane smiles responding to Aro's request.

I gaze at Aro with confusion because if I am honest he lost me at 'level zero'. He must have picked up on my questioning stare because he leans forward to inform me we would go over it all later.

Aro snaps his fingers and Renata appears at his side. Aro reaches over grabbing the light grey material from her hold. He unfolds the cloak and assists me in putting it on, then he grabs the black box opening it to reveal a Volturi pendant that he slips over my head allowing the cool pendant to rest against my chest.

"Congratulations Lyra, you are now an official Voturi Guard in training."

With Aro's words the vampires behind me applaud giving me a few words of congratulations, Caius then dismisses everyone except myself and all those involved in my training.

I stand awkwardly with my new vampire babysitters behind me. I began thinking to myself hoping that somehow this cruel planet would just allow me to evaporate to dust right where I stood when Caius started talking.

"I assume that everyone knows what is required of them."

"Yes, Master."

Everyone behind me responds in harmony. I look around wrinkling my forehead, I raise my hand. To say Caius's eyes were burning holes through me would be an understatement.


He asks bitterly, mentally punching me with his words.

"Um. I.. I… Well. Y-y-yo-you see. I"

"Spit it out!"

I look down, and whisper.

"I just. Well, I'm not sure what most of the things Aro said mean. I am confused is all."

I take a chance glancing up and see Caius holding the same expression, I look to Aro and Marcus for help but both their faces are vacant.

"I wasn't asking you, we will explain to you later."

"My apologies."

Caius seemed satisfied with my reply even taking his eyes off me, until I open my big mouth again and mutter words under my breath.

"Maybe, you should've make it clearer."

My eyes go wide hoping he didn't hear that, but of course he did. Everyone in the room heard it and I swear for the next second you would have thought someone pushed the pause button. Everyone was staring at me completely silent.

Caius stormed forward, causing me to walk backwards. But I didn't go fast enough he slapped me to the ground and grabbed me by the nape of the neck pulling my hair.

"Everyone is dismissed, Demetri wait outside the door."

And just like that everyone vanished, leaving me with Caius who was now dragging me to where Aro and Marcus sat around a table covered with books and clutter. Caius practically threw me into a chair and pushed me so close to the table that it push up against my ribs uncomfortably. I tried to scoot out but Caius positioned himself behind me leaning on the back of the chair.

I look across the table where Aro is reading. And after some moments He peeks his eyes over the book and at last speaks.

"Oh, are the dramatics done? You know dear brother that she will do what you say. All you had to tell hear was to shut her mouth and take a seat."

Aro pays me no attention as he addresses Caius whose grip on the wooden chair tightens causing it to creak.

"I am well aware, but sometimes I like to have fun," Caius responds allowing my chair to scoot back taking the seat next to mine. I scoot slightly away from him towards the left receiving not only a scowl from Caius but a chuckle from Marcus as well.

"The way you embrace your sadist ways brother will always be chilling," replies Aro observing my fidgeting.

"You're one to talk brother, when you share quite a few of the same interests."

Aro looks at Caius laughing at his comeback.

"Very true, but let's not scare our new member hmmm."

Aro once again turns his attention my way, where I sit griping the edges of my chair doing everything in my power not to run.

"Now my dear, no speaking or asking questions until I am finished and I say it's alright. Understood?"

I nod my head. And for first time I truly realize that I am completely owned by the three sitting at this table.

"First rule, when I ask you a question I want a vocalized confirmation."

Aro scolds me, and all I can do is give him another nod of my head.

Caius slams his fist against the table and yells.

"That means speak girl!"

I jump focusing on Caius.

"I'm sorry," I tell him then I turn back to Aro.

"But you told me not to speak. I couldn't say a word until you told me to."

I cower looking toward my hands that are folded on the table.

Aro shrieks with laughter receiving confused looks from Caius, Marcus, and myself.

"You are so very right my child! I must pick my words more carefully. Now, what I meant to say was do not interrupt me. Do you understand?"


Aro held a look as if he was waiting for me to continue, when I didn't he quizzed me.

"Now darling think, what do all my guard members call my brothers and I?"

I thought back to every time Demetri or anyone answered a question.


"Yes! Good girl, now put the two words together."

I'm struggling within myself, I don't want to but I know I have no choice.

I focus down and speak the words that bind me to Aro and his brothers.

"Yes, Master."

"Ah, you see Cara? Not hard at all! Now, let's start with your place here. Currently your rank in the guard is undecided. This will not be determined until the ending of your training. You will then have a rank among the guard which will determine the shade of your cloak, where you will reside in the castle, and what daily duties you will uphold. Of course, currently you are the lowest rank so your cloak is very light grey, you reside in a guest corridor, and apart from your daily training you will be doing small chores around the castle. Alright, a level zero status means that you for the most part have no privileges. That includes no wandering outside the castle, no going in forbidden corridors, doing everything asked of you by higher statuses, always having a chaperon while outside your room, no feeding unless told to do so, no spending any funds, and as always obeying everything that Caius, Marcus, and myself ask. Do you understand?"

I can feel Aro's chains wrap tighter and tighter around me, I remember Kyro's lessons about the Volturi. He warned me about their manipulative ways. My throat grows tight.

"Lyra, do you understand?"


I pause.

"Yes, Master."

"Good, now we have decided to make Demetri your overseer. Which basically means any question, any concern you can tell him. You two seem to be getting along pretty well, so we all thought he would be a good fit. You'll be seeing a lot of him, and you are expected to do everything he says. Other than Demetri you will have Chelsea and William as caretakers. They will assist Demetri and also provide you with things you need such as clothing, nourishment, and other requirements. Felix and Alec, as I mentioned earlier, are going to be in charge of your combat training. You will for the most part have it every other day but that can change depending on what they see fit. Lastly I have decided to take on your power training myself you will have sessions with me the days you don't have combat, or when I request. All in all your progress will be reported to me and my brothers, along with any complications you give my guard. Now, everything I gave above is not an order Lyra, you make your own choices, but disciplinary actions will be taken whenever we deem necessary so may I suggest giving us no reason to discipline you. But of course, I don't see to many problems do you?"

I bite my lip, and look at Aro across the table. He knows what he is doing. I am a mouse and he is stepping on my tail and telling me to run, knowing very well that I desire to, but I can't.

"No, Master. I won't cause any problems."

"Excellent," Aro grins.

I wring my hands.

"I do have a question though."

My voice is weaker then I want so I clear my throat.

"More of a request, actually. Can Chelsea not use her gift on me? I was told by Kyro that she is of sorts the lynchpin of the Volturi. That she has the power of manipulating people's minds, making their loyalties lay where you would like them. I have to be loyal to you even if my mind doesn't want me to be. My curse is obedience, if you tell me to be loyal I have to be. But all I ask is that I can keep the sanity and truthfulness in my mind. It really is a win, win if you think about it. And who knows, with time my minds loyalties might actually truly lay with you. "

All three of the ancients looked my way, disbelief on their faces.

"Aro, it seems this one knows even our smallest of secrets," Marcus says calmly.

Aro remains silent.

I hadn't really considered the fact that they didn't know that Kyro had told me so much about them. Or that it was probably better to keep my knowledge a secret.


Caius reaches his hand across the table touching Aro's hand. Aro gives him a nod and excuses himself from the table. Marcus must have gotten the hint because he disappears too.

I scoot my chair back thinking I can sneak off, and pretend like nothing happened but Caius grabs my wrist. He stands up and turns my chair to face him. He bends over meeting me at eyelevel.

"Do you still wish to make that request?"

He smiles at me daring me to speak.

"Hmmm? Lyra answer me. Do you still wish to make that request?"

I want to look away from his bright red eyes but I can't. His grip on my wrist tightens as he grabs my other one. I am completely trapped. Only Caius and I remain in this room.

"I don't see what the big deal is. Like I said I have to be loyal to you no matter what. Just say the word and I can't even attempt on betraying you."

I manage to keep my voice even.

"You still haven't answered my question, and I am losing my patience. Do you still wish to make the request you spoke of?"

I bite my lip to keep it from quivering. Caius still holds his smile.

"Yes, Master."

Caius's smile grows.

He grabs my arm and pulls me up throwing the chair aside causing me to scream. He then rams my back into a marble pillar making the skin on my back crack. Gripping my chin roughly he forces me to look into his violent eyes. He holds my arm so high that I have to stand on my tip toes so he doesn't pull it right off my body.

"Your old Master Kyro sure did tell you a lot about us didn't he?"

I try to release myself of his hold but he is a much stronger vampire then I am.

"He wasn't my Master, he didn't order me around like a slave!"

My yelling seems to irk Caius even more. He throws me like a rag doll onto the floor this time causing my vision to go blurry and creating a crack all the way down the left side of my face.

"You ignorant girl, I almost feel bad for you."

He steps by my face with his black shiny shoes, I don't move. There is no sense in running, even I am smart enough to know that. He crouches down and clutches me by the throat. The cracks in my face have finished heeling along with the ones in my back. My vision also returns to normal, so now I can see his mocking face bright and clear.

"But don't worry, I am going to relieve you of all your painful memories."

With those few words I understand what he is about to do. I try to pull his hand off my neck, but he only grips tighter. My struggling continues until he gets sick of it and orders me to stop. I am frozen waiting for his next order.

"Lyra, I order you to forget everything about your old coven, as well as everything they taught you about us, the Volturi. You are not to remember Kyro, or Cassandra, not even Cristian. You are to remember all the things you know about being a vampire and even facts about other covens. You remember that the Volturi killed your original coven for a crime but that you were spared for your gift. Finally you will not remember me taking away your memories. All this cannot be undone."

While Caius spoke I could feel each of my memories go black into the oblivion.

Caius released my neck and told me to stand up. I know that we had been fighting but I can't remember what for.

My brain feels fuzzy like it was pound against the wall a hundred times.

"Lyra, look at me."

I turn toward Caius who is observing my confusion.

"Who was the leader of your last coven?

I wrinkle my forehead thinking. It was just yesterday that I was with them so I find it very odd I can't think of a name or a face.

"Um… I don't know."

Caius's face remains emotionless.

"I order you to tell me"

I feel my brain fighting itself, but nothing comes.

"I really don't know. I… I am sorry Master Caius."

"Very well then. Demetri!"

As Demetri appears by my side Caius disappears.

"Ready for the grand tour?"

Demetri offers his arm to me smiling, I smile back.

"Yes, of course," I respond taking his arm allowing him to escort me from the throne room leaving my worries behind me.