What can I say about my life? There isn't really much I can say about it since I have only been nothing but a subject… a tool. I have no idea where I came from; all I know is that I've felt pain… both mental and physical pain. I didn't even know why I had been placed in a terrible place like this but no matter what, I could never break free. Maybe I was meant to remain in this kind of life…

Now that I think about it, why have they been doing all of this to me? I never really understood but then again I never really understood anything that I've gone through. I was never taught anything; I was never spoken to… It was as if I was nothing but an animal to them, maybe I was… Or maybe, I was just nothing but a tool, no matter I was nothing, I am nothing.

Am I to ever be free of this prison? Maybe I shall never know…

Drip… Drip… Drip… that was the only sound that would ever come in his cell. It was amazing that he hadn't lost his mind yet. Though then again he didn't even think for himself. The only thing that went through his mind was what the outside world would be like. Looking through his blonde bangs, the young looking man took a deep breath as he looked down at the small puddle that had formed on the ground.

He saw that he had blue eyes, slightly pale skin from lack of being outside in the real work, three whisker marks on each of his cheeks. The only thing he wore was a white high collared shirt and matching white pants and he didn't wear any shoes. They didn't think he had a reason to because he never went outside.

Lifting his head, the young man tried to move his arms and legs but sadly, they were chained to the wall, keeping him high off the ground. Even though he didn't know what they wanted to do with him, he at least knew that they kept him off the ground so they could feed him and give him water without him trying to attack them. Closing his eyes for a moment, the young man thought that maybe he was meant to stay in this hell hole. That he would never be free no matter what.

Taking a deep breath, the blonde haired man sniffed the air as he smelled someone walking down the hall. He wanted to see who it was, but no matter he couldn't see them because of his hair. His damn bangs were just too long and hung in his eyes, covering most of his sight.

"It seems Experiment F 001 is remarkable. It seems that he has passed every test that we have done so far but… Is he ready for a field test?" said a voice, not knowing that he could hear them. He kept most of his hearing range to himself, not wanting them to know just how far he could really hear… There was no way of knowing what was going to happen if they knew what they would do to him.

"Yes, he has to be tested… so far he has learned to control his transformations but we still cannot be sure if he is completely under our control."

Looking up at the bars of his cell, the young man had to get out of here… even if he didn't know where he was to go. Frowning in thought, now that he thought about it he had been here his whole life. Letting his head go limp, the young man just stood still on the wall. Wanting to get out, for a while now he's had dreams of the real world.

It made him wonder what it was like… what everything would be like or even the people… No, people, mostly doctors were all the same. He had to get out of here; there was no way that he was going to do more of those so called tests again.

Shuddering at the thought, the young man tugged at the chains that held him to the wall but so far nothing. Shaking his head, he looked up, letting his blue orbs look at the area that was around him. To others, they would see nothing but darkness but to him he saw a stone wall on the other side of his cage. Well, actually, it was stone wall all around him… He didn't really know what this place; this building was called though what he did know was that no one else knew of this place.

"Let's get a meal first before we test him hm? I could use a coffee after staying up all night." Said the voice as the sound of footsteps started to grow quieter and quieter all the while. Letting out a soft growl, the young man kept on trying to break free. Though the chains were made especially for those like him. They drained most of his strength so he couldn't break free. At the moment, he was just as strong as a normal human man but it didn't stop him from trying to break free. Even as his wrists started to go raw and bleed from the motion.

Breathing deeply, the young man licked his lips, wanting to drink badly but sadly it wasn't time for him to get any water for that matter. Lifting his head to look at the chains, he thought that maybe he could… no, if his arms couldn't break them there was no way that couldn't either.

Leaning his head back, the young man knew that this was hopeless, there was just no way that he could escape from this place. He was just going to rot here and no one would ever know what would happen to him. No one even knew who he was or where he was for that matter.

Looking down, the blonde haired young man tried to think on all the things that he wouldn't be able to do in life. Oh wait; he didn't even know what he could do for that matter. Hell, he didn't even know how to speak. No matter how he heard everyone speak he just didn't talk. It was pretty much impossible for him though he didn't let that get him down.

'Beep, beep, beep… ding!'

Suddenly, the young man found himself falling toward the ground with a thump. Groaning, he slowly started to push himself and blinked his blue eyes in confusion. Did his sadness and depression get him down or what? Shaking his head, he looked up and saw a weird little flicker; he thinks the doctors called it a light or something. Shaking his head, he looked at the cage door and slowly walked toward it.

As he walked, he could feel his strength coming back to him. Slowly anyway but he was much stronger than he was now that he was freed from those chains. Smirking, he wrapped his dirtied and callused hands around the bars before he tugged as hard as he could. The bars bent and created a big enough opening for him. Though he knew that he would have to hurry and get out of here, if he was right the weird loud noise will come on and he'll be in big trouble.

Soon, the loud sounds started to go off. Man, how did they know he got out? Shaking his head, he started to run forward, he had to hurry and get out of here. Pumping his legs as much as he could, the young man had to get out of here before they captured him, and punished them once again. The sounds of footsteps were getting closer, and were coming from all angles. Growling, he turned around and saw some of the men in white jackets, the doctors holding needles. He figured that was to knock him out again.

Growling, the young man looked at the wall before digging his clawed fingers in the wall and ripped a part of it down and blocked their path. Turning around he ran a little faster, this was going to be one hell of a break out but at the moment he didn't care. Narrowing his blue eyes, he turned left when he saw some people dressed in black heading toward him. From what he could tell though they were holding rather weird looking objects in their hands. It looked like long metal rods with weird handles and some weird curve of steel that looked like it could be for your finger.

Either way, he didn't like the look of it and knew that he had to hurry and get out of here before it was too late. Running as fast as his legs would carry him, the young man turned sharp corners hoping to get out of this place. His eyes wide and filled with panic. There had to be something he could do right? He just had to get out of here; he didn't want to spend the rest of his life like this.

The sounds of 'bang' echoed through the hall and that was when he'd feel blinding pain surge through his system. Falling over, the young man looked over and saw that his legs and have been hit because it seemed like there were holes in his flesh with something red oozing out of them. He didn't know what that was but the smell of it was terrible. Shaking his head, he pushed himself back up and tried to run again. Though it seemed that he was a bit slower with the pain just shooting through him every time he made a single step.

Growling, he kept running, the 'bang' sounds would keep echoing through the halls. Though to him that wasn't enough to stop him, even if the pain would soon make itself known through back and shoulders. He kept running, he just never stopped running or trying to escape from here. Rushing forward, the young man made a sharp turn only to run smack into one of their other experiments. The creature was out of its cage, a sure sign that they let it go to stop him.

The creature was almost like a wolf, though he could make out a long fox tail and fox ears. He figured that this was the first test subject they were trying to mutate. Shaking his head, he slashed at the creature; he knew that this thing stood between him, and his gate way to freedom.

The creature slashed at the blonde haired young man, his shirt was torn open and the same red liquid started to seep from the long gashes on his chest. Growling, the young man jumped up in the air, slashing at the creature with his long claws at his face before kicking him in the face. He had to hurry up; there was no telling how long this was going to take or how long the doctors would take to get here. The creature, this beast or whatever, grabbed his ankle and threw him into the wall.

Pain erupted from his back, making him want to scream, but he kept his scream deep in his lungs for the time being. Any kind of scream would tell anyone where he was. Growling, he pushed himself off the wall and kicked the beast in the stomach. He had to think on what he should do… though what he did know was that he had to be careful. Looking around, he tried to find an opening, anything he could do so he could get out of this place without delaying anymore time.

Suddenly, the monster swung his clawed hand once more; the blonde haired man stared at him in shock for the claws grazed his face and going right over his eyes. Letting out a bit of a howl of pain, he grabbed the monster's wrist and narrowed his eyes, eyes flashing red for a brief moment before he pulled and tugged, throwing the beast over his shoulders and slammed him onto the ground.

Gasping softly, he could barely see anything in front of him but he could at least still smell what was around him. Blinking his tired eyes, the red liquid spilled over his eyes, preventing him from opening them. Taking a deep breath, he made a break toward the ocean, his body though wanting him to rest. He wanted to stop, wanted to just rest but he knew that he couldn't do that. If he stopped to rest, then there was a good chance that he was going to get captured.

Breathing heavily, the young man leaned against a tree, damn it… he had to rest just for a minute. Sniffing the air, he tilted his head for a moment, trying to see if he could smell anyone near but then again, they may be in the direction of the wind that would allow their scent to blow away from him. Growling softly, he started to run off once again, he had rested longer than he should have.

Looking around, or at least sniffing the area, he could tell that he was close to water. He remembered the scent from his window and, of course from the doctors saying that the subjects only have a right to smell the ocean. Was that what a big amount of water was called? An ocean? Shaking his head, the young man knew that he had to keep running; it wasn't a time to think about everything.

'Bang' echoed through the air, a huge pain went through his spine causing him to scream out in pain. How did they find him? Shaking his head, the young man pushed himself back up and kept on running. More and more, that sticky red liquid stained what remained of his shirt though that didn't matter to him. Once he was in the water it would wash off right?

Now was the moment of truth right? He could finally get away from this place and be free. That was the only thing he has ever wanted, he would finally get out of here and be free no matter what. No one would ever stop him from what his dream was. To see the outside world. Grinning from ear to ear, the young man ran even faster, pumping all the strength that was flowing through his system, it almost seemed like he was even having some kind of rush. Like he could even feel something flowing through his system, whatever it was, he liked it. In fact, he rather enjoyed it…

"Get him! Don't let him escape!" shouted someone far behind him. Of course, he didn't bother to listen to them; there was no way that he was going to stop to figure out who had yelled anyway. It wasn't like they would have told him anyway since no one ever speaks to him; they talk about him or something else.

Breathing heavily, the young man looked around, oh wait… he can't see at the moment. His body was still emitting that weird red liquid from his head so it still kept his eyes shut for the time being. Sniffing the air, he could smell it… the smell of the ocean. He still loved that scent; it smelled amazing that was for sure. Though it also made him wonder what would await him when he got to the outside world. Would there be others like him?

Would he be accepted? Or would there be people like the doctors that were here? Maybe not, either way there was no way that life on the other side of this ocean could be any worse than what it had been like here right? Lifting his head, he kept his ears opened to the sounds that surrounded him… the sound of something crashing on the soft floor… was that what this was called? A floor? He didn't know, but at the moment should he even care?

"Don't let him get to the ocean!" shouted one of the doctors, he knew that voice… just didn't know who it was…

Turning his head back, he could hear more footsteps. The sound of something crumbling and snapping echoed through his ears. They were getting close, he couldn't risk it anymore. He had to hurry up and get out of here before it was too late. Inhaling deeply, that weird scent of iron was strong, it was amazing that he hadn't noticed it sooner but then again, he had been focused on trying to escape. Though from what he could tell the iron scent was strongest from the red liquid that stained his body…

Turning his head back toward the ocean that was when he ran into the water. The water felt cold against his skin, and it seeped over the holes that those weird metal rods created and the weird marks on his body that the monster had created.

The pain made him want to scream, but he kept those screams to himself and just focused on breathing. Focused on moving his arms and legs through the water, even if his limbs were pretty much screaming at him to stop. To just let himself float on the water and let the water do its thing. Sadly, the force of the water seemed like it was trying to force him back to the doctors but he was strong enough to keep moving, to keep swimming away from this place. The only sounds from that place was the sound of 'bang' and shouts from the doctors that they had to keep searching for him.

The young man just smiled as he swam, though it seemed that the water only made his body hurt all the more. Whatever, he didn't care. He was just happy that he was finally free of that place and he could finally live a life away from this place… though, he felt like he was going to live on the run… but what could be worse than living there? Nothing… at least, he hoped…