Summary: Someone dies in a car crash; someone ends up in coma; someone gets kidnapped; someone has to make tough decisions with life changing consequences; new acquaintances lead to new beginnings, archenemies become friends and vice versa... It is only a tip of the iceberg in the intangible web of events called life. Callian (in its own strange way).

Warnings: Major character death, bad language, adult themes and violence.

Characters: Cal, Gillian, Emily, Zoe, Raider, OC.

Genre: Tragedy/Angst/Drama/Adventure

Disclaimer: I don't own the LTM characters. No profit gained. All the characters and events are pure fiction.


The game is greater than its players…


Even the tiniest decision we take can have a life changing consequences. There was no way to predict that one stupid move of anger and grief would trigger domino effect in the size of an avalanche.

"I don't understand why I have to go!" Emily was whining, "My friends are here, dad is here... "

Zoe sighed and took a quick glance at her teenage daughter who was pouting since the moment they left home. Not a full month ago Zoe was offered very good and what was more important – extremely perspective position in California. The salary was twice what she was making in D.C. It had been a tough decision, but finally she had agreed to take the offer.

As she already anticipated, two people who were not thrilled with the news were her ex-husband and daughter. The situation with the change of job was stressful enough without their combined tantrums. From one side there was Cal. In his usual annoying manner he had managed to bring her to the edge more than once. Constant complaining about her ignorance of other's feelings was getting really old. From the other side there was Emily. Zoe understood her daughter's distress – after all she had lived in D.C. all her life. Her school and friends were here. Maybe Em didn't see it now, but at the end of the day as mother Zoe had to make a decision that would be better for both of them. To take the offer was exactly that. Although, if being really truthful to herself, Zoe realised that somewhere underneath purely objective reasons there was also a hidden agenda. It was growing dislike towards one particular person.

Her ex-husband's partner lately had become too prominent person in Emily's life. Whenever Em stayed with Cal, Gill was always around. The two of them had formed such a strong bound that Zoe started to feel left out. Aggravating psychologist knew all her daughter's secrets, dreams and hopes better than mother. For the love of God, Em even seriously considered a possibility to study psychology - a clear indication that some serious mother-daughter time was due. The move could give them both a fresh start. While Zoe was lost in her thoughts, Emily kept complaining.

"I could visit you, you know..."

"Stop it," Zoe cut the tirade, "we talked about it repeatedly. We are going and that is final."

"It is not fair."

"You know, darling," Zoe lovingly smiled at her daughter, "life is rarely fair, especially to the ones who whine at six in the morning."

Emily wrinkled her nose and looked outside the side window. Dissatisfaction was pouring from her being in huge waves. It was dark outside and cold northern wind blew large snowflakes in the windshield. Even in full motion wipers barely managed to do their job. The visibility was awful.

The January this year was cold. Since the beginning of December the temperature stayed around zero, but the northern wind made it feel like it was at least minus ten. Besides it was snowing heavy over the last week. Road condition was not the best. The temperature drop and rise resulted in melted snow that froze to the ground creating ice.

They were on the way to the airport to catch a morning flight to the sunny part of the country. Zoe really looked forward the change of climate.

Cal had offered them a ride last evening, but Zoe had decidedly refused it. She couldn't bear long goodbyes.

"Mom, you know..." Emily started, but never finished the sentence.

A jolt of light suddenly dazzled their eyes. Last thing Zoe heard before everything turned black was Emily's terrified scream, "Mom, look out!"

Horrible sound of metal crashing against metal was followed by deafening silence. As if nothing ever happened everything sank back into the darkness of early wee hours. The snow quickly covered the traces of car tires that strangely met in the middle of the snowy road.