Honestly, I surprised myself with this one. Even though i've rewritten it twice today, and made three different beginnings, it still took me by surprise...Lets just say I wasn't expecting it to turn out the way it did...O.o Oh well, I think I worked hard enough on this one. This one deserves to be posted now. After all, I am finishing up Baby Genius soon.

Disclaimer: For the sake of this being chapter one, I'll do it...Nah! My neck hurts. That matters more right now.

It was cold, freezing even. It was dark; pitch black, with only the luminous shine of the moon for light. It was silent; dead silent. The air was tense; so tense you could almost cut it. Cut it with a pair of children's scissors, over and over again.

His teeth chattered against the cold breeze. His fingers shook, fighting the cold. His breath shown in the night, just ahead of him.

He looked around, unfamiliar with the surroundings. Maybe it was because his eyes haven't adjusted yet. Then maybe he'd see that he was nowhere new. He blinked a few times, getting used to the dark. Glancing up, he saw only the moon.

The moon shown bright against his blue eyes. His teeth's chattering being the only noise.

"W-where am I?" He asked, shuddering against the cold.

He should have worn a coat. Or at least gloves. Gloves would be nice. It was cold enough that he should have realized that a coat was necessary if he was going to go outside. Pepper did always say he was dumb…

He took a step, flailing as he tumbled to the ground. Ouch. He hadn't realized he was standing on something. Guess his eyes still haven't adjusted. At least not enough to see where he was standing. You would think that he'd already gotten used to the dark. But no! Not him.

He winced, realizing he just scraped up his knee. Hopefully it was as bad as it felt.

He pushed himself off the cold, solid, and rough ground. He looked around, the surrounding area becoming more visible. At least to the point where he could see two feet ahead of him. At least now he could walk a clear path.

He couldn't remember where he came from. He couldn't for the life of him, remember how he got there. Where was there? What was this place? He rubbed the back of his head, realizing his head hurt. A lot.

He closed his eyes. He just needed a moment to think. A moment to clear his head. If he went making rash decisions, he'd probably just get himself into more of a deeper mess. Hopefully clearing him mind, would help him clear up a few things. Like maybe, where he was? Or what happened? Or where he was!?

He shivered as a powerful cold wind blew past him, sending goose bumps down his arms. His eyes opened. Maybe if he could find someone…they could help!

"H-hello!?" Tony called out. "Hello?"

He paused, listening. Only to find his own vice echoing back to him. He tried again.

"Hello…is a-anyone out there?" He cupped his shaking hands over his mouth. "HELLO?"

He noticed a newspaper laying on the ground nearby. So his eyes really were getting used to the dark. Hmm…that might be handy.

He bent down to pick it up, but as soon as he got low enough to grab it, the wind blew it away. He snatched at it, trying to grab it before it got too far, luckily grabbing it just before it got away.

He was about to read it, maybe it would explain what happened. Or where he was, or what happened!

He heard footsteps.

He forgot the newspaper. Letting it fall, and blow away in the wind.

He looked to the direction the footsteps were coming from. He squinted his eyes, trying to see through the dark better. He could faintly make out a female silhouette. More footsteps. Now a male silhouette was beside the female's shadow.

Tony's smiled when he realized who it was. You'd have to be brainless not to remember that they were his best friends.

"Oh g-good, I'm not a-alone." He stuttered, the wind picking up and the temp dropping. Man was it cold out. "I was…w-worried."

Pepper's faint shadow, now close enough to make out her clothes, smiled. Rhodey did the same. They smiled.

"Hello." They said, in unison.

Tony felt major relief. Maybe – hopefully – they knew what was going on. At least now he wasn't alone there. He would have gone crazy before the sun decided to come up.

Then Tony heard more footsteps. Was his dad there too? Roberta? Someone from school? Maybe it was someone he didn't know.

He recognized three of them, they were: Howard, Roberta, Virgil. A few of them he barely recognized, them being random people he'd seen at school. Only moments later he saw Happy, Whitney, and even Gene and Rhona.

Now he was confused. Why were they all there? It's crazy to think that something like this had happened to so many people…wait, what happened anyways?

"D-does anyone k-know where w-we are?" He asked, shivering some more.

They all smiled.


Maybe they were just trying to comfort him.

He was about to speak again, maybe they hadn't heard him, but they all stepped closer to him.

He then realized most of them wielded knives.

The area, was soon lit up by a lantern one of them lit and hung. Tony could see their faces clearly now. And they didn't look right. It wasn't because they were smiling, or because they all wielded knives, but because their eyes…they were…off.

He stepped back.

Pepper stepped forward, her face fading into sadness. "Tony, why? Why don't you like me?"

Tony looked at her, confused. "W-what!?"

"Why don't you like me, like you like her?" Pepper asked, tears visible in her eyes.

Tony's eyes flickered to Whitney. He didn't like her. Not anymore at least. She poisoned his dad…didn't Pepper know that?

Pepper stumbled a bit as she walked closer. "Why don't you like me anymore?" The tears fell. "Am I not pretty enough?"

Tony almost tripped as she got closer. His head was really starting to hurt now. He noticed Rhodey started getting closer too.

"Why don't you tell me anything?" Rhodey asked. "Don't you trust me?"

"What? O-of course I do!" Tony said shaking his head.

"Then why don't you tell me anything!? Why don't you trust me like you trust her?"

Was Rhodey jealous of Pepper? Was Rhodey jealous of his closeness to Pepper? How could he be, he tells him more stuff than he tells Pepper…

Whitney stepped forward now. "Why don't you love me? Was I not good enough for you?"

"W-whitney, that's not it!...Y-you know why I don't!"

"Why don't you love me like you love her!?" Whitney accused, shedding her own tears.

They all started closing in, not even giving Tony space. Accusing him of not liking/loving them, of not trusting them, of not being there for them, of not spending enough time with them. Accusing him. Glaring at him. Crying because of him. Why?

Why couldn't he ask the questions? Why were they all of a sudden accusing him of these things? Did they really not like him?

"You have to kill them" A voice said. "There's no other way."

Tony's eyes widened. Who dare say that!? Who would dare to think that he would kill his family, his friends!? Who?

"They are useless to you," The voice continued. "They only weigh you down!"

Tony shook his head. "I WON'T!" He shouted. "I will NOT kill my family!"

"But family slows you down, family can only hurt you." The voice urged.

"My family doesn't slow me down!" Tony shouted, enraged that someone would even think that he would even consider killing them. Even if someone was a serial killer, Tony would never have the heart to kill. Never.

"Tony?" Pepper voice cracked. "You're going to kill me?"

Tony stared at her. "No! N-no! Pep, I could never do that! I promise!"

Pepper cried harder. "Do you hate me that much!? So much that you want to kill me?"

They were getting closer and closer, and Tony could hardly find his way out. Not even running. They closed in on him. Blocked out any exits.

"Kill them!" The voice encouraged. "They don't even exist, they aren't even real!"

"NO!" Tony screamed out. He would never kill them! Real or not! He could never kill someone. Never. Not in his life time.

"Then maybe they can make the choice…that you never could."

Tony didn't have any chance to respond.

They all took turns stabbing him.

Killing him.

See what I mean? SEE WHAT I MEAN? This is the 'fabulous' turn I made. -,- Phew, it's over with. The hard work is finally over! -wait, whats that? There's more CHAPTERS!? *Groans* Darn it! Hopefully you guys like it enough for me to continue...right?

Fun Fact: I hate typing with cold fingers...it makes me write tons of mistakes...

This story is inspired by an Anime: D Gray-man. And half inspired by one of the actual episodes of IMAA. (Can't remember the name right now, and I'm to lazy to check).

Tomorrow I'm going to see Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters with a friend, who might sleepover, so don't expect an update for a few days. Plus, I'm close to finish Baby Genius. I started on that yesterday. Yippee!

Hugs and Love, SilverPedals!

P.S. Don't forget any last minute Pepperony Contest entries! :D You have until MIDNIGHT on August 15th! Which, may I remind you, IS TOMORROW! But I will most likely wait until a couple days later to announce the winner!