Welcome to my new fic! This story will be based of the episode Look Homeward Ray. What will happen when Ray catches up with an old flame? Find out!

Denise helped Ray pack his things for their trip out of town. Ray had been invited to his hometown to take part in an annual parade. Because of all his success, he had been named grand marshal.

"Are you sure you want to come with me?" Ray asked. "It won't be anything great. Just a little get-together with some childhood friends."

"Honey, I wouldn't miss this for the world", Denise said. "It's not every day you get to be grand marshal of a town parade. Besides, I want to meet your old friends. Maybe they can tell me some embarrassing stories about you."

Ray blushed as he shut his suitcase. He would be embarrassed for sure, but he still loved Denise.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Just about", she answered, zipping up her bag. "Can we stop at the pharmacy first? I need something to settle my stomach."

"Everything okay?"

"Just an upset stomach. Nothing to worry about."

Denise looked away as she picked up her bag. She had been feeling nauseous for the past few days but hadn't told Ray why yet. If she did, he would freak out to no end. She wanted to wait until she found out why. Ray and Denise picked up their bags and headed to the train station.

"You sure you got everything you need?" Ray asked as they walked toward the train.

"I'm sure", Denise answered. "Are you sure you have everything?"

"I think so."

Just as they reached one of the doors to the train, they heard voices yelling through the station.

"Hold the train! There's a…lobster on the track!"

They turned to see the Ghostbusters running toward them with things in their hands.

"Ray, Denise, not so fast!" Peter said.

"We forgot a few things", Winston said holding up the items they were carrying.

"A small sample of articles", Egon said giving Ray a pile of books.

"A few scrapbooks", Winston said adding more books to the pile.

"And film of super Stantz in action", Peter said putting a can of film on top.

"Now you'll really impress the folks back home."

"It's nothing really", Ray said straining under all the weight. "Just a little celebration."

"Mr. Modest", Peter smiled. "It isn't every yahoo who gets to be grand marshal in the Winged Puma parade."

"Once every 10 years to celebrate the fact that nobody's seen the monster for hundreds of years", Egon added.

"Is that a crazy local legend or what?" Peter teased, ruffling Ray's hair.

"I'm excited to go", Denise said. "This is the first time I've ever been to Morrisville."

"Got to admit, the invite's a real surprise", Ray smiled. "When I left Morrisville, nobody thought I'd amount to anything."

"Look how wrong they were", Denise said taking some of the weight off his hands. "You got a successful career, you're making a lot of money, and you have a wife who loves you."

Everyone in the station screamed as they ran away from the entrance. The Ghostbusters looked to see what was happening then frowned to see it was just Slimer flying toward them.

"Raymond!" he called out. "Denise!"

"Slimer never learns", Peter sighed.

Slimer smiled as he panted. He held up a Stay-Puft Marshmallow man doll and put it on top of the pile.

"Thanks, Slimer", Ray said giving an awkward smile. "That's just what I needed…more public humiliation."

"That is so sweet, Slimer", Denise smiled. "Thank you."

Slimer smiled feeling good about himself.

"ALL ABOARD!" the conductor yelled.

"Well, bye guys", Ray said getting on the train.

Slimer began crying. He was going to miss Ray and Denise.

"Don't cry, Slimer", Denise said. "Morrisville's only 30 miles away. Ray and I will be back in a couple of days."

She pulled a tissue from her pocket and wiped off Slimer's cheek. He blushed red as she lightly pecked his cheek.

"Bye-bye, Ray!" he said waving.

Ray and Denise opened the window in their compartment and waved as the train pulled away.

"Bye, all! See you!"

"We'll call you when we get there!"

"Ray!" Slimer cried as he followed them. "Ray! Bye, Ray!"

"Goodbye!" Ray waved.


"Slimer, goodbye already."

"Slimer, watch where you're going!" Denise said as she and Ray pulled their heads back inside.

Everyone watched as Slimer flew right into the wall sliding down to the floor. He shook it off and continued waving.

"Bye, Ray!"