(Derek POV)

Its just like any other Sunday. Me and my friends hanging out at the basketball courts. Its right next to some playground and there are kids everywhere, but they never bother us. Well, except for today. These two really small kids, they looked about seven, started messing around on the court next to us. At first we didn't really care, but it was when they started "playing" basketball that they where getting on our nerves. They had no idea what they where doing. They where practically just throwing the ball as hard as they could at the net or at each other, and if they where trying to hit the net they weren't strong enough to make it, so it would usually just hit the pole and the ball would come over to our side of the court, causing them to run over and get it every five seconds. Also, one of them was really hyper. All that kid did was scream and run around. The other one didn't say much but he laughed at the other kid.

"Derek, man, go tell those kids to beat it." My friend David says.

"I can't just do that, I mean I know they are being a pain in the ass but their just kids." I say Looking back at them.

"Come on dude, look at 'em. Just go tell them to play on the playground or something." David says back. I guess I could. Its not like they are gonna hurt me or anything.

"Fine." I sigh as I walk over to the kids. "Hey guys!" I say in the nicest voice possible. The kids both look over to me. The quiet one stares at me for a second and says hi back in a small quiet voice. The other one smiles a really big smile at me. His two front teeth are missing, causing him to have a lisp.

"Hi! My names Stiles and that's Scott." He says pointing over to his friend.

"Alright, I didn't really ask but ok. Listen, is it ok if you two go play somewhere else?"

"Why?" He says with the string of an oversized sweatshirt in his mouth.

"Well me and my friends are trying to play basketball and you two are being a little loud." I say getting on my knees so I can talk to him face to face.

"You think that was loud? I can get louder! Wanna see?" The kid says jumping up and down. Before I could say no he was already running around making siren noises while his friend laughs at him.

After five minuets of the screaming I some how manage to calm him down, well sorta.

"So look, there is all that playground stuff over there, I'm sure you could play somewhere else." I say motioning over to the other half of the playground.

"Help us dunk the basketball." The kid says looking at me straight in the eye.

"Huh?" I said. I had herd what he said but I was just confused

"Help us, dunk the basketball." He said in this really annoying sarcastic tone.

"Why would I do that?"

"If you do it we'll go play somewhere else." He says.

I sigh. "Whatever, but only once."

"Five times." He says crossing his arms.

"Two." I say crossing my arms back.

"Five." He says again.


"FIVE!" He screams. Damn this kid has a temper.

"OKAY!" I scream back at him. I figured he would have been imitated and scared by that but he just laughed and grabbed his basketball.

After five turns of picking up seven year olds and helping them dunk the basketball in the hoop, I was tired. They where much heavier than I thought they where.

"So, can you guys go play somewhere else now?" I say with my hands on my knees, out of breath.

"Yah alright!" The hyper one says. Right before he runs off he gives me a hug. "Thanks!" he says as he wraps his arms around my legs.

"Uh, sure. No problem?" I say as he runs off to catch up with his friend. I sigh in relief. Thank God I will never have to help them again.