Been a while innit?

Warning: Future fic, Cheezy-sleezy, OOC, Adorable baby.


"We're here!"

"Yay! Look Rei, the sea!" Misaki moved Rei's hands as in cheering as Takumi turned off the engine. An eight month old Rei giggled as her mother then snuggled and kissed her cheeks. Misaki put Rei's hat on and made her way to the beach as Takumi began unloading their stuff. Summer was at its high and Misaki being Misaki; suggested that they went to the beach in order to save up on electricity rather than loitering around in the air conditioning at home. Takumi agreed immediately as Rei has never been to the beach before, thus; an impromptu family time at the beach.

Takumi began setting up the shade then smoothen out the beach towels to sit on and arranged their bags. Misaki changed Rei into her swimsuit and put on sunscreen before making her way down to the water's edge. She put Rei's small feet into the water; nervous that she might cry; where she instead giggled as the sand tickled her feet and had an expression Takumi had when he first went on a roller-coaster ride. Misaki couldn't help but laugh at her then made her way back to Takumi to take off her t-shirt and shorts.

"She looked just like you when you first rode the roller-coaster" Misaki giggled as she approached Takumi with Rei fussing; wanting to go back into the water.

"How did I look like?" Takumi said, amused by Misaki's comment.

"See for yourself" She handed Rei to Takumi as she took off her clothes, leaving her in a black bikini top with a matching pair of briefs. Takumi stood up and kissed Misaki on her cheek before making his way to the water with Rei in his arms. Misaki blushed and put on the shirt Takumi gave her.

"Let's go Reiiii!" Takumi held Rei in way that she looked like she was about to fly towards the water. Misaki looked at her husband and daughter playing in the sea and giggled again as they both had the same expression of pure excitement. Misaki couldn't help but smile at the expression Takumi had as he talked and kissed Rei while playing with the sand and water.

Misaki's stomach started to grumble in which Misaki rolled her eyes at herself. 'Honestly, why can't I control at least this part of my body' she knew Takumi would have chuckled if he heard it. She looked through the picnic basket for a snack but then decided to just start laying out lunch since it was already lunchtime. She mixed some hot water into Rei's porridge to feed her as they ate.

Misaki stood up and turned around to call her husband and daughter but somehow a person's torso blocked her view. She looked up into a stranger smiling down seductively at her.

"Hey there pretty. Wanna hang out with me? I'll buy you lunch" Misaki tried her best not to burst out laughing at the question. Was someone really trying to pick her up on the beach? But then again, her body has gotten a bit curvier since she had Rei and the black bikini accentuated it even more.

"No thank you. I'm married by the way" Misaki held up her left hand showing her wedding ring. Somehow that wasn't enough to discourage the guy.

"Awww…don't be like that. I know girls like you just wear it to scare off guys. Come on, I'll be good to you…" the guy started stroking Misaki's arm. 'Seriously?' Misaki thought as she slapped away his hand. Before Misaki could grab the guy's hand to use her Aikido to kick him; a hand pushed the guy's face to the side which made the guys loose his balance and fall on his side. Takumi then went forward to Misaki and bent down to kiss her on the lips.

"I'm back baby. Is someone bothering you?" Takumi handed a giggling Rei back to her mother then snaked his arm around Misaki's waist and pulled her close as he looked down at the guy who stared at them angrily. Takumi gave a deadly glare at the guy which made him cowered on his back.

"Not really, just trying to swat away a very stubborn fly" Misaki smile sweetly at Takumi and kissed his cheek. "Thank you dear" the family turned around to settle on the beach towel as the guy walked away defeated.

"Geez, he didn't even back away when I showed him my wedding ring" Misaki complained as she settled Rei on her portable car seat and but he bib on to feed her. Takumi chuckled at her as he gave her a once over then offered a piece of apple. Misaki nibbled at the apple as she fed Rei who was starting to blow bubbles with her food.

"Well, you do look way sexier than before" Takumi chuckled then continue "…but I'm the only one allowed to touch you" he grumbled. Misaki rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue at him.

"Possessive alien" Misaki said under her breath which made a very messy Rei giggle as she played with her food. Takumi tossed a piece of ice from the cooler which hit her on her arm. Misaki shot him a scandalous look which he in return stuck out his tongue.

"I heard that" Takumi passed her a bottle of cooled apple juice and continued rummaging through the picnic basket and pulled out small cooler for their ice cream. Misaki poured the apple juice into Rei's bottle and Takumi began pulling out random stuff from the basket; both parents were occupied. None of them noticed that Rei's was reaching out to her father, wanting some ice-cream. She looked from Takumi too Misaki while gurgling out bubbles from her mouth. Misaki turned to her and wiped off the drool then continued filling her bottle with some plain water. Somewhat unsatisfied with her parent's ignorance, Rei shouted out calling to her father.

"Da! Ma!" Both Misaki and Takumi turned to their daughter; both gaping at her words.

"Did you say Daddy princess? What did you say again?" Takumi went up close to Rei.

"She did not! She said Mama! I heard it!" Misaki countered Takumi. They both continued bantering as the confused Rei looked at her parents in amusement. She laughed which caught their attention and she continued to blow bubbles and laughing. Takumi laughed at her and picked her up high which made her laugh even more.

"It's not nice laughing at your parents when they fight you know" Misaki smiled and patted Takumi's arm.

"Sorry I got a bit defensive there" She gave Takumi a guilty look. Takumi returned the smile and pecked her on her nose.

"Oh well, she'll say it again when she wants too. Won't you sweetheart?" Takumi said as he kissed Rei's cheeks. Misaki just smiled soft at them as she continued her abandoned task.

"Make sure you say Daddy first okay?" he added under his breath.

"Hey! I heard that! Her first words will be mama!" Takumi and Misaki continued bantering as Rei returned to blow bubbles as she watched her mother pinched her father on his side.

"Hey Rei, say Daddy again" Takumi turned to his daughter only to find her asleep in her seat. Misaki laughed as he patted Takumi's shoulder to try to lift the gloomy cloud he was in from his daughter ignoring him.

"I'm sure she'll wake up soon. Then we can start again to see who she'll call first. You or me. Though it's obvious that she'll call me as I did bring her around for nine months" She said confidently. Takumi chuckled and kissed Misaki's cheek.

"Yes, yes. But I did change more diapers that you did. She remembers me more you know" Takumi said with a smirk on his face which Misaki snorted at.

"We'll see" She smirked at him. Takumi raised an eyebrow and smirked back at her.

"Yes, we shall see" challenging her.

The next two weeks was filled with each parent trying to coax a word out of Rei, which in the end resulted to Rei shouting 'CAT' as her first word at the pet cat Litch.


Hah, cheezy I know. Do all parents do this or just the ones I know and read about? Anywho, I thought it was cute. No? Well, I still think it's cute.

Well, hello fellow fanfiction maniacs. I have returned!*laughs evilly and chocks on own saliva*

Ehem, right. I know, this was waaaaaaay overdue. I have been trying to finish this for ages. I just can't seem to get it in the right exact mood that I wanted it to be. That, and I have been procrastinating way to long. I've been sucked into other fandoms which has got me mulling over fanfiction. I just read way too much than I intend to which is good thing right? The other reason is that I have been thrown head-first into tumblr in which the fandoms there are crazy good.

So, review and tell me your thoughts on this chapter or whatever you want to ask me about.

A belated Xmas to all that celebrates and a Happy New Year! May 2014 bring you better things and all the blessings in the world!


1 January 2014

11.10 pm.