The time had come to read the final installment in the stories about Holly's life.

Her fifth year was going to be one to remember, no one doubt that. But after reading it, they were going to have to decide who was staying and who was going—if anyone was going at all.

"So, who's going to read next?" asked Scott.

"I'll do it," offered Erica. She picked up the story and began to read.

Holly Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

My name is Holly Potter, and I'm a witch.

For ten years, I didn't know about this, but when I turned eleven, I received my Hogwarts letter and learned the truth about my past. I was the Girl Who Lived as Lord Voldemort seemed to vanish after trying and failing to kill me when I was barely a year old. I learned that my so-called relatives had known and tried to force the magic out of me and they failed miserably. I went to Hogwarts the following term, and felt at home for the first time. I gained two great friends, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger and some of the teachers became my friend as well. At the end of the year, I faced Lord Voldemort again and barely escaped with my life and all four of us were rewarded as we were heroes.

During my second year at Hogwarts, I learnt more about my past and powers and about Lord Voldemort while rescuing Ron's little sister who'd become like a sister to me, Ginny, from the dark enchantment that was on Voldemort's diary. She eventually recovered emotionally from what happened and now we're close friends.

During my third year, I was nearly killed by Dementors until Remus Lupin, a friend of my parents, helped me become strong enough to defeat them. Sirius Black, my secret godfather had also broken out of Azkaban. He'd been wrongfully imprisoned for a murder he didn't commit and a betrayal done by another, Peter Pettigrew. I hadn't known about this until my friends and I had discovered the truth. While we were able to clear Sirius's name, Pettigrew escaped, but sooner or later he'll be found.

During my fourth year, everything changed again, this time for the worst. I was forced to compete in the Triwizard Tournament alongside two rival schools and the other Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory. I nearly got killed several times and then during the Third Task, Cedric and I were taken and Voldemort had returned. Though I was able to tell the Wizarding World of the Dark Lord's return, Cedric was killed trying to protect me. I can't forgive myself for that.

At the moment, my summer has been somewhat bittersweet. While I am happy to be living with Sirius and Remus, my nightmares have worsened and I still feel terrible over Cedric's death. After what happened to me, Professor Dumbledore decided to restart what's known as the Order of the Phoenix—a secret group sworn to fighting Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Headquarters is at my home, and because of this and being unwilling to keep me in the dark, Sirius persuaded Dumbledore to let me in on the meetings. But for some reason, the headmaster's been avoiding me and barely said a word to me in weeks. I don't know why, but it hurts.

I sighed to myself as I stroked Hedwig, who was sitting on her perch in my bedroom. I felt so numb, angry and sad these days. Was I ever going to feel truly happy again?

There was a knock on my door and then Remus came in. "Holly, can you come downstairs for a moment? Sirius and I need to talk to you."

"Sure. I'm coming," I said.

Downstairs in the dining room, Sirius was looking hesitant and angry. "Holly, you haven't been reading the Daily Prophet lately, correct?"

"I quit reading it months ago after Rita Skeeter's crap was printed. Why?" I asked.

"There's something we need to tell you, but we weren't sure how to. Here, take a look at this," said Sirius. He handed me today's issue of the Daily Prophet. The headline read, 'Holly Potter, the Girl Who Lies?'

"What is this rubbish?" I demanded.

"Fudge is using all his power to discredit you and Dumbledore," said Sirius. "After the Third Task, Fudge fell under the belief that Dumbledore is after his job."

"That's insane," I protested. "Dumbledore's not on my best friends list right now, but for heaven's sake, no one in their right mind would think Dumbledore wants Fudge's job."

"That's just it, Fudge isn't in his right mind," said Lupin. "He's been twisted and warped by fear. Now fear makes people do terrible things. The last time Voldemort gained power he almost destroyed everything we hold most dear. Now he's returned and I'm afraid the Minister will do almost anything to avoid facing that horrible truth."

"Even becoming blind to the truth," I said, angrily. "But how could he? How could he really just make everyone think Cedric's death was an accident or that I went to perdition and back of my own free will and lied about it?"

"He's scared, Holly," said Sirius. "It's no excuse, true nonetheless."

I sighed in irritation. "And there's still no clear idea of what Voldemort's up to other than trying to kill me?"

"We think that Voldemort wants to build up his army again," said Sirius. "Fourteen years ago he had huge numbers at his command. Not just witches and wizards but all manner of dark creatures. He's been recruiting heavily and we've been attempting to do the same. But gathering followers isn't the only thing he's interested in. We think he's after something he didn't have last time, something dangerous."

"What, like a weapon?" I asked.

"Possibly, but we're not sure," said Remus. "We just know that it's in the Department of Mysteries. But the problem is, there are countless things in there and none of us have access to that department."

"Swell," I muttered. "Oh, and guess what I heard from Ron yesterday? Percy's disowned his family. He wrote to me last night. After last June, he got a promotion from Fudge, a special one for someone with just one year out of school, Junior Assistant to the Minister. He came home, expecting them to be all happy, but they weren't."

"Let me guess, they think Percy only got the job because Fudge wants him to spy on the family?" guessed Remus.

I nodded. "And it got worse. Percy said a lot of horrible stuff. He said a lot of horrible stuff. He said he'd had to deal with Mr. Weasley's reputation ever since he joined the Ministry, and it was because of his lack of ambition that they'd never had much money." I was beyond ticked off to hear of that and had sent Percy a little gift as a result.

Sirius looked flabbergasted and angry. "He did not!"

"He said WHAT?!" yelled Derek, furiously.

"What the heck are these people thinking? How can the papers print such garbage about Holly?" fumed Isaac. "Cedric was killed trying to protect her! They saw what state she was in after the Third Task! How can they patronize that?"

"The tragic thing is, it's easier to get people to indulge in fear and lies rather than truth and honesty," said Sheriff Stilinski, shaking his head.

"I hope Fudge loses his job," said Stiles, as everyone nodded in agreement.

"He did. Percy also said that Dumbledore was an old fool, I was crazy and if the Weasleys going to stand with you and Dumbledore, then Percy was going to make sure everyone knew where his true loyalties lay—with the Ministry—and that he didn't belong to their family anymore. He packed up his things and moved into a flat in London that same night."

Remus and Sirius looked furious.

"When I get my hands on that little—!" fumed Sirius.

Remus looked like he was about to wolf out on Percy as well.

"Don't worry, I already sent Percy a few Howlers about it," I said. I only wished I could've seen Percy's face when all twelve Howlers exploded on him and screeched at him. "Can we…can we get out of the house for a bit?"

I was starting to feel cooped up and a little sunshine. I knew that staying inside wouldn't help me at all and I'd been indoors for quite a while that summer.

Remus and Sirius immediately agreed, as though they were hoping for this. So, we went shopping in a Muggle town and had a bit of fun. I started to feel better for the first time in so long that I actually smiled and laughed that day.

I should've known it wouldn't last.

While we were on our way back to our car that Sirius had managed to procure from a Muggle renting company, which he'd parked in a deserted alley, storm clouds gathered and the wind picked up as the temperature quickly dropped to the point where a puddle at my feet froze.

Instantly, I knew what was happening and felt my heart skip a beat. "Sirius, Remus!" I yelled.

Two Dementors came into view and immediately attacked us. Sirius, having yet to full shake off the effects of Azkaban, quickly fell under their dark powers. I hadn't brought my wand with me, which was foolish on my part. But Remus was always prepared. He drew his wand and conjured up a Patronus that was strong enough to send both Dementors.

Remus then checked on me. "Holly, are you okay?"

I nodded. I was shaken and cold, but I was okay. "I'm fine. Just check on Sirius."

I was more worried about him as I hadn't seen him this badly off since I drove off over a hundred Dementors during my third year.

Remus gave me some chocolate and then examined my godfather. Thankfully Sirius was fine after he had some chocolate and we didn't hesitate to get to the car and head home.

Following the Dementor attack, Sirius filed a rather angry letter of complaint to Fudge and Remus left to inform Professor Dumbledore of what had happened. Sirius also put a Fidelius Charm on the house and made Remus the Secret-Keeper to ensure our home was safe.

I wrote to Ron and Hermione about it and they were both shocked that it happened and angry that someone had sent Dementors after me. While I knew the Dementors longed to consume Sirius, I couldn't ignore the feeling that they were after me and not him. But I had no proof of it, so I kept my suspicions strictly between myself, Sirius, Remus, Ron and Hermione. My friends later came by and camped out with me for the rest of the summer, for which I was grateful as I'd missed them greatly.

Sirius was positively furious for the next few days after the attack. He'd received word from Fudge that that while no one doubted something had happened that made Remus use the Patronus Charm, he didn't believe it was a Dementor attack. Fudge insisted that no Dementors were outside Ministry control and no one at the Ministry of Magic had ordered an attack on me or my guardians. It was all a load of waffle, but there were times when I wondered if it had been Lord Voldemort who'd sent them.

For first time since I'd first gone to Hogwarts, term seemed to arrive too quickly and I had no desire to return to Hogwarts that year as I didn't want to face what I knew was to come.

Thankfully, some good news came. Ron and Hermione were made Gryffindor's prefects. I was happy for them all. They deserved what they got. Soon, we were traveling down to the platform. I didn't want to leave Sirius and Remus, but I had no choice. I still had three years left of schooling to complete and I was only fifteen years old, far too young to discontinue my education.

Before boarding the Hogwarts Express, Sirius and I had a moment alone. "Holly, I want you to know that if you have any problems at Hogwarts, then just write and Remus and I will come and get you."

I nodded. "I know." It was going to be a hard year, but I had to go. Much as I wanted to leave Hogwarts and never go back so I could avoid the difficulties that were sure to come, I knew that if I ran away now, I'd never stop running. I had to go.

Sirius smiled a little at me. "Here," he said. "I want you to have this."

He handed me an old black-and-white photo after taking it out of his pocket. "This is the original Order of the Phoenix. There's McKinnon, she was killed two weeks after this was taken. Voldemort wiped out her entire family. There's Frank and Alice Longbottom, two of the best Aurors I ever met." He sighed. "It's been fourteen years and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss your parents."

"Me too," I said, sighing. "Sirius, do you really think there's going to be a war?"

"It feels like it did before," he admitted. "But this time, we're all together. We're not really alone. Besides, I suspect you're the young ones now."

I nodded. "I wish you and Remus could come with us to Hogwarts," I confessed.

"I do too, Holly, I do too," he said, as he hugged me. "And so does Remus. But we're only an owl away and you've still got the mirror I gave you, so you're not alone."

"Thanks, Sirius."

After I said my good-byes to Remus, I got onboard the Hogwarts Express. It was a relatively pleasant journey, that is until we got off and Malfoy walked by. "I'm surprised they're still letting you walk free. Isn't there some Nutters Ward in St. Mungo's with your name on it?"

In a fit of anger, I lunged for him, but Ron and Hermione held us back.

"Just stay away from me, Malfoy!" I yelled, angrily.

"Calm down, it's only Malfoy," said Ron.

I shook my head. Ron didn't get it. He never would get it because he would never know what I'd been feeling since Cedric's death. And nor did he know how sensitive I felt about what he just said since I knew the fate of Neville's parents.

"As usual, Malfoy has to act like an arrogant buffoon," said Alison, disgusted.

"I'm more worried about those Dementors. If they're not outside Ministry control, then why did they attack Holly?" asked Melissa.

"Most likely someone at the Ministry did it behind Fudge's back to get Holly to keep her mouth shut about Voldemort," said Stiles.

"It wouldn't surprise me if that were true," said Boyd. "Guess we'll find out."

We came to the carriages and that was when I saw them. Black, leathery, reptile-like winged creatures were pulling the carriages. I'd never seen them before and couldn't decide if they were amazing or frightening. Probably both.

No one else seemed to notice them, which made me wonder if I was truly crazy. I stroked one and it nuzzled the palm of my hand before I got into the carriage with my friends.

"You're not mad you know," said a blond-haired girl reading an issue of The Quibbler upside down. "I can see them too."

"Everyone, this is Loon—ah, Luna Lovegood," said Ron. "She and I went to the ball last year. She's in Ginny's year, but a Ravenclaw."

"Nice to meet you," said Hermione.

"Likewise," said Luna, as she went back to reading her magazine.

Eventually, we got inside the Great Hall and after a very long Sorting, Professor Dumbledore got up to make his usual speech.

"Good evening children," Professor Dumbledore said with a smile on his face. All eyes were on him and the room was completely silent. "Before we begin our start of term feast, I have a few words to say. We have two changes in staff this year. We're pleased to welcome back Professor Grubbly-Plank," He turned to a woman sitting at the staff table. He then turned back to the students and continued. "She will be taking Care of Magical Creatures while Professor Hagrid is on temporary leave. We also wish to welcome our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher Professor Dolores Umbridge. I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing the Professor good luck. Now as usual, our caretaker Mr. Filch has asked me to remind you—" then he was interrupted by Umbridge who said, "Hem, hem."

Professor Dumbledore fell silent and everyone turned to Umbridge with shocked expressions on their faces. No one had ever interrupted Professor Dumbledore during his speech before. Professor Dumbledore turned to Umbridge and she got to her feet. She then walked around the staff table and she walked up to the podium next to Professor Dumbledore.

"Thank you Headmaster, for those kind words of welcome." Umbridge said in a voice that made you want to crawl under a rock. "And how lovely to see your bright happy faces smiling up at me."

But no one was smiling or even looked the slightest bit happy. I felt a wave of dislike for this woman.

"The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance," Umbridge continued. "Although each Headmaster has brought something new to this historic school, progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved. Perfect what can be perfected. And prune practices that ought to be prohibited." She then let out another fake girly laugh and she headed back to her seat at the staff table.

"Thank you, Professor. That was quite illuminating," said Professor Dumbledore. "Now, as I was saying…"

"Illuminating?" said Ron. "That was the biggest load of waffle I ever heard and I grew up with Percy."

"Actually, I agree with Dumbledore," said Hermione.

"Why? What does it mean?" I asked.

"It means that the Ministry's interfering at Hogwarts," said Hermione, with venom.

"Crap," I whispered. If the Ministry was interfering during our O.W.L. year, then how were we ever going to get through any of it?

I took the long route to the Gryffindor common room, dreading what was going to happen when I came in, but there was no way to prevent it. There had been music playing and chatter, but all fell silent when I came in. I ignored this as I went up to Dean.

"Hi, Dean," I said. "Good holiday?"

"It was okay. Better than Seamus' anyway, he was just telling me," said Dean.

"Why? What happened?" I asked. Had something bad happened to him?

"Me mum didn't want me to come back to Hogwarts this year," said Seamus.

I sighed in anger. Suddenly, I knew where this was going. "Let me guess, it was because of me and Professor Dumbledore, am I right? She believes what the Daily Prophet says? She thinks I'm a liar and Professor Dumbledore's an old fool?"

"Pretty much, yeah," said Seamus. "Look, none of us were there the night that you disappeared and came back with Cedric's body…"

"Then why don't you just read the Daily Prophet like your stupid mother then? It'll tell you everything you need to know!" I snapped. I wasn't about to discuss Cedric's death with Seamus, especially not if he believed all the crap the papers were saying about me.

"Don't take a go at my mother!" said Seamus, angrily.

"I'll have a go at anyone who calls me a liar and Professor Dumbledore mad!" I growled.

"My Gran says that's all rubbish," piped up Neville. "She says it's the Prophet that's downhill, not Dumbledore, Helena and Cedric. She's cancelled our subscription. She said she always knew You-Know-Who would come back and she says if he's back then he's back."

"Thanks, Neville," I said, gratefully.

"What's going on, here?" said Ron.

"She's mad, that's what's going on!" said Seamus. "You really believe all that rubbish she and Diggory are coming out with about You-Know-Who being back?"

"Yeah, we do," said Hermione, fiercely.

"Then you're mad too," said Seamus, disdainfully.

"Yeah? Well, unfortunately for you, pal, we're also prefects!" said Ron, angrily. "So, unless you want detention, watch your mouth! Anyone else got a problem with Holly?"

No one replied as Hermione and I went up to our dorm.

"You alright, Holly?" asked Hermione.

"I don't know anymore," I said, as I yanked my tie off. "How am I supposed to keep going on if some of my own friends are turning their backs on me?"

"I don't know," she admitted. "But it doesn't matter. Seamus was just out of order and they'll know you're right in the end, won't they?"

"But how much more of this will we have endure until then? It's only the first day back, and I feel like I'm ready to break something! Ever since Cedric died, when I don't feel numb, I feel sad and angry and frustrated," I said. "Right now, I want to go down and curse Seamus for all of what he just said!"

"I know, Holly, but you've got to keep control over your temper. I'll report this if it gets out of hand," said Hermione, soothingly. It'll be alright soon, I promise. Is there anything I can do for you?"

I shook my head. "I think I just want to be alone right now." Hermione meant well, but telling me to control my temper wasn't helping me.

"Okay," said Hermione. "I'll be downstairs if you need me."

She left me alone and I ended up crying myself to sleep and wishing I was back home with Remus and Sirius.

"Some friends she's got," said Scott, shaking her head. "Why wouldn't they believe her over the newspaper?"

"In times of fear, no one really knows what to believe, so they look for simple answers rather than facings the truth," said Lydia. She shook her head. "I'm surprised she didn't curse Seamus. He deserved it."

"Sometimes it's best to turn the other cheek," said Melissa.

The next morning we had Umbridge's class as the first class of the day.

I was not looking forward it one bit.

We went in and sat down. The students were playing with an origami bird that'd been bewitched to fly around the room. It was all quite fun until Umbridge came in and burned it with her wand.

"Good afternoon, class," said Umbridge, sweetly. "Wands away please." She raised her wand at the chalkboard and read off what she wrote in a patronizing tone. "Ordinary Wizarding Level Examinations. O-W-L's. More commonly known as O.W.L.s. Study hard and you will be rewarded. Fail and the consequences will be severe." She made copies of our new book for the year, Dark Arts Defense Basic for Beginners, float to us. "Your previous instruction in this subject's been disturbingly uneven. But you'll be pleased to know that from now on, you'll be following a carefully structured Ministry-approved course of action."

Hermione raised her hand. "Excuse me, but there's nothing in here about using defensive spells."

"Using spells?" said Umbridge. "Why, I can't imagine why you'd need to use spells in my classroom."

"We're not going to be using magic?" said Ron.

"You're going to be learning defense in a risk-free way," said Umbridge.

"That's insane! If we're going to be attacked, it's not exactly going to risk-free is it?" I said, angrily.

"It is the view of the Ministry that a theoretical view of the knowledge will be sufficient to get you through your examinations which after all, is what school is all about," said Umbridge, ignoring me.

"And how's theory supposed to prepare us for what's out there?" I demanded.

"There is nothing out there dear," Umbridge assured me. Who do you imagine would want to attack children like yourself?"

"I don't know, maybe Lord Voldemort?" I said, sarcastically. The other students gasped as I rolled my eyes.

Umbridge looked furious as she slowly stepped forward towards me. "Now let me make this quite plain. You have been told that a certain Dark Wizard is at large once again. This…is…a…lie!"

"It's not a lie, it's the truth!" I shouted. "Cedric was murdered at his hands while trying to protect me! I saw Voldemort! I was tortured by him! I fought him!"

"This is a lie!" said Umbridge.

"So, according to your information, I went to perdition and back of my own free will and Cedric Diggory dropped dead of his own accord?" I yelled.

"Mr. Diggory's death was an accident!" said Umbridge, firmly.

"IT WAS MURDER!" I yelled.

"Enough!" Umbridge shouted. "A week's detention, Miss Potter. You'll come to my office at five o'clock this evening and I shall see if I can quiet down those crazy, nasty, attention-seeking lies of yours."

I was fuming with anger, but didn't dare go further.

Even if some people didn't believe me, no one thought it was fair I got detention for standing up for myself and stating the truth about Cedric's death.

The time then came for my detentions. When I went inside Umbridge's office, I saw that everything—even the sugar and her tea—was every possible shade of pink and so were her clothes. There was enough pink to make me vomit and for some reason, I even found the mewing kitten plates on her walls distasteful.

"Good evening Miss Potter," she said, sweetly. "You're going to be writing some lines for me with a special quill of mine."

"What do you want me to write and how many times?" I asked.

"You are going to write, I must not tell lies. You'll write it until the message sinks in," she said, sweetly. "In your best handwriting, as well, or it'll be a month's detention."

I glared at her and began writing as neatly and as nicely as I could. I tried to ignore the pain on the back of my left hand, wondering what was making it hurt and then I saw it. The quill was a Blood Quill and cut into my hand were the words, I must not tell lies in my best handwriting. I bit down on my tongue as the pain grew worse. I'd gone through the Cruciatus Curse without screaming. I was not going to give in to this pathetic excuse for a witch and let her known I was in pain.

Isaac looked furious. "I'm going to kill her!"

"Get in line," snarled Derek, as his eyes flashed red.

"That evil little toad. I hope something bad happens to her!" said Stiles.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

After an hour, my hand was bleeding quite a bit as Umbridge inspected it. "Yes, it's painful, isn't it?" she said. "But you know, deep down that you deserved to be punished. I'll see you tomorrow night, Miss Potter and you detentions will be over after Friday night. I hope this teaches you a lesson."

Yeah, it teaches me that you're the most evil woman I've ever met, you foul old toad! I screamed in my mind. I glared at her as I yanked out a handkerchief for my hand and left her office, trying to will the pain to go away.

I wrote to Sirius the morning after detention, calling him Padfoot and writing in code just in case the letter was intercepted by the Ministry or Umbridge. Paranoid as it might've seemed, I didn't trust either one of them at the moment.

Dear Padfoot,

I'm calling you thas just in case this is intercepted. I don't really trust the M.O.M. or our new teacher at the moment.

Anyway, the first week back here's been terrible. Remember how you showed me where you grew up and I found the screeching portrait of your mother's? Our new teacher makes her look like a saint, she's that bad. Rumor has it she's only here because of attempts at interference at the school by people of interest.

A lot of people here, meaning most of the students and those I thought I could call friend don't believe me. It seems unreal how quickly one can go from being respected and admired to hated and thought of a crazed liar. I don't care either way, but it hurts knowing that people I once trusted and considered friends are now enemies and believe F's word instead of mine. How could they doubt my integrity or think I'd lie about what happened?

I want to believe everything's going to be okay in the end, but sometimes I don't quite believe it. In spite of being back here, a place part of me still loves and cherishes, I feel so alone. I'm sure you understand how that feels. And it doesn't help that Professor D.'s still avoiding me. I wish he'd just look at me. I need him more than ever now and he's turned away.

Trouble's followed me wherever I go since I first came to this place, and each year's been worse than the last. So, naturally I worry for all of us this year as I have no doubt something's going to happen. Nevertheless, I pray that my suspicions about what lies ahead are wrong.

I love you and Moony and miss you both so much.


After sending off Hedwig with the letter, I left the Owlery and went on a long walk.

Eventually, I ran into Luna, who was out near the edge of the Forbidden Forest, feeding the creatures I'd seen pulling the carriages.

"Hello, Holly Potter," said Luna.

"Hi, Luna," I said. I then noticed that despite the chilly autumn weather, Luna was barefoot. "Luna, forgive me, but aren't your feet cold?"

"A bit, but it's okay," said Luna. Unfortunately, all my shoes have disappeared. I suspect it's the work of nargles."

I just nodded before turning my attention to the creatures. "What are these things?" I asked.

"They're called Threstals. They're really not bad, and very sweet, but some people tend to avoid them because they're different," explained Luna.

"I know how that feels," I said, softly. "Why can't anyone else see them?" No one else had even noticed them the night term started.

"They can only be seen by people who've seen death," said Luna.

Oh. Well, that explained things. I didn't remember witnessing my mother's death, but I had witnessed Cedric's only a few months ago. But if they could only be seen by one who saw death, didn't that mean that Luna had seen death too?

"Luna, have you…have you known someone who's died?" I asked. "You don't have to answer that if you don't want to."

Luna shook her head. "I don't mind. I saw my mum. She was an extraordinary witch. But she did like to experiment and one of her spells went wrong one day. I was nine."

"I'm sorry," I said. I felt sorry for Luna. No one deserved to see such a sight.

Luna smiled at me. "Thanks. It's okay. I still miss her sometimes, but I've got Dad. And besides, I know someday I'll see Mum again. You know, Dad and I both believe what you said last June, that you saw He-Must-Not-Be-Named return and the Ministry of Magic's conspiring against you."

"Thanks," I said. "It seems like you're one of the few who does."

"Well, I suspect that's how he wants you to feel. If I was You-Know-Who, I'd want you to feel cut off and alone. You wouldn't be much of a threat that way," said Luna.

"Wish Dumbledore would listen to that," I murmured.

He was the only Voldemort ever feared, so how could he think avoiding me was for my own good? Assuming that was why he was doing this.

I let it fall to the back of my mind as I stroked one of the baby Threstals that took a liking to me. I felt a wave of sympathy for these creatures. People disliked them because they were different. It was wrong. They weren't that bad. They were even kind of lovely. I spent the rest of the afternoon with Luna, talking and becoming good friends.

"Creepy as the threstals sound, they do sound a little interesting," said Alison.

"Yeah, but seeing them comes with a price," said Isaac. "No one in their right mind would want to pay it."

"Indeed," said Peter.

I spent the remainder of my evenings that week in detention until it was finally over. I left Umbridge's class with my scar hurting again because Voldemort was in a good mood and my hand bleeding thickly through the bandage.

My hand was bothering me and I didn't really want to go to Madame Pomfrey or let anyone else know about it, but I had to tell someone. So, knowing he'd do anything for me, I went down to the kitchens where the house-elves were working. The house-elves liked me and believed what I'd said about Voldemort, so they let me into the kitchen with gracious welcomes and offerings of quite delicious food.

"I'm not really hungry right now, but thank you anyway," I said, politely as I turned down the offer of food. "Could one of you get Dobby for me? I need him."

"Yes, Miss Potter," said a she-elf. She disappeared and then quickly reappeared with Dobby, who was thrilled to see me.

"Holly Potter! So good to see you, Miss!" said Dobby. "What can Dobby do for you?"

"Can we go somewhere private to talk?" I asked.

Dobby nodded and then took me to a section of the kitchen that was empty. "What is it that Holly Potter requires of Dobby?"

I showed him my hand, which was still bleeding. "Dobby, can you make this stop bleeding or heal it or make the pain stop?"

Dobby looked alarmed at the sight of my wound, but said nothing as he nodded and with a snap of his fingers, healed my hand. But the scars remained.

"Dobby cannot remove the scars, Miss. Blood Quills are beyond that of even an elf's magic," said Dobby. "But who hurt Miss Potter? Tell Dobby so that he can give you justice."

I appreciated Dobby's kindness, but I knew I couldn't tell him. It wasn't worth the trouble. "It's not important. Right now, I need you to give me your word you'll tell no one about this and I mean no one. Dobby, can you do that?"

Dobby hesitated and looked as if he wanted to refuse, but instead he nodded. "Dobby knows that Holly Potter would not ask him to be silent unless it was for a good reason. So, Dobby will say nothing. But Holly Potter must tell someone when she's ready. Will Holly promise Dobby this, please?"

I wanted to say no, but I couldn't bring myself to refuse. "I promise, Dobby."

Dobby looked relieved and then hugged me

When I left the kitchens, I ran into Ron and Hermione.

"Holly, we've been looking all over for you. Where've you been?" asked Ron.

"Just visiting Dobby," I said, telling a half-truth. "Shall we go back to the common room?"

Unfortunately, Hermione noticed I'd shoved my scarred hand into my pocket rather quickly and grabbed it before I could stop her. She and Ron looked horrified at my scars.

"Holly, what is this? You told us Umbridge was giving you lines!" said Hermione.

"She did!" I said. "They just cut into my skin, that's all." And then I explained about the detentions and the quills of Umbridge's.

"Helena, this is sick and wrong! You've got to report this!" said Hermione.

"And give her the satisfaction of knowing she's got to me?"

"Got to you? Helena, the woman's torturing you!" said Ron. "You can't let her get away with this!"

"I'm not getting anyone else involved in this and end up causing more trouble than I'm trying to prevent! Sometimes it's better to just be quiet and get through it. Don't say a word to anyone. Do I make myself clear?" I demanded.

Rather reluctantly, they both agreed.

However, it was only a short while later when Professor McGonagall discovered what had happened. One the school's ghosts, who'd been lurking around invisible, had overheard everything and told her of my secret. Naturally, she had a conniption fit about it and confronted Umbridge.

"Dolores, how dare you!" she said. "Using a Blood Quill on a student! Have you sunk so low that you're resorting to torture to punish a student?"

"Torture?" she said. "So silly of me, but it sounds as though you're questioning my authority in my own classroom, Minerva."

"Not all, I'm merely insinuating that you resign to the disciplinary rules as set by the school!" she barked. "Your methods are positively barbaric!"

"Dear me, but to question my authority is to question the Ministry and by so doing, the Minister himself! I'm a tolerant woman, but the one thing I will not tolerate is disloyalty!"

"Disloyalty," she scoffed.

"Yes, disloyalty! Things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feared," said Umbridge. "Cornelius will want to take immediate action."

Immediate action was taken as Fudge made Umbridge Hogwarts new High Inquisitor. She had the power to inspect and sack other teachers. Fudge said it was so she could mend the falling standards, but that was a load of waffle.

Nearly all the teachers passed her inspections. It was quite funny to watch her inspect Professor McGonagall and look like she'd been slapped in the face. However, I say nearly everyone passed Umbridge's inspections as Hagrid had yet to return and Tralawny had been placed on probation for her inability to predict even tomorrow's weather. I hadn't been fond of Tralawny, but she didn't deserve Umbridge's wrath. I was about ready to slap her when she asked Tralawny to predict something as every idiot knew that no on could foresee something on demand.

Because Professor McGonagall had gone to Professor Dumbledore about the Blood Quills, so I didn't have to go back to Umbridge's detentions. However my hand wounds were somewhat deep and reopened a few times until I ended up going to Madame Pomfrey for help, who was as outraged as Professor McGonagall had been.

Umbridge came out with one Education Decree after another. It seemed impossible to even laugh or enjoy oneself anymore. To make thing worse Filch seemed to enjoy having Umbridge around and soon made it clear that his loyalties were to his beloved Dolores, which made us all vomit.

A few weeks later, Tralawny was sacked. Everyone saw it happen. She was in the courtyard sobbing as Filch tossed her luggage onto the ground.

"Sixteen years I've lived and taught here!" she sobbed. "Hogwarts is my home! You can't do this!"

"Actually, I can," said Umbridge, holding up a sealed paper. "Did you really think that your inability to predict even tomorrow's weather and your pitiful performances during my inspections, that you wouldn't be sacked?"

Without thinking, I ran across the courtyard and gave Tralawny a handkerchief and hugged her. "It's okay," I whispered, as she returned the embrace and cried into my shoulder. "It's okay. You're going to be okay."

"She certainly will be," said Professor McGonagall. "Sibyl, it's alright. You won't have to leave Hogwarts."

"Oh, really, Minerva?" said Umbridge. "And your authority for that statement is—?"

"Mine," said Professor Dumbledore, appearing. "You have the authority to sack my teachers, Dolores. But only the headmaster as the power to send them away. Minerva, please take Sibyl back to her room."

"Thank you, Dumbledore, thank you," said Tralawny, as she was led away and her luggage followed.

"And just what, may I ask," said Umbridge. "Do you intend to do with her when I appoint a suitable teacher who'll need her lodging?"

"Oh, there's no need for that. I've already found another teacher."

Umbridge looked furious. "You've found—? You've found?" she shrieked. "May I remind you, Dumbledore, that Education Decree Number Twenty-Two states that—"

"That the Ministry has the power to replace a teacher if and only if the headmaster cannot find one," said Professor Dumbledore. "I'm pleased to say that I have and he prefers lodgings on the ground floor."

Just then, Firenze, the centaur who'd saved me from Voldemort four years ago came into view. I was stunned. Firenze was our new Divination teacher?

"This Firenze, I'm sure he'll be quite suitable," he said, smiling. Then he turned to the students. "Now, all of you get back to your class!"

"Professor! Professor Dumbledore! I yelled, but he wouldn't even look at me. My heart sank. How much more of this was he willing to go through? How could he truly think any of us were better off when he was ignoring us?

"Okay, seriously. What's up with Dumbledore? Holly needs him and he's avoiding her like the plague," said Scott.

"I don't know. But I don't like it," said Isaac. "He needs to start helping Holly and I mean really helping her. He can't keep doing this to her!"

"No argument there," said Boyd. "I think Umbridge is going to get worse."

"How could she possibly get worse?" asked Stiles.

Erica rolled her eyes. "You had to go and jinx it, didn't you?"

That night, Hermione was venting about Umbridge.

"That foul, loathsome old gargoyle! We're not learning how to defend ourselves, we're not learning how to pass our O.W.L.s, she's taking over the whole school!" ranted Hermione.

"What can we do about it?" asked Ron. "Going against her isn't like the other times we've had our adventures. We're talking about the government for heaven's sake. I don't like this anymore than you two do, but what can we do to stop this?"

"I don't know," I admitted, as I tossed the latest issue of the Daily Prophet into the fireplace. "But we've got to come up with something."

Just then a voice hissed, "Holly!"

Our eyes fell onto the fireplace where Sirius's face was. "Sirius?" I gasped. "What're you doing?"

"Answering your letter," he said. "You said you were concerned about Umbridge. What's she doing, training you to kill half-breeds?"

"No, we're not learning how to use magic or anything useful at all!" said Hermione.

"I'm not surprise, word is Fudge doesn't want you all trained in combat," said Sirius.

"Trained in combat?" said Ron. "What, he thinks we're forming some sort of wizard army?"

"That's exactly what he thinks. Fudge is getting more paranoid by the minute," said Sirius. "The others wouldn't want me telling you this, Holly, but things aren't going at all well with the Order. These disappearances are just as how it started before."

"What do we do?" I asked.

"I don't know. I wish I could be of more help, but it seems for the moment, you're on your own," said Sirius.

Sirius then disappeared and there was a flash of thunder and lightning, reminding us of the storm outside.

"He's really out there, isn't he?" said Hermione. "We need help. We need someone to teach us."

"Who? Lupin?" I asked.

"I meant you."

I stared at her. "Me? Hermione, are you insane?"

"I think it's a brilliant idea," said Ron, happily.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "No. Absolutely not. Even if I was willing to teach, you're forgetting that no one's going to listen to me or want to work with me. I'm a crazed liar, remember?"

But Ron and Hermione didn't share my views.

"Holly, listen to me. Look at all you've done," said Ron. "First year, you fought off You-Know-Who for the Sorcerer's Stone—."

"If it hadn't been for my mother's protection and if Dumbledore hadn't turned up—"

"You killed a basilisk with a sword single-handedly and saved Ginny—" said Ron, ignoring my interruption.

"If it hadn't been for Fawkes and the Sorting Hat, I never would've—"

"You fought off a hundred Dementors at once—"

"That was sheer dumb luck. I nearly died doing it—"

"Last year," said Ron, nearly shouting now. "You fought off You-Know-Who again—!"

"LISTEN TO ME!" I shouted, making him shut up. But he and Hermione were smirking, as though they though they'd won the argument. They hadn't. "Just listen to me, alright? You two don't know what it's like! You don't know what it's like to witness someone you care about die in front of you and then have to live with the guilt of knowing they died trying to save you! Fighting, doing it in real life, it's not just saying a bunch of words and performing a spell, it's more than that! Do you think it was easy to go through all that? It wasn't! I was scared nearly all the time and I barely scraped through it! Out there, in the battlefield, all you've got is your guts and your brains and hope you've got a lot of luck because you could be dead within one second!"

I felt immensely better after saying all this and took a moment to catch my breath.

Hermione and Ron had stopped smirking.

"You're right, Holly," said Hermione, with tears in her eyes. "We don't know what it's like, but you do. You know what it's like to be on the battlefield. But you don't see how amazing you truly are. You fought off Voldemort and survived, you have experience, you're an outstanding witch and you've got what we need to learn Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"Come on, mate, who else are we going to turn to besides you?" said Ron.

I sighed, realizing I was defeated. "Okay, fine. When?"

"Hogsmeade weekend's tomorrow. Ron and I'll spread the word."

The next day, we journeyed down into the snowy outdoors. "So, how many people did you get to agree to meet us?"

"Just a couple of people," said Hermione.

"And where are they meeting us?" I asked.

"Hog's Head. I thought it should be somewhere a little more…discreet," said Hermione.

When we went inside, there weren't just a 'couple of people,' there were twenty-five students, including Fred, George, Lee Jordan, Ginny, Neville, and Luna. This was a couple of people? Good grief!

There was silence and awkward stares until Hermione said, "I've asked you all here because I feel that we're not getting the kind of learning experience we need. We need a proper teacher, one who's had real experience facing the Dark Arts. Someone like Holly."

"Potter?" said Zacharias Smith, in disbelief. "You can't be serious. Why her?"

"Because she's the best suited for the job," said Ron. "She's fought off You-Know-Who before and she survived a duel with him last June. She's more experienced than all of us. We need her."

"That is insane on so many levels! First off, we don't an inexperienced girl teaching us. Second off, what do we need protection for?" asked Smith.

"We need protection against Lord Voldemort because he's out there," said Hermione.

"Says who?" demanded Smith.

"Says Dumbledore, you moron," said Ron.

"Dumbledore says because they said it. The point is, where's the proof?" said Smith. "I think we'd all like to know what really happened last June when she came back from the Third Task with Cedric's body!"

I stood up, angrily. This was why so many had turned up. They'd come just to hear the story of what had happened in the graveyard. Well, if that's what they were after, then they were in for a great disappointment.

"Listen here, you lot!" I growled. "I came here because I thought you wanted me to teach you how to survive. I am not going to talk about what happened when Cedric died. If that's all you're here for, then you can get out now!" I glared at them as I sat down, but no one moved. Perhaps, I'd been mistaken.

"Is it true you can produce a Patronus Charm?" asked Luna, breaking the silence.

I saw no point in denying it, so I nodded. "Yeah, it is," I said. "I can produce a doe Patronus."

"Blimey, Helena! I didn't know you could do that," said Lee Jordan, looking impressed.

"She fought off You-Know-Who for the Sorcerer's Stone in her first year," said Neville.

"And she killed a basilisk with the sword in Dumbledore's office," said Ginny. "She saved me."

"Third year, she fought off a hundred Dementors at once," said Ron, proudly.

"Look, hold on a minute," I said. I need to stop this before it went any further. "It sounds really impressive when you say it all like that, but the thing is, most of that was just luck. I nearly always had help and I was usually scared to death when it happened."

"She's just being modest," said Hermione.

I shook my head. "No, Hermione. I'm not." I rose up from my seat. "Look, facing this stuff in real life is not the same as it is in school. In school, if you mess up, you can just try again the next day. But out there in the real world, when you're a split second away from death, or being forced to watch someone you care about die, your entire world changes." I was unable to fight back the tears that rolled down my cheeks.

"He's really back, isn't he?" said a third-year boy, tearfully.

I nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, he's really back. I wish I could tell you that he wasn't, but that would be a lie. Lord Voldemort's returned."

"And this is why we need Holly. Because if Voldemort comes for us, then we need to be prepared. So, are we all agreed that we're going to learn under Helena's tutelage?" asked Hermione.

"Yes," they said, in unison.

"Good." Hermione held out a scroll of parchment which she'd secretly jinxed. "All of you please sign this."

Everyone, including Smith signed the paper. Then we started to choose our name and a location to practice as we walked back up to the castle.

"Holly's going to be teaching them? Wow," said Stiles.

"She'll be a good teacher. She's got plenty of experience and she knows what she's doing," said Isaac.

"Don't count the chickens before they've hatched. Something's going to happen with that little group. Mark my words," said Peter.

"Can we be the Anti-Umbridge League?" asked Angelina, Fred's girlfriend.

"Tempting, but that'd tip off Umbridge for sure," said Hermione.

"How about the Ministry of Magic Are Morons Group?" suggest George.

"Definitely not," said Cedric. "However true that may be."

"The Defense Association?" said Colin Creevy. "The D.A. for short, so no one knows what we're talking about?"

"That's a great idea, but why not let it stand for Dumbledore's Army because that's the Ministry's worse fear?" I suggested.

"Perfect," said Ron. "But how we maintain contact without alerting suspicion?"

"Already taken care," said Hermione. She handed everyone a fake Galleon. "These have been bewitched with a Protean Charm. When Holly changes the dates on her coin, the coin will burn and then numbers on the coin will change."

"Hermione, you're a genius," I said, admiringly. "We'll hold D.A. meetings at least twice a week."

"Now comes the next problem," said Ron. "Where do we meet?"

"The Shrieking Shack?" suggested Ginny.

"We can't. It's too cramped," I said, shaking my head. "Not to mention, we can't sneak twenty-nine students pass the Whomping Willow."

"The Dark Forest?" said Fred.

"Not likely," said Ron, turning pale. "What about an empty classroom?"

"We'd be caught for sure," I said.

"Holly, what happens if we do get caught?" asked Ginny.

"Who cares?" said Hermione, surprising us. "It feels good, doesn't it? It's exciting, isn't it? Breaking the rules?"

"Who are you and what've you done with Hermione Granger?" said Ron, as we burst out laughing.

The next two weeks were spent trying to find a suitable spot to practice in. However, it was Neville, who managed to find the right place. After breakfast one late Friday afternoon, he found a special room and alerted us to it.

"You've done it, Neville," said Hermione. "You've found the Room of Requirement. It's commonly known as the Come-and-Go Room, only appearing when one has dire need of it."

"This is perfect," said Cedric. "Look at all this. Defensive books, mirrors, Sensory Sensors, everything! Neville, you're brilliant."

"Thanks," said Neville.

I changed the date on my Galleon and had everyone come into the Room after sending Dobby off to fetch them. Everyone was excited about the Room of Requirement, including Smith.

"Alright, now we're going to start out slowly. Stunning and Disarming. I know it seems small, but trust me, those spells are lifesavers," I said. "Neville, please join me up here. Now, you've got to wave your wand like this, but don't flounce it too much and say, Expelliarmus!" the model's wand was blasted out of its hand. "See, just like that. Now, you try, Neville."

"Expelliarmus!" said Neville. "I did it! I did it!"

"Good, really good! All of you get a partner and practice for thirty minutes and then we'll move onto Stunning."

Thirty minutes later, everyone had managed to disarm their opponent after I made sure they knew what they were doing.

"Excellent, now, Stunning can be tricky, but useful. Ron, Hermione, would care to demonstrate?"

They did and Hermione managed to Stun Ron on her first try. Fred lost a Sickle to George after betting on Ron to beat Hermione.

"Alright, now, just like that. Wave you wand like this and concentrate! Stupefy!" We went on practicing until we had to leave. We began practicing weekends and sometimes on weekdays when we were free. We knew Filch thought something was up, but he couldn't prove it as he never got into the Room of Requirement and ate some of Fred and George's Fever Fudge which put him in the hospital wing for a few weeks.

"You just need to concentrate and try not to let your emotions control your spell. With some spells, if you're really nervous and can't think straight, it'll backfire," I instructed, as we worked on the Levicorpus spell. "That's it, better."

We worked on Reductor Curse and the Bat-Bogey Hex, which Ginny proved to be the best at besides Hermione. Time passed quickly as we practiced the Hover Charm, Leg-Locker Curse, Jelly-Legs Jinx, Stinging Hex, Incendio, Bedazzling Hex, Riddikulus, Trip Jinx, Tongue-Tying Jinx, Protean Charm, Body-Bind, Hurling Hex, Impedimenta, Conjunctivitus Curse, Banishing Charm, Summoning Charms, and so much more.

"Think of it this way, every great witch and wizard started out as nothing more than we are now, students. If they can do it, why can't we?" I said, during one very trying afternoon when we were trying to improve everyone's Shield Charm.

The words seemed to inspire them as their progress improved dramatically overnight. Two days before Christmas Vacation started, we wrapped up our last Shield Charm lesson and then I made an announcement.

"Now, we're not going to be meeting again until after the holidays—" everyone groaned at this. "But you've all done extremely well these past few months, really, really well. So well in fact, that we'll be ready for the Patronus Charm after another meeting or two." This made them all cheer. "In the meantime, keep practicing, and really fantastic job, guys. All of you. Merry Christmas."

Everyone murmured "Merry Christmas," as they left and soon I returned to my dormitory with Hermione and Ron.

That night, in spite of my happy mood, I did not sleep well.

I had a vision of Mr. Weasley being attacked by a snake, only I was the snake. I woke up screaming as Hermione shook me and Ginny came in.

"Holly, what's wrong?" asked Hermione.

"It's Mr. Weasley, he's been attacked," I said. "A snake got him at the Ministry! Don't tell me it was just a dream. It wasn't! I saw it, it was real!"

"Dad's hurt?" said Ginny, turning pale. "I'll get Professor McGonagall."

Professor McGonagall came to see me and after telling her what I saw, she took me to Dumbledore's office and I explained what I'd seen again. It hurt to see that he wouldn't even look at me when I was scared out of my mind and wanted some form of comfort and answers as to what was happening to me.

Still, at least he believed me. He got help for Mr. Weasley and then summoned Snape to give me private lessons—lessons, he said could not wait until morning. I would study for a few hours and then I would go off to Sirius's place with the others when the morning came.

"What is it you're going to do?" I asked.

"There seems to be a connection between Voldemort's mind and your own. Whether or not he's aware of it, we don't know, but we need to prepare you to fight against him if and when he becomes aware," said Professor Snape. "The study of Occulumency will teach you how to close your mind from him."

"Meaning he'll use me and what I have locked up in here?"

"Exactly. However, I need you to drink this Calming Draught. You're too worked up. You must control your emotions. Strong emotions are a key into the mind."

I drank it without protesting and felt much better. "Thank you."

"Do not thank me, just work hard at this," he said, sternly. "During his reign of power, it was the Dark Lord's pleasure to invade a mind and it was only when he had his foes begging for death did he grant them this mercy. Now, I'm going to try and get into your mind. You must try to block me out."

He did, and I managed to send him out after he saw me blowing up Aunt Marge two years ago.

"Not bad, not bad. But you must try harder. Again!"

We continued this until morning came. I was getting better, but I was exhausted. At that point, the Weasleys, Hermione and I traveled to my home by Portkey and then went to get some rest. I spent the night with Sirius and Remus. Remus was on my left side with an arm around me and Sirius was in his dog form underneath my arm. They were both trying to comfort me and assure me I wasn't alone, for which I was grateful. I snuggled closer to Remus and hugged Sirius closer to me before I tried to sleep.

When Mrs. Weasley woke us up for lunch, I had a word with her. "Mrs. Weasley, is Mr. Weasley going to be alright?"

"St. Mungo's just sent us an owl saying Arthur will need to stay in the hospital for a while, but he's going to be just fine. The authorities got to him in time. If it hadn't been for your warning, though…" Mrs. Weasley's voice wandered off for a moment. "But thankfully, he's alright and he'll be back for the holidays, thanks to you."

"Good, that's really good," I murmured.

I was relieved that Mr. Weasley was going to be okay, but I still felt terrible inside. I went up to Buckbeak's room for time alone, so to speak. The hippogriff seemed to know I was upset as he nuzzled me and then wrapped his feathery wings around me as I snuggled close to him.

I hadn't told the others that I'd seen the attack from the snake's point of view. What if it was because Voldemort had been possessing me? No, that couldn't be it. Ginny had had blackouts when she'd been possessed. I hadn't. A feeling of dread sank into my stomach. Was I becoming like Voldemort? I didn't know as Buckbeak let out a soft squawk and nuzzled me again.

Christmas and Mr. Weasley's return in one piece took my mind off the dismal events. It also helped that Remus and Sirius were making sure I was cheered up and happy as the time flew by. We decorated the entire house for the holidays with tinsel, crystal, mistletoe, holly, enchanted snow, gold and silver baubles, and Christmas trees. We had a wonderful Christmas dinner, exchange of gifts, enjoyed hot cocoa in front of the fire, sang Christmas Carols, read old Christmas stories from an old book and had nothing but fun.

Two days before we would return to Hogwarts, I was going through the attic and came across an old scroll. When I began to open it, it magically unrolled itself to reveal a large family tree.

"Charming, isn't it?" said Sirius, startling me.

"Not quite the word, I'd use," I admitted.

"I know." Sirius came up beside me and shook his head at the family tree and point to the burn mark where he should've been but wasn't. "My mother did that after I ran away. I left when I was sixteen. I hated them all, them and their pure-blood mania. My idiot brother, the favored one, especially after I was Sorted into Gryffindor and ran off. He joined Voldemort and died a year later."

"Were your parents Death Eaters too?" I asked.

"No, but they were convinced being a Black made you royal and Voldemort had the right idea," said Sirius.

"Where'd you go when you ran off?" I asked, curiously.

"I went to your dad's. Your grandparents sort unofficially adopted me as their second son. I was always welcome at the Potters. After I got my own place, I went over to James and Lily's for Sunday lunch every week." Sirius gazed at me. "What's wrong? You look a bit worried."

I sighed. "Sirius, this connection I have with Voldemort, what if it's because I'm becoming more like him?" I asked. "What if…when I saw Mr. Weasley being attacked, it wasn't from the sidelines. I was the snake and when I was in Professor Dumbledore's office, I felt like I wanted to attack him. I just feel so angry and scared all the time. And I am worried to death that it's because I'm becoming bad like him."

"Holly, I want you to listen to me very carefully," said Sirius, as he placed his hands on my shoulders. "You are not a bad person. You're a very good person that bad things happen to. The world isn't split into Aurors and Death Eaters. There's a bit of good and bad in all of us. It's our actions, what we choose to do that defines us."

I nodded and buried my chest as he wrapped his arms around me. "I just…I want this to be over so badly. I want to stop fighting and I want to have a normal life," I confessed. Until Voldemort was dead and his forces vanquished, I was never going to be free. I would never know what it was like to have a normal, peaceful life.

Sirius's grip on me tightened as he stroked my hair. "I know, Holly," he murmured, softly. "I want it too."

I considered myself blessed to have Sirius and Remus for guardians, but nevertheless, I longed to be free of the shackles Voldemort had placed on my life. Would I ever have that?

Scott sighed to himself. "She's not the only one."

While Scott had accepted his lycanthropy, sometimes he longed to be cured and to be human again.

"Normality's overrated," joked Stiles, making them all laugh.

All too soon, Christmas Vacation came to an end and we left Sirius's home and went back to Hogwarts. But there was one speck of good news—Hagrid had returned. We arrived just as Umbridge left Hagrid's house and went in after knocking the door.

"I told you, I've—oh, it's you lot. Come on in, I've missed you," he said, as he hugged us and Fang licked us.

"We've missed you too," said Hermione. "Where've you been?"

I frowned when I saw the numerous cuts and dark bruises on Hagrid's face. "Hagrid, what on earth happened to your face? Those look horrible."

"It's not that bad. Really, it's not—OW! That stings, Holly!" he said, as I applied a bottle of healing ointment I'd borrowed from Madame Pomfrey to the wounds.

"It stings because your wounds are infected, now hold still or it'll sting more!" I ordered. Hagrid held still, but looked as if he wanted to protest further. "It's a miracle these aren't more infected, Hagrid!"

"Never thought I'd be told off about my health by a fifth-year," said Hagrid, chuckling.

Ron sniggered. "Well, it could be worse. You could have Madame Pomfrey fussing over you, Hagrid."

"So, where've you been?" asked Hermione. "Why couldn't you send word?"

"Dumbledore sent me to rally with the giants," said Hagrid. "I didn't have an owl with me and I couldn't give away my position with everything that's been happening. Not that hard to find the giants, to be honest. They're hiding up in the mountains. Sad thing is, there's only seventy or eighty left."

"And they hurt you?" asked Hermione.

"Not exactly," said Hagrid. "I gave them Dumbledore's message, but I wasn't the only one trying to get them."

"Death Eaters?" said Ron.

"Exactly. One of them was an executioner of dangerous beasts named Macnair. He was there."

"Somehow, that doesn't surprise me," I said, as I applied a small bandage to some of the cuts. "Alright, you should be okay now. But if they start hurting or reopen, go straight to Madame Pomfrey, okay?"

"I will, I will, don't fuss so much," he said.

"I'm fussing because you disappeared for nearly six months and turned up looking like you went through a fight!" I snapped.

Hagrid then looked a little sheepish. "Sorry," he muttered.

I shook my head. "No, I'm sorry. I just…I worry about you. I really missed you."

Hagrid smiled as he squeezed my hand. "I missed you too."

"Did the mission go a little well, Hagrid?" asked Hermione.

"Afraid not," he admitted. "Macnair won them over after there was some huge squabble between me and one of the other giants."

"At least you tried," said Ron.

"Yeah," said Hagrid. "But there's still a storm coming. It's happening again, just like last time. We'd best be prepared for whatever lies ahead."

It didn't help that there were storm clouds and a chill in the air when he said this. The war was coming and it would come soon.

The next day in the Daily Prophet, there was a report of a breakout in Azkaban after the Dementors left the prison. Ten well-known Death Eaters had escaped and Fudge was, once again, being a complete idiot about it.

"Dumbledore warned Fudge that this would happen!" said Hermione, as we went to sit down for breakfast. "Fudge is going to get us all killed because he won't face the truth!"

"Hey, Holly!" said Seamus, making me stop in my tracks. He looked apologetic and regretful. "I, uh, I wanted to apologize. Even my mum says that the Daily Prophet's account of things doesn't add up. What I'm trying to say is that I believe you both and I'm really, really sorry."

Despite my previous anger, I felt rather forgiving that day. "Thanks, Seamus," I said, as I hugged him. "Friends?"

"Friends," he said, smiling.

I noticed Neville was quiet when word of Azkaban's breakout hit him. I remembered about his parents and went to talk to him when he showed up for the D.A. meeting a little early. He was gazing at the photograph of his parents he'd taped to the mirror.

"Neville, you okay?" I asked.

He shook his head. "No, I'm not. Fourteen years ago, a Death Eater called Bellatrix Lestrange tortured my parents using the Cruciatus Curse until they lost their minds. They wouldn't give in, though. They never did."

"I know," I admitted.

He stared at me in disbelief and shock. "How-how did you know?"

I sighed. "I accidentally fell into Dumbledore's Pensieve last year and I saw Karkaroff spill the beans on that. I didn't want to say anything until you said it first. It was your business and I know how it feels to have attention you don't want."

"Thanks, Holly," he said, gratefully. "I'm quite proud to be their son, but I'm not sure I'm ready for everyone to know just yet."

"I understand. Neville, if your parents were here, I know they'd be really proud of you. You've come so far from your first year here. You're going to keep making them proud, I promise," I said, encouragingly. I believed everything I told him. Neville was a great guy and a really brave one at that. He was going to be amazing someday.

Neville said nothing, but just hugged me for a few moments.

That day, we were doing the Patronus Charm in the D.A. Everyone was making some progress, but the best ones were Luna and Hermione. Luna's Patronus was a rabbit and Hermione's was a silver otter.

"In order for the Patronus to work properly, you need to focus on a very happy memory, the happiest you've ever felt," I said, as I inspected everyone's progress. "A full-fledged Patronus is hard to achieve, but once it's done, you'll have your protection against a Dementor."

"How're we doing?" asked Hermione.

"You're all doing really well, but you need to keep at it. Don't expect a complete success on your first few tries. It takes a while to master it." I said.

"Says the girl who mastered it in a short space of time and fought off a hundred Dementors at once," said Ron.

"Ron, that was just—what was that?" I asked.

A booming noise startled us and we all fell silent. The booming noise came again and part of the wall blew out. Colin Creevy peered through it before I pushed him away when I saw Umbridge and her gang through the hole.

"I'll make short work of this. Bombarda Maxima," she said.

"RUN!" I shouted, as the entire wall blew away and narrowly missed us. Umbridge and her gang quickly rounded us all up and took Ron, Hermione, and I to Professor Dumbledore's office. Percy Weasley, Shacklebolt and Fudge were among them. Cho was there with large purple pimples stretched across her face and read 'SNEAK.' Hermione had jinxed the paper we all signed, so we'd know if anyone sold us out. I smiled at Hermione's spell work and was furious at Cho's betrayal.

"We've been watching them for weeks, Minister. Your fears that the headmaster was conspiring against you have been confirmed. Look at this! They've been calling themselves, Dumbledore's Army," said Umbridge.

I looked at Professor Dumbledore, as his eyes slid over the list of names on the paper. For a moment, I thought he looked touched and saw a glitter of tears in his blue eyes, but it vanished quickly.

"What have you to say, Dumbledore?" said Fudge.

"Well, Cornelius, it's time I come clean. You see, the list doesn't say Potter's Army, it says, Dumbledore's Army. Tonight was the first meeting. I was planning to recruit some of the students. Helena was to be my second-in-command."

I froze as I realized what he was saying. "No, Professor! It was all my idea. You had nothing to do with it!" I yelled.

"It's alright, Helena. It's so good of you to cover my part in this for me, but I must tell the truth," Professor Dumbledore said. "Holly, I am very proud of you."

"I knew you were planning to revolt against me, Albus, and here's the proof!" Fudge yelled. "Shacklebolt, Weasley, arrest him!"

"I'm sorry, Cornelius. If you're expecting me to, oh, what is the phrase? 'Come quietly'? I fear I shall not. I'm not going to Azkaban. I'm not going with you at all."

Fawkes flew over; Professor Dumbledore grabbed Fawkes's feet and disappeared in a flash of fire.

"You may not like him much, Minister," Shacklebolt said. "But you have to admit, Dumbledore's got style."

Fudge and Umbridge, who were red in the face, didn't say anything as we four took the chance to run out of the office.

"This is my fault!" I said when we were outside and near Hagrid's hut. "Dumbledore's gone and why? Because of me!"

"Holly, it was my idea to start the D.A. in the first place!" Hermione said. "You agreed because I insisted on it."

"Dumbledore did what he did of his volition, mate," said Ron. "You didn't know what he was going to do. Besides, the old hag was bound to catch us sooner or later."

"Then why does it seem like every time I try to do some good, it blows up in my face?" Was there even a point anymore? I tried so hard yet all I did was fail.

My attention was then diverted when I heard someone whispered, "Psst!"

Hagrid was on the edge of the Dark Forest and beckoning for us to join him. We followed him into the woods.

"Hagrid, what's going on?" asked Cedric.

"Well, there's something I need to tell you about. I wouldn't be bothering you at all with this, but with Dumbledore gone and me on probation, it's only a matter of time before I get the sack," said Hagrid. "But I just couldn't go without telling someone about Grawp."

"Grawp?" Ron repeated.

We came into view of a gentle-looking giant with torn pants and a torn vest We all stared and slowly backed up.

"This is Grawp," said Hagrid. "I found him in the mountains. He was getting picked on by the other giants for being a runt, only sixteen feet tall. I couldn't just leave him there because he's my brother, well, half-brother."

"And you want us to do what, exactly?" said Hermione.

"Keep him company, maybe teach him English," said Hagrid.

Hermione was suddenly picked up by Grawp, who held me in his enormous hands.

"Grawpy! We talked about this. You do not grab!" said Hagrid. "That's your new friend, Hermione."

"Grawp, put me down, please!" said Hermione, sternly but kindly.

Grawp gently put Hermione down and then handed her a bicycle bell, which she rang and it made him smile.

"Ahh. He's not that bad. He's kind of sweet," I said, smiling.

"I know," said Hagrid, happily. "The thing is, Grawpy can get his own food, but its company he'll be needing when I'm gone. He can speak a little. Grawpy, say my name."

"Haggar," said Grawp, slowly.

"See?" said Hagrid, proudly. "So, will you do it?"

"Uh, sure, Hagrid, sure," I said, unable to refuse him.

Ron and Hermione stared at me like I'd just agreed to take care of an angry Horntail before we left the Forest.

Umbridge was made Headmistress of Hogwarts, but Professor Dumbledore's office had locked her out. The D.A. meetings had ceased, but the members still maintained contact, minus Cho. None of us would speak to her after she'd sold us out to Umbridge. I found out she'd betrayed us because she blamed me for Cedric's death and had only gone along with the D.A. so she could make me fall when I thought I'd achieved a great height.

When Dobby the other house-elves found out that Cho had betrayed me, they spiked all her food with hot spices and what not and refused to do any laundry or other work for her.

Umbridge only punished me with one of her Blood Quills as Professor Dumbledore had said I was to be his second-in-command. Dobby mended my hand again, but it he couldn't take away my anger towards Cho and Umbridge.

The Inquisitorial Squad was formed, just Slytherins—including Malfoy—who were loyal to Umbridge, and they were given more power than the prefects. More Educational Decrees were formed and she tightened her control over the school. She even tried to force Hagrid to leave by sneaking up on him in the middle of the night before he fought her off with the help of Professor McGonagall, who made it clear that Hagrid was staying put.

The post was being searched, every chimney except for Umbridge's was being watched, and there were a lot of sentries, which forced me to contact Sirius and Remus with my mirror only when I knew it was safe, which was hardly ever anymore. I didn't even dare write anymore as I couldn't risk information being found out. Filch gained more power to dish out punishments to students including whippings—but no one got in his way, thankfully. Peeves went out of his way to cause plentiful amounts of trouble for Umbridge and Filch.

With everything that had been happening, plus the stress of passing my O.W.L.s and my tiring Occulumency lessons, I was about ready to burst with frustration and tears.

"Oh, swell. Umbridge is in control, Dumbledore's MIA, Hagrid's probably going to get sacked, Mr. Weasley's been attacked and now Hagrid's asked them to look after his half-brother. Looks like I did jinx it. Sorry," said Stiles, shaking his head.

"Jeez. What can Holly do now? She's powerless," said Scott.

"I wouldn't bet on it. She'll figure out a way out it," said Derek.

Unfortunately, this affected my Occulumency lessons to the point where when I was having one, there was a great fight. I was getting better at Occulumency but it wasn't good enough to please Snape and he took out his anger on me.

"You need to concentrate! If the Dark Lord invades your mind, you won't last two seconds!" he barked.

"I'm doing the best I can!" I snarled. "We've been at this for hours, if we could just stop for a moment and let me rest—"

"Your best isn't good enough!" he snarled. "And the Dark Lord isn't resting! Every memory, every tiny little thing in your mind is a weapon he can use against you, so for your own sake, concentrate!"

"I am!" I snapped.

Snape let out a growl. "I see so much of your father in you! His laziness, arrogance—"

"Shut up!" I shouted. "Insult me all you want, but don't you dare insult my father! He wasn't perfect, but he was a great man!"

"Your father was a swine!" he shouted. "You're like Black, always whining about how bitterly unfair your lives have been, well it may have escaped your notice, Potter, but life isn't fair! Your father saw to that! Now, prepared yourself!"

He aimed his wand at me, but then I raised mine at his, and said, "Protego!" And then suddenly, I was in Professor Snape's mind. I saw him when he was fifteen. He was a friend of my mother's, but an enemy of my father's. I saw my father and Snape have a fight where Dad ended up hoisting Professor Snape up by the ankles and my mother defended Professor Snape, and then the memory ended and I found myself back in the office with Professor Snape looking both shocked and angry.

"Get out, Potter. Your lessons are at an end," he ordered.

"No, I'm not leaving! Not until I get some answers," I said, sternly. "That's why you hate me, isn't it? Because of what my father and his friends used to do to you when you all fought? Because I'm James's daughter, is that it?"

"That's not—"

"Then what is it?" I interrupted. "Tell me!"

Professor Snape looked both angry and upset, but said, "I never hated you. I disliked you to some extent, but I do not hate you. I never could. Your mother was the most perfect woman I ever met. She was beautiful, clever, kind and gracious to some extent. I loved your mother with every fiber of my being. I love her still. We were childhood friends. But my love for her was unrequited. She only saw me a friend. Then we chose different paths and she discontinued our friendship after that incident you just saw because I called her a Mudblood when I was angry. Because of that, I had to watch as your mother, the only woman I ever cared about married my enemy, your arrogant swine of a father and see what should've been mine becomes his!"

I didn't think, I just slapped him so hard it knocked him down. "My father died trying to save me and my mother! When Voldemort came for us, he told my mother to take me and run while he tried to fight him off, even though he wasn't armed!" Tears were streaming down my cheeks as he just looked at me in shock. I ignored this. "My dad was killed by Voldemort first because he loved me and my mother and was willing to die for us! So don't you dare, don't you dare insult my father's memory like that! He didn't join Voldemort, he was willing to risk his neck by staying with Lupin during the full moon, he was willing to fight and die for those he loves, he was everything you're not and he was a greater man than you'll ever be!" I stopped to take a breath. "I'm sorry I can't be my mother and that I represent what you lost and could've had."

And with that, I ran from the office and didn't stop running until I was outside just as it grew dark. It was pouring rain and freezing, but I didn't care as I sat there crying until it became too much and I went to bed.

"Wait, hold on. So, Snape loved Holly's mom? Dude…" said Stiles.

"No wonder he was always acting so weird around her. On the one hand, she's James's daughter, but on the other hand she's still the child of the woman he loved," said Alison. "I feel sorry for him."

"Still, he should've treated Holly better," said Isaac, shaking his head. "What'll happen with him and Holly now that she knows?"

"Guess we'll find out," said Erica.

And she resumed reading.

From that point on, Professor Snape and I only spoke when necessary in class. We'd never exactly been friends, but now there was a definite rift in our lukewarm relationship. I told the others I didn't want to talk about it when I was asked and silently fumed and wept for weeks afterward. The Occulumency lessons had been discontinued as we weren't really speaking and because I didn't seem to need them anymore.

When the time came for our O.W.L. exams, everything went fine and was dull and quiet until our last written exam which was being supervised by Umbridge. There was the sound of something booming outside and when the door opened, Fred and George burst in on their broomsticks setting off fireworks that made the entire school cheer and laugh. Fireworks of red and blue, some that chased or stung the Slytherins, one that made all the Educational Decrees shatter and fall to the ground, and another shaped like a dragon that chased Umbridge and seemed to eat her as the students ran out of the hall and watched the twins fly away.

I joined in the cheering until I collapsed to the ground when another vision hit me. I saw Sirius in the Department of Mysteries being tortured by Voldemort who was going to kill him soon. I jerked back into reality and to my friends' worries faces.

"Holly, what is it?" he asked.

"Sirius is in trouble! Voldemort's got him!"

I started running as the others came after me.

"You're sure Voldemort has him?" said Hermione.

"Yes, I'm sure. It's just like with Ron's dad! Sirius said Voldemort was after something he didn't have before and it was in the Deparment of Mysteries. It's the same place I've been dreaming about for months. I saw a sketch of it in a book I read ages ago and didn't recognize it until now." I said.

"Holly, hang on a moment. What if Voldemort meant for you to see this? What if he's only hurting Sirius to get at you?" asked Hermione.

"What am I supposed to do, just let him go through with this?" I shouted. "I can't just let Sirius die! He's family!"

"Well, how're you even going to contact him?" asked Ron.

"I'll use the mirror, and if that doesn't work, I'll use Umbridge's fireplace. It's the only one not being watched," I said. Granted Sirius was a free ma, I had a feeling she'd punish me if she caught me talking to Sirius at all.

I tried using the mirror, but there was no reply, which worried me further. I broke into the old hag's office, but my friends followed me and we got caught.

Umbridge had me bound to a chair and the others, including Neville, Ginny and Luna, who'd come up to help us were being held by the Inquisitorial Squad. Umbridge glared at me.

"You were trying to contact Dumbledore, weren't you?" she demanded.

"Go to perdition," I snarled.

She slapped my cheek, I didn't even flinch, I just kept glaring as Professor Snape came in and said, "You called for me, headmistress?"

"Yes, I want answers, Snape. Whether she wants to give them to me or not," said Umbridge. "Did you bring the Veritaserum?"

"I'm afraid, headmistress, that I have none to give you. I sold my last supply of it to a private buyer a week ago. I won't have anymore until the next full moon, which is, I'm sorry to say, a month away," said Professor Snape.

He was lying, but I was glad of it.

"A month?" said Umbridge. "But I need answers now, Snape!"

"You have my deepest apologies, headmistress. I am good with potions, but not good enough to defy the natural laws of potion-making," he said, stiffly. "I'm afraid of no use to you at the moment."

"He's got Padfoot! He's got Padfoot at the place where it's hidden!" I blurted out, hoping he'd catch on. "He's got Padfoot! Padfoot needs help!"

"What does she mean Snape? What's Padfoot? What's hidden? What's she talking about?" asked Umbridge.

For a brief second, Professor Snape seemed to know what I was talking about, but he had to lie to Umbridge. He said, "No idea," and then left the office. I silently prayed he was going to get help.

Umbridge looked furious. "Well, if Snape won't help me. Then I'm forced to take matters into my own hands. The Cruciatus Curse ought to loosen your tongue, Potter."

"Professor, you can't!" said Hermione. "It's illegal!"

"What Cornelius doesn't know won't hurt him. He never knew I sent Dementors after Miss Potter last summer," said Umbridge."
"It was you? You sent those Dementors after me?" I said, furious. "Why?"

"They were all talking about silencing you, discrediting you somehow, but I was the only one who actually did something about it," she said, smugly. "Now, Miss Potter, you managed to escape the Dementors but you shan't be so lucky this time." She looked at me as if she was trying to decide which place would hurt the most when she performed the Curse.

"So, it was Umbridge who sent the Dementors. Why am I not surprised?" said Scott.

"Because she's pure evil and willing to cross lines to get what she wants," said Alison.

"Maybe she'll get punished soon," said Derek.

I wasn't about to give her the satisfaction of hearing me cry out.

"Voldemort couldn't even get me to scream when he used it on me. Do your worst, you self-centered, foul, loathsome, ugly old toad!" I growled.

Umbridge's face turned purple with rage. "Cru—"

"NO!" Hermione shouted. "No, Professor, stop! Holly, we have to tell her!"

"Hermione, no!" said Ron.

Hermione ignored him, took a deep breath and said, "We were trying to contact Dumbledore and tell him about the weapon. It's ready."

The others and I all looked shocked at this. That hadn't been what we were doing! What was Hermione up to?

"So there is a weapon?" Umbridge looked interested. "Where is it?"

"I'll take you there, but I'm not taking them," Hermione pointed to Malfoy's gang.

"Fine, but Potter comes too," Umbridge said.

I rose up and glared at Umbridge as Hermione led us to the Dark Forest. This surprised me. Whatever Hermione was planning, it had to be dangerous. What else besides trouble lay in these woods?

"How much further is it?" Umbridge asked loudly.

"Not much!" Hermione said, quickly. "It had to be somewhere students wouldn't stumble on to it accidentally."

We finally stopped walking and came to a tree with a broken rope. I realized it was Grawp's rope. He'd broken free! Oh, crap, not good! Hermione also looked pale with fear. Her plan had gone wrong.

"There wasn't anything out here, is there?" Umbridge said. "You were trying to trick me." She seemed to be losing her mind. "You know, I really hate children."

"Really, I had no idea," I said, sarcastically.

She raised her wand but then, out of nowhere came Grawp.

"Grawp!" Hermione yelled. "Stop her!"

Grawp seemed to understand and picked up Umbridge with one hand as if she was as light as feather.

"Put me down!" Umbridge yelled. She began blasting Grawp with spells which bounced off him. Grawp finally put her down as an arrow flew into his skin; he took it out as if it was just a small sliver in his skin.

"That can't be good," I said.

Hermione and I looked to see dozens of angry centaurs standing a few feet away. They were armed and dangerous.

"No, it's worse, it's bad," Hermione said softly.

"How dare you attack me!" Umbridge yelled. She cast a spell, which made rope strangle a black centaur with brown hair.

"Stop it!" Hermione shrieked.

I whipped out my wand and undid the centaur's binds, which allowed him to stand up as he walked towards Umbridge with the rest of the herd who seemed beyond furious. If there was one thing centaurs hated, it was trespassers and people like Umbridge.

"Law Fifteen B states that any creature with near-human intelligence—" said Umbridge, but she was cut off.

"You dare say that to our face, woman?" Bane yelled.

"Filthy half-breeds!" she shrieked.

Hermione and I shook our heads. That was the straw that broke the camel's back.

The centaurs attacked her, disarmed her and carried her off.

"Holly, tell them I mean no harm!" she yelled.

"I'm sorry, Professor," I said, smiling. "But I must not tell lies."

The centaurs carried her off into the distance as she yelled in fear.

"We need to get back. The others…" said Hermione.

"Oh, crap, come on!"

They started running as fast as they could, back to Umbridge's office and met up with the others on the bridge.

"How'd you get away?" asked Hermione.

"Easy, I told them I was hungry and they took away a Puking Pastel," said Ron. "Then Ginny did a brilliant Bat-Bogey Hex."

"That's great," I said.

"Wait, so who is it you're looking for?" asked Neville.

I told them about Sirius and how he hadn't responded to the mirror, which was why I'd tried to use Umbridge's fireplace. "…he's in danger. I sent Professor Snape a warning, though."

"Since when does Snape listen to you?" said Ron. "We have to go!"

"Ron's right," said Ginny. "We need to go."

"There is no 'we,' here. Look, I really appreciate all you've done, but I've got you all in enough trouble. I'm going on my own," I said, firmly.

"Dumbledore's Army was all about standing up against You-Know-Who. Did you really mean all you said, or was all of that just a bunch of talk?" said Neville, as the others nodded in agreement.

I was severely annoyed and touched by their devotion. "Even if I do let you come, how on earth do we even get to the Department of Mysteries? They're watching the Floo Network, Apparation can't be done here, and brooms are too much of a risk."

"That's easy," said Luna, pointing the Threstals who'd come up to us.

I smiled at Luna and we all got on them. Hermione, Ron and Ginny rode on one, Neville and Luna rode on the other and Cedric and I were on the next. We flew off to London and to Ministry of Magic.

As soon as we were inside the Department of Mysteries we ran down the numbered aisles, searching for Sirius. Soon we arrived at number ninety-seven, but there was no sign of Sirius, nor was there any sign of any other human beings besides themselves even there.

"He should be here! This is where I saw him." I said.

"I don't think Sirius was ever here, Holly," said Hermione.

"Holly," said Neville. "Why does this have your name on it?" She pointed to one of the orbs. On the tag it read,

Holly Potter


The Dark Lord


I looked at it. "That was in my dream," I breathed. I picked it up and listened as I saw Professor Tralawny in the orb and heard her distorted voice.

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approches…Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh months dies…and the Dark Lord will mark her as his equal, but she will have powers the Dark Lord knows not…and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives…"

To say I was shocked would be putting it mildly. This was why Voldemort wanted me dead? Because of some stupid prophecy? This was why my life had been what it was? I couldn't believe it. Why hadn't anyone told me about this before now?

"Holy crap," said Jackson, shocked.

"So, Voldemort went after Holly because the prophecy foretold of her defeating him. That explains a lot," said Melissa.

"But still…why would he need her to get the prophecy for him?" asked Scott. "And why didn't anyone tell her."

"Probably thought she was too young to know," said Sheriff Stilinski. "As for the other question, guess we'll find out."

Just then, out of nowhere, several Death Eaters in masks Apparated and surrounded us.

"Where's Sirius?" I demanded.

"One must learn the difference between reality and dream," said a very familiar male voice. The Death Eater slipped off his mask to reveal a smug Mr. Malfoy. "You saw what the Dark Lord wanted you to see."

"You come near us or do anything, I'll drop it," I threatened.

"Ha, she knows how to play! Lookie here, it's itty-bitty baby Potter," said a female's voice. A crazy looking woman appeared from behind Lucius. Her hair was a tangled mess and she wore a skanky black dress.

"Bellatrix Lestrange," said Neville, disgusted.

"'Ello. Neville Longbottom, isn't it? How's Mum and Dad?" she asked.

"Better now that they're about to be avenged!" Neville yelled.

I held up a hand, making Neville stop what he was doing.

"What does Voldemort want with this?" I demanded. "Why did he need me to come and get it?"

"You dare speak his name?" Bellatrix hissed. "You filthy half-blood!"

"Did you know Voldemort's a half-blood too? Or did he lie to you and claim he was a pure-blood?" I growled.

"Now, now, that's enough. She's a curious a girl, aren't you?" said Mr. Malfoy, trying to maintain control of the situation. "Let's just keep things calm. All we want is the prophecy."

"You didn't answer my question. Why was I needed to get it?" I demanded.

"Because prophecies can only be taken by whom they are named for," said Mr. Malfoy. "Your name was on, not the Dark Lord's. Hence why he had to lure you here. But I can make you an offer, Holly, to make the situation all better."

I raised an eyebrow. "What could you possibly offer me?"

"Haven't you ever wondered why Voldemort targeted you, a mere half-blood with no real talent? Haven't you wondered what makes you so special in the Dark Lord's eyes? That prophecy in your hand is the key. Hand it over, Potter and I'll tell you everything," he said.

My eyes glazed over the prophecy in my hand, and then I looked up. "I already know why. Now! Stupefy!"

We all shouted this and began running. Spells flew and we all tried to escape and defend themselves. I eventually ran into Ginny who shouted, "Reducto!" and sent a Death Eater crashing into a shelf, which caused all of them to fall as we regrouped. The shelves began falling and the prophecies smashing.

"Run!" Ron yelled.

We fled for our lives and arrived in a circle-shaped room. A huge gateway stood in the center. In the gateway seemed to be whispers of familiar voices past. The only one of them intrigued by this was me.

Then, without a warning, the Death Eaters came back and had Ron, Ginny, Luna and Hermione and Neville against the wall in hostage position. Mr. Malfory appeared before me.

"Were you really so naïve to think you could win? I'll make this simple for you. Hand over the prophecy or your friends will die, Potter," he growled.

Having no other choice, I was about to hand over the prophecy when Sirius appeared.

"Stay away from my goddaughter!" he said. He punched Mr. Malfoy square in the face as members of the Order of the Phoenix appeared and the prophecy fell to the ground, and smashed to bits.

"Sirius, watch out!" I yelled.

Spells flew everywhere as the Death Eaters and Aurors fought each other. The fight was terrible. Death Eaters were Stunned, hurt, or captured. Sirius and I fought Mr. Malfoy together. Just as we seemed to be winning, Bellatrix Lestrange yelled, "Avada Kedavra!"

Sirius was launched into the doorway and disappeared. He was gone.

The next few moments passed in a haze. I vaguely remember Lupin trying to hold on to me before I broke out of his grasp and chased down Bellatrix angrily as she said in a sing-song voice, "I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black!"

"Expelliarmus!" I shouted, knocking her down and throwing her wand away. I flung her into the wall with another spell and then I held my wand up to her throat and she looked petrified and shook with fear. "I should make you suffer the same pain you've caused so many others! I should kill you for what you did to Sirius!" I raised my wand and she shut her eyes, but I didn't perform either curse. I just performed a Stinging Hex and then magically bound her with chains she could never break free of. "But Sirius wouldn't want me to become a killer and nor do I want to become like you or Voldemort. Those are the only reasons you're still alive."

I lowered my wand, my heart aching with grief and anger. I had been ready to make her suffer or worse yet, kill her, and almost lost control of myself. But I had maintained that control because as I had told Remus and Sirius two years ago, that sort of act is what made us different from Voldemort and his followers and succumbing to those dark desires would only make us like him, something I never wanted to be.

"Helena!" shouted a voice.

I spun around and felt tears roll down my cheeks when I saw who had spoken. "Sirius?" I said, shocked. "Sirius, is that really you?"

He was leaning on Remus for support and looked exhausted, but he was alive. He was alive! He just nodded as I lost control over my emotions and I ran into his arms, sobbing and forgot Bellatrix.

"I'm sorry," I sobbed. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. It's okay," he whispered. "It's alright. I'm so proud of you."

"But how—?"

"The gateway," said Remus. "It acts as a preserver. When Sirius fell into it, it kept him alive and healed him. It brought him back."

I sighed in relief. "Thank goodness. But why didn't you answer the mirror when I called?"

"Remus and I were out when you called. When we got back, Snape told us what happened to you," explained Sirius, looking regretful.

"It's okay. You're here. You're safe. That's all I care about," I said. "It—ah!" I clutched my forehead as I felt my scar burning. I spun around to see Voldemort behind me.

"Why not kill her, Holly? She deserves it after all she's done," he hissed. "You know the spell, now do it!"

"I will not!" I growled.

Just then Professor Dumbledore appeared in the Floo Fireplace. "It was foolish of you to come here, Tom. The Aurors will be here soon."

"By which time, I shall be gone and you shall be dead," said Voldemort as they engaged in a duel.

There were flashes of red and green light, then Voldemort attacked with fire which Professor Dumbledore conquered with water. He made all the glass in the Ministry shatter and then have the shards fly towards us, but Professor Dumbledore turned it to dust after I covered him with my body to protect him. Voldemort kept coming after us with one thing after another, but all of it was conquered and then he vanished for a moment.

I felt him enter my mind and collapsed to the ground as he spoke to the others. "You've lost old man. You're weak. You shall die, all of you!"

I regained control for a moment. "Professor, Sirius, Remus, it's not me, it's him! You need to get away from here!"

But they didn't. They wouldn't.

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief as there had been a moment when they feared Sirius was gone forever. But knowing he was okay made it better.


Now they just had to deal with Voldemort possessing Holly.

"She's going to pull through this. She has to," said Isaac, looking worried.

"You know she will. Otherwise, we wouldn't be here reading about it," said Scott.

Sirius held me in his arms as Remus grabbed my hand.

"Holly, listen to us," said Remus. "We're here. We won't leave you. Just hang on."

"We love you, Holly," said Sirius. "Focus on us. We're staying here with you, always."

My grip on Remus's hand tightened as I tightly gripped Sirius's arm with my other hand. "I love you guys too. Don't let me go," I said, pleadingly as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"Holly, listen to me. It's not the ways you are alike, it is how you are not," said Professor Dumbledore, as he knelt down beside us. "What matters is the path we choose."

I thought of everything I held most precious. I thought of my parents, Remus, Sirius, Ron, Hermione, my friends in the D.A., everyone who had ever tried to protect me; and how happy I was to be living with my guardians."You're the one who's weak, Tom," I whispered. "You'll never know friendship or love. I feel sorry for you."

I felt Voldemort leave my mind and then saw him before me. "You are going to die, Holly Potter. And you will lose everything," he hissed, as he disappeared in a whirlwind of dust.

Just then, Cornelius Fudge and other Ministry officials arrived.

"I can't believe it," he gasped. "He's back. He's really back!"

"Caught on, have you, Minister?" said Sirius, coldly, as he scooped me into his arms. "It's about time! We were all nearly killed because of your blindness!"

"What the devil is going on? Why's Potter here? Was that really the Dark Lord I just saw?" asked Fudge.

"Yes, it was, Minister," said Professor Dumbledore. "And if you'll give me a moment, I'll be more than happy to talk to you. Provided, of course; you're willing to listen to reason this time, Cornelius."

Fudge looked like he was going to faint. "Oh, I am going to regret this. But come along, Albus. We'll have a little chat."

The rest of us were taken back to Hogwarts by the Order along with the Threstals and Sirius. We were then taken to the hospital wing and healed up. Physically, I was fine. Emotionally was a completely different story. Remus and Sirius stayed with me to assure me they were still with me and weren't going to leave me, for which I was glad.

The next day, Professor Dumbledore had me come into his office for a long overdue talk we so desperately needed.

"Holly, I'm deeply sorry for everything," he said.

"You've nothing to be sorry for," I said, shaking my head.

"Yes, I do. I knew it was only a matter of time before Voldemort made the connection between you. I truly thought that by keeping my distance, as I have done all year, he might be least tempted to come after you. You might be better protected," said Professor Dumbledore.

"I understand, sir," I said, softly. I didn't like it, but somehow I understood. "And I think I know why you didn't tell me about the prophecy. You were worried, weren't you?"

"Yes, I was. You deserved the truth from the beginning, but you have already taken so much onto your shoulders, suffered through so much it's never been fair. I didn't want to cause you any pain. I thought that by telling you when you were younger, it would've only added to that burden," said Professor Dumbledore.

I nodded. "But it's still going to happen, isn't it? In the end, one of us will kill the other. Neither of us can live while the other survives."

"I'm afraid so," he admitted.

I sighed. "I just wish I'd been better with my Occulumency. If it wasn't for me, none of that would've happened. Everyone could've been killed because of me."

"Holly, you did what you did for one reason. The same reason I tried to protect you, the same reason your friends saved you, the same reason Cedric does what he does for you, because of love. Love for you, and love for each other. You did what you thought was right."

"Professor, I owe you a huge apology as well," I said. "For how I've acted, what I've said and for everything else."

"Apology accepted. We've all made mistakes, Holly, but in the end, all we can do is apologize and move on," said Professor Dumbledore. "And I swear to you now, that I will never hide from you again. You are like a granddaughter to me."

I didn't speak. Instead I did something that I'd never done before. I hugged Professor Dumbeldore tight and he returned the embrace as we both cried a little.

The year ended on a somewhat better note than it had last year.

Fudge was forced to admit that Voldemort had returned and security measures were taken to ensure the Wizarding and the Muggle world's safety and he also ended up resigning his position as Minster of Magic and was replaced by Rufus Scrimgeour. I hoped Rufus would be better than his predecessor, but time would tell. Umbridge was sacked and sent to Azkaban after she was retrieved from the centaurs—when she tried to sneak out of the school, Peeves whacked her with a big stick and a sock full of chalk.

People treated me and the members of the D.A. with respect and I soon lost count of how many people came up and apologized to me for not believing me before. Professor Dumbledore and I were on better terms now and he was given back the respect from the Wizarding World that he'd once lost before. Gryffindor won the house cup with Ravenclaw in second place—a treat from Professor McGonagall. We four were still concerned about the prophecy about me and Voldemort, but put our energy into other things. Lord Voldemort was still out there and the war would soon come, but when it did, we'd be ready.

This summer, I was only going to stay with the Dursleys for a week and then Professor Dumbledore promised he would come take me away to my home. He asked to be the one to pick me up as he needed me to do a favor for him and I agreed. Me, Ron and Hermione swore to each other that we'd never to give up and always stay together no matter what.

When the time came to leave Hogwarts, it was bittersweet as while I was kind of ready for a little time to rest with my guardians and friends, the year at Hogwarts had made me stronger and no matter what happened, part of me would always consider it a home.

As we got off the Hogwarts Express, I spoke of my thoughts. "You know, I've been thinking and I've come to realize something. If there's one thing I've realized, it's that we have something that Voldemort doesn't in this fight," I said.

"What's that?" asked Ron.

"Something worth fighting for, friends and family," I explained.

"Very true," said Hermione. "Very true."

We then left the train and I rejoined the Dursleys. Whatever happened in the next few years, we'd face it together, all three of us as we always had, no matter what.

"Wow," said Stiles, whistling low. "What a year."

"No kidding," said Derek. "So, I think we should all take an hour to talk and think among ourselves. It's time to decide who's going and who's staying."

Everyone agreed.

The time had come to make a great choice.