"Orphans Beloved: "Many A Tear…"

Summary: Summary: Like my Immortal Beloved bits in my Buffyverse stories, these are fragments and short bits, some longer…Just to fiddle with ideas, possibly forming longer tales later.

Disclaimer: No copywrite infringement intended…

"Many a tear…Has to fall…

(Shubup-boo-bup. Boo-boo-bee-boo)

But it's all…In the game."

(Shubup-boo-bup. Boo-boo-bee-boo)

Eyes picture in frame on desk…One beaming Donald Hendrix.

"All in the won…der…ful game…

That we know…As love."

(Shubup-boo-bup. Boo-boo-bee-boo)

Typing on computer keyboard, screen shifting…Click on file which opens, revealing a report on the emotional and mental stability of one Allison Hendrix, referring to the supplier of observational information as "Monitor Hendrix".

"You have words…With him…

And your future's…Looking dim…

But these things…

Your hearts can rise above."

(Shubup-boo-bup. Boo-boo-bee-boo)

Click on new file…

Report of Dr. Aldous Leekie referring to the termination of the said Donald Hendrix's position as unbiased and primary observational monitor, due to resignation of the same.

Resignation with extreme prejudice…And a rather angry telephone message…

"Once…In a while…He won't call…

But it's all…In the game."

(Shubup-boo-bup. Boo-boo-bee-boo)

Note attached…Recommending action be taken against said ex-monitor owing to insistence on the part of ex-monitor that he'd been "taken for a ride", complete with quoted threat of action against Dyad Institute. Action to be extreme and complete…

"Soon…He'll be there…At your side…

With a sweet bouquet.

And He'll kiss your lips…

And caress…Your waiting fingertips…

And your hearts will fly away.

(Shubup-boo-bup. Boo-boo-bee-boo)

"Oh…Donnie…" Rachel Duncan eyed the picture, a single tear running…

To think you'll never know, never have any idea…

But hey…If she could love you, you lump…

"Many a tear…Has to fall…

(Shubup-boo-bup. Boo-boo-bee-boo)

But it's all…In the game."

(Shubup-boo-bup. Boo-boo-bee-boo)

And I knew you'd been doing this to help her, to save your marriage…Out of love, despite the royal pain-in-the-ass my sister could be…Believing the lies Aldous...Her "ex-therapist", etc told you…

"Soon…He'll be there at your side…

With a sweet bouquet."

(Shubup-boo-bup. Boo-boo-bee-boo)

Well, at least…If she ever learns what happened to you…Perhaps she'll forgive…

An atonement, in a way…

"Then he'll kiss…Your lips….

And caress…Your waiting fingertips…

And your hearts will fly away."

Typing… "Recommendation accepted, Rachel Duncan."

Click to send…