Disclaimer: I don't own anything…but I have my stories at least!

I hope you enjoy this…and I am starting on chapter two as I get this ready to post! Wheeeeeeeeeee! Please remember to leave a review, they really do inspire me and feed the writing machine. Thanks!

Small drops of brilliant light slowly fell from the sky, filling his vision. As each one touched his skin, it exploded, the sensation sending shivers through him.

A loud noise nearby caused him to jump, but his eyes never strayed from the dark sky overhead.

He knew he needed to get out of the rain. He knew he needed to find Sam.

But still he lay there, unaware of how much time was passing; watching the rain drops fall, each one reflecting the moon.

Lights, red and blue, joined in the overhead display; their colors setting the rain ablaze.

Hands grabbed him, voices filled the air; invading the surreal moment. He wanted to tell them to shut up, to stop and watch the lights with him. Someone rolled him onto his side, sliding something under him. He felt himself being lifted from the ground; his heart skipped a beat, wondering if he could just rise into the sky, away from the ground, away from the cold.

The sound of the ambulance door slamming shut got through to him; shaking a word loose from his lips.


"Who," a nearby voice asked. He felt a blanket being firmly pulled around him.

"I need Sam."

New Mexico:

"Dean," Sam murmured as he rolled over and pulled the blanket over his head. His eyes opened as another round of Dean's 'Ace of Spades' ringtone started again. "Dean! Answer your phone!"

When Dean didn't answer his phone or snap at Sam to shut up, he sat up and flipped on the light.

Dean's bed was empty.

Sam glanced at the bathroom door, it was closed. 'Dammit Dean, can you stop being hung over,' Sam thought to himself.

With a scalding glare at the bathroom door, Sam grabbed the phone and answered. "Yeah?"

"Sam! Where the hell are you," Bobby yelled into the phone.

Sam started at the loud voice, wincing. "Dean and I are in New Mexico, why?"

"Are you sure about that?"

"Um—pretty damn sure Bobby. I checked us into a hotel with a giant sombrero hat as a roof about seven hours ago. Why, what's wrong?"

The line went quiet. "Bobby?"

"Do you have your sights on Dean—right now," Bobby asked quietly.

"Not right this second. He went out about five hours ago to the bar to shoot pool," Sam said, getting annoyed. "Lights on in the bathroom; think he's sleeping one off on the floor."

"Sam, I'm not sure what's going on out there with you…but I'm staring at Dean right now," Bobby said cautiously.

Sam froze. "Not possible."

"I'm looking at Dean—or a damn good Dean replica," Bobby said.

"Shifter," Sam asked, his heart pounding in his ears.

"Could be," Bobby said into the phone. "I got a call from a hospital in Minnesota. They found my number on him; I figured you were with him. When you weren't here, I knew I'd better start looking for you."

"Bobby, it's impossible! I'm looking at the Impala right now, it's outside of our room," Sam stated, turning back to finding a silver knife in his duffel.

"Doesn't matter, no car could have gotten him from New Mexico to Minnesota in five hours," Bobby said as he stared through the window at Dean. "What's the plan, Sam?"

"You check your Dean. I'll check mine. Call you back in five."

Bobby slid his phone back in his pocket and smiled at the passing nurse. He walked into the room and quietly closed the door, reaching to pull the blinds shut. He moved to the bed and stared down at Dean. According to the nurses he hadn't said anything since he came in, except for one word—Sam.

Bobby watched as his eyes roll under their lids, his breathing steady. Hypothermia and confusion, too much exposure to the elements, what the doctor had said. Bobby pulled the small pocket knife out of his pocket, pulling free the silver blade he had refitted into the handle. He glanced at the door as he considered what place the nurses wouldn't notice a cut between now and Dean's discharge… if he was the real Dean. Bobby pulled the heavy blankets back and rolled Dean onto his side, pulling his leg free. A shallow cut behind the knee wouldn't be noticed much.

Bobby was placing a small bandage on the cut when his phone went off. He hurriedly replaced Dean's blankets, worried that Dean hadn't stirred at the cut he had received. He continued to sleep, drugged by the sheer warmth the hospital had wrapped him in.

"He's not here," Sam said as soon as hear Bobby answer the phone. "Thought he was, but he's nowhere. No sign that he ever came back to the motel room actually."

"Well, this one isn't a shifter. No reaction to the silver, in fact, no reaction at all," Bobby said as he opened the door to the room and reopened the blinds. "He's out of it, but nothing we can't handle back at the house. I'll do my best to get him out of here as soon as I can. Meet you back at the junk yard?"

"Be there as soon as I can," Sam said as he crammed clothes in his duffel. "How is Dean? Has he said anything yet? How did he get—"

"Don't get your panties in a twist, boy. He's out of it, not talking. Not even awake," Bobby said, trying to calm Sam down, knowing it wouldn't do any good. "He looks alright. Nothing major. I'll call once we're on the road."

Bobby frowned as he continued to stare at Dean, letting out a huge sigh. "Wake up Dean," he grumbled. "We need answers."

Okay, it's been a while since I've done a multi chapter story, but I am excited about this one!

Due your civic literary duty, leave a review!

Any thoughts on what happened to our Dean? Give me your thoughts!