Too Late

Warning: Some minor violence in the first part and then the usual warning for Wincest fun in the last part.

Chapter Five

Six Weeks Later: Sioux Falls, SD:

"Stupid freak thinks coming here will give him an edge? The old drunk couldn't protect him even if he was still alive."

Walt had been a hunter for a long time. He and Roy didn't hunt the dangerous things and usually ended up stumbling into things or just hunting what they wanted for the fun of it.

Roy had hung the gig up right after the deal with the Winchesters. The asshole hadn't approved of Walt shooting Dean and walked away or would have if Walt hadn't shot him in the back since he wasn't going to risk his former friend ratting out his other activities to the hunting community.

It was easy to skate on going after Sam since the rumors had started about what the boy was and had he'd done but even then both Winchesters still had friends within the life that hadn't approved and wouldn't approve of what he did to the freak this time if they knew about it.

The hunter, or ex-hunter since he'd stopped hunting the weird about three years earlier to move onto bigger and better game, admitted he got too cocky after the week of abuse and pain he'd put Winchester through. He didn't think the kid was still able to think past the pain and drugs much less be able to get out of the restraints he had on him to escape but he had.

When it got out that something had happened and Dean had disappeared and was probably dead, it didn't take Walt long to come up with a plan to get revenge on the Winchesters and to have some fun since while Sam was a huge son of a bitch in size he still tended to be too soft hearted…especially if he was looking for his brother.

It took some doing to find a couple others who would help him jump the kid but once he had Sam knocked out cold, drugged with his newest drug of choice that would leave the hunter alert but unable to move or fight back the rest of the week had been easy.

Walt admitted he had some issues and paid his whores well to get them serviced but using Sam for some of them saved him money and it was damn fun the first time he took him and listened to the kid try to fight back or when he finally broke toward the end or so he thought he broken him in.

This time he'd make certain to cage the freak when he went out so he can't escape because he didn't know what Sam thought he was doing by texting him where he was but if he thought he was going to get the jump on him Walt had other plans.

Plans that included drugging his ass until the kid didn't wake up for a week and by the time he did Walt would've have had plenty of time to make sure Sam would know his hunting days were over and he'd only serve one purpose.

"Hiding ain't gonna help this, Winchester!" he called after walking through the rows of rusting cars as he tried to follow the directions in the last text but was quickly realizing he had no clue to where he was and once again hurled harsh curses at the late Bobby Singer. "You think you're bad enough to take me on? Oh, you're big enough but we both know you won't cause I own your ass, freak! I own you and I'll make you pay for running off and ruining all the fun I had planned."

Walking around an old Buick, Walt sneered as he slipped a brass knuckle set over his hand while looking around for his prey. "Big brother ain't around anymore and even if he was, I ain't scared of Dean. I'd shoot the bastard in the kneecaps and make him watch as I fuck you or maybe see if a couple of those other rumors about the two of you are true or…"

A shot fired into the dirt right by his boot, making the hunter jump. "You bastard! If I didn't have plans for you I'd kill you just for that!" Walt yelled, trying to see where the shot had come from. "You really think bringing me to here is going to help you, Sam? You think it gives you an edge? You think I'm scared of you?"

"No, but I know you damn well should be scared of me."

Dean Winchester stepped out slowly from the row of cars to the left of Walt. His green eyes were shining with rage and hate.

He'd listened to the bragging and promises from the man who had nailed Sam and the more he listened the more his doubts about doing this faded away.

"Dean…" Walt stared, clearly taken aback but quickly regaining his sneer. "Thought you were dead somewhere or maybe you just let your little…" his broke off when the next shot whizzed close enough to his face to actually graze his cheek. "Hey!"

"You've done enough talking about my brother, asshole," Dean growled, his Colt held casually but the danger in his eyes was plain. "In fact, if you want to live to see tomorrow Sam's name had better not come out of your mouth again."

Looking Walt over closely, Dean noticed the man hadn't changed much since the night in the motel room when he shot and technically killed them both. He'd put on some muscle but mostly fat from becoming lazy or just taking on people smaller, weaker, or not at hundred percent…like his brother.

"You seriously stupid enough to think that text was from Sam, Walt?" he asked, noticing the small bag the hunter had dropped at the first shot.

"Figured the boy got tired of hiding under rocks, knew he couldn't run and hide from his betters since he ain't been a good hunter since he became what we hunt," Walt shrugged, not worried about Dean or the weapon he held. "Sure, I could've killed the little freak but then I figured out he had a lot better use," his smile went oily as he eyed Dean. "How long have you been using him for your own personal who…"

The distance between them closed in the time it took Walt to nearly get the last word out and then he was slammed back into the side of Ram truck with Dean's fist beating his face several times before an arm pressed over his throat tightly.

"I swore to you once that I'd make you pay for shooting my brother. You skated because I got busy. You should've gotten smart and stayed the hell away from Sam, Walt," Dean's voice had dropped back to the one he hadn't used since Purgatory, hate, rage and the burning need to punish ripping through him.

In the weeks since Sam began to heal from the demon attack, his brother was quiet and just watching Dean or quiet and nearly closing in on himself. The nights were the worst because Sam couldn't sleep without screaming but it didn't take Dean long to figure out that it wasn't all memories of his possession and the trauma Sam had been put through causing them but most of Sam's nightmares and issues seemed to come from the physiological wounds he still had from Walt.

Because Sam had been healing and coping with Dean's possession, it did take about a week before Dean felt comfortable trying to soothe the nightmares and screams and it was only when he did and Sam finally accepted that his brother was going to be there with him and not shut him out any longer than more of the walls began to come down and the sordid, brutal tale came out in bits and pieces.

Years of knowing how best to allow Sam to talk about traumatic memories came into play because Dean had learned the bitter lesson of pushing too hard, too fast after the mess with the Benders and had since tried to allow Sam to open up at his own speed…unless it was something that was hurting him and then Dean pushed and just took the pain that would come.

He'd guessed the most of it since the scars told the story plain enough and he'd always known the asshole could be sadistic if he put what little brain he had to it but it wasn't until the afternoon that Dean had been working on cleaning every inch of the Impala, inside and out, that he began to see just how much he'd underestimated Walt's cruelty.

Sam had been quiet and moody that day and not as clingy as he had been all week, a sure sign that something was bothering him. Dean had left him inside the cabin on the laptop while he began to work on the inside of the Impala.

Dean hadn't been expecting Sam to come outside, much less to sit on his side of the car to just watch Dean work and he hadn't known what to expect when his brother softly began to speak of the night he followed a tip of a possible way to find his missing brother only to be jumped by Walt and three others.

As his little brother talked, Dean kept his attention on the car and not the urge to smash something because the moment Sam's already soft voice dropped and he began to shake as he revealed more details about not only the physical abuse but the verbal, emotional and sexual abuse and pain as well, it became clear that Sam's inner wounds were still raw.

Sam spoke and talked about what he could and then when he'd gotten it out he'd simply looked at Dean as if to gauge his reaction and went back into the cabin to wait the fallout.

Dean had already decided the hunter was going to pay and pay painfully but after hearing what he had and knowing there was probably still more that Sam wasn't saying he knew Walt also needed to learn why hurting Dean's little brother wasn't just stupid but suicidal as well.

Now as he stood with his forearm pressing into the soft throat of the man who'd treated his brother worse than a slave and who clearly planned to do it again and Dean's thoughts went back to that day when he walked back into the cabin to find Sam sitting stiff on the sofa and just tugged until his brother went into his arms, the walls caving in fully and the next two hours were pure emotion for both Winchesters.

"Why?" he demanded harshly, pressing his arm harder until finally the sneer was replaced by a look of shock when it begun to hit Walt that Dean was serious. "Why go after Sam, Walt? Or why hurt him like a piece of meat or…"

"A whore?" Walt gasped out, trying to dislodged the arm that was choking him but found with some shock that Dean was stronger. "No one wants him. No one cares about the freak so why not use him up before I kill him? We both know I wouldn't be the first one to since it ain't no secret what that pal of your Dad's did to the kid so maybe it ain't a stretch to think that maybe John knew what his little boy would grow up to be and…"

White hot rage flew over Dean as he understood the not so hidden meaning in that comment, his gun disappearing to give him both hands free to release the pent up anger and frustration that had been burning him up inside since his return from Purgatory.

"You sick son of a bitch!" his felt something break under his fist and didn't care that Walt as fighting back because he was now running on fury and the few blows the other man managed to land wouldn't even be noticed until later. "You want to die then keeping bringing Sam up or reminding me what you did to him while I wasn't around but if you want me to skin you alive and make you watch as I cut pieces off of you then let my Dad come into this again."

Dean knew it wasn't a secret in the community of hunters that John Winchester was a hard as nails bastard at times who even his 'friends' didn't always like and Dean had stopped denying years ago that his Dad had been a decent father because he hadn't been.

The kind and loving father Dean knew for the first four years of his life left the picture the night his Mom died on the ceiling of Sam's nursery. Dean had never seen that man again and Sam never knew him.

John had been tough, stern, one-minded and didn't take back talk or anything that wasn't part of what he planned. He trained his sons like he'd been trained in the Marines. He and Sam butted heads over nearly anything and everything once Sam got old enough to talk back and Dean had gotten a few bruises while stepping between them.

Dean accepted years ago what he'd have to do to assure peace within his family. He accepted what he'd have to give up to allow Sam freedom one day and took the occasional backhand for talking back if it deflected John's anger away from something his mouthy little brother had said to him but he also knew their Dad loved them even if he didn't show it like most Dads would except for a few times.

Like when Sam was sixteen and had been hurt by John's own friend. Then Dean had seen that side of his Dad come out…once the rage had burned away and he wished Sam could recall that part of it but knew he didn't.

"My Dad was a son of a bitch to live with, to hunt with or to just be around most times and he pushed us harder than I liked but goddamn you, he never touched his sons like that and he killed the bastard that did hurt Sam," Dean was raw by this point, letting Walt go only when he realized he was no longer struggling and glared down at the bloody faced man. "My Dad could be a cold hearted, stubborn bastard but unlike you and others like you he wasn't a pervert and the next asshole who gets brave enough to spout that crap to my face will get a lot more than you just did."

Kicking hard into Walt's gut, Dean felt some satisfaction at the groan of pain even though he knew nothing he did barring a trip back to the things he learned in hell would ever cause the ex-hunter the pain that Sam had felt and was still feeling because Walt just wasn't built that way.

Oh, he felt fear as it began to hit him that Dean was no longer thinking like a hunter but like an older brother who was keeping a long ago made promise but he would never understand the kind of fear or shame that he'd put Sam through and despite the burning rage still coursing through him Dean knew nothing he did would bring that and despite how much he wanted the man to bleed, to die…punishment for this needed to be a bit more extreme.

"I could kill you so damn easily and not think twice about it," he told Walt in a voice that was pure hate and disgust, kneeling down to press the muzzle of his Colt into the hollow of his throat. "When I decided to bring you here to Bobby's, that's what I wanted to do because I know every sinkhole, every burning spot, every little hidden place here to hide or dispose of a corpse.

"For six weeks every time I heard Sam wake up screaming for me or at you to stop I envisioned the ways I'd hurt you that you'd beg and knowing that you came here with plans to drug my little brother again…that you planned to rape him again if you could…I still want to gut you like a pig and leave you to bleed out," Dean wanted that, he wanted to let go and become the man he'd been in Hell and who he was fighting to leave behind from Purgatory.

Though as he pressed the gun in harder a flash of wet and huge hazel eyes came to him and he could feel Sam in his arms last night begging him not to do anything stupid and to let it go and the hurt look this morning when he'd left him in town with the excuse of checking Bobby's old place to see if there was anything else he could salvage from it.

Sam was still raw and hurting but he wasn't stupid and Dean knew his brother suspected there was more to this sudden trip to Sioux Falls than he was saying but while he didn't plan on leaving Sam in Montana while he handled Walt, he also didn't want his brother anywhere close to the bastard and had left him at the only other safe place here that he trusted.

"I want you to bleed and I could do that, Walt. I know ways to make the human body scream and beg to die without even coming close to actually killing you and with you it would be so easy to do that but…" Dean closed his eyes for just a second and while his grip on the gun eased, the hardness on his face, in his voice remained. "…that would let you off too easy and I want you to pay for what you've done to Sammy, to others."

Walt spit blood, managing another sneer when he realized Dean wasn't going to kill him. "If you don't kill me, punk…your brother will never be safe because one day you're back's gonna be turned and I'll gut you and then argh!"

The knife pierced his hand, pinning it to the ground as Dean pushed to his feet. "No, you won't because while I may not kill you…I also didn't say you were gonna be walking around free," he glanced over his shoulder at the sound of footsteps he knew were made to let him know his time was up. "There was another reason I had you meet me here, Walt.

"When Bobby died he left the junkyard, the house, all of this to me and Sam but it's looked after by someone else and it's also private property," Dean smiled a bit colder as he yanked the knife free, wiped it clean on Walt's shirt before slicing it over his own arm a little. "You attacked me, I fought back or that's what she's going to say happen. Hey, Sheriff."

Sheriff Jodi Mills took in the scene with a shake of her head at Dean but eyed the man on the ground like he was something worse than dirt. "So is this the ass that had Sam turning up at my door one day looking worse than roadkill?" she asked, a little surprised the guy wasn't bleeding more than he was considering Dean's mood.

"Yeah, and can you guarantee he won't walk out of a cell?" Dean didn't like this plan since it reminded him too much of Gordon and a part of him would much rather gut Walt than risk more harm later down the road.

"You've got nothing on me, jackass!" Walt spit as two deputies pulled him up to handcuff him. "I'll claim self-defense on this and your little punk brother won't testify that I did anything to him and neither will…"

Dean's eyes narrowed and only Jodi shoving him back kept him from lunging. "You will never touch my brother again," he gritted, hating the smirk on the other man's face but looking down at the feel of a finger poking him. "What?"

"Bobby had stuff on this maggot that I guess he was holding back for later use and after running his name and prints it looks like he's got standing warrants in about seven states…three of which still have the death penalty for murder cases and that's what he's looking at in Texas so there's no chance in hell that he'll see freedom anytime soon, Dean," Jodi assured him, ordering her officers to get Walt to the car and to hold him in a cell until she got back to book him. "I'll book him for now on trespassing and assault charges before I leak it to the wires that he's here and see which county and state will show up on my doorstep first."

Walt's voice still carried back through the junkyard as it screamed what he'd do the first chance he got and slowly Dean leaned back against a car to close his eyes. "I don't want him near him, Jodi," he murmured, exhaustion plain on his rugged face since he rarely called her by her name unless he was sucking up for some infraction.

"I know you're used to doing it your way, hotshot, but this one time let the law handle him and you take your cocky ass back to the little brother you dropped off at my place this morning," she told him, wishing these two weren't so damn tall that she had to stretch so much as she leaned up to gently kiss his cheek. "He thinks you aren't coming back for him, Dean."

Green eyes shot open at that one, staring at her. "Damn it," he muttered, hating that Sam still didn't believe him when he said it would get better but suspected he knew why his brother still had doubts. "Yeah, it's been a rough past couple months for us without all this crap coming back for him. Sammy and me have been fighting pretty bad and he still has his doubts if I'm serious about sticking it out so…I'll grab him and get outta your…"

A key pressing into his palm took the hunter off guard and he looked down at the bright eyed Sheriff warily. "What's…this?" he asked, knowing it wasn't a motel key but looked more like a house key.

"There's a roast in the slow cooker on the kitchen counter. The freezer's stocked with frozen meals I made last week and I stocked the fridge with beer, soda, juice, water as well as junk food so you two won't starve until I get back Monday morning," Jodi explained, nudging Dean back through the junkyard to where the Impala was parked behind the house. "My housekeeper won't be coming around and the key is if you happen to leave the house you won't lock yourselves out and break down my damn door again."

"Huh? Come again?" Dean was at a loss, blaming a serious lack of sleep for his inability to understand this change of plans. "Look, Jodi…I appreciate this but what Sam and I…I mean, what we need to do…talk about is probably best down…not in your home," he definitely had no clue how to explain just what he was planning on doing with Sam with the town Sheriff smiling up at him since he was fairly certain half of what they did was still illegal.

Rolling her eyes, Jodi Mills had to give Bobby credit for not slapping either of these boys in the head more than he did but she had to admit that Dean was cute when he blushed and stumbled. "Dean, I was once a married woman with a son so my house knows what sex is and probably my place is a lot more private than that old motel outside of town with paper thin walls for what you better be getting up to with Sam over the weekend," she counted to three before snapping her fingers in front of the wide green eyes.

"What? You think…no…we're…sonuvabitch," Dean mumbled, damn certain he should be getting swallowed by a black hole by this point with the way his stomach kept dropping and his head was ringing from the pounding of his heart. "Sam told you?"

"Are you serious? Sam nearly hyperventilated when I asked him if he thought he was healed emotionally or physically enough to have sex with you," Jodi shrugged, biting her lip at the sound of a choked breath from beside her and decided it might not be good for Sam if his brother had a stroke. "Bobby told me you two were…testing boundaries was his nice way of putting it and since I don't want to kill you I won't tell you what he said when he was drunk and not being nice."

Dean wanted to die right then. He thought he and Sam had been pretty clever at hiding their relationship from the older man and because Bobby hadn't kicked them out of the house or threatened Dean with a shotgun he'd been certain Bobby hadn't known. "Shit," he hissed, glancing toward the house guiltily until Jodi reached up to touch his face in understanding.

"He loved you two and said while he'd have tanned both your hides if you would've done it when he was in the house he couldn't fault you if it made you and Sam happy and since, hel-lo I do have eyes and saw the way you look at Sam and vice versa when you don't think anyone is watching I'd already figured that out," she smiled at his scowl, kissing his cheek. "Now, before I arrest you for something I'll make up later get your butt to my house and there better be a smile on Sam's face when I see you two again or I will throw you in a cell."

"Yes, ma'am," Dean nodded, pausing with his hand on the Impala's door. "Sheriff…thanks for everything and for looking out for him while I was gone."

"Well someone has to," Jodi returned as she got in the Sheriff's cruiser to head into town to deal with Walt and then to her sister's for the weekend while hoping the Winchesters could heal from this latest blow because she hated to think that she'd failed Bobby that much by failing the boys.

It felt weird as Dean parked the Impala in front of the house in town while seriously wondering if he could do this someplace other than a cabin or a motel when he noticed the house seemed oddly silent and tried not to get freaked out yet.

Seeing the door was locked, he bit down on his lip and unlocked the door to let himself in to the silent house. "Sam?" he called, wincing when he swore his voice echoed.

Dean checked the kitchen to be sure whatever Jodi had the roast in wouldn't blow up if he didn't tend to it and by the time he set a foot on the bottom step to go upstairs his worry was increasing.

If Sam told Jodi that he didn't think Dean was coming back then he'd been scared enough to worry and when Sam was sick and brooding he tended to do stupid things, and that was what caused Dean to sprint up the steps to the second floor to begin checking the few rooms up there.

"Sammy! Damn it, where the hell are you?" Dean opened the door to the last room on the second floor, relief flooding him that Sam's jacket was still on the bed but he still felt uneasy that he hadn't located his brother yet. "Sam, answer…" he spun when the bathroom door opened and was across the room in the next heartbeat.

"Sorry, I didn't hear you get back," Sam rubbed at his eyes but before he could blink or say anything more he was being tugged against his brother's chest and held and if he hadn't watched Dean get the tattoo fixed six weeks earlier he'd have been tempted to say 'Christo' just to check but didn't. "Dean?"

Waiting to see if Sam would do what he honestly expected him to, Dean released the breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding at the fear that his little brother had been so scared about him not coming back for him that he'd left himself.

"I don't ever want you thinking that I'd just walk out on you, Sam. Or that I'd leave you and not come back when I said I was," he began, fighting for a level voice but it was hard when Dean realized how much he was shaking right then and when he noticed the redness around his brother's eyes. "I wanted you to sleep today so I left you here while I…"

"While you went and handled Walt?" Sam felt Dean tense and began to pull back when he caught the thin line of blood on Dean's arm. "Shit! What the hell happened?" he demanded, wanting to see how bad the cut was. "How'd the hell he get close enough to cut you? Damn it, this is why I…mmhm…"

Dean's mouth on his in a heated kiss stopped the words and it took Sam a minute or two to realize he'd been backed against the wall with his brother's hand wrapped in his t-shirt.

This wasn't the first time since the demon that they'd kissed but it was the first time that Dean had kissed him with any heat behind it or that it hadn't been quickly broken. This kiss took Sam back to other times, to times when it had been good between them, before things went wrong.

"I…umm, what's…" Sam knew his concussion was gone but for the life of him right then couldn't form a full sentence or think of what to say and any chance he did have of thinking clearly went out the window the second Dean's mouth kissed its way down to the spot just below Sam's ear and locked on. "God," he moaned softly, fighting against the urge to touch his brother.

"You done yelling at me now, Sammy?" Dean asked softly while making certain he could still see Sam's face to gauge his reaction to this but the need to kiss him, to taste him had finally become too much for the older Winchester and he gave into it. "Walt didn't cut me. I cut myself to make it look good in case one of Jodi's deputies wanted to ask anything. Walt may need a trip to the ER before he sits in a cell for a very long time."

Distracted by this sudden change in Dean's decision not to touch him yet, Sam's eyes had fallen closed the more Dean's mouth kissed its way down his neck before going back to his jaw. "He…he won't leave it alone, Dean," he tried to say, fingers fisting rather than grab onto his brother's shoulders and do what he was really tempted to by this point.

It had been six weeks of healing, nightmares, near fights and guilt for the both of them and while Sam understood and appreciated Dean's need to protect him from everything including himself, he also needed to know if his brother was serious about still wanting him.

Though right then he thought he had the answer to that issue. Now it was a matter of seeing how far Dean would go until they were alone without the risk of Sheriff Mills walking in on them.

"Walt is not going to be seeing daylight for the next few life sentences from what Jodi figures and that's assuming a couple states don't try to fry his ass for what they want him for," Dean told him, not stopping what he was doing until he felt Sam still and then he lifted his head to meet stunned hazel eyes. "He will never hurt you or anyone else again, Sammy and…neither will anyone else while I'm alive."

Sam had suspected that the trip to Sioux Falls was so his brother could handle things even though he'd tried to talk Dean out of it because he hadn't wanted Walt close enough to hurt Dean.

The thought that maybe the other hunter was gone and he didn't have to feel the need to look over his shoulder for him every town they stopped at or on every hunt or the silly childish urge to look in every room in a motel room or the backseat of the Impala made him suddenly weak and only Dean's hands kept him standing.

"Easy, take it easy," Dean quickly shifted gears as he supported his suddenly shaking brother until he got him seated on the bottom of the bed, kneeling on the floor beside him and worried until Sam's gaze met his. "You okay?"

"I never thought…he said that…" Sam stared at his hands, still a little shocked that it could be this easy to have Walt finally out of their lives and not have to look over his shoulder anymore.

"Oh, it was either a cell or a grave because one way or another he wasn't leaving South Dakota and still be a threat to you," Dean assured him, slowly rubbing a hand over Sam's leg until he felt the muscles begin to relax. "I just needed to deal with him a little and not have you around while I did it but…I'd never leave you behind."

Sam's mind was coming back alive and groaned. "Damn it," he knew where Dean was getting that. "Jodi told you what I said."

"Yeah, before she threatened to arrest me if I didn't fix this with you," Dean nodded, keeping his one hand moving on Sam's leg in a soothing motion while he let his other slowly begin to trail up until his fingers could slip under Sam's t-shirt to feel warm skin. "Need to ask you a couple things though, Sammy."

"Uhhh, yeah?" Sam finally became aware of how close Dean's fingers where to his groin and the one part of his body that had been missing his brother's touch almost as much as Sam was himself. "What?" he blinked to make his eyes move to Dean's rather to watch those long fingers stroking slowly over the denim he still wore.

Dean smiled a little at the distracted way Sam answered and kind of felt that way himself after so long of waiting, of wanting but still needing to be sure his brother was ready. "First, are you hungry?" he was but not for the roast cooking downstairs but didn't think telling Sam that would help either of them right then.

"Umm for food?" Sam groaned when he heard his own voice, a faint blush spreading over his cheeks when Dean's eyes darkened. "No, I had soup earlier," he dropped his eyes but then found his gaze back to where the fingers were slowly getting closer to the cock that was reminding him of how long it had been since he'd had sex and wanted it.

"Huh-uh, food later then. Next question then would be how're you feeling?" Dean asked, adding in case his brother decided to bluff his way through any leftover pain. "In pain, sore anywhere that you're not telling me about?"

Sam found that he had to bite his tongue to keep the answer that almost came out in since he was fairly certain the ache between his legs as his cock slowly hardened within the confines of his underwear and jeans was not what his brother meant by pain.

"No, just the occasional pain in my shoulders and back but that's not all the time," he licked his lips when Dean slowly nudged his knees apart until he was kneeling between them which also allowed the hand that was slowly tracing the muscles in his stomach better access to the skin under his t-shirt. "Ummm, next…oh God, next question?"

Dean's eyes were locked on Sam's face to watch ever flicker of emotion that was passing over it as he touched him but waited until he slid his other hand right over the clear and obvious bulge in his brother's jeans to speak again. "Can I touch you?"

"What? Ummm, aren't you touching me already?" Sam asked, gasping suddenly at the feel of calloused fingers running over one hardening nub on his chest and groaned low in his throat at the feel of his cock pressing more against his jeans and so close to where Dean's hand was just hovering.

"Good point, Geek Boy," Dean acknowledged, remembering that even with his brain cells going to mush his pain in the ass little brother could have a smart mouth when he wanted to. "Let me make this real clear then so there absolutely no misunderstanding," he let the weight of his hand press down against Sam's crotch to feel the heat and dampness already there. "Can I make love to you, Sammy?"

Sam wasn't sure if it was the tone of voice Dean had right then, that warm and low phone sex tone his brother could get at times, or the feel of his hand pressing against his cock that right then decided it wasn't waiting for Sam another damn second, or just the fact that Dean was so close after Sam feared that this may never happen again that the second Dean asked it Sam's eyes shot wide open as he came right there before he could even think to reply or warn Dean.

A heavy silence filled the bedroom as Sam struggled against the urge to lock himself in the bathroom to avoid the burning shame that was creeping up his neck since he hadn't lost it like that since he'd been an angst filled teenager lusting after something he thought he could never have.

"Shit, Sam," Dean finally broke the silence, a little surprised by his brother's sudden climax with only that little bit of stimulation and also a lot surprised that he hadn't come just on that alone but then Sam snapped back to himself and made a quick dash for the bathroom. "Sam, wait."

It had been well over a year since the last time he and Dean had had any real physical contact and Sam tried to calm down but he couldn't quit thinking about how he'd just ruined a moment he'd been dreaming about since the day he walked into Rufus's cabin to see his brother again and all the months since then.

"Damn it," he whispered, jerking the taps of the sink on to run water while beginning to unbutton his jeans to strip and clean off; wondering how long it would be before he could convince his brother to get close to him again and unaware of the tears falling on his cheeks until a gentle hand brushed them away. "Wha…Dean? No, I'm…I'm…sorry. I didn't mean…"

Dean had stood in the bathroom door to watch Sam, considering giving him time and privacy to calm down but the second he'd seen the tears he moved in to stand behind his brother. "It's okay," he murmured, wrapping one arm around Sam's chest while gently wiping the tears away with his other hand and pressing soft kisses against his neck. "It's okay."

"No, it's not," Sam wanted to pull away, to try to forget this happened but didn't as Dean's other arm wrapped around him and he suddenly turned to just give in to the embrace and the emotions that had welled up. "I've wanted you for so damn long. I thought you didn't want me anymore and it's so hard for me to even want to be touched after what Walt did that…and now…in there…you weren't even doing anything and I came and…" he let the tears come for the first time in months since while the emotions had been there, Sam hadn't felt safe enough to shed the burning tears until now and he supposed he couldn't be anymore humiliated right then.

Staying silent to let Sam get it all out, Dean's hands rubbed soothingly along his brother's back and shoulders until he felt him begin to calm down and the harsh sobs became softer. "Want you still, baby boy," he whispered against Sam's neck as he began to give small soft kisses along the long line of exposed skin, feeling his brother's breath slow down. "Can I show you how much I want you?"

Glad he was leaning against the sink, Sam's arms tightened around Dean but he didn't lift his head just moved it enough to offer better access to the hot lips that were slowly working their way up until Dean's mouth got to his jaw but ignored that to lick along the shell of Sam's ear and the younger man shuddered.

"We're…umm…Sheriff, God, I want you, Dean," he groaned, fingers fisting the back of his brother's shirts and not sure if he could wait for a motel when he heard Dean's low chuckle. "Not funny, Dean. We can't do this here. Jodi might be…"

"Jodi won't be home until Monday morning, little brother," Dean told him, voice going husky as his hands slipped lower to begin to work on the button and zipper on Sam's jeans. "Just you, me, and an empty house," he kept his voice low as this began to sink in to his brother. "So…tell me what you want to do, Sam."

Suddenly having a hard time breathing as it sank in what Jodi had meant when she told him she'd seen him on Monday and he better be smiling, Sam turned his face against Dean's neck and felt his brother's fingers working on his jeans. "You," he replied, lifting his head with hazel eyes gone wide and dark. "I want you, Dean. Now and I don't care how or where or…"

This time the kiss was hot and searing but still not hard like Sam expected it to be after so long, groaning at the feel of Dean's tongue when it pressed against his lips and without a thought of hesitation Sam's mouth opened to allow it full access to whatever his brother wanted to take.

After a year apart and all the stress and crap, Dean doubted if this first time would take long since he was already hard and leaking precome through both his boxer briefs and heavy denim jeans as he managed to get them out of the bathroom and back to the bedroom without breaking the kiss since he was determined to explore every inch of his brother between now and Monday.

"We…we have way too many clothes on for this," Sam grumbled, fingers shaking as he tried to unbutton the damn button down shirt his brother was wearing and wondering briefly how much Dean would bitch if he just tore it open when he felt his fingers moved aside.

"Take yours off and I'll handle the complicated stuff," Dean had been willing to let Sam work on the shirt until he noticed how frustrated he was becoming and he'd lost too many overshirts to his little brother's frustrations to risk another one.

Sam didn't have to be told twice as his t-shirt was pulled off and he only hesitated at the jeans because he hadn't cleaned himself off from a little bit ago and he still felt embarrassed by it when Dean's hands took care of the jeans and underwear for him.

He groaned as the clothes were pulled down his legs a second before a hand to his chest gently pushed him back until he was laying on his back, looking up at his brother as Dean shed his own jeans and underwear and Sam was sure his spit had dried up even though this certainly wasn't the first time he'd seen his brother naked with his cock already blood read, hard and leaking precome but it had been a long time with each of them going through so much.

"You okay with this?" Dean asked, kneeling on the bed slowly as Sam moved back until he was fully on the bed. "You know it's the same rules. We do what you want and stop if you…hey! Sam!" he had to act fast to support himself on his arms and keep his full weight off his brother when Sam suddenly reached up to pull him onto the bed.

"Do you want me, Dean?" Sam needed to know this one thing, feeling his heart beating against his ribs out of worry that maybe Dean was only saying what he thought he wanted to hear. "I mean, after everything recently, everything you've found out or…do you want this with me or…"

A hand covered his mouth in warning and green eyes that were getting darker with lust locked on his when Dean allowed his weight to settle more over Sam's body and had to fight the moan of want that came because it never failed to shock him how right this seemed or how right they fit together like this.

"Want you, need you…love you, baby boy," he murmured before moving his hand to replace it with his mouth for a kiss that was hot and deep but soft and loving, the kind he knew they both enjoyed. "I wish I could say this first time would take a while but I think we both know it won't but I'll make it good for you, Sammy."

Sam didn't have any doubts about that since from the first time Dean had always managed to make it good for him. He opened his mouth to say that but lost the words the moment those lips that he used to dream about kissing closed over his chest to begin kissing and licking a line straight down to his navel where he dipped his tongue in and Sam nearly jumped at the feeling.

"You still jump when I do that," Dean smiled against Sam's stomach, offering a low growl at the playful hand that slapped his head. "You want to play now?" he asked with a slow smile that normally meant trouble but before Sam could object he'd slid one hand between his brother's spread legs to find and cup his balls in his palm and heard the moan and curse come out of Sam.

"Oh!" Sam's head went back at the feel of his Dean's palm lovingly working his balls when the fingers of his other hand lightly wrapped around Sam's cock that was coming back to life. "Sorry, sorry. I'll be good, no more slapping," he gasped, surprised that it was so easy to laugh after a year of pure hell. "Just…damn, yeah like that," he heard a laugh that shocked him because it had been even longer since he'd heard Dean's honest laugh.

Dean had shifted a little so he could work at teasing his brother but still see his face. Because Sam was so openly emotional, it was always a rush for Dean to watch the array of emotions and feelings that crossed Sam's face during sex. "I wish you could see yourself like this, Sammy," he spoke in a tone that he knew was deeper than normal and just a little shaky as he fought to hold back the need to take but this wasn't the time.

"I can see you," Sam returned, pushing up to an elbow so he could try to reach for his brother only to have Dean move so he could meet for a kiss that made Sam moan against the open lips and tongue that was licking into his mouth. "Dean…need to feel you."

"You will," Dean assured him, looking into his brother's eyes more closely when Sam's fingers closed over his wrist.

"Now, Dean," Sam whispered tightly, his cock hardening and already dripping again and he didn't want to ruin it this time. "It's been so long since I've…come because I want to and for you that I need to feel you inside me this time when I do…I want you to come inside me," he began to lower his eyes when a hand cupped his jaw to lift it up again. "Please."

Seeing the unspoken need and want shining in Sam's glistening eyes nearly made Dean lose it right there but he was quick to squeeze the base of his own leaking and needy cocky to stave it back as he slowly eased up to curve his fingers around his brother's face before kissing him slowly, letting the heat build again until Sam's hips were thrusting up with a whine of burning need and he nodded.

"Roll over," he slipped a couple pillows under his brother's stomach to help to avoid putting more stress on his back and shoulders while slowly stroking a hand down over his ass and only had a brief moment of flashback to the demon forcing his cock into Sam.

"It wasn't your fault," Sam spoke softly as if knowing what he was thinking, twisting his upper body enough that he could look over his shoulder. "Dean…if I didn't trust you to do this or want you to, do you think we'd be where we are now?" he asked, reaching back to grasp for Dean's hand and squeezed tightly. "I know you won't hurt me and will probably torture…in a good way…me while opening me so I can take you with as little pain as possible."

"Damn straight," Dean muttered, his eyes stayed on Sam until his brother moved their hands so that he could press Dean's hand against the swell of the cheek with the burn and slowly his attention moved up to watchful eyes. "I won't hurt you, Sammy."

Sam's smile was almost shy as he nodded, resting his head back on his arms when he felt the bed shifted as Dean leaned over to grab his jeans for the tube he'd stuffed in there earlier. "Dean, can I ask you a question?"

"Now you want to talk?" Dean actually laughed but nodded while his hands slowly began to massage Sam's lower back and down until his muscles relaxed more and he lubed one finger before just slipping the tip into the tight puckered hole to test. "Have I told you before that you want to talk at the worst times?"

"I'm distracting you," Sam replied, gasping at the first touch of a finger at the rim of his hole. "Ummm, what was Benny…doin' in Montana?" he asked, suddenly wondering who was distracting who and really wishing his brother would just get started with something because his cock was reacting to even this small touch.

Dean watched the muscle movement as he lightly teased the entrance with just the tip of his finger while soothing his other hand over Sam's hip, easing more between his legs so while he began to stretch his brother out for him he could also lean up to touch or kiss him.

He'd honestly been wondering when Sam would get around to asking him about Benny's reason for being so close to them since there were plenty of other places he could cross into Canada without coming to Montana.

"Benny had been having a harder time since that mess with Martin went down. It was harder for him to control things like he had been and…while I believed when he said he hadn't went over the line again I didn't trust it and so wanted to see him one more time for myself to gauge it," Dean began, not hiding the groan when he put more lube on his finger and over the crease of Sam's ass and slipped the finger in to the first knuckle the hole clenched around him tightly.

"Damn, I forgot how tight you could be," he whispered, feeling Sam fighting not to move back on his finger and started to kiss up his back; starting at the small of his back where the fading scared word could still be seen and taking his time to lave wet kisses there before moving slowly up the center of his spine while working on moving his finger around, in and out until the muscles inside relaxed against the intrusion to allow him past that first ring of muscle.

Sam had buried his face in the pillow to hide his moans. It had been so long since he'd felt pleasure of any kind that it was a fight not to come again on just a single finger. "You…he…was okay?" he groaned as the lips sucked a wet line up his back to his neck and instinctively stretched his neck more to the side to allow his brother's mouth access to it but then cried out as lights exploded in front of his eyes and he thrust back at the feel of a finger hitting his prostate. "Fuck!"

"That's the eventual plan," Dean chuckled, sounding ragged already from holding back to give Sam as much as he could from this. "Hey, if you have to come while I'm doing this then you do and we'll work on getting you hard again if you want but I don't want you fighting against this and I'm not entering you until I've got you looser than what you are now."

Dean didn't offer his brother any kind of assistance in keeping back his orgasm because he suspected that even though Sam said he was alright that he wouldn't want anything on his cock like a cockring because of the thing the demon used on him and he figured but hadn't asked that Walt would have also kept Sam unable to find pleasure or release.

"I'll…I'm good," Sam gasped, hoping he was because he didn't want to come again until he could feel Dean buried deep inside him. "It's…just been…awhile since…I felt that."

Slowly easing a second finger inside the loosening hole, the tightness was still there but Dean understood that it would take several times of doing this until Sam would be looser and wouldn't need so long to be stretched open to the point where Dean was comfortable with.

"How long, Sam?" Dean remembered something Sam had said back at that motel and he had an uneasy feeling that the last time his little brother had felt this kind of pleasure was the last night they'd spent together before the final fight with Roman.

"The last time you touched me," Sam whispered, wanting to move back to take the fingers deeper when he went still at the feel of Dean gently scissoring the two but the moment his brother lightly brushed them over that one spot again he was moving in whatever way he could to try to find friction for his leaking cock and to get that feeling back in his ass again. "More, Dean. Please…stretched enough and wanna feel you," he groaned, turning his head at the feel of teeth lightly scraping his jaw before Dean's mouth sucked onto his pulse point with a low growl.

"You are so not stretched enough for me," Dean murmured against his neck, licking and sucking until he got to Sam's ear where he licked around the shell because he knew it was one of his brother's weak points while the fingers of his free hand reached up to run through long soft dark hair and he tightened his grip enough to hold and pull but not hurt. "You will be soon. Plus, I wanna hear you, Sammy."

Ever since Sam was a teenager jerking off in the shower or in his bed if he thought Dean was asleep or not home yet, the sounds his little brother could make never failed to make him hard and knowing that he could get those low moans, little whimpers and the occasional shout or scream out of him still thrilled him.

"Oh…oh…shit!" Sam groaned, gasping at the feel of a third finger sliding into his slowly stretching hole and now there was a burn there from the tightness but it was replaced quickly by pleasure and he wanted the tightness that could only come when Dean's cock filled him. "Dean…need to…God, I don't wanna come without…"

"I know," Dean could feel the stress on his brother as he tried to hold himself in control and he worked a little quicker now that he could at least move three fingers in and out of Sam with a tightness that worried him but understood what Sam needed by this point.

It had been well over a year since sex for Sam had meant anything but pain, shame, or duty and while Dean's body and cock certainly also couldn't wait to slid into the tight heat that he could remember his brother's body being he also suddenly knew he needed to make a slight change to the gameplan.

Curving three fingers a little and hearing an actual low keening sound rip from Sam's throat as he had to press his other hand quickly against Sam's back to urge him to be still and the second he felt him tense a little Dean made his choice.

"Okay, you're still going to be tight because it's been a long time for us and I do feel healing scars inside from the asshole but…if you're sure you're ready then…Sammy, now is not the time to bitchface me," he warned, hiding his grin by biting his lip and giving a swift hard tug to his brother's hair, another weak point Sam seemed to have.

"Want you," Sam gasped, cock now fully hard and wanting as he tried to move to grab his brother when he suddenly felt Dean shift away. "What? Where, Dean…?" he blinked when he was pulled up to his knees and with a hazy blink to bring things back into focus he stared at his brother as Dean stretched out on his back. "What're you…"

Adoring how fuzzy brained his little brother could get during sex, Dean used the distraction to get Sam where he wanted him and that was straddling him, their cocks bumping against each other as he leaned up to wraps his fingers around Sam's neck to bring his head closer for a hot kiss, only breaking it when he heard the moan come from deep within Sam's chest.

"You're in control. I want you to put my cock inside you and do what you want, baby boy," he explained slowly, licking slowly over Sam's lips, over his cheek to taste the leftover salt from tears before using his teeth to lightly nibble down his neck. "I want to see you when you come apart this time, Sammy."

Sam was sure his heart could be seen pounding through his skin but his brother's green eyes were dark with desire and love, understanding why Dean was willing to do this and fighting the emotions that wanted to come again.

Normally when they made love or had sex or whatever term Dean was using that week, Sam was only to willing to allow his brother control of it and even now as Dean settled back on the bed to watch him slowly begin to move up to pour lube into his shaking hand to coat his brother's cock with while also using its own precome to help slick the way to a smooth entrance, Sam understood his brother wasn't giving up control so much as he was allowing him his own bit.

Walt's attack had always left Sam helpless to it. He'd been tied to a bed or over a bench as his ass or mouth was violated for the man's sick pleasure. With Amelia, Sam had given her pleasure but taken none for himself because he'd still been so raw.

Now with Dean, the first time again after so long and so much, he was giving Sam the ability to control the speed and how much he could take this time and it took a lot not to show his brother how much this little gesture meant.

Of course Dean could read Sam like a book and could see each separate emotion that flashed over his face and through his eyes but stayed silent to allow each one to pass until finally Sam's eyes locked back on his before leaning down to gently suck Dean's bottom lip into his mouth and let his fingers get used to feeling the thick and heavy cock again in his hand.

"Mmm, you do that too much and we'll be starting over," Dean warned, voice husky and low but he never closed his eyes because he wanted to watch Sam as he adjusted so his long legs were spread over Dean's thighs. "This okay with you, Sam?"

"Thank you," Sam murmured, fingers shaking suddenly when he began to place the head of Dean's cock at his entrance and slowly lowered himself down with a groan. "God…"

"Nah, I thought I told you years ago that you can still call me Dean," Dean's voice was tight as he teased, moving his hands up to grip Sam's hips to steady him while keeping his eyes locked on his face for signs of pain or distress but relaxed a little when all he saw reflected back at him was awe and pleasure.

"Shut up," Sam laughed a little and then waited another second so his body could adjust to the much larger intrusion before sinking down lower on his brother's cock to feel the ring of muscle give in as both it and Sam accepted the return of the only person Sam had ever wanted touching him like this. "Missed this, Dean."

"Missed you, Sammy," Dean returned softly, reaching up with a hand to gently brush away the single tear that slipped free before speaking again. "Love you, baby boy."

They didn't always talk a lot during these moments or at least not words that Sam would ever feel comfortable repeating in polite company and it usually took extreme emotion to get Dean to utter words of love so to hear him say that now, before Sam was even fully seated, took his breath away and with a sudden gasping moan felt Dean slip fully into his tight heat and he was flush, pressing against Dean's balls and not missing the groan and curse his brother offered at the feeling.

Sam's eyes had fallen closed at the tight feeling of being filled, nearly overwhelmed by the rush of pleasure just feeling Dean inside him, under him was giving and nearly afraid to move and break the spell until his eyes snapped open at the feel of fingers playing over his chest and down to curve over his pelvic bone.

"You going to move, Sammy?" Dean asked calmly, glad his voice was steady because it was taking every ounce of his strength not to thrust up but he'd allowed Sam this moment for a reason and would give his little brother all the time he needed.

He wanted to in the worst way but a piece of Sam was suddenly afraid of not being good enough, or doing something wrong since he'd been told… "We…we never did it this way too often," he spoke shakily, steadying himself by placing his palms flat on Dean's chest and was unaware when they began to move in slow circles over and down.

"We did a couple of times," Dean replied tightly, seeing the strain on Sam's face but he also saw the doubt and once again wished he had killed the bastard who'd hurt his brother to this point. "Sammy, you're going to be fine. Just move a little until you find your rhythm and…mmmm, that's my boy."

Sam eased up a little before letting himself sink again with his full weight, feeling Dean's hips move up a little and with a small smile began to roll his hips down on his brother to hear Dean moan but it was Sam who whimpered when he moved again and the heavy and ready cock held tight within his ass brushed over that one spot that could always make him see stars.

"So tight, little brother," Dean told him, watching Sam's head fall back with his tongue stuck between his teeth as he concentrated too hard on pleasing Dean and not on what he needed to be doing. "So damn hot and you want to come on my cock, Sammy?"

He did more than anything, but just as he was finding a pattern of gentle thrusting and rolls he suddenly could hear the grunting voice of Walt insulting and throwing jabs and nearly stopped moving until gentle fingers were on his face.

"Look at me," Dean saw what was happening and refused to let that asshole ever get into Sam's head, especially not now.

Dean waited until Sam's eyes opened to meet his again, the doubts clear in them and he leaned up in a way that brought Sam tighter against him but he wanted to be able to touch his brother, to let his fingers ground him in the here and now.

"You're doing fine and whatever he said to you, put it away because it's not true. There is nothing wrong with you, there is nothing wrong in what we do and…little brother, come for me now," Dean whispered against Sam's ear, catching his mouth in a searing kiss before feeling Sam's cock which was pressed between them jerk and swallowed his cry of pleasure when it came.

Hot white stripes of come shot out hard and fast, covering both of their chests and Dean's neck but he didn't say anything about that as Sam's hips kept thrusting and Dean's cock found the angle it needed to keep giving pleasure to his brother's prostate and as he helped him ride out the orgasm, he felt his balls drawing up tight and knew his own climax wasn't far behind.

"Dean!" Sam's cry was broken and ragged as he rode it out, his fingers digging into Dean's shoulders as his brother's hips began to thrust counter to his own hips moving until he could feel his inner muscles contracting around Dean's cock and heard his brother's sharp breath, telling how close he was. "Please, need to feel you when you come."

Dean's teeth and mouth were in constant movement now as they trailed over Sam's jaw and neck, sucking hard when he got to his collarbone and knew he'd leave him with a mark. "Sammy, by the time I'm done with you this weekend, you'll be feeling me into next week," he promised, voice gravelly and pure sex as he fell back to his back to thrust up once to urge Sam on. "Let me see you make me come."

"God, I forgot what your voice can do to me," Sam moaned, unaware of his own words and whimpers when he began to thrust harder until he could see the lust filling Dean's eyes and felt the moment Dean's orgasm hit because his cock struck Sam's prostate one final time before the warmth of come shot out to fill him.

"Ride it out, Sam," Dean's fingers were tight on Sam's hips to keep him steady as he rocked a little harder as his body milked Dean's cock fully until both brothers were gasping but Dean was ready to support him the second Sam's strength gave out and he collapsed forward. "Easy, I've got'cha."

His own orgasm had worn him out but riding Dean's out with him took what strength Sam had left, leaving him boneless against his brother's chest; not caring if they both were covered in drying come Sam just needed to feel Dean's heartbeat.

Dean shifted a little to help Sam ease off of him, a little surprised at the feeling of loss at not having his brother's heat and tightness around him but figured Sam felt the same way when he whimpered a little but then he felt him curling against his chest like he would as a kid when sleepy and clingy and smirked a little.

He wasn't a big on cuddling or so some of the women he'd been with had told him but Dean had never denied Sam this time after sex and he also didn't seem to mind it as much if he held his little brother after they'd made love…not that he'd ever admit that willingly to anyone, including Sam.

It was several moments of silence before Sam stirred, becoming aware fully again to feel the gentle fingers carding back through his hair while he could feel Dean's other hand placed protectively against his hip. He also realized they'd both been wiped clean of come and sweat with probably his t-shirt since his brother hardly ever used his own shirts for that detail.

"Thank you," he whispered again, not expecting a reply since anything close to one would be pushing Dean's no chick flick moments rule but was a little surprised at the light kiss to his head and the husky voice he heard.

"Thank you for giving this to me again, Sammy," Dean had cleaned them both up enough to sleep for the moment and figured a shower would wait until his brother was able to stand fully and they ate…then he'd just get Sam back in bed again. "I don't deserve you, little brother. I really don't after the crap I've given you all your life so…I…"

This time it was Sam's mouth instigating a soft kiss that slowly heated until Dean's fingers in his hair tightened enough to make the younger man moan, breaking it enough to lift his eyes. "You deserve me and so much more, Dean," he murmured, hating it when his brother thought less of himself. "I'm yours. I always have been yours and I always will be…until you don't want…"

Cutting that off before Sam could finish it, Dean's tongue plunged deep with heat and want but still found a way to keep it from going too far right then since Sam's grip on his hand was weak which meant his brother needed sleep.

"Always mine, baby boy," Dean told him thickly, smoothing a hand over Sam's face before tucking it back under his chin as Sam settled against his chest with his head laying over the fixed anti-possession tattoo and Dean's heart beating steadily. "Get some sleep, Sam. We're safe here and I'll be here when you wake up."

Sam's voice was slurred with sleep and exhaustion since it had been a long time that he'd slept peacefully and he'd always been able to sleep like this, with Dean's heart close to his ear. "Dean?"

"Yeah?" Dean knew what would be coming and figured after all the hell his brother had been put through lately that it wouldn't kill him to say the words more than he normally did.

"Love you," Sam yawned, curling tighter into his brother's warmth and relaxing at the feel of strong fingers stroking back through his hair and fluttering over his cheek.

"Love you too, little brother," Dean murmured, keeping his touch light as he felt Sam fall to sleep and he stayed awake a little while longer to just watch his brother sleep; going to sleep only once he was certain Sam was relaxed and looked like he'd stay that way for at least a couple hours. "We're gonna be good now, Sammy. Promise."

Monday morning:

Letting herself in her house quietly, Jodi Mills was a little surprised to not see a mess waiting for her but she paused outside the living room at the low sound of the TV playing. Sticking her head in to see some morning news show playing, a soft smile played on her lips as she glanced toward the couch.

"Sleep down here last night?" she asked softly since she knew Dean was wide awake under those long lashes hiding his eyes.

"No, but little brother didn't want to be in bed when you got home since I haven't exactly told him that you know yet," Dean yawned, too early in the damn morning to be up but didn't feel like spoiling Sam's mood by dropping that bomb on him yet. "He feel back to sleep as soon as he sat down though since the kid didn't sleep much this weekend…for some reason."

Jodi heard the smirk in his voice, sticking her tongue in her cheek as she eased closer to see the way Sam seemed to have fallen back to sleep with his head on Dean's shoulder but it was the way his one hand seemed to have crept under his brother's black t-shirt and the easy way in which Dean just seemed to accept it as his fingers went through long soft hair that made her smile.

"Don't say it," Dean warned, ready to groan when he stilled at her soft touch over his shoulder. "He's ruining my image, I know."

"You love him and your image was ruined already," Jodi replied, heading to the steps. "Will you be here when I get home tonight?"

Dean shook his head, having known his brother was ready to move on and felt the same. "We'll be gone when he wakes up," he told her, seeing her nod. "Jodi, thanks for letting us stay the weekend. We needed the time alone and you were right…a motel probably wasn't what he needed."

"And I don't need images anymore than Bobby did," she laughed, going up to change and seeing that by the time she got back downstairs to head to work Dean had fallen to sleep as well and she carefully laid a quilt over the boys that she thought of as hers now as much as they were Bobby's. "Just look after your brother, Dean," she whispered, determined to make sure that asshole in her jail never bothered the Winchesters again even if she had to lose the key to his cell herself.

The End

A/N: Sorry this chapter took so long but had a small delay over the weekend. I want to thank everyone who read this and I hope the final chapter suited (I know, I know but not killing him leaves it open to do it one day) and will look for more Wincest coming soon. Thanks.

Remember if you want to touch bases or get story updates I can be found on Facebook under morganaDW.