'Tis I! 'Tis I! Upon my mighty steed! With another new story to feed! It's the return of BLu!

I had been going through a Bleach phase when I started this and well...it never ended! So here we are!

I don't own Bleach

"I hope that's the last of it…" I groaned and set down a carton in the living room, flopping lifelessly on the couch after that. My older sister raised an eyebrow at me and shook her head "That's the extent of your stamina? How pathetic…"

I shot her a glare before leaning back and looking at the room upside down. For some reason, I always loved hanging upside down and looking at my surroundings. "Anyways" she looked up from her checklist "There's another round of cartons due to arrive in the afternoon. You'll be alone at home because I need to meet my boss."

Nodding wearily, I took a gulp of ice cold water. When I abruptly sat up, I caught the sight of my hair in a nearby mirror and laughed. My short, spiky brown hair was puffed out like a Christmas tree. After several minutes of sighing at empty air, Aonami walked out, fully dressed and spoke as she packed her bag "I'll be back by 4 or so. Lunch is in the oven, eat soon. Take care kiddo." She ruffled my hair, grinning at my annoyed snort and left.

Great, now I'm all alone and dreadfully bored. Ah well, might as well fill out my high school application. Very precisely, I filled out the blanks. Name: Akira Michi. Age: 15. "I'm bored after two blanks…what a tragedy…" I mumbled to the walls. Tucking the form under a paperweight, I leaned back into the couch again, sprawled out in not an entirely lady-like fashion.

I looked at my feet which were sticking out from the edge and sighed. I was 5"6, taller than the average girl which always made my sofa too small to stretch out all the way. I was almost at the verge of falling asleep when a loud yell across the street erupted "IIIICCCHHIIIGOOOO! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!"


I fell out of the couch in shock and lay in that position for a while, blinking slowly. What the heck just happened?


Ichigo and his father were soon engaged in a furious battle. Karin shook her head while Yuzu watched helplessly, waving her ladle for them to stop.

"Ichi-nii, please stop!" Yuzu cried out. Ichigo shouted one last insult at his father before turning to his sister. "What is it, Yuzu?"

"We have new neighbors!" she waved her hands excitedly while Ichigo looked blank. "We have to go and greet them!" Karin sighed from the table.

"I'll pass." Ichigo waved his hand and headed to the staircase, only to be knocked down again.

"Ichigo! How could you refuse your sister like that?! You'll go with her right now!" Isshin Kurosaki poked his son's back with his foot while reprimanding him.

"Fine! I'll go! Get your leg off me!"


I was debating whether to go out and explore or to laze around when there was a knock on the door. That's weird, Aonami shouldn't be home so soon. Shuffling quickly to the door, I straightened out my t shirt and jeans before opening the door.

An elementary school girl and an older boy about my age stood there. The girl immediately stuck out her hand and chirped "Hello! I'm Yuzu Kurosaki! Nice to meet you!" with a huge smile.

I blinked twice before a smile spread over my face and I took her tiny hand within mine. "I'm Akira Michi. Nice to meet you too."

Yuzu tugged at the older boy's sleeve and said "This is my older brother, Ichigo Kurosaki!" Ichigo gave a grunt and nodded at me. 'Somebody's grumpy…they don't resemble each other much…' I thought and said "So you were the one assaulted before?" I raised an eyebrow humorously at the embarrassed face of the orange haired guy.

"C'mon in. The house's a mess 'cause we haven't finished unpacking, so don't mind." I invited them with an easy grin. "You look like you don't want to be here." I told Ichigo bluntly. His head snapped to mine and he frowned at me, unsure of what to say.

"Yeah." He replied after some time.

"Ichi-nii!" Yuzu gasped in mortification and whacked his arm "Don't be so rude."

He gave a non committal grunt and turned away again. "Seriously, if you don't want to be here, you can go. I'll drop Yuzu home. Where do you live anyways?" I asked, turning to the girl.

"Across the street! My father's a doctor and he runs a clinic." Yuzu pointed to the house and I could make out a sign saying 'Kurosaki clinic'.

"Uh huh, anyways have a seat. I'll make some tea?" I asked and Yuzu jumped forward, holding out a container. "What's this?"

"Something to welcome you to the neighborhood!" a delicious smell wafted out of the box, making me lower my head to the box. Man, whoever made this is good.

"Thanks a lot, Yuzu-chan." I smiled widely and ruffled her hair. I could see Ichigo's eyes soften slightly at the gesture.

"Huh, I'll have to save some for my sister or else she'll murder me." I mumbled.

"You have a sister, Michi-san?" Yuzu asked.

"Call me Akira. Yeah, I have an older sister who's gone for a job interview at the moment."

Soon, I made some tea and groaned when I made too much. Again. That was my problem; I could make decent food, but I always cooked excessive quantities.

"Here you go, Yuzu-chan, Ichigo." I handed them their cups and settled on a bean bag opposite the sofa. "So, you look about the same age as me. Do you go to Karakura high school by any chance?" I asked Ichigo.

"I'm starting tomorrow." He replied shortly.

"Cool, you can show me the way then." I said and sipped my tea. He raised an eyebrow at the fact that I basically ordered him, but didn't say anything.

After mostly silence and some conversation between me and Yuzu, they were about to leave, when I heard a truck's horn outside the house.

"Oh, the rest of the stuff must have arrived. Well then, see you guys around." I waved at them with a nonchalant smile, walking towards the truck. After signing the delivery document, I paid the movers and now stood with all the cartons in my garden.

"Alright, let's do this." I mumbled to myself and rolled up my sleeves. As I picked up one box, I heard a voice behind me "Hey."

"Gah!" I jumped two feet with the carton and heard a horrible jangling sound from it. Going slightly pale, I hoped none of the stuff belonged to my sister. "You should not have done that!" I shook my fist at Ichigo, who merely shrugged in response. "Anyways, what do you want?"

"My sister told me help you out." He replied. My anger dissipated and I felt guilty for snapping at him. Giving a genuine smile, I cocked my head and said "I appreciate the fact that you care for your sister so much. But it's fine, you don't have to do it if you don't want to. I don't like forcing people."

His eyebrows went up slightly and pondered for a while before saying "It's ok, I want to."

"If you say so." I pointed to the other cartons and headed inside with the one in my arms.

I ran a hand through my hair, as I did frequently, frowning irritably at the heat outside before setting the carton down. "Where do I put this?" Ichigo asked and I pointed to the spot beside the couch.

"Holy shit!" I jerked up and pointed to floor.

"What?!" Ichigo tensed and looked at what I pointed, only to pause in confusion. "It's a cockroach."

"Exactly!" I said and rushed inside, returning with a broom. "Die, infidel scum!" brandishing the broom like a sword and ran after it.

After I squashed it and cleaned up, I turned to look at Ichigo who looked torn between laughing and face palming. "You can laugh." I waved at him and set the broom down.

He allowed a grin to come on his face. "That's your way of dealing with pests?"

"It could have been worse." I shrugged.

He raised an eyebrow, asking why. "My sister would have screamed and started jumping on the sofa." I replied and his face dawned with understanding, nodding.

After we were done, I made lemonade and we eagerly gulped down the chilled drink. "That hit the spot…" Ichigo mumbled, his hand over his eyes as he was spread out on the sofa.

I grinned and exhaled tiredly beside him. "Do you mind introducing me to your friends?"

"Sure. Be ready by 7 tomorrow. School starts at 7:30." He replied, not moving.

Suddenly, keys jiggled and the door opened. Aonami walked in and stopped short at the sight of Ichigo. "Hello guest. Akira, introductions." She said firmly.

"Ichigo Kurosaki, he lives across the street and was helping out with the cartons." I replied airily.

Ichigo got up and shook hands with Aonami "Aonami Michi, your family owns a clinic?" He nodded.

"I'll get going. See you, Michi." He waved and exited.

Once he was gone, Aonami grinned at me. "What?" I asked warily. "You looked pretty tired. Was he just helping out with cartons?" she gave a suggestive grin.

"SHUT UP AONAMI!" I bellowed and threw my shoe at her.


As I crossed the street, I heard a loud yell from Michi's house. "SHUT UP AONAMI!" I raised my eyebrows before shaking my head and grinning. It was a bit similar to me and dad arguing.

"Ichi-nii! Did you help out Akira-san?" Yuzu ran up to me once I entered the house. I nodded as I removed my shoes.

"Ichigoooo! I heard you met a girl! Was she pretty?!" Dad asked excitedly. "Did you get some action?"

I punched him as unwanted images ran through my head, staining my face a slight pink "Sh-Shut up! Nothing like that happened!"

He was unperturbed and ran to Mom's poster, starting to cry "OH MASAKI! OUR LITTLE BOY'S GROWING UP!"

I slapped my face and groaned 'I'm surrounded by idiots…'


That night, I was hardly able to sleep due to excitement. I kept fidgeting in my bed and finally said "Gah! I won't get any sleep at this rate!" The clock read 2 o'clock and I smacked my forehead.

A new start for me tomorrow…At least I'll know someone. Ichigo's an interesting character. I'd love to witness what happened amidst all that yelling in his house yesterday. His sister Yuzu is really sweet…that reminds me, I need to return the box.

My phone started blaring the alarm and I jumped up, rolled over in my bed and switched off the alarm while I was propped on my elbows. I always awoke with jolt and then flop back into bed again. The sun had risen and the light was entering little by little through my window. Untangling the blankets, I got up after lying in the bed's warmth for a bit.

After my morning routine, I held up the Karakura High School uniform. The skirt was a little too short my taste…

Leaving the first button open, I tied the bow loosely around my collar and pondered whether to wear the jacket or not. Shrugging, I held it over my shoulder and headed downstairs.

"Leaving for your job?" I questioned on seeing Aonami already up and munching on toast. She nodded and pointed to the toast and milk, telling me to eat.

I gulped down the last of my milk as the clock's hand neared 7 o'clock. Stepping out, I double checked everything while glancing at my watch. It was 7 and no sign of Ichigo.

"DAMN IT! STOP GOING ON ABOUT THAT, WILL YOU?! I DON'T SEE MICHI LIKE THAT!" A familiar voice bellowed and I thought 'Oh there he is.'

A furious orange head burst through the door across the street, muttering under his breath. He looked up and blinked once he saw me. I waved and he nodded back, turning towards the road and starting to walk. I was trying to fight a grin, albeit unsuccessfully.

"Not a word, Michi." He warned. "Unless you want to die."

I rolled my eyes "Oh wow, I'm so scared, Kurosaki." He shrugged and continued walking. "So, how don't you see me exactly?" I asked and Ichigo stumbled over empty air immediately. The pink splotch on his cheeks was funny to see as he stumbled over his words.

"W-well you see, it's just that my stupid dad, he, well, uh suggested that- Oh forget it!" he threw his arms in the air in frustration. I snickered and patted his arm "Easy hot head, your head might overheat."

He gave me a dirty look and snorted. "We're here."

I turned to the front and saw the gates with the words 'Karakura High School' outside. It was simple but picturesque due to the cherry blossom petals swaying gently onto the path. Smiling, I felt happy as I saw the pink-petalled trees.

"What are you grinning for?" Ichigo nudged the side of my head with his bag.

"Ugh, don't do that." I swatted away the bag. "A boy won't understand. Well, definitely not a hot head."

He scowled and whacked me on the head with the bag. "Hey!" I yelled, holding my head.

"Just get to the main office and get your schedule and class." He waved and walked off.

"Ass." I grumbled. That was unhelpful. I didn't know where the main office was. After an hour of fruitless searching, I was back where I started.

I was fuming as I stood in the school's driveway. 'I'm going to kill him…slowly and brutally…' While I was imagining different ways of torturing orange headed asses, I didn't notice someone walk up to me.

"Hey, you ok?"

I jumped back and relaxed when I saw a girl with short, black hair in a boy cut. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just hopelessly lost."

"Newbie?" she asked and I nodded. "You're looking for the main office, I guess. C'mon, I'll show you."

I exhaled in relief and followed her. "I'm Tatsuki Arisawa. What about you?" she asked with a grin.

"Akira Michi, just moved here. If only that orange headed ass had shown me the way to the main office…" I growled at the last part.

"Orange head? You mean Ichigo?" Tatsuki asked.

"Yeah, you know him?"

"Yeah, since we were kids. How do you know him?" she asked curiously.

"He lives across the street from me, so I asked him to show me the way here. He just dropped me at the gate and disappeared." I sighed and slouched slightly.

"That's Ichigo for ya, but he's usually not this harsh to girls." Tatsuki shrugged and pointed to a counter. "Here you go."

"Thanks man, sorry about this." I said sheepishly and she waved it off with an easy smile. She was kind enough to wait for me as I got my stuff. "So, where's Class 1-3?"

"You're in that class? I'm there too!" Tatsuki grinned and I grinned back. "I'll introduce you to my friends, c'mon."

Soon, we reached the class and I walked through the door to find everyone chatting and socializing. Immediately, I felt out of place and drew into myself a bit.

"Tatsuki-chan!" a girl with strawberry blonde hair and a rather…generous chest waved enthusiastically at my guide.

"Hey Orihime!" she waved back. The one named Orihime turned to me with a bright smile that I frankly found a little odd.

"Hello! Who're you?"

"Akira Michi, nice to meet you." I greeted politely and shook her hand. "I'm Orihime Inoue!" she chirped back. I gave a well-disguised fake laugh. Actually, I felt a little weird at the extra brightness and sweetness this girl was exuding.

However, I yelped in shock when a red-haired girl came and groped Orihime out of nowhere. Orihime gave a hamster-like squeak while Tatsuki let out a war cry, launching herself at the red head, beating her within an inch of her life.

I was still frozen in my position- my arms were shielding me while one leg was raised to bolt or block any moment. Tatsuki came back, cracking her knuckles "Sorry about that, Akira-chan. Chizuru was really asking for it…"

"I won't ask." I laughed nervously at her super scary strength.

"Anyways" Tatsuki began and turned away "ICHIGO!"

"What Tatsuki?" an irritable voice answered.

"Apologize to Akira! Because of you, she was hunting for the office for an hour or so!" Tatsuki shook my arm.

Annoyed, brown eyes turned to me and he grunted "Sorry."

I merely narrowed my own grey eyes and spoke coldly "Apologize only if you mean it, Kurosaki." His eyebrows went up at my tone. "Like I said before, I don't like forcing others."

He looked down and bit his lip. But before he could say anything, the teacher entered the class and inquired about me. Once I introduced myself to the class, I took a seat beside the window.

Sighing, I wondered how my life would be here. As the history lecture proceeded, I felt a flicker of a presence outside the window and turned towards it. Nothing was there, but as I turned I felt someone's gaze boring holes into my back.

I turned behind to see Ichigo averting his gaze quickly and I raised an eyebrow. 'What's with him?'

Shrugging, I stood up as the bell went and walked out to my locker. "What now? Science…ugh, I have just one notebook…guess I'll have to manage." I muttered to myself as I rummaged in the locker.


I turned around with stiff shoulders to see my neighbor standing moodily, his hands shoved in his pockets. I waited without answering.

"I'm…sorry." His voice clearly held guilt and I felt my stiffness leave me instantly.

"It's fine hot head. Let's go, we have class or did you forget that?" I touched his shoulder and pulled him by the sleeve to the next class.

"Yeah…" I heard his hesitant response but missed the small, content smile on his face.

Yeah...so...I hope that was good. I'm completely in love with Ichigo. Review!