Nonexistent Chapter Three

Warnings: cussing, threats

Disclaimers: I do not own Hetalia guys, sorry

"What do you mean you need to speak to Romania and Norway?" The thick Eastern- European accent asked. "Why do you need my awesome countries?"

Britain sighed, and started to slowly rub his left temple, feeling a headache coming on all ready. He hadn't even been talking to the damn Empire for five minutes! "Teutonic, I've all ready told you it's for the purpose of magical research."

"Magic doesn't exist, dumbass!" Teutonic yelled, then hung up. As he did it, Britain could almost picture his red eyes glittering with mischief. He sighed, then put the receiver down. Teutonic, off all people, knew that magic existed. He was just being an ass about his captured countries again.

Britain's husband glanced over at his lover worriedly. Then, the Empire seemed to remember that his husband was friends with the albino. "France, what do you think I could do to get into Teutonic's house unnoticed?"

Britain smirked as the guard let him through, barely glancing at his fake ID. Once past the horrible guard, he glanced around the grandiose mansion, not noticing that he had stepped by a certain duo that stared at him as if he were crazy.

America's eyes widened when he saw this world's England stride through the elegant halls that Holy Rome and he had been combing through for hours, looking for America's old mentor and Rome's older brother. "What could England possibly want with Prussia?"

Holy Rome, noticing America's mistakes again, sighed and rolled his eyes—he was quite over America's stubbornness to call his old friends by their old names. "British Empire and Teutonic Knights, America."

"Whatever, let's follow England! He might be going to Prussia!" And with that said, America scurried off after the short Empire, leaving Holy Rome only to wonder about his sanity. He decided to follow the duo, hoping against hope that his bruder was not their actual destination. He was such a pain in the old world, he'd most likely be one in this new one.

Holy Rome, who followed the duo, took many shortcuts that Britain could not possibly do and America refused to: he walked through walls, jumped through ceilings, walked straight through people. The old country of America, seeing this, only seemed to want to do the humane thing even more, which ticked Holy Rome off to no end. The damn fool couldn't except his own mistake of wishing for this, and now Holy Rome was paying for the price with the control of his own temper.

Finally, Britain had reached a set of double doors in a long hallway on the third floor of the gigantic mansion. America stopped next to his old charge, looking up at them in awe and wonder. What may lay beyond those doors, one could only imagine. Britain, America noticed, seemed to be preening himself. Fluffing up his coat, standing taller, adjusting his hat so that it looked carelessly tilted, and retying his combat boots. America watched him curiously, whereas Holy Rome rolled his eyes and continued on through the grand doors, just as they opened and would have normally had America stopping and taking a step back, like England did. However, the former country saw no need to move out of the way, and just stood there as the heavy doors went through his body.

The inside of the room behind the double doors was slowly being revealed to America and Britain. What America saw inside, in heinz sight, did not surprise him. It was a grand throne room, and the person sitting on the elegant throne made of precious metals and gems and silks was Prussia himself, his hair a darker white and his eyes a redder red. Holy Rome was already inside, seemingly assessing the situation.

England was suddenly walking towards Prussia, with no hint of any emotion in his step, and America decided to ghost after him, looking around. Holy Rome motioned for America to come away from the situation, but the country held up a hand and curiously looked between the two Empires.

Then, Teutonic spoke. "I see you don't take no for an answer." He said, his voice somehow deeper and more commanding than the Prussia America knew.

Britain rolled his eyes in response. "You should know by now that I am a stubborn man. Now, may I speak to Romania and Norway, or shall I take my leave and return with an army or two?"

Teutonic's playful demeanor dropped as soon as Britain finished his sentence. The Empire leaned forward menacingly. "Is that a threat, Britain?" Britain scoffed and ignored the way that Teutonic had sneered his shortened name.

"See it as you will, but I have important magical business to attend to, and unless you are willing to remove to stick from you arse and let me see my friends, I'll have to invade."

Teutonic laid back in his throne with a look of thought. "That important, huh?"

"Indeed." The British Empire said firmly. He was not going to let this drop.

Teutonic rolled his eyes, but raised a pale hand and waved the Empire off. "Fine, fine. I'll send them to your place as soon as I finish some of my own business, ja? Now get the hell out of my house."

"America, what do you think?" Holy Rome asked, suddenly by his side. America shrugged, but didn't visibly deflate this time, which surprised Holy Rome. Maybe he was finally over this childishness and was willing to accept his new fate?

"He's definitely got more spunk and shit than what he had in my old world. I'd say he's pretty damn happy." Holy Rome sighed, but placed a comforting hand on the country's shoulder. Maybe America was still desperately clinging to his hope, but Holy Rome would support him until that hope slipped from his fingers.

"Come now, there's sure to be someone out there that truly cares about you! Who else really enjoyed your company?"

America's eyes lit up with an idea. "Let's see Japan! He may be happier without me, but he sure as hell enjoyed my company when we'd do stuff together!" Holy Rome smiled, but opened a door to the desired nation's home beside the duo anyway.

"Well then let's go, shall we?" With a happy smile that reflected true happiness, America literally jumped through the glowing white portal. Then, it was gone with the duo, like it was never there.

Neither Holy Rome, nor America for that matter, noticed that the British Empire of that world had been watching their exchange yet again, this time with a calculating look that had the other Empire in the room worrying for his frenemy's sanity.

Short chapter, sorry about that, guys. Also sorry about the long wait-deaths in the family and writers block simply do not mix.

Thanks for reading! Reviews are not required, but are greatly appreciated because they tell me exactly how horrible or how well I am conveying what I want to in each story.
