The Parent-Teacher

By ThaliadaughterofZeus

Disclaimer: I don't any of the Percy Jackson charaters, only the plot.

Annabeth's POV

Annabeth's period had been late. She's had terrible morning sickness, and her mood swings were awful and out of the blue. She had a suspicion what was wrong with her.

After five minutes of waiting she checked the test, and she had a little pink plus sign.

Annabeth was pregnant.

What's Percy going to do? Annabeth thought.

As she was going over all the possibilities that could happen, she heard the front door open.

"Annabeth! I'm home!" Percy yelled.

Okay, don't freak, don't freak! He will be there for you. She thought. "Okay! I'll be right there!" She called back.

She calmed herself and walked into the kitchen where her boyfriend stood. "How was your trip?"

He shrugged, "It was okay. I'll have to tell you about it once I get some food into me, I'm famished."

Annabeth laughed, "That's a new one."

Percy smirked, "I know."

Annabeth rolled her eyes and walked towards Percy and laid her head on his chest.

"I have something to tell you." Annabeth confessed. She wrapped her arms around his waist.

Percy raised his eyebrows "Really?" He wrapped his arms around her back pulling her closer to him.

Annabeth locked eyes with Percy, "Yeah. Just-" Annabeth got interrupted by the door bell. She sighed, "I'll go get that."

Percy released her, "Okay."

Annabeth walked over to the door, answering it. "Hi! Can I help you?"

A girl, about nineteen, answered. "I'm looking for the residence of Percy Jackson?"

Annabeth eyed the girl, then reached her hand out, "I'm Annabeth Chase."

The girl shook her hand, "I'm Hailey. Hailey Reynolds."

Annabeth felt like she knew the girl from somewhere, but couldn't remember. She only thought it was just her pregnant mind playing tricks on her. "Uh, you can come in if you want? Do you want anything to drink?"

Hailey shook her head, and made her self comfortable on the couch.

Annabeth walked into the kitchen where Percy was making a sandwich.

"Hey, who was that?" Percy asked her.

"Some girl named Hailey Reynolds. She claims to know you."

Percy's eyes knit in confusion, "Hailey Reyolds? I don't know any one named Hailey Reynolds."

Annabeth shrugged, "She seems to know you." She walked over and took a bite of his sandwich, "I invited her in."

He took another bit of his sandwich, "Can't you tell her I'm busy or something?"

Annabeth gave him a hard look, "No, that's rude."

"Fine. I wonder what she wants anyway."

Annabeth shook her head and mumbled, "You and me both."

Percy's POV

Percy walked into the living room with Annabeth at his side. On the couch is where the girl Hailey Reynolds sat. She had pale skin (not a pale as Nico), long blond hair that went to her mid back; her eyes were a hazel color. She was cute, but not beautiful like Annabeth. She was nowhere near as pretty as Annabeth.

The girl Hailey smiled and stood when she saw him, "Hey."

Percy inwardly groaned, "Hi." He didn't want to be rude so he smiled.

Annabeth must have sensed how awkward it was just standing there so she, bless her heart, started a conversatoin, "So, how do you know Percy?"

Percy wanted to say "Yeah how do you know me?" But instead he just looked at the girl telling her to get on with her crazy story.

"You see, it's a complicated story."

"How so?"

"Well, I'm kind of his... wife." She smiled at my horrified face.

She thinks she's my wife? This poor confused girl, Percy thought. "What?" He asked.

Annabeth glared at the girl, "You think you're his wife?"

She pulled a paper out of her bag, "Honey, I know I'm his wife." She handed Annabeth the piece of paper that turned out to be a marriage certificate. It had both Percy's and Hailey's signatures on it.

Annabeth's expression hardened, "When did this happen?" She snapped.

Percy shook his head confused, "I have no idea." She glared at him, "Honest."

Hailey spoke up, "It happened last weekend. In vegas."


*Flashback to Vegas the night Percy got married*

"Hey! Percy!" A girl called. She had pale skin, long blond hair, and hazel eyes. He looked her up and down.

"Have we met?" He walked over to the counter and sat on a bar stool.

The girl smiled, "No, but I know you. We went to Camp Half-Blood together, but I was a little bit younger than you. I am Hailey from the Hecate Cabin."

"I'm Percy from the Poseidon Cabin."

The girl kept smiling at him, "I know. I had the biggest crush on you when we went to camp, but you were always with Annabeth after you guys got back from the quest. The one with Frank, Hazel, Leo, Piper, Jason." Hailey's expression went to jealousy, but came back just as fast, so he thought he just imagined it. All the alcohol hadn't really helped.

"We grew pretty close on that quest."

Hailey changed the subject, "How have you been? I haven't been to camp since I was 16 so..." She trailed off locking eyes with him.

Percy felt a little uncomfortable and looked away, "Um... I have been really great . Annabeth and I moved in together, like, six months ago. We're almost done with college. Life's great."

"You guys are still together after all these years? I would've thought you guys split."

"Yup, still together I have know idea where I would be with out her."

"How about I buy you a drink." Hailey changed the subject.

"Sure sounds great." After about five drinks Percy was officially wasted. "Okay, I think I'm done," Hailey had this evil look in her eyes.

"How about just one more? I have a special ingredient I want you to try." Percy just nodded. After he got the drink he wanted she put some pink liquid in it. He drank it all. It tasted like liquid candy.

"That's almost as good as nectar."

"Jusf something I learned over the years. It was my first time using it on somebody. Did it taste good?" Percy nodded. He couldn't remember anything that just happened.

Annabeth replaced Hailey.

"Annabeth what are you doing here?" He practically yelled.

Annabeth smiled. It was a colder smile, "Well, while you were in Vegas, I thought lets get married!"


Percy's look towards Hailey turned to hate. "You tricked me! I thought you were Annabeth. You gave me a potion and that made me think you were Annabeth and erased my memory of that night. Didn't you?"

Hailey shook her head and smiled, "I have no idea what you're talking about. We met in Vegas, fell in love, and got married. I didn't even know you had a roommate."

Annabeth spat at Hailey, "I'm his girlfriend."

"Timeout!." Percy's voice was raised. "I wouldn't ever marry some girl I just met." He turned towards Annabeth, "She's from the Hecate cabin from back at camp, she have some love sick potion and then she turned into you."

Annabeth glared at Hailey, "Get out."

Hailey gasped, "Excuse me?"

Annabeth's expression was deadly calm, "Get. Out. Of. My. House."



Hailey looked at Percy with a hope in her eyes, Percy's glare hardened and he shook his head, "Just get out."

"This isn't over." Hailey grabbed her purse and started for the door.

Percy called, "Hailey?"

She looked back, "Yeah?"

"There wasn't ever a beginning."

She slammed the door on her way out.

Percy turned towards Annabeth, "Annabeth I-"

She held her hand up, "Don't." She had a poker face on, but Percy could see was she was feeling through her eyes. She looked betrayed and heartbroken, "I don't want to hear your sorry excuses."

Percy wasn't going to give up, "Annabeth, I was under some kind of spell that made me like a love sick puppy. She was from the Hecate cabin back at camp-"

"I don't care Percy."

"Annabeth I thought I was marring you. I-"

"I said I don't want to hear it Percy. Marriage means more to me than a stupid certificate. I thought it meant more to you as well. She took a deep breath. "I'll let you and Hailey have a wonderful marrige." She walked out of the room.

Percy just processed what she said, and ran into their bedroom where he saw Annabeth grabbing a suit case.

"Annabeth what are you doing?" he saw that she was packing all of her beloved items in to a suit case." You can't leave."

She laughed bitterly, "I can do what ever I want. I'm not living with a married man."

Percy wasn't going to give up on her that fast, "Annabeth please I love you. I have proved that so many times. I fell into the depths of hell just to be with you. Doesn't that mean anything to you?"

"Meant Percy, it meant something to me." She snapped.

"What? Annabeth- please we can work something out." Percy pleaded he was desperate. She couldn't leave him. She was his life.

"No Percy-"

"Annabeth I love you ple-"

She threw her hands up. "Percy stop! Please don't say I love you! It obviously doesn't mean anything to you." She turned around and whispered. "It doesn't mean anything."

"How can you say that?" Annabeth moved on to another suitcase.

"You married Hailey. How could I not say that? What if I went on a vacation and came back married? How would you feel? Would you feel like I actually loved you?

"ANNABETH!" She looked startled," I thought I was marrying you not Hailey."

"You didn't." She paused and exhaled. "Look, Percy I'm the child of Athena and your dad is Poseidon it would've never worked anyways."

"No, Annabeth, you don't want it to work." Percy spat at her.

Annabeth looked like she was fuming, "Really? You were the one who went off and married another person!"

"For the last time I thought it was you! Annabeth it's only ever been you." He said softly looking in to her gray eyes that looked like storm clouds.

"I. Don't. Care. What. You. Thought." She slowly.

"Please Annabeth just stay. I'll divorce Hailey and we can move on with our lives. We can have the life we always dreamed of." He pleaded.

"No Percy," Annabeth broke down tears streaming down her face. Percy felt awful, because he knew it was his entire fault, and he couldn't do anything about it. " Please stop saying that," He could barley make out what she was saying from all the sobs. She took a deep breath then continued. "Please Percy, I really need to go on my own. If you truly love me let me go. Looking at you makes my heart break all over again. Right now I wish you let my fall into Tartarus. It would be a whole lot less painful than this right now." She broke down in sobs again. "Percy I hate you, I hate you..." She started pounding on his chest and repeating ' I hate you'. He felt so bad he didn't stop her. He stood there and let her pound on his chest. Her crying made him want to start crying almost as much as the words she just said to him. When she stopped she sat down on the bed.

"So you hate me?" Percy asked his heart officially broken in two.

"Yes." She whispered.

"You don't love me?" He couldn't believe it.

She scoffed, "Don't you get it? I'll always love you. That's why I can't say here. Because If I always stayed when you did something idiotic then I would never leave. I have to leave." From the moment she said 'I'll always love you Percy' Percy swore on the River Styx that he would marry her even if it took ten years.

Percy looked down shamefully, "Annabeth jus please don't go."

"I have to." Her voice was broken.

His heart broke again. "I don't want to stand in your way. If you really need to go, then just go."

Her eyes softened,"Thanks." She stood up and walked towards the door. She turned around, "Bye Percy pleaseā€¦just please stay safe." Her beautiful gray eyes stared into Percy's sea green eyes one last time.

She walked out of the apartment.

Out of Percy's life.

Annabeth's POV.

Annabeth looked at her old home one last time before getting into the taxi. Annabeth started to cry the hardest she ever had once in the taxi. The taxi was going to Camp Half-Blood. She would be staying there until she found a new apartment, a new home. But the thing that hurt the most was knowing she hadn't even had the chance to tell Percy about his child. The child he would never get to see.

So that was my first ever Fanfic please review and tell me if you like it. I know it was kind of dramatic. I promise not all of the chapters will be dramatic.