Hey guys! This is my first Criminal Minds FanFic! It is a Reid/ Seaver fic set in season 7. I know a lot of people don't like Ashley so sorry about that. But you can always try new things ;) Any way thank you for reading and please give me advice on how to improve!

Normally on A Monday morning Spencer Reid would be first into the office. Today was no exception. He sat there sipping on a cup of coffee, reading his latest novel. Just as he was getting into the book he heard the door open and in came a bundle of agents. Garcia was first to greet him.

"Hey, Boy Genius. How was your weekend? Well I mean Sunday seeing as we were on a case Saturday. Well you know what I mean."

As Garcia went off into a ramble Reid noticed JJ coming up behind her. With a look which could only say 'Henry had another nightmare and had to sleep in with us.' And finally walking through the door came Morgan. His face plastered with either exciting news or a brand new area to tease Reid about. But today Reid didn't realise it could be both.

"Morning pretty boy." Directed to Reid followed with. "And how are you today Baby girl?"

As they got talking Reid started to float back to his book. Hoping to avoid any banter. When Reid heard Morgan directing a statement at him.

"Hey Boy Genius, never guess who I saw in the elevator on the way up! Ashley Seaver! You remember Seaver don't you? Oh of course you do. Any way I was talking to her and they transferred her back up to Quantico. She is working in a different area. But still it was pretty cool to see her."

Reid took a moment to think and avoid comment which could earn remarks on Morgan's side.

"Wait, when did she get here? I was talking to her last week and she didn't mention any thing about coming back. In fact she was saying that she loved her job. Why wouldn't she tell me?"

"Woah Pretty boy calm down. So you've been talking to her how long has that been going on?"

With a sigh Reid continued. "Well every since she left we still talked. Didn't you? But after Maeve died I needed someone to talk to so I turned to her. Her dad just died and she was going though the same thing as me. We became really close because of it. I just thought this would be the kind of thing she would mention."

The look Morgan gave Reid was not one he was expecting. A sly smile was on his face, and the twinkle in his eye was the one Reid dreaded as he knew it would follow with teasing.

"So you talked to her? Sounds like you to have been pretty close. What is with the look Reid you look hurt?"

"I just thought she would of told me that's all! I am not hurt and there is no look, this is just my normal face."

And with that Reid walked of to the kitchen. Thinking to himself. I am not hurt; that's just Morgan trying to wind you up. Your just suspicious of why your friend didn't tell you. That's all this is, it is normal so don't over think it Reid. At that exact moment his phone buzzed.

Ash: Hey Reid! Guess where I am! Well you probably all ready know I am not exactly subtle ;L Want to meet? I'm on 3rd floor. X

Me: Hey yourself ;) Morgan just told me, good news travels fast. Haven't got a break till 1 meet you down stairs then? XX

She hasn't forgotten you. Just don't worry, after all this is the first time you've seen her in 2 years. What's to worry about?

With that Reid headed back to his desk to get to work. A shy smile on his face. It may have been 2 years but the same exciting feeling was there and he couldn't wait to see that smile. Something had always felt so right about Seaver. She was his complete opposites, Morgan had all ways said opposites work best. The thoughts went on until Morgan snapped him out of it.

"Reid, what's up with you? You've been sat here for a good half hour with out reading. I'm shocked."

"Oh, what? Sorry yeah just a bit distracted."

Morgan walked off a smile on his face and muttered "Who know that all we had to do to get you to smile."

Reid heard the slight muttering and smiled "And who know that's all I had to do to wind you up."

Turning to face the clock it said 10:30, only 2 hours and 30 min to go.