This is it guys! The last chapter in this story but don't worry I'm going to be doing more Ashley and Spencer in the future! But any way this is going to be a nice simple ending chapter where everyone is at a coffee shop.

Reid casually picked up a book of Ashley's table and flicked through he recognised the name but put it down again once realising it was a romance novel. He had never been to Ashley's before and he found it oddly fascinating. He could see truth in the statement opposites attract he was a neat freak and her apartment was the complete opposite. Books covered her table and clothes hung over the chairs. A few pictures from the academy lay on the breakfast bar along with a picture of him and her at a book store that he could not remember her taking but he wanted a copy. He had never seen himself look so happy, they made a cute couple.

"Hey Spence you ready to go?" Spencer turned round the photo still in his hand.

"Wow you look cute. I'm ready when you are. Quick question though, can I have a copy of this?"

"I love that photo. You know we only have this one of us as a couple the rest where team shots."

"We should take more photos. You know starting now."

He leaned down and pulled her phone out of her pocket and took a photo.

"Now that's done let's get going we've got awkward questions to deal with."

"Well Spence at least we get coffee."

-Spencer spotted JJ across the café and Derek walking towards her with coffee. Tightening his grip on Ashley's hand and directed them forward. JJ was the first to notice them and Reid spotted his Godson sat next to her picking apart a chocolate brownie.

"Hey Henry how's my number one god son?"

"Hi Spencer! Uncle Derek brought me a brownie but mummy says I can only have one! Who's that?"

"This little man is Ashley my girlfriend."

"Hi Ashley, I'm Henry!"

"Hi Henry. Is that a good brownie?" Ashley sat down and fell into conversation with JJ's son.

A smile played over Reid's face, his brain couldn't help wondering to Ashley playing with their children. He could imagine it, all though it seemed weird to be thinking it this early.

"Boy Genius, did you hear me?"

"What sorry I was miles away."

"I said aren't you lucky JJ brought this little guy. It's pretty hard to tease you around him."

"Actually I hadn't thought of that! JJ I owe you massively!"

"Don't get too ahead of yourself Spence; Ashley is keeping him pretty happy. So she might avoid it but you won't. Just wait till everyone gets her. Oh speaking of the devil there's Alex, Hotch and Hotch has Jack."

"You know I feel I might be looking after Jack."

"Not a chance but you are not denying me and JJ all the details."

"Wait guy's is that Emily with them?"

"Nice try Reid but we are not falling for that."

"No really. Emily?"

"Hello my wonderful team! Have you missed me?"

-Reid once again blushed and took a large sip of his coffee and looked over at Ashley who was deep in conversation with Emily catching up on old times. Lucky for her Emily was a lot nicer then Morgan's questions and Rossi's dad speech. He was getting Morgan back so much for this. As soon as he gets a steady girlfriend he is suffering. Ashley's voice came over everyone else's.

"Hey guys, can we get a photo. This is the first time in forever I have seen you all and me and Reid are trying to take more photos."

Garcia jumped up and started to move people around to get the perfect picture. The kids and the front. JJ, Emily and Alex sat next to Ashley and Reid. Then the boy's at the back. She went and sat beside Morgan and a member of starve took the photo. This was the first time in a long time they had all been together and happy. It was perfect.

-Ashley leaned over Spencer's printer trying to get it to plug in. For someone who hates technology he had a lot of high tech stuff. The printer loaded up and Ashley gave a triumphant whoop. As the picture started to print; she felt arms snake around her waist.

"What are you printing?"

"The photo from earlier I want to see it properly."

Picking up the photo Ashley smiled and lifted the picture for Reid to see. She felt his smile return. Turning round in his arms she leaned in for a kiss.

"I love you Spencer Reid, I love this!"

"I love you Ashley Seaver and I love this too."

I can't believe it. This is it the story is over. In all honesty reader I am crying right now. It feels like a massive milestone. I hope you guys liked and please go and check out my other stories and write your own! I love you and thank you for sticking with me!And there will be MORE STORIES I PROMISE!