Hello everyone, AlwaysTheTruth here. School and girlfriend = busy. Either way, here's the best chapter of all time.

"Kyoto University!?"

"Yeah, didn't I tell you that's the one I got into?"

Youhei thought back to the last couple weeks.. he couldn't think of anything.

"Oh yeah, I remember now!"

"Sure you do."

Ryou sighed, she was on edge. Despite her public appearance, she really didn't want to leave her peaceful town behind for the big city of Kyoto, let alone the fact she'd leave behind her lover in the process. The month between the end of high school and the start of college had gone by in a flash, and sadly this was the last night they'd have together for a long time.

"Did you get accepted into anywhere, Youhei?"

"Well, no, sadly. I've offered to start working at Fukawa's bakery whenever her parents want to go out though, so I'll be fine for a while!"

Ryou took a moment, then giggled, "I wish I could be as stress free as you..."

Youhei took the signal and quickly gave her a hug. She was trembling, and tears slightly dampened his shoulders through his shirt.

"It'll be fine, Ryou. No matter what, you'll always have this town."

She took a moment to collect herself and wiped the tears from her eyes, she smiled, "Thank you so much, Youhei."

She leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek, it was nothing much, but enough to make Youhei a little red- as always.

"Anyways, I think someone promised me a dinner before I leave."

Youhei smiled, "That was me.. right?"

"Yes, it was."

"That's good, let's go someplace fancy today."

It was out of character for Youhei, but Ryou appreciated it. They ended up picking this highly rated Chinese food place less than a mile out of town. They walked the whole way as Ryou took in the scenery for the final time for what seemed to be a long time. The trees and architecture stood the same as ever, unaware of the major changes going on in their lives. People walked by, some students Ryou and Youhei had share classes with- a couple of which teasing them. But then there were total strangers, people who Ryou and Youhei were sure were just as worried about something else. They slowly paced along, arms locked, until finally they arrived.

Youhei held the door open for Ryou as she made her way up to the cashier. The restaurant was standard fair for a Chinese restaurant, some paintings here and there and a dim orange lighting which illuminated the whole restaurant. Calming music played on the speakers.

"Table for two, please?"

"Right this way."

The place was, to their delight, surprisingly empty. While there were a couple families spread throughout, the table they were sat at was relatively isolated. They were each given water and handed a menu to go over. Youhei quickly picked orange chicken with rice, while Ryou picked tofu a minute or two afterwords. They were both relatively silent while they were picking, but as they got their orders taken, Youhei attempted to start a conversation.

"So.. university, huh?"


Youhei slowly took in the thought of not being able to see his girlfriend before responding, "Man, I don't get why such a kind, smart girl's stuck with someone.. like me."

Ryou frowned, "Now Youhei, where's this coming from? You're a wonderful, wonderful guy, and you're very smart! You just didn't have the motivation for a while, is all!"

Youhei sighed, "No need to sugarcoat it, Ryou. You're smart, hard working, and now you're going off to become a medical student. Our two paths couldn't be more different right now.. just promise to put what you want ahead of what I want. Please."

Ryou's face swelled up, "Hey, c-come on, Youhei, we can discuss this.. after dinner, alright?"

He smiled, "You're right, sorry for stressing you out, let's enjoy this meal!"

And enjoy they did, eating it all rather quickly, though they were only able to make general small talk throughout the meal. Fortunately, Youhei was able to pay for it all with a few yen left to spare. They thanked their waitress for the service and left the restaurant. They only made it about 30 steps outside when Ryou's fists clenched.

"Don't talk about that stuff!" Her face turned to Youhei's, whose look of exasperation described the 15 seconds silence, which seemed to last eons.

"R-Ryou, I.. I just want us to be realistic, alright?"

"I don't care about that! I just want you, I don't want realism, I don't want university, I'm so scared.. help..."

She grabbed Youhei tightly and pulled him into her, she couldn't hold back the floodgates anymore as sobs poured down from her eyes. She couldn't back out now, not when she'd worked so hard for this opportunity. She'd accepted years ago she'd leave her old life behind for a new one, that's why she never tried it with Tomoya. But Youhei.. she let her guard down, and now it had come back to bite her.

"I'm sorry Ryou.. I'm sorry I can't come with you, I'll miss you so much, so so so much. I'll try and stay strong.. but if you meet someone, or if something happens while you're there, please don't feel bad if you can't keep being with me!"

"Don't say it!"

She pulled away from him, her whole face flushed with tears. Youhei felt helpless at the situation. They could do nothing now, it was all up to chance.

The next day rose as usual, the sun shone and the birds sung, nothing was noticeably different- save for the numerous amount of students boarding trains for their separate universities. Ryou, surrounded by Youhei, her parents and her friends checked the watch once again, six minutes until she had to go.

"And Ryou, promise me, no more being scared of new people! Alright!?" Kyou shouted at her sister, while it was with good intentions she did, Ryou could only respond by smiling nervously.

"Don't worry Kyou.. I'll manage."

Adachi and Kiki both made sure their daughter had everything she needed- money, clothes, food. Once they verified she indeed had these three essentials they once again gave their teary goodbyes.

"I'm proud of you, Ryou.. you've made us all proud! Call us if you ever need anything!"

As her friends finished raining in their goodbyes, last of all was Akiko.

"Hey, Ryou.. I know I won't be following you to Kyoto, so I promise I'll take care of things while you're gone. Alright?"

Ryou nodded, and they embraced for a short while.

Finally, her train was called on, and she went to board.

"Wait!" Youhei shouted out, he quickly walked to Ryou, "Please, take this.. from me to you." He gave her a bouquet of flowers, as well as a photo album of the two of them together. He blushed deeply as he did this.

Ryou smiled brightly, "Come on now, don't make me cry in front of everyone."

They shared one last hug, and it felt as if all their emotions poured into one another at once. Every fear one had was felt by the other as they embraced tightly. Finally, Youhei gave Ryou one last peck on the lips.

"I love you, Ryou."

"..I love you too.. always."

Ryou stepped onto the train, whimpers just slightly audible to Youhei, and a few seconds later the doors had closed. As the doors closed on the train that began chugging its way to Kyoto, Youhei and Ryou both felt the book close on an unforgettable chapter of their lives. What would happen from here on out is unknown to them, but they'll make sure to try their best- it's what the other would want.

I hope you all enjoyed this story. The adventure we all went on together has been a long bumpy road, but after some egging I finally gave this story the conclusion it rightfully deserved. This is AlwaysTheTruth, signing off. Have a wonderful night, everyone.. until next time.