I'm sorry I've been gone so long but I hope to have some more drabbles up in the near future! Enjoy!

Sam paced the living room, phone to her ear and sighing heavily. "Tucker he already has everything I could think to get him. What do you get someone after ten years of marriage and another seven years before that of dating?"

"There's got to be something. Jazz got me the coolest computer ever. Top of the line, with an amazing graphics card, one TERABYTE of storage-"

"That's great Tucker, but Danny doesn't need a computer or any kind of tech anymore."

Tucker laughed on the other end of the line. "I know. What I was trying to get at before I remembered how sweet it was, is that it wasn't sappy or cute or even necessarily something practical, but it was something I am seriously interested in that I'm going to get a shit ton of use out of. And I can always modify it."

"That... that was actually kind of helpful Tuck. I have an amazing idea but I'm going to need your help. It's simple. All I need is for you to take Danny out of the city for a day or two before our anniversary. Can you ask Jazz to take care of the kids for me?"

"Let me ask... Jazz!" Tucker called and Sam heard muffled talking in her ear. "Hey Sam, you there? She said that was fine. You gonna tell me what you're planning?"

Sam smiled although Tucker couldn't see it. "I'll tell you when I have a better idea of if it'll be possible. Crap! I have to go. He just got home and I have some plans to make."

She pressed the end call button and smiled at her genius idea. It was going to take her a while to plan but with her inherited money and her connections, she was sure she could get it done in the time frame spanning until their anniversary.

Three weeks later, Sam paced again in the living room on the phone with the company that was helping her build her idea. "Are you sure it's going to be ready by Friday?"

"Don't you worry Miss Manson, we're just putting the last touches on it. Also, you said you wanted it... on top of your house?"

"Yes. My husband has wanted to build something similar on our house since we moved in. This will just be a starting point."

"Alright then, we'll see you this weekend with it all ready to go."

"Thank you," Sam said putting the phone down.

Danny walked into the room after having put the kids to bed. "Who were you talking to?"

"Jazz." Sam lied. "Just calling to see when she's picking the kids up."

"Remind me again why she's taking care of them? Tucker and I are only going to be gone like, forty-eight hours. What exactly is it you're doing this weekend?"

"You're really still clueless aren't you? I told you five times already, my mum needs me to sign some legal stuff so my inheritance goes to you and the kids if anything were to happen. Sure, you think it'd take ten minutes but there's a crap ton to do and it's easier this way." It wasn't a total lie. That was one of the things she had to do, but it would take no more than an hour.

"Well I'll make it all better when we get back and celebrate our anniversary." He told her and kissed her on the cheek.

Their phone rang interrupting their moment, the caller ID reading 'Jazz'.

"Didn't you just talk to her?"

"Maybe she forgot to tell me something. Hey Jazz."

"Sam there's a big problem! Have you talked to Tucker?"

"No, why? Danny have you talked to Tucker today?"

Danny shook his head and Jazz continued. "He caught some sort of bug and is throwing up everything in his stomach. So not only can he not go with Danny this weekend, I can't take the kids in case they catch what he has. I'm so sorry!"

Sam's face dropped. "It's alright. I'll think of something. Tell him to feel better."


"Maybe your parents can take the kids?" Sam asked.

Danny shrugged handing her the phone that she had placed back on the table. Ten minutes later, Sam smiled when Maddie told her they would be happy to take their grandchildren for the weekend. Now all she had to worry about was Danny.

"So why am I not just looking after the kids while you're with your mom?" Danny asked.

Sam hesitated before saying, "Well hun, the thing is I still need you to not be here this weekend. I can't tell you why but... Can you find something to do?"

"I guess so, but I don't know if I can find something to do the whole weekend."

"At least Saturday. Go somewhere Friday night and don't come back till Saturday night. Twenty-four hours is all I need." Danny nodded and kissed his wife before heading to make some calls.

Friday at noon, Sam kissed Danny before he went through the ghost portal to spend the following 24 hours with Frostbite and the Far Frozen. Just after he leapt through the swirling green portal, the doorbell rang. She let in the workers so they could get prepping their roof for the new addition.

"Hello Ms Manson, how are you this afternoon?" Mr Greenbank, the supervisor, asked.

"Good thanks. Can you be done by this time tomorrow?"

"Of course. We'll have all the prepping done by the end of today and then tomorrow all that's left is to crane it in place and bolt it down. Make sure it's one hundred percent stable and safe which should only take a couple hours."

"Perfect and thank you again so very much. You have no idea how excited he'll be."

"I assume since you are willing to put something like this on your roof, he would have to be." he replied, tone flat.

"You know the house with the giant metal centre on top with the FentonWorks sign?" Sam asked, and he nodded. "That's the house he grew up in."

Mr. Greenbank nodded his head in understanding and left to go check on the workers progress.

Several hours later, the workers tipped their hats to Sam and left for the night even though it was only 6 pm. Mr. Greenbank told her it would take two days because he didn't want to do the harder things at night when more problems would occur due to the lack of visibility. She was thankful Danny had agreed to leave even though his plans had been cancelled because there would have been no way to get it done as a surprise had he been at home. She had time so she went over to her mother's house to sign those paper and tell her about what she was doing for Danny.

"Sammy, there you are! You were supposed to be here an hour ago," her mother said when she walked in.

"Sorry mom, I didn't know I needed to be here at any time. I've been busy today."

"With what? You told me Daniel was going away this weekend, so what have you been doing all day?"

Sam explained what she had planned for him but her mother's response was not exactly what she had hoped.

"Samantha, do you really want something like that on top of your house? I know you love his parents and him, but do you want the same stigma he had from his parents for your children?"

"Mom it's just for stargazing, it's not like I'm going to put a giant sign saying 'FentonWorksTwo'. Danny's ghost research is less intense than his parents and while he does babble on a little like his father on occasion, he knows when and when not to bring it up. It's not going to make us social pariahs."

Her mother squeezed her arm. "Sweetie, I'm just saying maybe you should think about putting it in your backyard or something. I know you would do anything for him but don't sacrifice your social status for a gift."

"I don't expect you to understand the whole ghosts thing and the work that he does, but I do some of it too and I just want you to be alright with it. I'm happy, he's happy, and our children are perfectly happy and normal, even by your standards." Sam said, leaving out the part where they have ghost powers.

"Whatever you think is best, I was just telling you what I think. The papers are in the other room, so come and sign them so you can afford this."

Sam didn't bother mentioning that with the number of ghosts these days still roaming the country, her and Danny had no money problems at all. She was able to afford this inheritance or not.

The next day Sam paced their basement lab, waiting for Danny to return. The workers had left the house earlier after they had declared it was securely in. She couldn't wait to show him and as the minutes passed by, she was worrying with how late he was being.

She then heard a noise coming from the portal and Danny came flying through it, landing face first on the ground with a thud. His suit had a few tears in it and the skin exposed was bruising. Groaning, Danny rolled over and gave Sam a pained smile.

"Hey there hun, have a good weekend?" he said trying to sit up.

Sam rushed over to stabilize him while sitting up. "Oh my god what happened? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine... Mostly. Random ghost appeared and attacked when I tried to talk to it. Categorized under an unfriendly spectre."

"Come on, I'll get the first aid kit. Get into the bath to clean off the ectoplasm and blood."

Following his wife's orders, he made his way upstairs to their master bathroom, noticing a hatch in the ceiling. Just as he was about to reach for it, Sam came up the stairs an ushered him into the bathtub to clean up.

"What's that hatch for?" he asked once he was out of the tub.

"I'll tell you when I'm done. It's why I was in the lab waiting for you in the first place, and why I needed you out of the house." She replied. She placed a bandage over the scratch on his shoulder and nodded in approval, letting him know she was done.

Danny got up and put a shirt on, gazing at Sam to see if she would give him any further indication as to what it was. He had only been home for a half hour and nothing else looked out of the ordinary, so he wasn't able to imagine what it was. Although it did look a lot like the one at his parent's house.

"Are you ready for you anniversary gift?" she asked him, shaking him from his thoughts.

Danny looked confused. "Our anniversary isn't until tomorrow."

"But I couldn't keep this a secret for that long so come and put on this blindfold. No ghostly peeking!" she said and led him to the hallway, pulled down the hatch and carefully led him up the stairs.

"Can I take it off yet?"

"Just need to put you right here... Okay, take it off!"

Danny pulled the tie on the blindfold, letting it fall. His eyes widened and he smiled at his wife. "You got me out of the house so you could do this?" Sam nodded and he pulled her into a bone crushing hug, kissing the top of her head. "You are without a doubt the absolute best wife anyone has ever had. I love you!"

"You're welcome. Now stop hugging me so you can look around."

"Is this the newest-"


"Oh baby, this is the top of the line-"

"It is."

"I'm never leaving!"

"Now you're just being ridiculous!"

Danny laughed and hugged his wife again, then pulled her over to look at the star chart that had been set up next to the telescope. "Thank you so much Sam. I love it, and you. I can't wait to add onto this! It'll be less ugly and way better than the FentonWorks Ops Center. Promise."

"Can't wait. Now, I know it's not our anniversary yet, but your mom and dad still have the kids so what do you say we have some fun? I made the bed with those soft sheets you like..."

"Save those," Danny said with a smirk. "We need to christen this new place. This carpet will do just fine." Then he pulled her close and kissed her.