Being Prime taught a mech many things, and many more could be learned in the midst of a war. Though Optimus admittedly still isn't the best when it comes to knowing when some bot was sneaking up on him. Most of the time it doesn't matter, Red Alert is pretty good at letting them know when there may be Decepticons anywhere near Iacon. Maybe that's why he doesn't jump when something heavy lands on his shoulder strut, though it may have just been instinct. Sharp talons scrape his helm but the blow doesn't seem like it has a lot of force behind it, as it doesn't do any real damage. Optimus reaches around and plucks the offender off his shoulder so he can see who it is. Speedeagle merely blinks at him. "Well, you seem to be functioning just fine" he mutters with a slight hint of amusement. She drops her gaze after a moment so he lets her go. After landing on her pedes she gives him a salute using her wing and takes off.

He sorts through his comm. link numbers and contacts Mirage.

:: I trust you know that your partner in crime is still functioning? ::

:: She hasn't caused you any trouble has she? I apologize she's not in a good state right now and- ::

Optimus decides to interrupt before Mirage talks himself into trouble.

:: As long as she doesn't do any real harm I believe I can overlook the rest Mirage. ::

:: -I...thank you sir. ::

Optimus merely shakes his helm and continues with his work, if he falls too far behind Prowl will never let him hear the end of it.

Mirage checks another name off the rooster, rubbing his faceplates in exasperation. It seems that having her memories so thoroughly wiped gave Speedeagle the idea to secure her place within the ranks by testing herself against nearly every single Autobot in Iacon. In the mere three joors since she'd escaped Ratchet's care she'd managed to engage almost every single bot in some sort of contest or standoff, even Prime for Pitt's sake! Mirage knows that he himself is exempt, Ratchet too considering she got away from him. He looks over the list again, realizing that there's only two bots Eagle hasn't tangled with yet; Jazz and Prowl. Would she though, she always listens to them. Then again, she did tangle with Prime. Mirage briefly considers warning them before deciding against it, they can take care of themselves.

Speedeagle stalks Jazz from above his helm and several paces back, trying to decide when to strike. Prowl could easily be led for what she has planned, that's already been taken care of; Jazz on the other servo is challenge unto himself. The she notices he's picked something up when she wasn't paying attention, and it looks like a gift. Jazz doesn't like to give gifts, which can only mean it's for Prowl and he would follow someone to Pitt itself if they stole it from him, perfect. It takes a moment to ensure he's well and distracted before she leaps down, snatching the gift out of his servo and tearing off down the corridor before he can react. She senses more than hears him follow other than his initial exclamation of "Ya fragger bring that back!"

The straight shot to her destination would be obvious but Jazz would catch up far too easily, so Speedeagle takes the windiest path she can manage, using the corners to stay ahead of the slightly enraged saboteur. Finally she bolts down the hall to her destination, letting Jazz start to catch up. Then she sinks her claws in towards the end and swings around sharply, tucking her head down. Jazz dives over her so he doesn't crash, sailing over her helm straight into the storage closet she'd pinged open. Speedeagle practically jumps on the lock, sealing him in, and drops to the floor.

Now for Prowl. She heads off, ignoring Jazz's muffled protests. Eagle stops by Jazz's office to leave the gift on his desk for him to collect later, as he'd strangle her if she got it damaged too badly, no matter what it was. Then she jumps into the vents and heads across the base to Tactical, stopping at the grate above Prowl's desk. Smokescreen had informed her that it would take a classified data pad to make Prowl chase after her and he should have a few in his workload today. Sure enough he powers one on, but she doesn't really try to read it, just waits for him to finish and set it back down. As soon as he does she leaps down, snatching up the datapad and tearing out of his office.

"Speedeagle!" she can't even peg the tone of the cry that follows her as she sprints out of Tactical. As agreed, Smokescreen indicates for the others to leave her be, so she's halfway down the corridor before she barely picks up the distinct sound of someone transforming.

FRAG! She redoubles her speed, Prowl's root form she could outrun but his alt mode, that ain't fragging happening. Her systems are still worn though, trying to outpace him will send her back to Med Bay for sure. So Speedeagle slides around the next corner, hops on the shoulder of the next bot she sees and launches herself higher still, getting back into the vent systems. It would force Prowl to slow, so she sets off in the same direction she had gone earlier. When she's just down the hall from where she trapped Jazz she drops back to the floor. Prowl had kept up though, and comes around the corner. Speedeagle bolts down the hall and hears Prowl transform, this is probably her only shot. It puts extra strain on her damage systems but she digs her talons in to slow herself, crouching low to the floor. Then she jumps straight up with all the force she can muster, sending Prowl right over her.

He manages to use his moment to tuck into a roll, probably expecting to use the wall to stop himself. She quickly pings the closet open though and Prowl topples through the door, right onto Jazz. She pounces on the lock, and shuts the door again, putting the best locking sequence she'd though up and adds a timer. Most of her frame aches from all the strain but she'd done it. Speedeagle trots back to Tactical with a little extra energy. She sets the datapad back on Prowl's desk where it belongs and leaves, but Smokescreen stops her before she gets out of the division. "What exactly did you do?" She just chuckles a little and leaves for her quarters.

Mirage shoots her a look when she trots in "Finally done harassing every bot on base?"

Speedeagle forces her vocalizer to work "I solved all our problems."

"What problems?" Mirage tilts his helm slightly, but then his jaw component drops "You didn't."

"I did."

"They're going to offline you."

She shrugs "It'll be worth it, I wonder who won the betting pool." She jumps up to her platform in the rafters to retrieve the bribe she'd swiped for Sunstreaker.

Mirage sighs "So where are Jazz and Prowl?"

"Don't worry, they're on base, and if they can hold out they'll be free within about half a joor, if they can't resist, I'm not responsible for however long they disappear" Speedeagle collects her stuff and heads back out to track down the frontliner for a repaint.

Now Mirage doesn't mind waiting for bots to solve their problems and Speedeagle did have decent intentions to go with her underhanded stunt earlier, but this is ridiculous. After consulting with a few witnesses and Red Alert Mirage manages to find the spot where she'd trapped the two officers and checks the lock. As promised, the timer to let them out ran out just about a joor ago. He smacks his servo against the door. "We have a war to win, Decepticons to offline, and this stopped being locked a joor ago. Get. Your afts. In gear."

He turns back around and starts to walk off before he stops, something doesn't feel right, like he's being watched. Slag. He takes off sprinting, feeling digits skim right past where his shoulder strut had been a nanoklik before. A quick glance back confirms there is a very unhappy looking Praxian after him, apparently being locked in a confined space slags them off, who knew. Mirage transforms and takes off, he's pretty sure he can lose the Praxian if he makes it outside.

Speedeagle lifts her helm slightly, she'd come back to the quarters after getting a repaint but something is keeping her from recharge. She pings Mirage.

:: Everything alright? ::

:: I'm getting chased through Iacon by a former Enforcer how the frag do you think I'm doing? ::

Huh, apparently Prowl got a little mad, but why would he go after Mirage, Mirage hadn't done anything. Speedeagle mulls it over. I was the one who stuck them in there but if Prowl is chasing Mirage that means he must partly blame Mirage, but I stuck them in there so- A shift in the air of the room makes it click into place. Speedeagle throws herself to the floor and out the door, redoubling her speed when she senses someone chasing her. She activates her comm. again.

:: You don't have to worry about Jazz intercepting you. ::

:: Serves you right. ::

:: HEY! ::

She jumps onto the wall to launch herself around the corner she almost missed and cuts the line, first things first, dodging a slagged off saboteur.