Catch Me


A month and a half into Summer Break…

In the distance, two motorcycles could be heard riding up the drive of the Webster sheep farm. As Christian Reed got off of his bike, he walked to the front door waiting on his father to get off his. Then after Ralf had started to walk up the steps leading to the door, his son knocked on the door.

"Are you sure they know we're coming?" The older man asked his son. The skater nodded his head, "Yeah, I talked to Tara. She said her parents were fine with housing us for a few nights considering it's her birthday."

Ralf look at his son with a sly smirk on his face. "Why do I get the feeling you're not telling me something?"

Christian was about to retort when a hopping sound came behind the two people. Turning around, he leaned down and picked up a small kangaroo.

"Hi Joey," Then the skater glanced at his father and saw the look he was giving him. "Okay I might have been here last summer."

Before the older man could say something, the door swung open and there stood Hannah Webster.

"Christian," She moved to hug him. Cradling the young kangaroo in one arm, the skater returned the hug. "Hi, Mrs. Webster."

As she ushered them inside the house; she said, "I see you found Joey."

"More like Joey found us." Christian muttered.

"Ah, yes he and my daughter have missed you." His girlfriend's mother laughed.

"Joey doesn't like Kat?" The skater scratched the young kangaroo's ears. To which the small animal, snuggled more into the eighteen year old's touch.

"He does, but he doesn't seem as taken by her as he does you." The woman explained as Ralf cleared his throat a little.

"Oh sorry," Christian said turning a little to glance over his shoulder; "Mrs. Webster this is my father, Ralf Reed. Ralf this is Tara's mother, Hannah Webster."

After the two adults exchanged greetings, the trio moved to the kitchen.

"So where are Tara and Kat?" The skater asked.

"In the back helping our new hand with something," Hannah told him. "Come on. I'll take you to them." And with that, the trio began to walk in the direction of the backyard.

Outside, Kat and the new farm hand, Nate stood watching as Tara began to climb the ladder up to the upper level of barn.

"Nate, Kat," Hannah called while walking to them with Ralf and Christian trailing behind her, "What on Earth is my daughter doing?"

"There's a kitten up there and I couldn't get it myself because I'm allergic to the plants Mr. Webster keeps up there. So Tara opted to get it for me." Nate explained when the trio stepped up beside them.

The older woman nodded her head, but frowned a little with worry. Normally, she wouldn't worry about her daughter doing something like this; she did grow up her after all; but the ladder she was using was broken and there and there was a very good chance she fall and with her recent back injury, her daughter really couldn't afford to fall. But since Tara was so close to the top, Hannah kept her mouth shut.

As Kat turned to him, Christian was just setting the small kangaroo down. Much to Joey displeasure.

"I can't hold you forever," the skater told the small animal. After giving the animal one last pat on his furry head, the skater turned to face the blonde.

"Hey Kat," Christian said, smiling a half smile at his friend.

"Hi," she said, "And you suck."

"What? Why?" He asked his half smile turning into a rare small grin.

"Because I spent forever looking for the perfect present for T; and then when I finally found it, she told me you were coming for her birthday. You basically ruined my gift."

"She'll still like your present." He told her even though his grin got a little wider.

"Yeah, but boyfriend coming for birthday trumps best friend's gift for birthday." She pouted crossing her arms. Chuckling; he said, "Sorry."

"No you're not, but it's okay I guess." Kat continued to pout. The skater began to laugh until something caught his eye. The ladder the brunette was standing on was starting to lean to the left.

"What is it?" Kat followed his gaze as he rushed forward; trying to get to Tara before she fell along with the object she was standing on.

Just as she grasped the pale grey kitten, Tara felt the ladder began to lean. She gasped and clutched the side of the ladder in order to stay up straight. The brunette knew her efforts were fruitless though, so she squeezed her eyes shut and waited for the impact of the fall to hit her body. But it never came. Instead, she felt herself fall into a pair of arms and a familiar voice say, "Well hello to you to, Training Bra."

Letting her eyes flutter open, she saw none other than Christian Reed…

Kat watched as the skater set her best friend on her feet slowly. It was clear they didn't want to leave each other or each other's arms for that matter. After she rolled her eyes at how goofy the looked just staring at each other, she walked over to them.

"Give me the kitten." She demanded in a playful tone. "And then I'll take everyone inside so you two love birds can have some time alone."

With red tinted cheeks, Tara handed over the small animal to her blonde best friend. The minute Kat had the animal in her hands, she turned and ushered the rest of the group back up and into the house. But not before turning back around to wink at the couple.

Chuckling a little, Christian snaked his arms back around the brunette waist. In return she turned in his grasp, not that the eighteen year old were complaining.

"Hi," She finally whispered after a moment of staring into each other's eyes. With a slow easy smile that was reserved only for her; he whispered, "Hi yourself."

Leaning her head against the skater's shoulder; the farm girl mumbled, "I missed you."

"I missed you too." He brought her body even closer to his own. The couple never really had much use for personal space when they were together. For a while they stood there, basking in the presence of each other. Till Tara whispered, "We should go back in before they send someone to come check on us."

"You're right." But neither of them made a move to leave. They stood there for a moment more, before the seventeen year old girl sighed, "We really do need to get back."

"Yeah we do," And the duo made their way to the house hand in hand. When the couple enters the house, everyone was eating lunch.

"Wow," said Christian as he and Tara sat down at the table, "I haven't had any kind of home cooked meal since the beginning of summer."

"What?" Hannah asked rounding so she was looking at the table. Her motherly nature was taking over.

"That's partly my fault," Ralf admitted with a guilty grin, "I'm not much of a cook."

Shaking her head, the dark haired woman spooned up some soup for both of the teenagers. Just as she was setting the bowls down in front of the couple, the front door opened and closed and Neil Webster walked into the kitchen; carrying a brown package with him.

"Nate, there's a ladder in the truck that could use unloading when you're done eating." He said as he set the package down on the counter, kissing his wife.

"City-boy," The older man said when he saw Christian. Standing up, the skater met his girlfriend's father; grasping his hand. "How are you Mr. Webster?"

"Good, good. And you?" The older man answered. The eighteen year old nodded his head, his half smile present on his face. "Pretty good,"

After a few more words were exchanged, the skater sat back down at the table and introduced his own father. "Mr. Webster, I would like you to meet my father Ralf. Ralf, this is Neil Webster; Tara's dad."

As the two men exchanged words, the eighteen year old took; he could feel the brunette girl's hand beside his leg, lightly touching his thigh. Shooting her one of his half smiles, he grasped her hand and squeezed.

Out of the corner of her eye, Tara saw the boy she was in love with shoot a smile in her direction.

What's he up to? She thought. But as soon as the thought enter her mind, she felt a warm large hand incase her own and then she felt a squeeze. Looking down her soup so no one would see her light pink blush, she squeezed back.

Kat Karamakov watched very carefully as her two best friends interacted with each other. While she finished the last bit of her soup, she saw her brunette best friend quickly look down at her soup and…Was that a blush?

Yep, time to go call Abigail and have a little chat about a certain couple. Her mind mused while she stood up, put her bowl in the sink and climbed the stairs to Tara's room…

Before the blonde tried to video chat with her other best friend, she checked the time. Then with a tired sigh, Kat clicked on Abigail's video chat name. Her best friend wasn't getting hurt again, if Kat Karamakov and Abigail Armstrong had anything to say about it…

"Hello? Oh hey baby sister." Ethan's face appeared on the black screen before her. "How's your holiday?"

"Good," She flashed him a grin, "And not that I don't love seeing you my dearest big brother, but where is my betty bunhead of a best friend? I really need to have a little chat with her."

He raised his eyebrows, but called out for the raven haired girl to come here. Once Abigail had taken her brother spot and was out of ear shot, the blonde began to speak. "We've got a situation."

"What kind of situation? And how bad is it?" Are the two questions that fell out of Abigail's mouth. Kat shook her head; her long blonde hair that she had pulled into flopping back and forth as she did so.

"It's not bad per say Abi. Let's just say our resident bad boy and our favorite farm girl, are getting back together."

"AGAIN?" Ethan's voice carried from whatever room he was in, "Isn't this like the fifth time?"

Both girls' rolled their eyes at the comment. "So what are we going to do? Because ever since the three of have gotten close, I know you don't want her getting hurt as I do."

Nodding her head again; Abigail told her, "Don't do anything now. You said he was only there for a few days right? It wouldn't do anything good to say something right now, just let them live in bliss for little while. And then when we get back to the academy and then when they start to see each other every day, we'll say something to him."

"But you know we can't protect her from everything Kat. Relationships do go through rough times."

While she sighed; the blonde told her friend, "I know that and I'm not saying we should protect her from every little fight, but if it's something really big…"

"Yeah, I know what you mean Kat. You're a really good friend." Abigail gave a slight smile. "So we're agreed? We won't talk to him until we get back to the academy?"

Kat nodded, a small smile coming to form on her face. "Yeah and thanks. You're a good friend too Abigail."

The raven haired girl's slight smile turned into a full on. "Thanks Kat. But I'd better go, your parents are taking Ethan, his flat mate and I out to dinner."

"Good luck," The blonde giggled as she raised her hand to wave her goodbye. She put her finger on her mouse pad and went to close the chat, but Abigail stopped her. "Hey wait. When Tara opens my gift, tell her on. Because I wasn't real clear on what size she is so I guessed. And if it doesn't fit tell her to send it back and I get it in her size."

Once again, Kat nodded saying a goodbye and then she closed the video chat. She ran a hand through her hair, the blonde rested back in the desk chair. This year would sure be interesting…

After dinner that night, Tara and Christian were assigned to finish up the dishes (Well Tara was assigned, Christian just volunteered for some reason.) while the other occupants of the house set up a movie.

"I don't get you sometimes." Tara handed her crush Chuckling, Christian took the plate, dried it, the set it in the rack beside him. "Why don't you get me exactly?"

"Because," the brunette sighed in a dramatic fashion, "Every time we had to do the dishes last summer, you always complained about how much you hated doing them and now you offer to do them?"

While he dried another; he leaned in so his mouth was an inch away from her ear and whispered, "Maybe it's the company I like, not the work."

Tara tried to stifle the giggle that was tumbling out of her mouth as his warm breath hit the shell of her ear, but to no anvil. Shoving her arm into his playfully, she tried to create a distance between the two. But it was like trying to shove a brick wall.

"Nice try Training Bra," he told quietly trying to keep the laugh out of his voice. Finally after all the dishes were washed and dried, the duo retreated to the living room.

Sitting down, Christian pulled on Tara's arm so she was sandwiched in between him and Kat.

"What movie are we watching Dad?" The nearly eighteen year old brunette asked her father, while the boy on her right settled an arm around her shoulders. The older man backed away from the TV and sat down next to his wife. "One of yours and that's also one of your favorites. The Amazing Spiderman."

Tara's smile turned into a grin a pure delight. But that grin soon disappeared when her friends on either side of her spoke in unison. "What's The Amazing Spiderman?"

"What?" she turned her head to glance at both of her friends, "You've got to be kidding me! Neither of you two has seen The Amazing Spiderman?"

Both of her friends shook their heads. Tara sighed, covering her face with her hands. She then shook her head in disappointment. "Just please play the movie before I go into a whole lecture about Spiderman..."

After the movie; all three adults went to bed, leaving the three teenagers alone.

"Well," Kat yawned that sounded suspiciously fake. "I'm going to head to bed. Night you two,"

And with that Kat stood up from the couch and headed down the hallway to Tara's room.

"She's not very subtle is she?" Tara asked shaking her head. Christian also shook his head then pulled her up from the couch and led her to the door.

"Where are we going?" The brunette asked as the eighteen year old pulled her down to the hay field below.

"Right here," he said sitting down and pulling the seventeen year old with him. So that she was now sitting on his lap. Tara started to give a little giggle, but soon stopped and shivered as a breeze ran past their bodies. Christian pulled his arms out of the sleeves of his black leather jacket wrapping them around the farm girl's waist. "Put your arms in the sleeves of my jacket."

The farm girl did as she was told. She immediately felt the warmth from the clothing heat her up from the inside out. Leaning into her hair; Christian mumbled, "You know in a few measly minutes you'll officially be eighteen."

Before she spoke, Tara leaned her head back on his shoulder so that she was looking up at the boy she was in love with.

"Yeah…" She said slowly, "It all seems like a dream, like at any moment I'll be fifteen years old waking up and checking the mail for my acceptance letter all over again."

The skater gave a small laugh, placing a kiss on her head. "Trust me this isn't a dream, Training Bra."

Then they sat in silence for a while, until the eighteen year old boy broke it, "Do you want to know why I brought you out here?"

The farm girl nodded her head, letting it fall on his shoulder. Minutes passed and Christian still said nothing.

"Well?" The almost eighteen year old girl asked.

"Wait for it," he said after he glanced down at his phone. The light was shining brightly in the pitch black of night. "In three, two, one…Happy Birthday Training Bra."

Tara glanced down at the illuminating object and sure enough it was midnight. She was officially eighteen years old. Strange, she really didn't feel any different. But still the farm girl was finally eighteen!

"So you brought me all the way out here just to tell me happy birthday?" She sounded shocked, but she was grinning all the same. After he raised his eyebrows, Christian ran his finger continuously across her stomach; making her squirm and burst out in laughter.

"Stop!" Tara gasped as the giggles fell out her mouth, "This isn't even fair I can't even attempt to fight you off!"

Finally the skater did stop, planting a kiss firmly on the brunette's cheek. Then he nuzzled into the crook of her neck, "Now to get the present I got for you Training Bra, you have to answer one very simple question."

After Tara slid her arms back out of the jacket sleeves, she wound her arms around Christian's waist and placed her head on his chest.

"Which is?" She whispered loud enough for him to hear her. Bringing his face out of the newly turned eighteen year old neck; the skater began to explain. "You told me at the beginning of summer, that you need to I would be there to catch you when you fell, which I will. But you need to give me the chance. So will you be my girlfriend again?"

Instead of giving an answer, the farm girl leaned up and put her lips against his. The kiss at first was gentle at first. Much like their very first kiss, but all too soon became passionate and filled with heat. They had half a school year and the beginning summer to make up for after all…

Tara could feel herself smiling against her boyfriend's lips. She loved the how familiar his lips felt against hers. And that all too recognizable taste of cinnamon and mint fused together on the skater's lips. The kiss could have gone on for hours, but all too soon oxygen became a problem. The couple's lips parted with a light smack.

"So is that a yes?" Was Christian's reply.

"What do you think?" Tara asked in breathless reply. Flashing her, his half smile he went back to nuzzling her neck. As he placed a kiss on her collar bone; he told her, "I lied before- about you having to answer that only question to get my present- this is the last thing I promise. You have to say something."

"Christian!" Tara whined.

"It's just three words," he reassured her placing another kiss on her body; this time just below her earlobe. "Four if you say my name with it."

The farm girl gave a dramatic playful sigh, then in a completely serious voice she said; "I love you Christian."

Her boyfriend smiled against her skin and mumbled, "I love you too. Now check the right side pocket of my jacket."

By this time he had pulled his head back away from his girlfriend's neck and was guiding her hand to where her present hid…

After pulling the small box out of Christian's pocket, Tara just sat and stared at it. She moved it around in her hand, but didn't move to open it. Until, the skater placed his hand over hers and together they opened the box.

Inside laid a silver chain with a matching sliver heart pendent at the end.

"Christian it's beautiful, but you shouldn't have," The newly eighteen year old girl was awestruck at the necklace before her. The eighteen year old boy rolled his eyes at his girlfriend, "Yes I should have. And turn it over."

Delicately, the brunette removed the necklace from the box and into the palm of her hand. The metal felt cool against her skin. Then, using her other hand she flipped the pendent over. There was an inscription.

To my muse, I love you –CR.

The birthday girl could feel the tears starting to well up in the corner of her eyes. She leaned up, giving her boyfriend a lingering kiss on the lips. As she moved her lips against his; she mumbled, "I love it. Thank you."

Two days later…

Tara Webster leaned against her boyfriend; whom of which had his arms wrapped around her, trying not to let her tears fall. Tara's birthday had passed and now, Christian and Ralf were leaving.

"Hey," he tilted her chin up; giving the crown of her head a kiss, "You'll see me again in third year. It's not like I'm dropping off the face of the earth."

Tara nodded pressing her face against his shirt. "I'm just going to miss you."

Another kiss was placed in her hair, "I know Training Bra. I'm going to miss you too."

The couple then walked out the front door and into to the driveway where Ralf, Kat, Mr. and Mrs. Webster stood; waiting for them. Walking her over to Kat, Christian went to hug Mrs. Webster and give a hand shake to Mr. Webster. Then he made his way back to Kat and gave her a squeeze. After he hugged and kissed Tara one last time, the skater got on his motorcycle along with his father. And with one last wave to everyone; the two bikes roared to life and they were gone, driving back down the driveway and onto the country road.

Next time on new Dance Academy…

Christian is hitting rock bottom…

While Ben, Tara, and Grace struggle to keep their heads above water in the company…

Abigail has decided to take matters into her own hands about the company following a shocking reevaluation…

So, here it is Catch Me! I want to let you guys know that this be an alternate to Season 3. And I'll be picking it up from Episode 2. I just feel Episode 1 is too perfect to mess with. I know you're thinking, "What's going to happen to our beloved Tristian?" Well you'll just have to wait and find out! And also I'm going to be treating each chapter like and Episode...So that explains a little bit above...