Kashino: I thought you said you quit.

Me: I did! I'm just writing this because I suddenly feel like it... -^.^-

Kashino: Yay. XP

Me: This chapter is dedicated to everyone in my list of favorite authors. If you're in there, that means you've once reviewed, favorited, or followed one of my stories. Thank you, all of you... :'D Without you, I would never have made it so far.

Ichigo's POV

Have you ever wondered what it's like to be dead?

I used to think that when you die, it's like a dream. Except no matter what you do, you can never wake up.

Well, now I'm actually dead. And it's nothing like that.

It's much worse.

I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to forget. Trying to delete all those memories.

But it doesn't work.

I remember it all so clearly.

Ever since I was little, I've had severe cancer. The doctors told me that I wouldn't live for much longer.

I remember crying for a long time, unable to accept the truth. And everyday, I asked the same question over and over again.


Why did life have to be so cruel?

What had I ever done to deserve this?

For years, I cried a lot. My heart was like glass, too easily shattered.

That was when I met Mako-kun.

He was the boy next door. One day, when my parents were busy at one of Natsume's piano recitals, he came over to my house. We both loved sweets, so he taught me how to make a Sourire de l'Ange. I remember I added too much flour and accidentally burnt it.

No matter how hard I tried to hold them back, the hot, angry tears spilled out of my eyes. I couldn't do anything right. So I really was useless after all...

Suddenly, I felt two warm arms around me.

They were Mako-kun's.

He held the plate in front of me. "Ichi, why don't you try it?"

I hesitated. Then slowly, I took a bite.

I will never forget that first bite.

I remember tasting those sweet, jewel colored strawberries, each arranged to form perfect hearts on the snow white cream.

Somehow, it had a strange sweetness I couldn't describe. A sweetness that made my heart ache with happiness.

Almost like... the sweetness of a first love.

And the strange thing was that the instant I tasted it, a smile lit up my face.

From then on, we became best friends. He was the only one who truly understood me. Whenever I cried, he stood by me quietly. Not talking about it, not being annoyed. Just understanding.

When no one understood me, he did. He knew all my secrets, and I knew all of his.

He was the only one who could make me smile.

Mako-kun told me to always live life to its fullest. To treasure the surprises and learn from the mistakes. And slowly, I saw that life could be beautiful.

It was my eighth birthday. My parents had gone to another one of Natsume's piano contests, so Mako-kun came over. He made me a strawberry tart.

But most of all, I remember that feeling. It felt so strange, so surreal.


I remember he was crossing the street to go back to his house when suddenly, I saw it.

That car.

My eyes widened, my heart stopping. No. No. NO. This couldn't be happening!

That was when I realized that I couldn't just stand there and watch Mako-kun die. It was such a strange feeling. So I did the only thing I could.

I ran into the street and pushed him aside.

The car skidded to a halt, but it was too late.

It hit me.

Suddenly, I felt a sudden pain in my heart. It stung. I remember falling to my knees, gasping for air.

"Ichi! ICHI!" There were tears in Mako-kun's golden eyes. "Please, don't leave me!"

With the last bit of strength in me, I took hold of his hand. "Mako-kun... thank you. For everything."

Then everything blacked out.

When I finally awoke, there was just darkness. Then, a light flashed in the darkness.

It was a computer screen.

I hesitated, then reached out and touched the screen. The a sentence appeared on it.

Message transferring.

Suddenly, I felt a voice. I couldn't hear it, but somehow I could feel the words in my heart.

Amano Ichigo.

"Please, let me see Mako-kun again. Please..."

You should understand that after you die, your heart is set free.

However, you died saving someone else, altering fate.

Because of this, you will be allowed to live for 3 more years as an angel.

However, you must sacrifice something. If you reveal your true feelings or anything that has happened in the past, you must sacrifice your life.

A white rose appeared in the darkness. It glowed brilliantly, almost like a star. Suddenly, I remembered. That was the flower Mako-kun gave me on my first birthday we spent together.

Every day we watered it. But the strange thing was, it never wilted. Mako-kun said it was bond by all the memories we had together, almost like part of our hearts. He promised that our love would always live, no matter what.

When your time is up, the white rose will turn red and your memories will fade away along with your life.

But if you reveal your true feelings or your past, the rose will wilt and you will die painfully with it. Do not break your promise. You have exactly three years, live them well.

All of a sudden, there was a flash of blinding light. Then I was standing in front of a tall building. I stared up at it in shock.

On the building were three words.

St. Marie Academy.

I smiled. I remembered Mako-kun told me about it a long time ago. He had always said it was his dream to study at there and become a Patissier.

I looked up to see a statue the Queen of the Sweets Spirits. I knelt down in front of her, closing my eyes. Please, let me be together with Mako-kun before my 3 years are over...

Slowly, I stood up and ran towards the door to the school. "Wait for me, Mako-kun!"

I searched everywhere, looked into every classroom. When I finally found him, he was sitting alone, watching the sunset.


"Mako-kun! What are you doing?" I asked, sitting down next to him.

He laughed. "I'm watching the sunset." He stared into the sky. "Isn't it beautiful?"

I nodded. The sun was a beautiful golden, creating an explosion of crimson and gold in the sky.

"Whenever I look at the sunset, I see a strawberry tart. The bright red strawberries, the golden crust... it gives you a happy feeling inside, doesn't it?" I smiled.

Mako-kun laughed. "It's almost like hope." He said quietly. "Even if you can't see it, it will always be there."

*Flashback Ends*

He looked just like he was when I had last seen him, just older. But there was something unfamiliar in his golden caramel eyes, something I had never seen before.

"Mako-kun!" I ran over to him. "Mako-kun, I missed you!"

He ignored me. "Go away. I don't have time for fangirls like you."

"W-What?" I uttered. I didn't get it. Didn't he remember me?

"I said, stop bothering me! I'm busy!" He yelled. There was a sad glint in his eyes. "And don't call me Mako-kun."

He stood up and walked off, leaving me still standing there, frozen.

Tears pooled up in my eyes. It was useless to try anymore, wasn't it?

I gazed onto the sunset. When I was with Mako-kun, it was warm and beautiful. But somehow, it seemed cold and empty. Like there wasn't any hope left at all.

No. NO! I couldn't give up now! I would find Mako-kun someday. Someday...

I collapsed onto the ground, tears flooding my eyes. I tried to remember what Mako-kun had told me. That life could be beautiful.

But really, I didn't see anything beautiful anymore.


Me: Umm... I don't know. -.-" It didn't make much sense to me either...

Anyways, sorry it was so boringly horrible! But please, please review...

If I get 20 reviews I'll update it. BUT that's impossible, so... -.- I'm really sorry for wasting your time...


Me: T.T