Kashino: Yay.

Me: XP

Anyways, I know I wasn't supposed to update this unless I got 20 reviews. But... I don't know. I just thought it would be bad not to write something on my birthday, so here's chapter 2~ -^.^-

Kashino: Please enjoy this stupidly cheesy story or Elise will be very depressed. XP

Me: -.-"

"I'm sorry..." I looked down at the burnt mille crepe I had made. So it really was useless after all, wasn't it? I could never be as good as Mako-kun was. "There really is a big difference..."

Ameya-sensei crossed her arms. "A group, minus ten points."

Murmurs echoed through the classroom. "What's happening?"

"She's not qualified to join the A group, is she?"

I tightened my grip on my skirt, my hands trembling slightly. "Um, I've never made a mille crepe before..."

I looked away, tears pooling up in my eyes. "More like... I... am a beginner at pastry making!"

"What?" My classmates stared at me, shocked. I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment. Was this really the right thing to do? I had wanted so badly to be with Mako-kun. But for someone as untalented as I was, it seemed hopeless...

Mako-kun cut a piece of my mille crepe and tasted it. "Certainly, it has a beginner's taste."

He glared at me coldly. "Amano, this should be ten days after you received the school enrollment notice.

I nodded, averting his glance.

"You're a year behind all of us, didn't you think of practicing at all?" His voice was so cold, so cruel. So unforgiving. Was this really the Mako-kun I'd known for so long?

"Could you be thinking that you yourself are an idiot, so someone could teach you personally?"

I looked down, fighting to hold back the tears that threatened to spill out. "H-How could that be?"

"You're naïve. Our aim is to become professionals." He yelled. "If you don't have the determination, go back home!"

I bowed, my tears finally overflowing. It felt like my heart was breaking. Why was Mako-kun so different? I didn't get it. What about all the time we spent together? Didn't he care anymore? It was painful, so painful.

"I-I'm sorry..." I whispered.

Then I ran out of the room.

And I didn't stop running until I found myself standing at the bus stop.

I shuddered in the pouring rain. The threads of water seemed to fall endlessly, just like the tears streaming down my cheeks. I was drenched, but I didn't care.

"If you don't have the determination, go back home!" Mako-kun's words echoed in my mind. And as much as I hated to admit it, he was right.

Why did I have to be so stupid? I clenched my fists. Why couldn't I have done something right for once?

Lightning flashed, followed by a deafening bolt of thunder.


"You got a 25? SERIOUSLY?" The boy teased.

I grimaced, holding my test closer to me.

"Really?" His friend's face spread out into a wide, evil grin. "Look, everyone! Amano got a 25 on the test!"

"What a careless idiot!"

A silent tear slid down my cheek. They were right, I was just stupid.

"Look, she's crying! So the idiot is a crybaby too!"

Suddenly, someone stepped in front of me. "Leave her alone!"

My eyes widened, my mouth dropping open.

It was Mako-kun.

"Stop teasing her, that's not true!" He yelled. "It takes more than a simple test score to show that someone is stupid."

My classmates mumbled something about us being 'two lovebirds', but nonetheless ran off to do something else.

Mako-kun knelt down beside me. "Ichi, are you okay?"

I nodded, smiling up at him through my tears. "Thank you, Mako-kun."

He laughed. "No problem. We're friends, right?"

*Flashback ends*

A tear fell to the ground.

Mako-kun was my friend. Even when I made mistakes, he always encouraged me. But now...

"If you don't have the determination, go back home!"

I came here to find Mako-kun. Thinking, hoping that we could still relive those memories. But we couldn't. There was no hope anymore.

The bus arrived at it's stop, the door opening. I was about to get on when I stopped.


The sun was setting, enveloping the world in a deep blue. One by one, the stars were appearing in the sky,

"Mako-kun..." I murmured, lying on the grass.

"Yes, Ichi?" He looked over at me. His golden eyes seemed to shine brighter than all the stars combined. "Do you need anything?"

"I was just wondering... if I ever left you, would you still love me?" I looked away. "I'm sorry for asking..."

Mako-kun laughed. "Of course I would! Even if I could never see you again, no one could ever replace you."

I smiled. "Promise?"

He nodded, returning the smile. "Promise."

*Flashback ends*

"Miss, are you going on the bus or not?" The bus driver asked, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

I thought for a moment. Then I shook my head, smiling slightly. "No. Thank you for stopping."

The bus driver nodded. The doors closed and the bus drove off, leaving me still standing there in the rain.

I clenched my fists. You just see, Mako-kun! I'll try my best not to lose to you at making sweets. And someday, you'll finally remember me!

I tried to convince myself it was true. But I just couldn't.

The hope in my heart, once a brilliant light, was now nothing more than an uncertain glow.

A dying light just moments from vanishing.

Just moments from leaving only darkness behind.

"It's Mako-kun's birthday tomorrow..." I sighed, staring at the ingredients in front of me. "I should make something for him..."

Then I remembered.

The Sourire de L'ange, the first sweet Mako-kun had taught me how to make.

But I can barely make it without messing up... I looked down, clenching my fists. No matter what, I can't disappoint Mako-kun!

I picked up a strawberry, my hands trembling. It brought back so many memories.

Mako-kun had told me that when you make sweets, you have to express the feelings of your true heart. You can't make people smile if you aren't happy yourself.

But I wasn't happy.

I couldn't tell him my true feelings. We'd never be Ichi and Mako-kun again.

How could I be happy when things were so hopeless?

I felt tears welling up in my eyes. Hot, angry tears. But I brushed them away. No matter how hard things were, I had to try.

I just didn't know if it was any use anymore...

"Mako-kun..." I trailed off, unsure of how to continue.

"What do you want?" He demanded, not looking up from the chocolate he was tempering.

I smiled lightly. "I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday."

He stared at me, his eyes wide with surprise. "You... remembered?"

"Y-Yeah." I glanced down at the box in my hands, then handed it to him.

"What is this?" He muttered, a clueless expression clearly etched on his face.

Despite myself, I chuckled lightly. "It's my present to you." Then I added, "Open it."

Mako-kun seemed to hesitate for a moment. Then he reached out and lifted up the lid.

Instantly, his caramel eyes widened. "Did you... make this?"

I nodded. "I don't have much practice, so it probably won't be very good..." I looked away.

He examined it for a moment, his expression unchanging. "You need to put weights into the crust when it's baking so it won't crumble. The decorative strawberries should be placed after the tart is baked, not before. Also, judging by the denseness of the cream, you didn't add enough milk."

I looked down. "I'm sorry..."

"But since you made it for me, I guess I'll accept it." He avoided my glance, clearly flustered by his compliment.

I smiled. "Thank you, Mako-kun!"

Then I added, "Try it."

Mako-kun cut off a small piece of it. Then, after hesitating for a moment, he complied.

For a moment, I saw something flicker in his cold, emotionless eyes. Almost like a lost light had come back again, igniting the darkness with a strange sense of hope.

Then, Mako-kun turned around and ran.

And as his footsteps slowly faded away, I felt the last bit of hope in my heart disappear with them.

Why? Why did Mako-kun leave? What did I do wrong?

I ran a hand over my eyes, brushing away the tears. I had looked everywhere. But I still hadn't found Mako-kun.

I was about to give up searching when suddenly, I remembered.

The one place I hadn't looked yet.

That was where I found him.

He was sitting on the same hill, watching the sunset.

I sat down next to him. For a while, there was just silence.

Slowly, I reached out and took his hand in mine. "Mako-kun..." I whispered.

Mako-kun jerked his hand away. "I told you not to call me that!" He glared at me, caramel eyes flashing dangerously. Then he lowered his head, his golden bangs covering his eyes. "Go away."

I was about to reply when I saw them.

The tears in his eyes.

I froze, the words forgotten.

I didn't get it. Why? Mako-kun never cried. He was always there for me when I did. So couldn't I do anything to help him?

Anything at all?

"Why?" I finally choked out. "What was wrong with my strawberry tart?"

"I lost the girl I loved most, okay?" Mako-kun yelled, tears forming in his eyes for the first time. "I could have saved her, but I didn't! You'll never understand how I feel!"

"When we met, I taught her how to make a strawberry tart. But she's gone now. And she'll never come back." His voice was softer now.

"I'm so sorry, Kashino." I finally uttered, unable to suppress a tremor in my voice.

What he didn't know was that I was that girl.

I only wished I could tell him.

I clenched my fists, trying to hold back my tears from spilling out.

It didn't work.

Me: Argh. That was the longest, most boring chapter I've ever written. It didn't flow well at all... and it was really rushed, too... T.T

I'm so sorry if I disappointed you guys. I probably did... DX

Kashino: You made that face the wrong way.

Me: XP Grrr...

Anyways, please review! If you do, you get a chocolate cake personally made by Kashino! {~*~*~*~}

Kashino: Yeah right. In your dreams. XP

Miya: Oh, Makoto-kun... -3- Make a cake for me, too! Oh, and of course, as a reward I'll kiss you with my special lipstick on! It's mixed with superglue, so the moment our lips meet we'll be together forever... XDDDD

Kashino: GAH! O_O FINE! Whatever! You all get a chocolate cake! XP Just make sure SHE doesn't come here again... XP

Me: ^.^ Thanks to all my reviewers! You're all too nice... TTuTT

1. Creek Where Snow Falls

2. Neko-chan2604

3. yanii06

4. sweetlittlepanda121

5. Leavepandasalone

6. Crystal286

7. StarlightFangirl


9. Choco

10. xxxSHYSkyxxx

11. Animelover0508

12. Guest

Also, to all the people who favorited or followed it... thank you. Same to everyone who just read it... :)

Oh my gosh, I seriously can't describe how much I love you all. You guys are just too amazing... :'D I love you all from the bottom of my kokoro! ^.~