Disclaimer: I don't own the concepts for digimon, that digivice stuff, or most of the digimon that I use in this fic. I do, however, own Rose, Kiro, Ping, Jye, their families, along with Samon, Terimon, Chimpmon, and Serpenmon and each of their digivolutions

A/N: Well, ladies and Gentlemen, I decided to out another category under me belt, so I chose Digimon.

This story doesn't really have a time set, because they are all pretty much original characters. The first couple chapters are mainly character sketches so you readers can get some idea about their lives and stuff like that.

I don't know if someone may have done something like this, but considering the number of fics here, I hope not. Enjoy

P.S.- The first couple of chapters are is just a character sketch, so don't expect any REAL action

I don't own Donkey Madness * * * The sun shone bright through the window, shedding some light throughout the rather dark room. The beam cut through the room like a sharp knife, halting on the face of one of it's occupants. He was in his mid teens, 14 or 15 at most. He had shaggy brown hair and a peaceful look on his face as he slept. The happy expression soon turned cross as the sun shined on his sleeping form. He swatted his face once, in some desperate attempt to drive off the irritating sun. He gave up and opened his eyes. He winced, and blinked a few times until his eyes adjusted to the light. He sat up in his bed and looked at the small clock on the nightstand. It read 6:13 AM. "Well, the early bird gets the worm," the boy said quietly in a rather hoarse voice. He got up, clad in a beater and pajama pants, and shuffled out of the room, trying not to make much noise. He walked into a small hallway, and into a cramped bathroom. He flicked a switch and light flowed in from above, and he made his way to the toilet. After relieving himself, he turned on the shower and jumped in. He bathed himself quickly, and got out, grabbing a towel from a nearby rack. After he dried off, he threw on his clothes and went to his room. Still careful about not waking his younger siblings, he quickly changed out of his pajamas and into a pair of worn cargo khakis, and a plain red t-shirt.

He left the bedroom, and went into the kitchen area. He opened a cabinet and pulled out a small bowl and a spoon. From another cabinet he took out a box of bran cereal. After filling the bowl somewhat, he put it back and pulled a gallon of milk from the refrigerator. He poured a bit in, and put it back. "Let's see what's going on in the world," he said as he turned on a compact television on the counter top. "Today we can expect temperatures from the high 60's to mid 70's, with a 15% chance of rain," said the weatherman.

The boy stopped gazing at the TV when another figure entered the room. "Good morning, Kiro," said the middle-aged woman. "Morning, Mom. Have a good sleep?" Kiro asked. "Not really. I got in late last night," the mother said. "You should quit if it keeps you from sleeping right," Kiro said. "You know better then I that I need that job to make ends meet. But it's going to be even harder now," she said as she plugged in the coffee machine. "Well, I'm going to go scout for a job today after school," Kiro said. "Great. We're out of coffee," Kiro's mom said, making no reply to Kiro's comment. "Just go back to bed mom. You need your rest," Kiro said as he ushered his mom back to her room. "Kiro, I have to be at work by 8:00," His mom said. "So go in a little late. You need your sleep," Kiro said. "But Kiro." his mom started. "Mom, just get an hour. It'll help," Kiro said. He guided her into her room, and walked out, closing the door behind him.

He walked down the hall, and poked his head in his room, and said, "Wake up guys! You're gonna be late!" he said. "Can I sleep a few more minutes?" whined his little brother, Tenkei. "Yeah. It's too early," said Jinu. "I'm going to go wake up Mari and Kaori. If you aren't up by that time, I'm throwing you off the balcony," Kiro said as he walked off.

Even though they knew he was joking, the brothers quickly got up and dressed themselves. Down the hall, Kiro was trying to wake up his younger sisters, Mari and Kaori. While Kaori got up easily, Mari gave him trouble. "C'mon- you're gonna be late!" Kiro said. "I don't care, Kiro," mumbled Mari. "Amaria Trevis! Get up!" Kiro said. "Ok, ok..." she said as she got up. Kiro left her to get ready and wandered back into the kitchen. When he returned to the kitchen, he quickly set out four bowls and spoons. His four younger siblings ran in, sat down and waited. "Ok, young'uns, what do you want?" Kiro asked. "I want Coco Pellets!" shouted Jinu. This was followed by a chorus of "Me toos!!" from the rest of the kids. "Ok, ok, don't get pushy," Kiro said as he poured them their breakfast.

While Tenkei and Mari ate their cereal in unison (as a matter of fact, they were twins), Kaori plunged her fist into the cereal box. After a few minutes, she pulled it out, with her trophy in hand. "All right! I got the prize! I got the prize!" gloated Kaori. "That's not fair! You didn't give us a chance to look!" Tenkei said. "Well, tough beans!" Kaori said as she stuck out her tongue. "Hey- keep eating!" Kiro said as he snatched away the toy. He heard a snap, and looked down at his fist only to find the toy broken in his hand. "Kiro! You broke it!" whined Jinu. "Yeah, well, if it was that cheap it deserved to be broken," Kiro muttered. "What'd you say?" Mari asked. "I said finish your cereal and go brush your teeth," Kiro said. The kids quickly ate their cereal and ran to the bathroom, pushing each other down in the process. "Hey! Brushing your teeth shouldn't be a full- contact sport!" Kiro yelled. The comment was followed by a few giggles from the bathroom. When they finished brushing, Kiro handed them their lunches and walked them out of the building and down to the corner.

* * *

Ping 'Pig'Chang was in the cafeteria, enjoying both of the two passions of his life. As he ate to his hearts (or stomach's) content, he read a creased, dog-eared, and overall battered video game magazine. "Hmm. Let's see- they're coming out with Donkey Madness part 4 in August, just after the premier of the movie Donkey Madness: Key of the Scepter. So, if the magazine is right, the movie takes place about 5 years before the events of Donkey Madness part 2, which is the prequel to Donkey Madness part 4. Wait- that can't be right. Princess Moyoki is 25 in the movie, yet she is clearly still a teenager in the end of Donkey Madness part 2. Hmm." He pondered this for a second, and barely avoided the wad of gum as it flew past his head.

"Dude- that was a 4-pointer!" said a voice. Ping looked up in annoyance at the two kids sitting at the next table. "FOUR!? That was a 2- pointer at least!" said one boy. "Are you joking? I hit him!" the first boy replied in shock. "All you did was graze his forehead. Any idiot could do that!" replied his comrade. "I bet YOU couldn't!" the first boy said. "Oh really? It's like shooting fish in a barrel!" said the other one. "Wait- where'd he go?" asked his friend.

Ping was already making his way to the door. "HEY! Get back here!" the two yelled in unison. They chased him through the halls, until finally he lost them in the court yard. "Well get you next time, Pig!" said one. "You know, some pigs probably LIKE having food thrown at them!" said the other one. "Well, maybe this one went wee wee wee all the way home," said the first one. "Nice one, dude!" said other one, high-fiving them. Once they had gone, Ping dusted himself off and went to class. When he arrived at his room, he went inside and took his usual seat in the back of the class, where he could study his video games in privacy. Ping quickly tapped on the shoulder of the boy in front of him. "Yeah?" the boy asked as he turned around. "Do you have a highlighter I could borrow?" Ping inquired. "Yeah, sure," The boy said as he dug into his binder. He produced a rather battered green highlighter. "Thanks." Ping said, searching for a name. "It's Kiro," The boy said. "Thanks Kiro. I'm Ping," Ping told him. "Oh," The boy said rather flatly. He turned around and resumed his hobby of gazing out the window as class began.

Ping handed the highlighter back as the class concluded. He went on to his next class (algebra, which could even put off HIS appetite) where he had the pleasure of receiving a test back (which had to be signed). Once again, he chose to ignore the lecture entirely for hopes of better understanding the mysteries of Donkey Madness. Soon enough, the bell rang, announcing Ping's favorite time of the day. "All right! Lunch!" he said as he made his way out the door. He quickly made his way to the lunch room, only slowing down to a 'cool' swagger as he passed a group of popular kids. "What a dork" One boy whispered as the blue-haired girl next to him whispered, "Wannabe." Once in the sanctity of the lunchroom, Ping quickly got on line, and left with a filled tray and a smile on his face. He looked for a place to sit among the sea of students, walking down the aisles between the tables until he found a table with a familiar face at it. "Hey Kiro. Mind if I sit here?" Kiro looked up from his lunch. "Not my table," Kiro mumbled. Ping sat down and started his lunch.

* * *

Jye Shichiju smiled smugly at her overly crowded table. The blue- haired girl munched contently as she gazed at the gaggle of jocks, cheerleaders, and all other cool people in their grade. In short, they were the upper-class of the students. She stopped eating and pulled a digital camera up to her green eyes. Her friends across the table stopped talking and smiled, posing for the picture. The flash came, and her friends returned to their heated gossip. Jye looked at the small screen on the camera's backside, where the words 'Picture Loading' flashed continually. After a pause, her friends smiling faces appeared on the miniscule screen. "Aww! That's a keeper!" her friends said as they saw the photo.

"Why waste your time with pics of your friends? I got all you need right here!" said a cocky voice. Jye cocked an eye at Jurgen, who was sitting next to her. "That's right babe- take a load off your eyes," he said smoothly. "More like poke them out with a salad fork." Jye retorted. "Admit it Jye. You can't resist me," Jurgen said, draping an arm around her. "Get a job, Jurgen," she said, pealing his arm off of her. "Maybe then you can afford a life. And some mouthwash while you're at it," Jye said coldly. Defeated, Jurgen got up and left. "That was a bit harsh, Jye," said a voice from behind her. "Oh, come off it, Rose. He's a self centered, egotistical jerk. He only wants me to boost his popularity," Jye explained. "Even so." Rose mumbled. Jye eyed her plain friend. "Listen, Rose. Sleazes like that'll walk all over a girl. Besides, I got a reputation to keep." Rose fell silent.

"Well, I got to go. See ya, Rose. Later, everyone!" Jye said cheerily as she walked off. She quickly left the lunchroom and to the library, where she quickly pulled out a pen and a piece of stationary. "Let's see." Jye mumbled, twiddling the pen between her gloved fingers. She scribbled a few lines on the paper. She stopped, thought a bit, then wrote a bit more. She quickly signed it, then looked at her handiwork.

Ms. Katagi- Jye will have to be excused from gym class today because she her asthma is acting up. I hope you understand.

-Fe Shichiju

"That'll do," Jye said. She quickly made her way to gym class, where she presented her note to a very unconvinced teacher. "You have asthma, Ms. Shichiju?" asked Ms. Katagi. "Oh yes," Jye said, giving a feeble cough. "And why have you never suffered from it until today?" asked Ms. Katagi. "Well, there's all this construction going on in my neighborhood. It's kicking up a lot of dirt and stuff, ya know?" Jye explained, coughing again. Ms. Katagi looked at her, then note, then her again. "Ok, Jye. Go sit on the bleachers," she said. Jye jumped for joy, but quickly composed herself, and left with a cough.

The rest of the day was a blur. Jye went from class to class, just doing enough to get by until she was at last period. Her teacher was droning on about some war and stuff, while Jye just rolled her eyes. "If we can't change it, then why do we need to know? Just a bunch of smelly old men playing war," Jye mumbled to herself. At least she thought it was to herself. "Well, Ms. Shichiju, those smelly old men-" the teacher started sternly, only to be interrupted by a deafening thunderclap, followed by a blinding flash of lightning. A few of the kids in class screamed, while the teacher kept yelling for them to calm down. "That's odd.. Wasn't it sunny five minutes ago?" Jye asked. "Yeah. the weatherman said it was supposed to stay sunny all week." said the boy next to her. Suddenly the bell rang. "Oh well. Maybe tomorrow," Jye said as she walked off.

* * *

Rose Tenasaki trudged slowly on the long, wet walk home. She shivered in the cold, and winced in the thunder. "I hate this." Rose muttered. It was kind of bad living far from school, yet you lived close enough to not ride the bus. She rounded the corner and stepped inside her apartment complex. She walked into the elevator, and stood there, dripping and shivering. "I guess they forgot to turn off the air conditioning," She said. She stepped off the elevator and walked down the hall until she reached her apartment and pulled out her key. Once she was inside, she dropped her backpack and headed to her room. She then started a hot shower. She bathed herself, and when she came out of the steam-filled bathroom, she felt better.

She went into her room and collapsed on her bed. She didn't know why, but she just felt so. down lately. The weather wasn't helping either. "I should probably get started on my report." she said to herself as she got up. She sat down at her computer and began punching the keys. She was going along pretty well until a massive thunderclap boomed overhead. Rose screamed and fell out of her chair. "I HATE thunderstorms!" she fumed as she got back to work. Soon after that, the phone rang. "Hello?" she asked. "Heck of a storm we're having!" Jye's voice said. "Jye. it's you," Rose said, relaxing. "What? Were you expecting some guy asking you your favorite scary movie?" Jye asked. Rose gave a weak laugh. "Kind of." she replied. "What's up?" she asked Jye. "I'm still fuming about the fact that I'm missing the soccer game!" Jye said angrily. "How about you?" she asked. "I'm working on my history paper," Rose said. "You're doing that? I'm just gonna tell the teacher that it's dangerous to be near electrical equipment during storms," Jye replied. "It is?" Rose asked, sounding concerned. "You need to relax. There's like, a one in a million chance that could happen!" Jye yelled. "I was just wondering." Rose said meekly. "Why do I feel I'm spending the duration of our friendship teaching you to relax?" Jye said. "Well, I gotta go. My parents are home," Jye told Rose. "Bye," Rose said as Jye hung up.

Rose hung up the phone and started to go back to her computer, until a blinding flash caused her to shield her eyes. When she opened them, the entire apartment was black. She stepped out onto her balcony, only to see the entire city was suffering from a blackout. Suddenly, she was pushed back as a blinding light erupted next to her. She screamed as she shielded her eyes and she blacked out. She came to moments later, finding that her balcony was untouched from the lightning bolt. "What the." she asked as she scanned the balcony. Nothing was put of place and everything was untouched. She suddenly heard a beeping sound from under her foot.

She bent down to investigate, only to find a round, white device. When she picked it up to get a better look at it, the tiny screen on it glowed. It was a little round device, no bigger than a mini disk. It had rubbery beige grips on the left and right sides, and in the exact center was a black circle with a white screen in it. Most notably, however, were the glowing extensions pointing north, south, east and west. They extended from the center screen to about an inch from the edge. The north bar was flashing violently. Rose started to take it inside with her, when suddenly she found she couldn't move. Suddenly, the light from the screen grew brighter until it enveloped her entire body. She suddenly felt her body rise. She looked down to see she was hovering a foot off the porch. "What's goin-" she started to yell, but vanished in a flash of light.

Author stuff (a.k.a. Mr. Bigg talking to himself and making himself a jackass in front of thousands of readers): Woo hoo! I finally published this! So after reading it, please review. Even if after reading this you wanna burn my house down or something, feedback is always apprea. appreacia.. (insolent word). Well, feedback is always. uh. well received?