This is my little brothers idea, he gives an idea on what he wants and I write it. I change and add a lot though. He still wants the credit.

Chapter 1:Arrivle

3rd pov

It was a normal day in Jasper Nevada, if you count hanging out with giant alien robots in a secret shut down missile silo as normal.

Miko was sitting on the couch bored out of her mind. Bumblebee had to pick her up at school because Bulkhead was patrolling and Jack was out riding with his partner Arcee.

"Huh?" Raf mumbled.

Miko perked up and rushed to the young boy on his laptop. "What you got?" She asked excitedly.

"I don't really know." He pushed a few buttons and an image came up on the big screen. "Ratchet, I found something you might wanna see."

"Oh, joy." The old medic said sarcastically as he got up from fixing some damaged cause by the scraplets. He looked up at the screen. "That can't be what I think it is. Rafael, where did you find this?"

"On a conspiracy website. The guy posted it about a day ago."

"Why what is it doc?" Miko asked.

"Optimus, do you come in?" Ratchet commed.

"Loud and clear old friend."

"You may want to return to base. I believe we have stumbled upon a Cybertronian escape pod."

"Wow." Miko and Raf said together.

"Friend or foe?" Optimus asked.

"Not certain." It was quiet for a moment.

"I am almost to base, prepare your medical kit."

"All clear guys." Bumblebee said as the ground bridge closed behind the three. They all walked up the pod.

"I don't see any signs of Autobot or Decepticon on the pod." Ratchet said. "But it seems that whoever is inside are in stasis." Just then they heard a banging inside.

"You sure about that?"

Optimus walked forward and yanked the cover of the pod off. It was smoky at first then someone jumped out of the pod. "WHOS THERE!" It was a voice of a younger sounding 'bot. When the smoke cleared, you could see a bot that was just a bit taller than Bumblebee with his blasters armed. He was mostly orange with black. He had one blue optic, while his right optic was silver, with three huge scars across it. He also had door wings and a pointed face. But he also had an Autobot symbol.

"I am Optimus Prime. Leader of the Autobots. We mean you no harm fellow Autobot."

The young 'bot put his blasters away for hands. "Optimus Prime huh? Thought you'd be taller." The 'bot smirked a bit.

"What is your name?"

"Names…" He was cut off with Decepticons started to fly down and shoot at them.

"Take cover!" Optimus yelled. He pushed the youngling behind him and started firing. The kid ran in front of the leader and back to the pod.

"Are you trying to get killed?"

"NOPE. Boys say hello to my little friend." Out of the pod he pulled out what would look like to humans a shotgun. He activated his battle mask, each time a con got close; he would blow them away.

"Is it just me, or does he seem to be protecting that pod?" Just then, there new friend got knocked off by a con. He was about to shot the young mech when all of a sudden, he got an arrow straight to the head. Everyone stopped fighting and looked to see who shot the arrow. It was a femme. She looked almost exactly like the 'bot, just more girl like. She was a bit thinner, was mostly silver with some black, and bright blue optics.

"Quick, enough playing. Blow these cons." She spoke she sounded a bit more serious.

"Right duh." He took out a grenade and threw it towards them. The femme took a new arrow out of her quiver and shot it, blowing the entire force to pieces.

"Boomshakaloka!" He laughed. He turned back to the petrified 'bots. "Okay where were we? Oh yea, I'm Quickshot, this is my twin sister Longshot." Longshot nodded a hello.

"Welcome to earth." Optimus put his hand out to Longshot, she was about to shake it when her brother stole it.

"Great to be here!"

Ratchet looked at the two, they were strange for twins. "How is it that you have a bow and arrow?"

Longshot bow closed, on her hand. When it was retracted it looked like spikes and paint detailing up her forearm. "My arrows are made of my energon, they refill in my quiver."

"Strange designee."

"Yep, so what do we do.. OW!" Quickshot grabbed his arm, there was some leaking energon. "That sucks."

"Do we bring them back with us? Just a few days ago a friend turned out to be a foe."

Optimus looked at the two. "I have heard of these two. Twins are rare on Cybertron, but each a different gender. It would be hard to duplicate."

"So how'd you guys get here? You guys have nicknames? Where'd you get the scare Quicks? Can I call you Quicks?"

"Is she always like this?" Longshot whispered to the medic.

"Sadly yes."

"I hope you can get used to having another." Longshot said seriously.

Quickshot was happy to answer her questions. "Sure, you can call her Longs." Longshot gave her brother a death look. "On second thought, you might just wanna call her Longshot."

"So, how did you get here?" Arcee asked. She, Jack, and Bulkhead got back while the others were gone.

"We were at the battle of Shadows Ridge. We got scattered from our group and were trying to regroup when we got ambushed. They took us to a scientist, a well known one known as Shockwave. He wanted to do experiments on twins, to see how far our bond went. He also tried to see how much we could differ without killing us. That is why my weapons are so different from my brothers. We are still related, but we used to look much more alike. There was other stuff I believe he intended to do, but one night someone came and got us."

"Yep, we don't even know who it was. It was so dark. Someone cut off all the power. The only thing we saw was a Decepticon symbol. He shoved us into a pod and told us "I will not allow younglings Autobot or Decepticon to go thru what Shockwave has planned.""

"Our weapons where in the pod. And before we could ask anything, we were thrown into space, and knocked into stasis."

"And ta-da! We somehow show up on this rock!" Quickshot said throwing his arms up.

"If you would hold still, I could fix this faster." Ratchet said.

"Sorry, so why are you here? Not Cybertron?"

"I am afraid are home world is no longer able to sustained life." Optimus said. Quickshot's face fell. Longshot put her hand on her brother's shoulder.

"We knew that the war was poisoning the planet. We should just be thankful we are alive." Longshot assured her brother. "Now we protect this world from becoming like our own."

"Yea, I guess you're right. So how 'bout you open that bridge and we can take a look at it."

"We also are robots in disguise. The people of this planet do not yet know of us. You will need to scan an earth base Vehicle mode."

"How about that one?" Jack asked.

"No." Quickshot said.

"That one?" Miko asked.


"What about you Longshot?"

"I'll let him choose. I personally do not care."

"THAT'S IT! THAT'S THE ONE!" Quickshot yelled. He and his sister quickly scanned the car passing, a Lamborghini aventador. "Why don't you guys have more like that?"

"We do, it's just Jasper."

"Let's test this out!" Quickshot quickly transformed and opened the doors. Miko got in fast.

"ALL RIGHT, LETS RACE!" They drove off leaving a huge trail of dust.

"Looks like Bulkhead has some competition." Jack said. "You gonna go after him?"

"Let him have some fun." She transformed and opened her door. "Come on." Jack got into the driver's seat and she started to drive towards the base.

"You care if I ask a little bit about you?"

"It depends on the question."

"How'd your brother get his scar?"

"That is a story for another day. How about you tell me about Megatron?"

"That's a good story."

"Bulkhead, you should have seen Quicks! I think he's faster than Bumblebee." Miko yelled.

"No way."

"I don't know Miko. Bumblebee can go pretty fast." Bulkhead laughed.

While the others kept talking with Quickshot, Arcee saw Longshot was standing alone in a corner. She walked up to her. "You okay?"

"Yes, just watching."

Arcee was gonna question her more when Fowler popped up on screen. "Prime. PRIME!"

"Special Agent Fowler to what to we owe…"

"What else, cons. I chased them off with some hard ordinance but not before they blew me out of the sky!"

Miko chuckled. "Again."

"They tride to smash and grab for the d.n.g.s."

"The what's its?" Arcee asked.

"Dynamic Nuclear Generation System AKA D.N.G.S"

"Glad they shortened the name." Quickshot said.

"It's a prototype energy source I'm transporting coast for testing."

"That's upsird, why would Starscream bother with such primitive technology?"

"I'm guessing to make some big bad primitive weapon of mass destruction."

"It shall be call the Double B P.W.D" Quickshot joked. Longshot slapped him upside the head.

"If this baby were to melt down it would blow this state and the four next store."

"Uhh did Agent Fowler say which state he was currently in?" Raf asked.

"What's a state?" Quickshot whispered to Jack.

"I'll explain later."

"I'm a sitting duck here prime, I need you to spin up your bridge and send the D.N.G.S to its destination before the cons come back for it."

"If this D.N.G.S is a prototype, we do not know what could happen." Longshot stated.

"I agree Longshot, I am afraid that such a volatile device thru a ground bridge is out of the question. If there were to be an accident during its transmission the radiation of which you speak."

"Could make all your states go bye bye, and pretty much everywhere else." Everyone looked at Quickshot. "What? I'm just saying the truth."

"You got any better ideas? From PRIME."

Optimus thought for a moment. "Autobots prepare to roll out. We will transport Agent Fowler and the D.N.G.S to their destination."

"See you soon Prime." Agent Fowler signed off.

"Sweet Road trip!" Quickshot yelled.

Optimus walked up to the newest members of the team. "I do not know if you should come with us. You still have much to learn about this world."

"What better way to learn then on a road trip, duh." Miko said.

"Very well."

Longshot is based off of me, and Quickshot is based off of my brother. He would love reviews and suggestions.