Hey guys...remember me?

Well I decided to continue this story, although I've forgotten basically everything I needed to know for future chapters and the plot, but I decided to not give up because it's currently 6:30am and I haven't slept at all! Yay me!

Anyways, this chapter isn't great...or good...it's kinda uninteresting, but I wanted to restart this story so at least it's something!

I know there's errors and lack of description through out the chapter, but I've spent the last two hours writing it and my laptop is dying, so...

Without furthur ado:

Bella was sitting in her new room, although Dimitri had told her it was only temporary until she became a vampire and swore her loyalty to the Volturi.

She couldn't see many guests taking residence here, the Volturi seemed more interested in acquiring numbers in their gard and she was almost certain that any human that came into contact with any member of the Volturi would become food or a potential vampire.

Dimitri had left shortly after bringing her to the room, telling her that lunch had arrived and he was hungry.

She couldn't help but shudder at the thought of his mouth, lips that had kissed her passionately not five minutes before, would be on a human strangers neck, drinking the life out of their body.

Would that be her one day? Looking at humans as nothing else but food? Would that be how she thought of her family and friends?

Was she really willing to become a murderer, just so she could be strong and immortal? Could she try the Cullens diet, and just kill animals?

Thoughts of the Cullens made her heart beat painfully.

After they left, she felt like they had they had taken everything that made her...her, only leaving a shell. Jake had helped her heal, but she hadn't been complete.

Seeing Edward, although in a small amount of time, had made her feel like everything was going to be okay again. That maybe she could get closure or maybe convince him to stay with her.

Guilt coursed her.

What had she done? She had kissed Dimitri willingly and in the same fervor as she had once kissed Edward, only knowing him for two seconds! She didn't want to be one of those girls. She had loved Edward so much, that she had endangered her life purposely just so she could see him.

The whole point of the journey to Italy had been powered by her love for Edward, fear that he was going to kill himself because of guilt.

Now here she was, waiting in a room to become a vampire by an old clan of vampires that her first love had tried to provoke into killing himself for her. She had left behind so much.

Then there was her parents.

Charlie and Renée would most likely think she had run away, probably from a psychotic breakdown. What would they think of Alice's disappearance? Would they think she had caused her insanity?

Charlie would blame the Cullens for her disappearance, she was sure of it. He wouldn't be able to get into contact with them, but he would demand an investigation.

There was no way she could return to forks after becoming a vampire. Too many questions would be asked, mainly about her new appearance.

Pale as snow, crimson eyes and hopefully beautiful.

There was also the matter that she wouldn't be able to control herself around humans. When Edward had first met her, he had, in his words, been a mad man.

She also didn't believe the Volturi would allow her to leave Volterra. Would she ever be allowed to explore the world? Or would she be a trapped solider?

What would Jake think? He would hate her of course, vampires not being on the list of creatures he liked. She also hadn't left things in great shape. He would, with no doubt in her mind, blame the Cullens.

Flopping onto the way too big a bed, Bella finally dragged herself from her depressing thoughts. There would be no going back. She would sort out the mess she left behind later.

Bella already knew the pain she would have to suffer through, having experienced it first hand. The helpless burning sensation wasn't something she was looking forward to, but at least it wouldn't be in vain.

What was she suppose to do in the room? Just sit and wait for one of the vampires to arrive and bite her? Or was she allowed the explore her new home?

Sitting up, Bella realised she hadn't fully taken in her surroundings. She was lying on a very plush black duvet with purple embroidery with little designs she couldn't describe. The bed post was a dark mahogany four-poster bed.

Looking around the room, Bella saw that the walls were a royal blue shade with barely visible floral designs. The floor was shiny polished wood, a circular rug depicting an image of a mountain with a crown on top covered most of the floor. The room was varily large, but obviously rarely used. A closet was fitted into a wall, the only other furniture aside from the bed was a desk with a chair. There was a door next to the desk, after further inspection, Bella found out it was a bathroom.

A window with a large sill was placed next to the bed. Walking over, Bella found herself looking over the crowd of red cloaks, humans enjoying a festival of a fraud. What would their reaction be to learn that the supposed saint they were celebrating hadn't actually freed the city from vampires, but was one himself.

Bella sat on the ledge, looking out onto the city. Was Edward and Alice out there? The sun wasn't at its highest point anymore, but it still shone brightly. They wouldn't be able to leave the city until it got dark.

Would they still be in the building?

Doubtful, by the way Edward had been carried out by Felix, she was sure Aro would have had them escorted to somewhere they could leave without being seen by humans.

Unless they were in the building, possibly searching for her. Shaking her head, she hoped Alice would refrain Edward from doing something incredibly stupid.

The sound of the door opening behind her made Bella jump. Without thinking, Bella blurted out the name of the person worrying her. "Edward?"

The door revealed none other than Dimitri. He gazed at her for a moment, Bella swore she saw disappointment flutter through his expression before his expression turned passive.

"Sorry, just me." He said, his voice giving nothing away.

Bella blushed furiously before trying to explain herself. "Sorry, I guess I'm just being paranoid..." Dimitri gave her a puzzled expression before slightly shaking his head. "How was lunch?" She asked with false excitement.

"Delicious." Dimitri replied, the corner of his lips twitching.

Silence ensued momentarily before she couldn't stand it any more. "So..."

Dimitri continued to stare at her. His lips curved into a smile. "So, Aro has informed me that I am the one to turn you." He stopped talking, waiting for her reaction.

"Okay." Bella said, annoyed how her voice shook. That mouth that had been pressed against hers not half an hour before was going to sink teeth into her, bringing insufferable pain.

"Okay?" Dimitri shook his head as he chuckled. "Do you need to think about it? Or at least consider what will happen?"

"I knew what I was getting myself into when I said yes." Bella felt her face radiate heat.

Dimitri continued to stare at her, reading her, before chuckling and muttered "strano ma una bella creatura..."

"I don't speak...whatever language that was."

"It's Italian."

"I still can't speak it." Bella said sheepishly.

Dimitri smiled fully, revealing his brilliantly white teeth. "I'll teach you."

"Really?" Bella couldn't help the excitement that promise brought her.

Dimitri nodded. "Of course. Better to know the language of the city you live in." Stepping out of the open doorway, Dimitri closed it behind him. He then walked towards her. "If it's still what you want." Bella nodded. "Then we'll do it whenever you're ready."

Bella turned around to face the window. Her heart beat was racing and her breathing was shallow. It was like her heart knew its beats were limited.

Looking out at the sun, ignoring its blinding light. Forkes was roughly nine hours behind Italian time. Her father would be either asleep in bed or awake with worry over her disappearance. Her mother the same.

This was her last human moment, her last chance to change her mind. Her last chance to stay human.

No, she couldn't stay human. If she did, she would just be a nice dessert for the Volturi, even if was allowed to leave, she'd never survive in a world where every step she made could be her last. She was a magnet for danger, even if that magnet followed her into immortality, she would have a better chance at surviving.

Closing her eyes and allowing the images of people she loved and would miss dearly pass through her mind, Bella took a surprisingly steady deep breath before turning around to Dimitri who was still as a statue.

"I'm ready."

Like I said, uninteresting, but it's better than nothing!

I know Bella sounds kinda...weepy? all over the place? in this chapter, but like I said, it's 6:30am and I'm surprised I'm capable of typing words!

Sorry if I sound a bit annoyed, I'm just really tired, but can't sleep!

Oh, and I've got two questions I needd your help with in this story! I hope you enjoy thinking them over!

Q1. Should Bella have a different talent, other than being a shield as a vampire? If so, give me a suggestion!

Q2. Should Edward enter the story sooner (In hopes of rescuing Bella), enter story later on, or stay out completely? This will remain a BellaXDimitri story, but I was considering pairing Edward up wit someone...

Let me know and I will hopefully update again! :D

Till next time ~Maraudergirl68448