I hope you enjoy my new story. By the way I don't know how long this story will be but I'll do my best to keep you into it. You're welcome to leave comments and even give ideas for the future.

Back story

A few months after Ethan and Aidan lost their mother they moved to Beacon Hills to start a new life. Getting settled down with new kids in a new school was easier for Aidan then it was for Ethan.

Danny Mahealani was on the lacrosse team as the goalie who everyone liked. He knew he liked Ethan the first time he saw him and he felt a strong connection with him.

Aidan starts to notice how Ethan is around the human and one thing Derek told him not to do is develop feelings for outsiders because it's only going to cause trouble within the pack besides there is something about the human that made him not trust him. Something about him that made Aidan feel like he was a threat. He tries to do whatever it takes to keep Danny away from his brother.


Chapter 1: The Accident & The Offer

Aidan was out with some friends when he got a phone call saying that his brother was involved in a car accident and was in critical condition. Apparently the hospital tried to get in contact with their father but like always he was nowhere to be found so Aidan rushed to the hospital to be with his brother.

Aidan was leaning back in the uncomfortable hospital chair. His brother Ethan had a large tube in his mouth because he couldn't breath on his own. Ethan was barely recognizable to him as he laid in the hospital bed. He couldn't lose his brother though. They've gotten so close to each other since they lost their mom and they were all each other had. Even their dad sometimes felt like a father to them. Ethan was not only his twin brother but he was his best friend so to have the nurses and doctors tell him that there was nothing they could do for Ethan and he didn't have long to live was heartbreaking. He stayed with his brother until they told him that he had to go home. When he got there his dad still wasn't home so he just went up to his room and tried to fall asleep but he couldn't stop thinking about his brother.

When he got out of school the next day he went right to the hospital but Ethan was in surgery so he couldn't see him. He stayed in the waiting room and waited all day for any word on his brother. That night he finally got word that Ethan was stable and back in his room. When he got there however the room was empty. Looking down the hall he saw someone wheeling his brother around the corner and he followed him, all the way to the morgue. Pushing the door open he saw that the man looked not that much older than him. He was leaning against the wall staring at him. "What are you doing with my brother?" He said walking further into the room.

"You're brother is going to die." Derek said. "There is nothing the doctors and nurses can do to stop that." The man said walking over to Ethan. He could hear the teenagers heartbeat getting slower and slower. "He doesn't have long now, maybe a few more hours until his heart stops."

Aidan looked down at Ethan then back at Derek. "Who are you?"

He sighed. "My name is Derek and I can save your brother."

"You just said that they can't save him." Aidan said. "So what can you do that the professional doctors can't?"

Derek took off his jacket and held out his arm. Using one of his nails he dug it into his arm and blood started to run down his arm.

Aidan watched as the freshly cut wound healed. "What the hell are you?"

"I'm a werewolf." Derek said. "And I can save your brother right here and right now but in order to do that you have to trust me."

"I don't know you." Aidan said. "And you're standing here telling me to trust you. Are you positive that you can save my brother?"

Derek nodded. "Yeah and if I don't do it now he's going to die."

Aidan walked over to his brother and looked down at him. "What do I we have to do?"

Early Saturday morning

Aidan was staring down at his brother who was still asleep. He still couldn't believe that one bite changed everything. His brothers wounds were completely healed but why wasn't he waking up. He heard a car pull up in the driveway and he heard his dad talking to someone on the phone and he smiled. "He wasn't kidding." Looking back at his brother he found him sitting up on the bed staring at his chest. "Ethan?"

Ethan looked over at his brother. "What happened?"

"What do you remember?" Aidan asked.

"The last thing I remember was being wheeled into the hospital." Ethan said. "I could hear a woman's voice saying that I was in a car accident and I wasn't going to make it."

"You almost died." Aidan said. "But this guy showed up and told me all kinds of stuff about werewolf's."

"Werewolf's?" Ethan said. "What do you mean?"

"He saved your life Ethan." Aidan said. "He bit you and by doing that he turned you into a werewolf so you wouldn't die."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Ethan said getting up. "How could you do something so stupid?"

"I didn't know what else to do." Aidan said getting up as well. "Mom is gone and well dad is dad. Ethan you're all I have and I didn't want to lose you too."

Ethan was about to answer him but he was cut off by pounding on his door. He went over and opened it. "What is it dad?"

Hal looked from one son to the other. "I thought you were in the hospital?"

"They made a mistake." Aidan said quickly going over to them. "I went down there and got everything sorted out, right Ethan?"

Ethan looked back at his brother before looking back at his dad. "Yeah I'm fine."

"Alright whatever." Hal turned and left the room.

Ethan sighed and closed the door behind him. "So what else do you know about werewolves?"

They spent the next two hours learning everything they could about werewolves.

Ethan sat on his bed while his brother sat across the room by his computer. "So what else do you know about this Derek guy?"

Aidan sighed. "Well he only told me that we are bates and there are more in his pack. Teenagers like us and they even go to Beacon Hill like us. He wants us to go to his place tomorrow to help explain more things but here is one that he told me the day I met him and that was that you and I couldn't develop feelings for anyone."

"Why?" Ethan asked.

"He thinks that it's going to cause trouble within the group." Aidan said. "He said that it would only be a distraction so you can't date anyone."

Ethan still wasn't a hundred percent sure about this but more then anything he trusted hid brother. "So when do we suppose to meet up with him or whatever?"

"Monday after school." Aidan said. "He has something to do all weekend so he wants us to wait."

Ethan sighed. "I need to lay down." He laid down on his bed.

"Okay well I will let you get some sleep." Aidan said.

Once his brother was gone Ethan just laid there and about an hour later he fell asleep.

A/N In the next chapter Ethan and Aidan will meet the others and Danny will also be in that chapter. I will have the next chapter up as soon as I can. Thanks for reading and please review.