4:24 Tuesday morning

Aiden was asleep when he was woken up by the sound his brother screaming. Jumping out of his bed he bolted out of his room and towards his brothers only to come face to face with his dad. They stared at each other briefly before heading into Ethan's room. When they got inside they found Ethan sitting up covered in sweat. "Ethan, are you okay?" He says going over to his brother.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Efhan says wiping his face. "Sorry I just...had a bad dream...didn't mean to wake you guys up. I'm alright just go back to sleep."

"You wake us up screaming like someone was killing you and say that everything is okay." Hal says.

"Dad." Ethan starts.

"No, you two have been missing for weeks and you come back to as if nothing is wrong." Hal says. "I'm not an idiot and I want you to tell me what happened."

Aidan looks from his dad then to Ethan, sighing he rubbed the back of his neck. "Dad Ethan and I have something to tell you."

"Aidan what are you doing?" Ethan says getting out of the bed. "This is too dangerous." His voice low.

"You almost died Ethan, twice." Aidan replied. "We can't keep this from him forever, he's our dad and he's all we got." Ethan still wasn't sure and he could see it all over his face. "Trust me."

A half hour later Hal wss leaning against the wall with his arms folded over his chest. Aidan had just told him about Ethan's car accident and how he wasn't going to make it, how he was kidnapped, tortured and once again on the verge of death and he couldn't believe the next words that fell from Aidan's mouth. 'Werewolves' A few minutes passed and Hal still remained silent by the wall, his eyes on the the floor.

Ethan was afraid. "Dad are you going to say something?"

"What do you say after hearing something like that." Hal says looking back up.

"It's still us dad." Aidan says.

Hal ran his hand over his face and sighed. "I need some air, I'll be back later." He turned and left the room.

"Dad?" Ethan says starting to go after him but Aidan grabbed his arm and told him to let him go. Sitting back down he looked up at his brother. "He's not going to want anything to do with us now."

"You don't know that." Aidan walked over and sat next to Ethan. "Just give him some time to digest all this and he'll come home when he's ready." He wiped his hands on his legs. "Well I'm up now so better get ready to go back to school, are you going?"

"Naw I really don't feel like being around anyone." Ethan says. "Danny's going to come over later."

"Maybe you should talk to him about the nightmares you've been having." Aidan says. " Maybe talking about it will help you."

Ethan nodded. "Hey I don't mean to like completely change the subject but do you know if Derek or Scott heard anything from Allison?"

"Nothing." Aidan says. "Derek told everyone to just go back to their normal lives but keep an eye out for Allison. She's still out there and we have to be careful so no walking down dark alleys in the middle of the night."

"You don't have to worry about that." Ethan replied.

"Alright I'll see you later." Aidan patted his brother on the shoulder before leaving.

Ethan waited until he was gone before he laid back down on the bed and pulled out his phone. It was a little after 5:30 and he figured Danny would still be asleep so he decided to wait. Afraid to close his eyes again he just got up and went to the livingroom.


When Aidan got to school he immediately went looking for Scott and the others. He found Scott, Isaac, Stiles and Boyd standing by the entrance of the school looking around. 'Probably looking for Allison' He thought to himself as he made his way over to them. "Do really think she'll show her face here after what happened?"

"I know but we still need to be on the lookout, especially when it comes to argent." Replied Scott. "Where's Ethan?"

"He's not really ready to be around anyone so he stayed home." Aidan says. "But he woke up screaming again and this time my dad heard. He was freaking out so I ended up telling him mm the en truth about everything. After that he just bolted the house without a word. Scott how did your mom react when she found out about you?"

"She avoided me for a while and all but she came around." Scott says. "Now she's pretty much fully involved in the supernatural part of my life. Don't worry he'll come around."

Aidan sighed. " I hope so."


Ethan was lying on his bed when he heard a car pulling into the driveway. Already knowing that it was Danny he got out of his bed and made his way to the livingroom to let him in. When he opened the door Danny was standing there with his arms raised to knock on the door. He smiled. "Sorry I kind of heard you coming."

Danny frowned when he saw how red Ethan's were. "Are you okay, you look like you haven't slept in days?" He says coming into the house.

Ethan ran his hands over his face. "I um...I've been having trouble sleeping lately." He followed Danny to the couch and sat down. "How are you?"

Danny smiled. "I was about to ask you the same thing but I can clearly see that you're not. What's going on?"

Ethan rested his arms on his knees and looked down at the ground. "Ever since I woke up a few days ago I've been having these vivid dreams...more like nightmares and they're about your dad. I guess I'm not completely over all that happened to me when I was there."

Danny started chewing on his bottom lip, starting to feel guilty. "I'm sorry."

"Come on don't say it like it's your fault because it's not." Ethan says. " I know what I was getting myself into and if I could do it over again I'd do the exact same thing."

Danny smiled and turned towards Ethan but just as he was about to speak the door opened and a large man walked in, clearly in his own mind.

Ethan followed Danny's gaze and saw his dad standing by the door. "Dad?"

Hal looked from Ethan to the other teen. "Why aren't you in school and who is this?"

"This is Danny, my...my um...boyfriend I guess." Ethan smiled as the word boyfriend fell from his lips. "Danny this is my dad."

"Nice to meet you Mr. Harris." Danny says.

"Boyfriend huh." Hal folded his arms over his chest. "So it was his dad that nearly killed you and your brother?"

Danny frowned and lowered his arms. "Um...maybe I should go."

Hal smiled. "Relax kid I didn't mean it like that."

Ethan could tell that his dad seemed nervous around him but he didnt say anything about it. Instead he just asked if everything was okay.

"Everything's alright." Hal cleared his throat. "Well it was nice to meet you Danny, now if you'll excuse me I have to get ready for work."

Danny watched him go then looked back at Ethan as he walked back to the couch. "Is everything okay Ethan?"

"I don't know." Ethan says. "Aidan thought it was a good idea to tell my dad everything that happened with Derek, you and your dad. About the car accident, being tortured by your dad and us being werewolves. Now it's like he's afraid to be around us and I don't know what to do."

"Just give it t some time because if I were him all of this would be a little hard to taken in, he'll come around." Danny says.

"I hope so." Replied Ethan. " Come on let's go up to my room."

A little while later

Jackson was sitting in the back of his second period algebra class, which he hated the most. Now that he was back in school he has a ton of make up work that he needed to catch up on otherwise he would be held back. He was wrecking his brain trying to figure out the answers to one of the questions when something hit his nose. He looked around the classroom and saw Isaac staring back at him, like he was smelling the exact same thing he was. 'ALLISON' Isaac's face was telling him not to do anything but he got a sudden wave of fury. After months of being held captive by Allison and the other he wanted them all dead. Getting up he bolted out od the room, Isaac followed. The scent led them straight to Jackson's locker and when he got there Scott, Boyd and Aidan were already there. When he walked up to the locker he saw a picture of himself on it and a silver arrow was driven through his head. On the bottom of the picture was three little words, "You're all dead." She couldn't have gone far, let's go." He started to run off with Aidan and Isaac in tow but Scott and Boyd stayed put. "Come on."

"This is exactly what she wants us to do." Scott says. "Follow her right into her trap."

"Then what do we do?" Aidan says.

Scott looked around, pulled out his phone and called Derek. They talked for a while before he told Scott to gather everyone and come to his loft, now! Fifteen minutes later everyone made their way to Derek's loft, all except one person.


After the craziness he went through Stiles decided to relax at home. He was up in his room when he heard the doorbell. Getting up he made his way downstairs but when he opened the door no one was there. He stepped out and looked around but saw nothing so he went back inside. Just as he was about to head upstairs the phone started ringing so he went to answer it only to have it go dead as soon as he said hello. Lowering the phone from hie ear he looked around, noticing that it was dead silent. He couldn't hear his tv in his room which was blaring just a few seconds ago. Something wasn't right here, he thought to himself as he slowly backed up towards the door. He needed to get out but as soon as he turned around he came face to face with a fist, knocking him out cold.

"You and your friends took away everything from me." Allison growls out. "And now you're all dead." She pulled out a gun and pointed it at Stiles head. "Starting with you."


A/N Warning MAJOR character death coming up, and here's a hint, it's not Allison, keep reading to find out.