Chapter 7

I follow Rin out of the game shop. She keeps glancing down at the bag in her hands, mulling over something in her head. She suddenly stops, causing me (who wasn't paying attention) to crash into her.

"The hell?!" I snap, rubbing my nose.

"You should have watched where you were going," Rin hisses back. She grows silent and looks around her. The shopping centre is packed with people pushing pass, trying to get their shopping done. "W-Where's the bathroom?" Rin asks. I can't help but notice how pale she's gone.

"It's there," I say, pointing to the bathroom. Rin looks over there lazily and starts to walk but trips over her own feet and falls into someone. I manage catch her before she goes down.

"Hey Kagamine, you okay? You're not looking too great..." Rin's face has passed pale and gone into the category of 'ghost-like'. She goes to pry my hand off of her arm but, once she does, she falls on the ground again. I mutter a curse under my breath and grab her arm again, pushing through the crowds of people, pulling Rin behind me.

Rin drags her feet but she's the size of a twig and in no state to put up a fight. I can hear her mumbling a name under her breath. She looks like she's about to vomit. I reach the bathroom and fling the door open, pulling her in too. Yeah, I just entered the girls bathroom.

Two women are applying make-up at the sink and gasp in disgust when they see me but their eyes soften when Rin staggers in behind me. I push her to the sink, turn on the tap and splash water on her face.

"Your girlfriend doesn't look so good, is she okay?" one of the women ask. I ignore the fact that she called Rin my girlfriend and gently sit Rin down. She tilts her head back, trembling. I lean down beside her and take hold of her shoulders

"Rin?" I call out, shaking her. Rin doesn't hear me and she suddenly lets out a whimper.

"Rin!" I shout, shaking her back and forth. Her eyes flicker open but she closes them quickly, shaking her head.

"Come on, you're being difficult," I mutter. Rin's eyes open wide and she lets a shriek.

"Rui!" she yells. Rui? Who's Rui? I'm Len, not Rui. Rin grabs onto my arm and looks at me. Her eyes are glazed over and there's something... missing. She looks like she's sleep walking.

"Rui!" she calls out again. "Have you seen Rui?" I shake her, hoping that she'll wake up because, if I'm being honest, she's beginning to scare me. Her nails are digging into my arm and she keeps darting her eyes around the place.

One of the two women (Forgot they were there) kneels down in front of Rin, smiles kindly at me and takes Rin's hand in her's. "What does Rui look like darling? We'll help you find her." No! No don't help her find 'Rui'! Just wake her up goddamit!

Rin fixes her 'gaze' onto the women. She has short black hair and kind purple eyes. "Rui..." Rin whispers. "I didn't mean to! I wanted to see the dolls and when I turned around... Rui was gone! Daddy doesn't know where she is either! I need to find..."

Suddenly, Rin jolts backwards, as if she had been electrocuted. Her eyes focus and she blinks. Her eyes go from her hand, to the women holding it, to me, back to her hand.

"Shit..." she mutters. She shoves the woman's hand away and runs into a cubicle. I look back to apologise for Rin's behaviour but the woman waves it off, smiling.

"Don't worry about; She's going through a hard time. You take care of her okay?" With that she beckons her friend and they leave together. I stand up, brushing off my jeans. What the hell just happened?

Rin emerges out of the cubicle fifteen minutes after, wearing the grey dress I had bought for her. She walks up to the sink and splashes her face with water. She picks up the bag and tries to breeze past me but I grab her arm and yank her back. She gives me a fierce glare but I give her a scarier one.

"You don't think I'm going to let you just breeze past me without getting an explanation? What happened? Who's Rui? Why did you just black-out on me?"

Rin pulls her arm back in a quick, swift motion and narrows her eyes. "None of your business, Utatane." With that she walks out, letting the bathroom door slam in my face. I follow her quickly but, by the time I get out, I can't see her. She's lost among the sea of people. I push past the crowds trying to get a glimpse of any blonde hair. She could have fainted again! Unfortuantly, there are too many blonde haired girls. I glance around and catch sight of a blonde wearing a grey dress in the cafe. I weave through the crowd and catch up to her.

Rin is staring at the menu. Her mouth is watering and she gazes longingly at the list of food. I grab her arm, and pull her out of the way of other customers.

"Don't... run off... on me..." I gasp between breaths. She nods absentmindedly and looks back at the menu.

"I wanted to get something to eat but... I don't have any money," admits Rin sheepishly. I let out an exasperated sigh and get into the que, pulling out the remainder of my money.

"What do you want?" I ask. Rin points at the ham and cheese toasted sandwich. I nod and buy it, along with a scone for me. We sit down at a table in the corner. Rin gobbles up her food quickly and sits back in the chair, patting her stomach.

"I... uh... Th-thanks for today, I guess. Y-You know I won't be able to pay you back, right?"

I nod, shoving another piece of the scone into my mouth. Rin adverts her gaze staring out into the crowd. She sighs and stares back at her hands.

"Rin! Len!"

A familiar voice pulls both of us out of our thoughts and we see Piko and Miki running towards us, hand-in-hand. Rin offers them a weak smile while I give a toothy grin.

"Well come on," says Piko, taking both mine and Rin's hands and pulling us to our feet. "We must depart now. We'll drop Rin, then Miki and then we'll head home. That okay, li'l bro?"

I nod and follow him out to the car. Every now and again, I take a glance at Rin, who is fiddling with her dress. She stares down at her new boots and shuffles around in them. A sad smile comes to her face and she lets out a sigh.

The car ride to Rin's house is slow and painful. Well, Piko and Miki are chatting away to each other, with the occasional question thrown at us. Rin looks put the window, a far-off look in her eyes. I sit silently, counting the number of pedestrains we pass.

Finally, Piko pulls to a stop outside Rin's house. Rin unbuckles her belt all to eagerly, and jumps out of the car.

"Thanks Piko, nice to meet you Miki, and see you Monday Len," she calls back before grabbing her shopping bag.

"Wait! I'll walk up to the flat with you!" I yell quickly. Before anyone can protest, I'm out of the car and beside Rin. I'm not letting her go home until she explains what happened today.

We walk to her flat in silence until we reach the door. Rin opens it, goes in and mutters a quick goodbye before going to shut the door. I stick my foot inbetween the door and doorframe just in time. Rin gives me a quick glare and goes to shut the door again but I'm stronger.

"What happened today?!" I demand. Rin opens the door fully, anger clearly expressed on her face.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she spits.

"You sure as hell do! You blacked-out and started yelling about someone called Rui. I want to know why, Rin Kagamine!"

"Why do you want to know?"

Those six words leave me speechless. I'm unable to find my tongue and stare at her, mouth half-open. Why do I want to know?

Rin gives me a cruel, bitter smile. "See? You don't know why you want to know, you're just being curious. It's none of your business Len, you're not my boyfriend or a friend and you sure as fuck don't care about me so stop acting like you do!" With those words, she slams the door in my face and locks it. I stand there, my hands balled into fists and a fiery glare targeted on the door.

"You're right Rin. I don't give two fucks about you!" I yell before spinning on my heel and walking away.

Thank you to reviewers:


-Amaya Snow




-Kireina Yuma

-Senra Rainfall

