As the wall blew open- bits of it flying off, scattering on the floor and occasional pieces smashing their furniture, the teens quickly dodged and rolled behind the couch. The exposion caused a great, black hole in the wall along the middle of their combined kitchen-/livingroom, cracks and small fractures spreading with flakes of concrete raining down from the ceiling.

-Wally cursed his luck for speaking too soon but at the same time, but hey- no one was surprised at least! Not really...

"Yo-hoo! Any-hero home?"

Cackling could be heard from the other side of the hole but all of the teens knew better than to jump up to take a look. An unobstructed view of the target was always extremely helpful during the event of an attack- but the only means of doing so would either mean Robin reaching a terminal for the security feed or for someone to simply take a quick peek that could ultimately result in decapitation (worst case scenario). Wally plucked his goggles out of his jeans and put them over his head- ready in case they needed a quick scout, Robin also took the opportunity to put on his domino mask, he'd left his glasses in his room since everyone saw his eyes yesterday.

They all looked at each other, seeking confirmation in each others eyes. They could do this- they were heroes, they always had a plan. Hopefully no one noticed as Robin looked down on his slightly shaking hands- he did not have a good feeling about this.

With seemingly no urge at all Megan closed her eyes, concentrating hard in order to establish a mind-link with the others whilst trying to block out the sound of the sinister laughter at the same time. The enemy seemed to make no effort at all to pursue them, or at least it sounded that way. A soft sound overhead told differently though and M'ganns eyes snapped open the very second the mind-link was complete.

She flew up and shielded the team against the not-so-silent assailant from the ceiling with a well-placed psychic attack.

The others had barely been able to follow what happened as M'Ganns telecinetic attack made short work of the opponent- shooting them back in the direction of the vents which they'd attacked from and crashed down in the middle on the other side of the room. The martian followed urgently.

'Guys, what are you doing?! Don't just stand there flabbergasted- They are coming!', her advice seemed to work as Kid Flash soon followed- zooming past her and crashing into the laughing enemy that was still shrouded in the darkness of the hollowed wall. The cackling immediately stopped as a white haired boy (covered in bandages?) flew out of its dark interior with a loud puff as the air was expelled from his lungs.

Superboy roared and jumped after him, creating a diversion for Artemis and Robin who still needed their equipment. They aimed at the closest weapon safe- hopeful there would be one in the room next door.

The both of them had barely reached the exit as the roof started to crumble, a big black thingfalling through and landing in the middle of the room. Connor who was closest growled in response and jumped after it. The both of them going at it- Connor trying to break it's hard, black shell with his bare fists and the beast repaying him by trying to claw his eyes out.

Suddenly the roof shook again and Zatanna grabbed onto the arms of both Kaldur and Rocket as another- though seemingly more graceful, shadow- dropped down from the huge crack in the ceiling. The magician furrowed her brows as she felt the power of the dark being coming rolling towards them in waves, what was-?

The next second the three would know no more as they were all knocked back by a powerful blast of something. Unable to make up a force field in time, Rocket slumped back and fell unconscious almost immediately atop of Kaldur who'd tried to save her from the brunt of the blast.

As her eyes drooped, Zatanna was able to distinguish a pair of amber eyes surrounded by dark tufts of hair before they were finally covered by a dark vizor- and her eyes fell shut.

Blowing her hair out of her line of sight gave Alec a chance to survey the situation. It seems like the heroes had been knocked back by her shock wave...'Wait!', she quickly turned around- looking for the small, dark haired boy as disclosed and shown by her master- Words could not describe the relief she felt when she realized that the boy they were meant to get hadn't been one of the ones caught in the radius of her blast. Instead she found him lurking in a distant corner of the room with another blonde girl. Both seemed ready to run away but neither of them did, 'What are they waiting for?', Alec scowled, 'Aren't superheroes supposed to save people?'. In any case it would be better if Vizor could just round up her team and finish this fight immediately- if they let the target get away it would become near impossible to try and capture him without any harm whatsoever.

A cry could be heard from Superboy's corner as the giant black mass of his opponent had managed to attach itself to him and it was currently busy trying to scrape the clones nearly impervious skin off of him.

Kid Flash seemed to be facing a similar problem as his enemy had gotten a breather and charged at him with hands surrounded by lightning bolts that sent electric shocks on impact with the speeder's body. The strong electrical current had him doubled over- an increase of power soon left Wally on the floor, his body rocking back and forth as in a seizure.

"Wally!", Artemis rushed forward. Her offense was hindered though as she felt as her feet were leaving the floor,"M' that you?", Artemis' head turned towards her friend who was still floating just above the ground in front of the small attacker from before and...'Is that a little girl?'

Her friend wasn't looking at her but Artemis still had a feeling that something was off.

The blonde unknowingly rose higher and higher, leaving Robin behind looking worried and slightly confused. Her body suddenly seized though up as she was hovering at least 6 feet above the breakfast table, this time Megan turned to her- her eyes red and her face rimmed with tears; "I'm sorry Artemis- I'm so sorry.", her hands were brought down and Artemis slammed down on the breakfast table. For a moment her eyes blacked out as her head snapped back and hit the corner of the table- her sight became blurred and covered with dots but she fought the need to completely black out. She had heard something crack under her and prayed that it wasn't her spine, for once thankful her senses were numb.

Artemis saw Megan approach in the corner of her eye, the martians eyes was alight and her hands were slowly rising- the blonde dully noted the small girl in the background doing the exact same movement with her hands, 'Is she controlling M'gann?!'.

Another cry could be heard from Wally as more electric currents was sent trough his body and Artemis recoiled at the sound. She could not do a thing! Her hands were literally bound as the martian still had control over her limbs and was pushing her down, keeping her still. The archer felt so hopeless, Megan, crying while stalking forward in pace with the girls movements- Artemis could never have been able to believe a child could bear such a cruel smile before.

As the girls arms rose, M'Gann mimicking her move, Artemis closed her eyes shut, inhaling the screams and the chaos around her and prepared herself for the end.

Her eyes opened again though as a loud crack could be heard. Where the small girl had earlier stood behind Megan, only Robin could be seen. He held a slightly bent frying pan (probably from the kitchen) in his hands whilst looking down at something at his feet.

As Artemis felt her invisible bonds fall away she sat upright, wincing a bit as her back pained, Megan was instantly by her side, seemingly liberated from whatever the girl had done- who, by the way was laying knocked out at Robins feet. The girl whimpered a bit, thankfully still alive- she wasstill a kid after all.

The moment was broken as another howl could be heard from Wally as his opponent kicked him in the stomach with a foot encased in lightning bolts. Robin angrily turned around and rushed towards his friend- behind his back Artemis sent an approving smile as Megan lifted her battered body and flew her up to safety. Up through the hole the alien had made earlier.

'How convenient', Artemis thought dryly as she felt her limbs slacking, slowly falling asleep as her head lolled against M'ganns collarbone,'A skylight'.

Richard could barely restrain his anger as he hurried towards his friend who was getting his literal sh*t kicked out of him.

The electric-guy was standing above his friend with a foot atop his chest, hands crackling with blue sparks. Wally was all but passed out at his feet. It was so unfair!

"Surprise!", he shouted as he jumped out of the shadows and struck the guy in the back of his head. The light faded from his hands as the electricity disappeared. With his mere fists Dick jumped onto him and just kept on going and punching at his enemy's falling body. As his opponent toppled over Robin pounced on him and straddled his chest, "Here's for Kid Flash- and for Artemis- and for...", Robin angrily muttered under his breath. Robin only paused for a moment as he saw the boy's bandages being stained red. Cautiously he leaned forward to check if the guy was even conscious.

Suddenly a hand grabbed Dick's arm. A growl was emitted from the boy underneath him and the hand that held him tightened and suddenly sparked- a burst of lightning sent through their joined limbs. The air between them crackled with electricity. The surroundings grew dark as all light seemed to be pulled towards the small, blue flashes tingling against his skin-

Robin could feel every second of it- right to the very moment the force reached his heart. It had taken just a second too late to realize.

Dick fell over convulsing in pain, the smell of burnt flesh hit him hard. As he wheezed and could only lie there, hurting everywhere, his enemy rose.

Looking down on him the boy suddenly froze

"No- Nononono-no!", the boy leaned down, checking for a pulse, he winced as he hit the singed arm and Robin cried out in pain, "No no, you won't die- you can't die!", for an enemy, the guy seemed genuinely distressed. It would have been pretty funny if he actually cared- Or at least that's what Robin thought as the pain became too much, his eyes closed shut and he passed out.

Good for him- The scream that came after was ear-deafening.

The dark clad girl- who'd earlier dropped in by the ceiling had taken her time tending to the creepy girls wounds. Her head snapped toward the sound of her other teammate's cries. Alec felt her stomach drop several miles as she saw what Lee had done.

'If he is truly dead, Master will surely-!', Vizor stopped her train of thought abruptly and merely rushed forward- not caring if the wounded girl was okay, casualties were the least of their problems now.

The black alien threw the clone over his shoulder and also checked for where the sound had come from. It's reaction at seeing the singed form of Robin was a mix between anger and misery, a low growl mixed with a whine. It left towards it's teammates, picking up the small girl on it's way.

Laying forgotten, Connor, who was also still very pissed and just on the verge of throwing the black beast back into whatever hole it'd crawled out of, paused at it's reaction.

With angry red marks scarring his skin, Superboy sat up. Scratching the back of his neck, he turned towards the sound, 'Just what is all the fuss about?', his eyes widened;


He stood up angrily, ready to throw himself into action, "Step away from him! Now!"

The others who were all either standing around or kneeling around Robin, ignored him. -Too wound up in their epic failure and not ready to give up their small sliver of hope that they'll might be able to save this. At least the target wasn't dead- they however, were.

"Connor, what are you-?", Megan asked from above. She transcended from the ceiling and joined him by his side. Without a word he simply pointed in the direction of the ensemble and rushed forward. A gasp could be heard from M'Gann as she'd finally spotted the badly injured Robin amidst the group of attackers.

Someone had removed his mask, his eyes were closed; "No..."

The group still ignored Superboy- even as he grabbed the shoulder of the beast he'd been fighting before. His knuckle raised and ready to strike as time suddenly- stopped.

"Sorry guys, am I late?"

It was a weird sensation, practically floating on air and seeing everyone and everything else move while you, for some reason, could not. Even M'Gann seemed to be rooted to the floor over in his old corner, right beside the tear in the wall where their enemies had first emerged. Steps could be heard echoing in the shadows from it.

Slowly emerging from the darkness, a girl stepped out. She was clad in a skintight, orange suit. Walking slowly with grace she wandered up to the group, knocking Megan over on her way. Though weirdly enough, it seemed like the martian was falling in slow-motion, like if she was falling through water rather than air...

With his moves slow and sluggish Connor wasn't able to shield himself at all as the girl hit him too, sending him toppling to the ground, slowly and steadily. It didn't really hurt but he still became frustrated not being able to do anything. The slap had turned him away from the group who seemed to be holding a conversation. His ears perked up at the sound:

"Razelle", 'A name?'- there was venom in the voice who'd spoken, "Where have you been?"

"Eh, you know. Everywhere I guess."

Another voice joined in, though it was very soft- it seemed way too light, "You are aware of the events that has transpired here, right? And the fact that you could have prevented them- had you been present, right?"

Stuttering and mumbling could be heard but they were all silenced by Robin as he turned over, he seemed to be waking up as he had a loud coughing fit. He turned over in the arms of his captors and went slack again.

The others simply stared, watching in horrified silence-

"Right! Let's get out of here!"

Late disclaimer and some reference if you can't imagine what my most horrenous OC's look like: art/Those-kids-443340588?q=gallery%3AAlicechan3&qo=3