Clint crawled through the air ducts. With the piece of chalk, he wrote a message on the wall. Crawling a bit farther, he wrote another message. Satisfied that the messages would serve their purpose, he slipped quietly from the ducts, dropping a piece of paper outside the new recruits' bunks on his way out of Shield.

Liam Moore and Sebastian Paquette, Shield trainees, picked up the note Clint had dropped outside their bunk.

Agent Barton is having a girl over tonight. There is an air duct that lets out directly over his room. I marked it with chalk. Ten bucks to the first trainee who can deliver a picture of his date.

-Anon, room 37

"You up for it?" Liam asked.

Sebastian nodded. "If we bring the picture together, we can each get ten bucks. I could use ten bucks."

"We could get some decent food for once. The stuff in the cafeteria is terrible."

"It wouldn't be hard to get into the ducts. There's a big vent in our room and Kayden and Keith are going to be out late tonight. They have a midnight training session."

Their plan set, Liam and Sebastian headed off to their respective classes.

That night, Liam and Sebastian grabbed a pair of screwdrivers out of the supply closet at the end of the hall and set about moving the vent cover. With a bit of work, they managed to unscrew it and set it clumsily on Keith's bed. Liam cupped his hand to give Sebastian a boost up into the vent. Once Sebastian was in the vent, he turned around and grabbed Liam's hand to pull him up.

They crawled along in the vent, hoping they were going in the right direction.

"Who do you think the Hawk's girl is?" Liam asked.

"I dunno. Do you think it's someone within Shield?" Sebastian replied, for once glad that he was short.

"It's gotta be. They wouldn't be able to get into Shield if they weren't."

"I dunno, Agent Barton is pretty good at sneaking things in and out of places they aren't supposed to be in."

Liam shrugged.

They came to a junction in the vent shaft.

"Which way do you think we go?" Sebastian asked.

Liam pointed at the chalk markings on the wall. "I think that's the same handwriting as the note."

Take a left, then the second right.

Liam and Sebastian followed the instructions and found another message.

Go twenty feet. There is a vent in the 'floor'. Go through that. You'll find yourself in Agent Barton's room. The first door on the right is his bedroom.

Liam lowered Sebastian quietly to the floor and jumped down to join him. They crept quietly to the bedroom. Sebastian pulled his phone out of his pocket and raised in preparation to take the picture. Liam eased the door open… and found himself staring at a sleeping Director Fury. At the sound of the door creaking open, the Director's good eye opened.

"Hey Tony, can you patch the Shield's security cameras through to the TV?" Clint asked, pouring a fresh cup of coffee from the pot on the counter.

"Are you doubting me?" Tony grabbed his Stark pad and typed a few lines of code. "Any specific cameras?"

"The ones outside Fury's personal quarters."

The TV screen changed to show the hallway outside Director Fury's personal quarters. Almost as soon as Tony patched in the cameras, the door to Fury's quarters opened and two trainees ran out, chased by a furious Director Fury in his pajamas. Clint and Tony cracked up laughing. Natasha struggled to maintain a straight face for a moment before she too burst out laughing.

A few moments later, Steve and Sharon walked in, arm and arm. Sharon burst out laughing and Steve chuckled.

"Who are the newbies?"

"Trainees Moore and Paquette." Natasha replied.

Clint grinned. "I may have left a note outside their room with some...misleading directions."

Tony cracked up laughing again. "Fury is going to be so pissed if he finds out."

"It makes good blackmail material though. I bet no one has ever gotten pictures of Fury in his pajamas before." Sharon replied.

I'm normally don't use OCs, but it wouldn't make sense for the prank to be played on one of the other Avengers.