AN: Happy birthday my lovely Jessieness o3o

Title: A first year's bliss

Pairing: AusHun

Summary: It's Hungary's and Austria's first anniversary and despite Austria always being gentle she's still nervous.

Warning: Smut not much plot,

Elizaveta placed her hand on the front gate of her and Roderich's house, she held her other hand to her chest her heart beating fast. She felt so nervous and breathless she had no idea why though, maybe because it was Roderich her one true love. She giggled softly they had been married for a whole year already she couldn't believe it; yes it wasn't THAT long but still! Austria was a gentleman and she knew he was nice enough never to rush her into anything. Smiling she opened the gate and walked up to the door, she went to knock on the door but it opened up for her. Stepping in she looked around curious, she couldn't see anything except a soft glow of what looked like candles. Soft music drifted down the hall towards her. "Oh." She smiled "Wow he's being really romantic."

Elizaveta sniffed the air cutely and smiled, it smelt like her favourite flavour of cake she savoured the scent and walked upstairs following petals scattered on the floor. They led her to the bathroom, smiling she saw the bath full of water and petals scattered on the surface. Giggling she stripped and climbed in, a fluffy bath towel and some lingerie lay resting on the closed toilet seat. She smiled softly and slid down under the bubbles. Slowly she popped back up and looked over to see a slice of cake and a fork next to her "Oh! How nice." Sitting up she took it and ate happily.

Once she was finished she climbed out of the bath, her eyes glittered as she noticed the silkiness of the lingerie, giggling she dried off and pulled it on. Smiling gently she sat down and rolled on the stockings she knew that he loved her in them. Humming softly she slipped on the nightdress that cupped her breasts and slid down over her curves. She blushed lightly she knew Roderich always loved her in emerald green because he said it made her eyes look brighter and more vibrant.

She padded out the bathroom in stockinged feet and followed the sound of the rich music drifting from the bedroom, curiously she opened the door and looked around there were still no sign of Roderich she placed her hands on her hips and pouted "Where is he?" she muttered in annoyance.

She let out a loud squeak as hands glided across her hips and a soft murmur came from behind her "I'm here." Elizaveta blushed and turned around to see Roderich smiling at her softly "Now that you're dressed let's have some fun."

Elizaveta smiled softly "Hold on let me dry my hair!" she leapt away to the mirror; she brushed out her hair humming. Roderich laughed lightly as he watched her plug in the hair dryer and start drying her hair speedily. He could tell she was excited and anxious for sex.

He sat down on the bed and waited, Elizaveta slyly watched him in the mirror her cheeks a little red, Roderich was wearing a nice lilac shirt and tight black jeans. She shivered slightly as she watched him sit back and place a leg up on the bed while his other one still sat on the floor. She looked over at him and he smiled at her. She wanted to take off those glasses and gaze into those beautiful amethyst eyes. "When you're finished I have something for you." He said softly.

Elizaveta swallowed and quickly brushed and dried her hair "I-I'm done." She leapt up to him forgetting she had no underwear on. Roderich grinned and slowly slipped a hand up her nightdress to cup her butt. Her cheeks glowed and she placed a hand over his "S-sorry I forgot I have no knickers on."

"It's fine." He purred lightly "Turn around."

Elizaveta did so and sat in his lap. She felt his warm hands brush her neck and a cold chain slid around her throat. Looking down she saw a heavy amethyst cut into a heart fall down in between her breasts. She smiled "It's beautiful." She turned around to wrap her arms around him and kiss him hard. Roderich wound his arms around her and kissed back he loved this woman very much, he would spend the earth on her. Running his hands through her soft just washed hair he pulled her closer, he wanted her to know how much he loved her. Flipping over he laid her back and licked her lips lightly to allow him in.

Elizaveta let out a tiny moan and opened her mouth, his tongue slipped in slowly. He caressed her tongue with his own delighting in her tiny moans and small whimpers. He rubbed her sides and her legs fell open. Pulling out of the kiss he grazed his lips down across her throat just merely ghosting her skin with his soft lips. Whimpering softly she held her hands to her chest. "Ah ah ah~" Roderich murmured "No hiding." He held her wrists gently and pulled them away from her chest.

Elizaveta giggled softly "S-sorry."

Roderich smiled and licked her neck "Elizabeta you are perhaps the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

Elizaveta gasped and clung to the mattress as his lips teased her nipple through the silken material, she closed her legs tight on him "R-really?" He told her every time they made love but she loved to hear the words because he said it with such sincerity.

"Of course." He murmured huskily, he loved her breasts they were a decent size and so soft. He kissed her breast again and again before moving his kisses down across her taut stomach. He slowly slid up her nightdress and smiled. Her body was quivering under his expert touch, his long graceful fingers slid delicately over her nipples teasing her through the dress. She bit her lip longing for him to touch her bare skin. She gripped his hand whimpering.

Roderich whispered his lips against her ribcage "Patience my dear."

"H-hurry I can't stand it! I-I'm going to go crazy!" Elizaveta begged.

Roderich licked down from her rib bone all the way down to her navel "My sweet wife." He felt her shiver in delight he knew she loved being called that. "My beautiful darling wife." He murmured. He heard her let out the tiniest of moans. Smiling softly he slipped his fingers under her nightdress and teased her nipples. The skin-to-skin contact was enough to make her moan and arch up.

"R-Roderich!" she moaned. "I-I love you."

"I love you too Elizabeta." He murmured.

Roderich smiled up at her and licked her hip bone "You seem eager."

"O-of course." She blushed "I-I need you." She dug her fingernails into the mattress. She knew he was going to do something she would love because his kisses were inching lower over her belly and down to her sex. His smile widened as she bit her lip awaiting it.

Roderich gave her what she wanted and licked her lightly and slowly. Elizaveta cried out her legs dropping open, he was such a tease that he made all her senses on high so that when he did touch her she felt nothing but ecstasy. She felt that he knew what he was doing; Roderich wasn't a quick grope then thrust in kind of man. He built tension up; he heightened her sensitivity with light touches, light kisses and gentle teasing. He had always done it which is why their actual sex lasted long over a few hours because he bathed her in attention and she was guaranteed orgasm. When she orgasmed for the first time she slept nearly all day and passed out in Roderich's arms. Whimpering softly she knew she was in for one tonight like usual. Roderich lapped up her wetness savouring the taste "You're delicious." He murmured his voice was heavy with lust.

Elizaveta whimpered running her fingers through his soft chestnut hair she watched the light fall through the strands making it sparkle; Roderich was such a beautiful man. "R-Roddy." She whispered. "Please don't tease me."

Roderich smiled and slipped in a delicate finger "Of course not my beaut."

Soft moans fell from her swollen lips "I-I need you."

Roderich smiled coyly "I can tell." A little glitter of her essence was still decorating his lips. He licked his lips lightly and smirked, his white teeth glinting in the sunlight streaming through the window. Elizaveta closed her eyes and trembled she loved everything about him she could never lose this man. Opening her eyes again she gasped her eyes widening, Roderich had slipped in a second finger and started moving them slowly in and out of her aching and needy entrance. "O-oh God." She whimpered clinging to the covers of the bed "S-so good."

Roderich smiled "I'm glad you enjoy it my very beautiful wife~"

Elizaveta trembled again in anticipation, her legs shook she loved the way he was teasing her but she wanted him inside her right now she felt she was going to explode if he didn't get inside her body and become one. "P-Please Roddy…"

Roderich laughed lightly "Elizabeta have I ever left you wanting?"

She shook her head "N-no but I want you now!"

Smiling he pulled his fingers out "Seeing as how you're such a wanton little vixen I will~" he kissed her lightly on the forehead before standing up to remove his clothes. Elizaveta looked at his body, his pale ivory skin showing a few silvery scars one across his chest and one across his collar bone. She glared at them they were the result of that damn Prussian, she hated not being able to of been there to save her love from the ugly marks he caused to her beautiful husband. He saw her look and cupped her face "Don't worry beautiful they don't hurt me and you can barely see them anymore."

She nodded her eyes moving down to his taut stomach and lightly muscular frame. He slipped his jeans off and she smiled, she loved his rounded hips he had a feminine frame but Elizaveta didn't care he may sometimes look like a woman if you didn't know any better but he was all man he certainly knew how to please a woman. She saw his underwear tented with his arousal "I bet it hurts." She smiled reaching out for him. "It's our anniversary not just mine so let me do things to you too." She hooked her fingers in his underwear and pulled him closer to her. "What would you like me to do?"

Roderich stroked her hair "I haven't felt your special kiss in a long time." He murmured.

Elizaveta smiled knowing what he meant, they never called it something coarse like blow job or something worse they always called it a special kiss, because to them it was. She pulled him free and felt her mouth water at the sight of his hard aching length; slowly she slid her finger around the tip to gather some precome on her finger. She licked it slowly getting the taste onto her tongue. "Roddy." She whispered breathily and patted the bed. Roderich sat down on the bed and she instantly dived on him her butt in the air. He groaned at her sudden rough actions. He stroked her hair as she moved her head up and down speedily, yes it felt good but it was ruining the mood somewhat.

"Elizabeta." Roderich whispered "Not so fast."

She looked up at him her mouth still on him, Roderich had never seen a more cute and yet arousing sight "nof fapht?" she mumbled.

"D-don't talk with your mouth full…honestly." Roderich sighed placing a hand to his forehead "J-just go nice and slow. Keep to the mood. You're going too fast like you just want me to get it over with and come."

Elizaveta understood and knew she was being too greedy yes she did want that but she didn't want to ruin the mood. She slowly moved her head making sure to savour the taste and the feel of him inside her mouth. She swallowed a little and moaned softly at the taste of him deep inside her mouth it was a wonderful feeling. She slid her hand down between her legs and stroked herself her cheeks heating up. Roderich moved his hand down over her rump and down between her legs, smiling he pushed his fingers inside they met her own also venturing their way inside her needy body. Elizaveta's eyes fluttered closed in ecstasy as he moved his fingers in and out of her slowly to match her rhythm of her head movements.

She pulled off him with a small pop "P-please I need you inside me." She begged.

Roderich smiled "Then lie back Elizabeta."

She did so and opened her legs needily she wanted him to get to all of her so she wrestled with the lingerie in a not so very feminine way and threw it over the side. Roderich smiled and climbed onto the bed in between her legs. He very slowly pushed in. Elizaveta let out a loud moan and clung to him "A-ah."

Roderich kissed her gently "Sorry did it hurt?"

"A-a little." She whimpered "But it felt good mainly ." she clung to his arms "P-please move."

Roderich nodded and did so he moved slow and gently for her to get used to the pleasure. Her eyes clouded over with lust finally she had what she had yearned for. Her body was super sensitive like always, her nipples hard and her body moulding into his own. Roderich smiled and gently wrapped an arm around her back his other hand was caressing and squeezing her breast making her moan louder and louder. She gasped out ragged breaths his member was rubbing delightfully up her inner walls. She was losing control but she refused to come just yet, she couldn't. She had to last she kept telling herself over and over. Roderich gritted his teeth feeling her keep clenching on him "E-Elizabeta? A-are you okay?" he gasped out.

"I-I don't w-want to come s-so soon!" she gasped out.

Roderich smiled "We hardly even started." He murmured "Am I that good?" he upped his pace and Elizaveta's moans grew louder and more desperate. He kissed her neck and gently played with her hardened buds just by that alone made Elizaveta near enough climax. She looked up at him needily and bit her lip it was getting to be so good. She couldn't stop herself. Roderich kissed her lip gently "No biting." He murmured.

She released her lip and swallowed, her whole body felt like it was on fire. "R-Roderich I-I'm close."

Roderich smiled and sucked her collar bone "Then do it Elizabeta."

Elizaveta nodded and came her back arching and slotting beautifully into his. Roderich gasped at the sudden tightness of her inner walls around his member and he too released filling her with pearly fluid.

Elizaveta panted and fell back "B-by the way I-I got something for you too." She pointed to a box on the side. Roderich crawled over to it and opened it to see a beautiful locket in the shape of a music note on a thin silver chain. "Open the locket." She mumbled.

Roderich opened it and it played out the tune of Chopin Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2 the song he always played to relax himself. "Elizabeta…"

"I know it's not as good as the present you got me…" she mumbled "it wasn't as expensive either but-"

"I love it." Roderich cupped her face and kissed her. She giggled and took it from him and clipped it around his neck

"I'm glad." She whispered softly. "I love you."

"I love you too." Roderich smiled "Though I have no idea what to buy you for next year."

"A new frying pan~ mine still has France and Prussia dents in it." Elizaveta giggled.

Roderich laughed "Can do."

~The End~