The second part to this story. I hope you like it!

Happy's bet

He saw it all. Natsu's laughing and teasing and whispering. Lucy's blushing and denying and pushing. He saw how the celestial mage offered her hand to help the soaking wet fire mage out of the water again. He saw them holding on tightly even as Natsu set himself on fire to dry his clothes. He saw Lucy slapping him when a few sparks landed on her clothes, but never actually moving away. Yes, Happy saw it all and he knew. It was time.

Time to use his knowledge and earn himself some fish!

"Mira!" The blue exceed shouted as he flew into the guild, catching the attention of most of the remaining members. "If I tell you something nice, will you give me fish?"

"Happy? I thought you were with Natsu and Lucy?" The barmaid said. "My, did something happen?"

The cat nodded. "It was really funny. I'll tell you if you give me fish!" Mirajane giggled and gave him a fish. With the deal the done, Happy played his role as informant. "Natsu made Lucy blush really bad!"

"Really?" Mira asked all sparkly eyed. Happy was too busy munching on his fish too answer, but it wasn't necessary anyway. "Will my dreams finally come true? Oh, they're so cute together!"

"Uhm, Mira-nee?" Lisanna tried to get her sister's attention before she could get lost in her fantasy world. "Mira-nee, you know Natsu has no idea what he's doing when it comes to love. Remember how many times you thought something would happen, only to be disappointed?"

"My hopes and dreams, crushed every time!" Mirajane sighed dramatically.

"Yeah, that idiot hardly knows what the difference between guys and girls is!" Gray said laughing, inserting himself in the conversation. "Like he would make a move on Lucy! Like he could!"

"Juvia agrees with Gray-sama." Could be heard from behind a pillar. Regardless of what the water-woman really thought, she would support her beloved!

"Hey!" Happy shouted. They were making his partner ridiculous and he was ready to defend his honor (besides, he finished his fish, so he was bored again). "Natsu knows what he's doing! It's you who don't have a clue!"

"Happy, do you mean Natsu actually wants Lucy to be his girlfriend and he has some kind of plan?" Lisanna asked as Mira's eyes started to glimmer again.

"Gimme fish and I'll tell you!"

Mira was already on her way to the fridge when Cana interrupted. "Hold on, I don't trust this cat. It sounds like he's just trying to get as many fish out of ya as he can."

Happy gasped. "You don't even trust your nakama? Cana's a meanie!"

"Give us the gossip first and then you'll get the grub."

"No way! Meanie!"

"See? He doesn't have anything to tell you!" Cana nodded to herself. "I know these kinds of things."

"This is Salamander we're talking about; it's not so hard to figure out." Gajeel said. "Don't be so pleased with yourself over nothing you drunk."

"No one was asking you!" Cana shouted and slapped him on his head.

"Still, Gajeel is right." Gray said. "I don't know why Mira even bothers getting her hopes up over ash for brains. It's clearly a hopeless case."

"No it's not!" Happy protested. "Natsu will really make a move, for sure! Within a week!"

"For sure, eh?" Gajeel had stepped out of Cana's reach. "Wanna make a bet on it?"

"Bet?" Happy asked.

"I'm interested." Gray said, voicing the thoughts of anyone within earshot. "Terms?"

"We'll bet on whether or not Salamander will make a move on Bunny girl within one week. We'll just make a betting pool so anyone can join." Gajeel looked the blue exceed straight in the eyes. "However, you have to bet at least 100.000 jewels. And if you lose, you'll have to announce to the whole town how much of an idiot that partner of yours is."

"I am so in!" Gray exclaimed.

"We'll leave managing the betting pool to you." Gajeel waved towards Lisanna (Mirajane, the normal default in situations like this, was still too depressed from having her dreams destroyed so many times in the past few minutes).

"Sure, but why set a minimum for Happy?" She answered.

"Because no one else is gonna bet on that loser, and I want to win at least some money!" Gajeel said with a nasty grin. "He's sure, right? It shouldn't be a problem, then."

Happy gulped. He didn't have that much money right now. All around him people started to bet against him and Natsu. Just when he started to lose all hope, he heard Mira take his side. "I believe in the power of love! Go Natsu!" Her sparkles had been revived and she placed her bet.

Suddenly Happy remembered a conversation he and Natsu had had after that mission with the creepy paper magic guy.

They had just returned to Magnolia from their mission. Natsu had thrown his travel bag in some corner and both he and Happy tried to find some food in their chaotic kitchen.

"So, Natsu…" Happy started. "Had fun burning Lucy's clothes?"

"What?" The dragon slayer's head shot up to look at his partner.

"I saw you looking!" The cat purred. "You like her!"

"Shut up." Was the grumbled reply as Natsu continued his rummaging.

"Oh! You're not denying anything?" He continued teasing.

"Happy, she asked me too. I did it to defeat that bastard, not because I wanted to."

"Doesn't mean you didn't like it!" The cat grinned. Natsu remained silent. "There's nothing wrong with that, you know. Lucy's fun and I think she likes you too."

The dragon slayer let out a frustrated sigh. "Yeah, I think she's fun, too. I like her a lot, but…"

"But what?" Happy asked, confused.

"Igneel told me once about liking someone." Natsu started. "You know my magic is tied to my emotions, right? He said there's a kind of 'like' that's stronger than anything else. So strong that I'd probably lose control of my fire when I'm feeling it. He told me to be careful or I might burn the person I treasure most." A wave of nostalgia made him pause, and he laughed softly, thinking back on his own reaction all those years ago. "Of course I didn't get it back then. Told Igneel I didn't need to worry because there's no way I could burn him! But now… I think I could like Lucy that much…"

"What are you gonna do?" Happy asked seriously.

"What can I do?" Natsu replied. "Lucy will be hurt if I do lose control and I will never ever hurt my nakama. Above all she's my best friend."

"Oh." Happy thought for a second. "Hey! I'm not you best friend anymore?"

Natsu laughed at the kitten-eyes look the exceed was giving him. "You're my best friend too!" The strange seriousness had dissipated. "Now come on. I don't think we have any food left, so let's raid our other best friend's fridge!"

"He shouldn't have anything holding him back anymore…" He whispered to himself. He spoke up. "Gajeel! When I win, you have to tell everyone Natsu is a much better dragon slayer than you'll ever be!"

"Sure." The iron mage shrugged.

"Alright. I'm in." He would have to temporarily sacrifice the emergency food money, but it was for a good cause.

Happy would trust his partners.

Six days later Natsu made two people extremely happy (and rich) when, upon entering the guild hall, he greeted Lucy with a hug and a passionate, reciprocated kiss.