A/N: Just to remind you all:

Caecilius=The twelfth Doctor.


Donna=Her sassy self.

"Quintus! Stand up!" Marissa yelled at her fake son.

"A rare and great honor sir, for you to come to my house," The twelfth Doctor smiled politely, his thoughts still focused on Donna.

"The birds are flying north, but the wind is in the west," Lucius stated.

Sometimes, the Doctor forgot how silly Romans were. "Quite. Absolutely. That's good, is it?"

"Only the grain of wheat knows where it will grow."

The twelfth Doctor wanted to groan, what the heck was that supposed to mean? "There now, Metella, have you ever heard such wisdom?" He said to his companion, a low sarcasm in his voice that he knew only she would pick up.

"Never. It's an honor," She replied, holding in her laughter.

"Pardon me, sir, I have guests... This is Spartacus, and Spartacus."

The tenth Doctor and Donna waved politely at Lucius. However, the tenth Doctor was beginning to suspect there was something strange about this family. Ah, whatever.

"A name is but a cloud on summer wind," Lucius said.

"But the wind is felt most keenly in the dark," Ten replied wittily.

The twelfth Doctor smiled to himself, oh, that regeneration of his had been good.

"Ah, but what is the dark, other than an omen of the sun?"

"I concede that every sun must set," Ten said, although he was just getting started.

Lucius laughed, clearly thinking he had won this.

"And yet the son of the father must also rise," The Doctor finished, proudly.

"Damn," Lucius said simply. "Very clever sir, evidently a man of learning."

"Oh yes. But don't mind me, don't want to disturb the status quo."

Caecilius chuckled at his tenth self's ignorance at the time. "He's Celtic," Twelve explained apologetically to Lucius.

"We'll be off in a minute," The tenth Doctor assured them, smiling.

However, Donna was stubborn. "I'm not going."

"It's ready, sir," Twelve said to Lucius on the side. He had made the marble that the man had requested, however he did have a strange feeling about it. How would a piece of marble as advanced as that fit into the Roman scenery?

"You've got to," Ten whispered to Donna, annoyed at her.

"The moment of revelation!" The cloth was removed from on top of the marble to reveal it, an intricate pattern about the size of a tile. "And here it is! Exactly as you specified. It pleases you, sir?"

"As rain pleases the soil."

The tenth Doctor took the same interest as the twelfth had when he saw the marble. "Oh now, that's different. Who designed that then?"

"My lord Lucius was very specific," Caecilius explained, stealing a glance at Metella when nobody was looking.

"Where did you get the pattern?" Ten asked curiously.

"On the mist and rain and wind."

Donna whispered to her Doctor so only he would hear, "That looks like a circuit."

"Made of stone..." He replied, raising an eyebrow.

"Do you mean you just dreamt that thing up?" Donna said with her usual sassiness, making Caecilius smirk a little at the memories. He missed Donna badly.

"That is my job, as city Augur," Lucius said simply.

"What's that then, like the mayor?"

"Oh, you must excuse my friend. She's from... Er... Barcelona," Ten pulled Donna to the side and talked to her in a quiet, calm voice, "Not, but this is an age of superstition, of official superstition. The Augur is paid by the city to tell the future. 'The wind will blow from the west', that's the equivalent of Ten O'Clock News."

Suddenly, Evelina entered the room looking unbelievably sickly. Twelve looked at his companion who looked just as shocked as the rest of them. "They're laughing at us... Those two, they use words like tricksters. They're mocking us." She spoke in a confused voice.

"No no no, I meant no offense." Ten said quickly.

"I'm sorry, my daughter's been consuming the vapors," Marissa said, feeling an extreme wave of guilt. She had known that certain girls around here consumed vapors, but is this really what it did to them? Rome really was a messed up place. Her eyes flickered to the TARDIS in the corner of the room. Couldn't they all just leave?

"Oh for gods, mother, what have you been doing to her?" Quintus asked out of concern for his sister, and Marissa felt more guilt.

"Not now, Quintus," She replied firmly.

"Yeah but she's sick, just look at her!"

Lucius spoke then in a ruder tone than before. "I gather that I have a rival in this household. Another one with the gift."

Metella was proud of her fake daughter, even though, well, she was fake. "Oh, she's been promised to the Sibylline Sisterhood. They say she has remarkable visions."

"The prophecies of women are limited and dull. Only menfolk have the capacity for true perception," Lucius said, gaining a nasty look from Donna.

"I'll tell you where the wind's blowing right now, mate," Donna sassed.

The mountain roared and Lucius's expression grew scared, "The mountain god marks your words. I'd be careful, if I were you."

"Consuming the vapors, you said?" Ten said, looking over Evelina curiously.

The girl replied vaguely, "They give me strength."

"It doesn't look like it to me."

"Is that your opinion... As a doctor?" She said simply, staring at him.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Doctor... That's your name."

He was completely and utterly taken aback by this point, but not as shocked as Donna, Marissa, and twelve were. Everyone in the room was staring at Evelina at this point, and Lucius's face was priceless. How could this simple Roman girl actually discover his name through inhaling a bunch of vapors? Sure, the vapors would make her sick, that made perfect sense. Even the strange connection through the Sibylline Sister's hands had some sort of scientific explanation, at least they assumed. But this?

"And you..." Evelina said, turning to Donna. "You call yourself Noble..."

"Now then, Evelina, don't be rude," Melissa said, determined not to look as scared as she felt.

"No no no, let her talk," Ten insisted, curious as to what she would say next.

"You both come from so far away..."

Lucius stared at the three of them, "The female soothsayer is inclined to invent all sorts of vagaries." There was no way this girl could be correct, certainly?

"Oh, not this time, Lucius. I reckon you've been out-soothsayed," Donna's Doctor spoke.

Then Lucius said something that shocked everyone in the room. "Is that so... Man from Gallifrey?"

Both Doctors' eyes widened at this. This was definitely impossible. It went against every law of the universe! Even Gallifreyans couldn't tell the future like that. "...What?"

"Strangest of images... Your home is lost in fire, is it not?" Lucius said.

The two Time-Lords swallowed at the same time and pain smacked them both like a cricket bat to the face. Just the word Gallifrey killed them a little on the inside.

"And you... Daughter of, London," The soothsayer turned to Donna, who backed away a little instinctively.

"How does he know that?" She asked the Doctor, who for once didn't have a witty retort.

"This is the gift of Pompeii. Every single oracle tells the truth," Lucius explained like it was obvious.

"That's impossible," Donna stated.

"Doctor... She is returning."

The tenth Doctor's hearts beat faster in his chest. "Who? Who is? Who's she?" Lucius couldn't mean... No. He needed to snap out of it. Lucius couldn't know about Rose, that was impossible.

"And you, daughter of London. There's something on your back."

Donna's fear began showing as she desperately tried to feel anything on her back. She had heard those words before, but never knew what they meant. She still didn't. "What's that mean?"

"Even the word Doctor is false," Evelina said. "Your real name is hidden. It burns in the stars, in the Cascade of Medusa herself. You are a Lord, sir. A Lord... of Time."

Falling to the ground randomly, Evelina's eyes shut and the Doctor and Metella ran to catch her. "Evelina!" Metella exclaimed.

"Tu es stultus." Amy smiled brightly at the Doctor, sticking her tongue out.

It reminded him of Rose for a millisecond, and he winced to himself before snapping out of it. "Told you you're learning. Tu es stultior quam asinus."

"Oi! Watch the language!" Her Scottish drawl didn't fit the Latin words, however she was pulling it off anyways.

TRANSLATION: Tu es stultus - You are stupid.

Tu es stultior quam asinus. - You are stupider than a donkey.

Coquus - Cook.

"Anyways..." Amy laid back in her chair and stared at him. "How much longer are we going to be here?"

"Not sure. I guess once my other two selves here work out their issues, sister of the Sibylline," He said her new title jokingly, tilting his head back over the chair to look behind him at the commoners of Pompeii who were eyeing them strangely. "What's up with those crude drawings on your hands anyways? You guys having some creepy soothsayer slumber-parties?"

"I told you, it's their creepy telepathic thingy."

"Telepathic thingy?"

"Yes, telepathic thingy!" She replied, picking up a peacock feather from her lap and throwing it at him.

"Don't you need to get back to your top secret soothsayer business?"

"Don't you need to get back to coquay business?"

"It's coquus. Coh-cu-us." He said the syllables slowly.

"Coh cu us. Got it. See you later.

Back at the Roman house, Metella and Donna were tending to the unconscious Evelina. "She didn't mean to be rude. She's ever such a good girl. But when the Gods speak through her..." Marissa said to Donna with complete honestly. The fumes freaked her out, she had only made Evelina do it since it was normal in this time period, according to the Doctor anyways. But in all honestly Marissa was starting to doubt the solidness of some of the facts he told her.

After unwrapping a bandage on Evelina's arm, Donna was shocked to see gray, stone-like skin underneath. "What's wrong with her arm?"

"Irritation of the skin," The woman explained. "She never complains, bless her. We bathe it in olive oil every night."

"What is it?" Donna mumbled, examining the arm.

"Evelina said you'd come from far away. Please, have you ever seen anything like it?..."

Gently reaching out to touch the arm, Donna was shocked when it felt like pure stone. "It's stone."

The Doctor pulled away the grille covering where the vapors were inhaled by Evelina, with the twelfth Doctor/Caecilius by his side. "Different sort of hypocaust."

"Oh, yes. We're very advanced in Pompeii. In Rome, they're still using the old wood-burning furnaces. But we've got hot springs, leading from Vesuvius itself."

"Who thought of that?" He replied, disgusted.

"The soothsayers. After the great earthquake, seventeen years ago. An awful lot of damage, but we rebuilt," Twelve replied, trying to put some pride into his voice even though he hadn't been there for the great earthquake seventeen years ago.

"Didn't you think of moving away? No, then again, San Francisco..." Ten muttered, arguing with himself.

"That's a new restaurant in Naples?"

A loud roar came from within the vent, fumes came out with it. "What's that noise?"

"Don't know. Happens all the time. They say the gods of underworld are stirring," Twelve said, and for a moment he forgot he was Caecilius instead of the Doctor.

"But after the earthquake, let me guess. The soothsayers started making sense?"

"Oh, yes, very much so. I mean, they'd always been, shall we say, imprecise? But then - the soothsayers, the augurs, the haruspex, all of them, they saw the truth, again and again. It's quite amazing. They can predict crops and rainfall with absolute precision."

The tenth Doctor raised an eyebrow. "Haven't they said anything about tomorrow?"

Twelve knew he had to fake confusion. Obviously, tomorrow was volcano day. But 'Caecilius' shouldn't know that. "No, why, should they? Why did you ask?"

"No no no, I'm just asking... But the soothsayers. They all consume these vapors, yeah?"

"That's how they see."

"Ipso facto."

"Look, you," Twelve hoped this would end soon. The pain of seeing his past self was growing into too much.

"They're all consuming this," The other Doctor murmured, rubbing some of the rocks in between his fingers and tasting them.

"Rocks?" Caecilius said, like it wasn't very important, even though he knew it was.

"Volcanic ash. They're breathing in Vesuvius."

A/N: Hope you enjoyed! Part three will probably be up a lot sooner than this one was, sorry for the delay. Please review if you enjoyed! :)