7th June 2019

Fanfiction Stories Update 2019

Hello World! I have been gone for quite awhile (writing only, and probably comments). I have continued to read and fall in love with a whole bunch of fanfiction stories. I just checked my profile and I have 441 Favourite Stories. WOW. However I haven't commented on a story in years, which is very bad. Life and work caught up with me, since I posted my December 2017 update, where I said I had to get a new laptop (Post Hurricanes Irma & Maria). Now I've had a laptop since December 2018 (Christmas Present from my mom ^_^). However, I have been trying for quite some time to establish a writing schedule so that I can FINISH the 3 current stories I have UNFINISHED in my account.

As I'm writing this, I still HAVE NOT established a schedule (I tried several times). Since it's taking so long, I just thought it best to WING IT. I actually started writing a chapter for HST back in January, but I didn't finish it. I kinda gave up.

And I've continued to read fanfics. I read them ever so often during my lunch break and every ever so often before bed and it dawned on me that SKIACM is 6 years old and FTL will be 6 years old in August and none of them are complete 0_0. I feel so ashamed. I never wanted to be one of those authors that started a story and couldn't finish. But they always say NEVER SAY NEVER. And I always add in, because THE NEVER ALWAYS HAPPENS. And sadly it has happened. But I'm looking on the BRIGHT SIDE. Today is a HOLIDAY where I live (HAPPY BIRTHDAY QUEEN ELIZABETH II!) and Monday is also a HOLIDAY (HAPPY WHIT MONDAY in advance!). So I'll take this time to do some writing and post a chapter for one of the three stories (fingers crossed – will most likely be HST).

Now that I've checked, please see the following for all stories currently in my account:

Seto Kaiba Is A Changed Man (SKIACM) – Published Feb 28, 2013 *Original Story*

Finding True Love (FTL) – Published August 24, 2013 *Request by another author for me to complete*

High School Tryst (HST) – Published Jan 1, 2016 *Original Story*

Now that I look at the dates, I am just ashamed. I remember when writing was everything for me. I still aspire to a writer one day, but I guess I'm currently in the "How Stella Got her Grove Back" Phase I have not watched this movie But I thought the reference seemed right.

My original stories have been around for as long as I've had my current job (WOW), and they're not complete, that's what makes this situation so SAD. But enough of the PITY PARTY. I will endeavour to work on completing these stories. I will be 27 years old this year…WOW. So expect to hear from me sooner rather than later. XOXO Liwliwa-Janoah ^_^

*This has been posted as a CHAPTER UPDATE and not on my PROFILE, because NO ONE READS THAT.*