Author: XElleXX

Rating: severe MA

Warnings: Hair kink, slight bestiality, and messy sheets

Disclosure: I own nothing except a laptop and my imagination.

Authors Note: My first Harry/Sirius story! I'm taking a chance with this pairing, so please let me know how I'm doing! Plus, I'm without a beta, so any mistakes are purely mine, though I hope that there are only a few minor infractions. Anyways, enjoy!

Harry had been staying with Sirius since the end of his final year at Hogwarts. He had returned for his 8th year after helping Mcgonagall repair the school after the final battle. It had been a bloody mess, walls torn or burn down with bodies (mostly Deatheaters) strewn across the grounds and halls. The remaining professors and a few select students, including the infamous golden trio, stayed to repair the school and work to open it again in the fall. Many of the previous 7th years stayed to go onto an eighth year since their final year had been a shamble of torture and little learning.

After the year had ended and Harry had passed his NEWTS with flying colors in everything except potions, Sirius had offered for his godson to stay with him in his new flat in London.

"It's awfully lonely there, now that Moony and Tonks have their own place!" he had complained.

So, here Harry was: happily settled into his new home with his immature godfather. One thing, though: Sirius was driving Harry mad. Not the bad kind of mad, either. It was the kind of mad that made Harry want to pull his hair out and moan and have horribly graphic dreams about said godfather. Maybe horribly was the wrong word for them. 'Deliciously' would be a better replacement.

Since the day that Harry had moved in, Sirius had paraded around his flat practically naked. The older man had been so used to being alone that he often forgot, "In his old age," Harry would tease him, that he had a guest. The first night Harry was there, Sirius had emerged from the bathroom butt-naked, steam flowing out of the room around him. Harry had practically drooled all over the new Quidditch Weekly magazine before he caught himself and looked away, blushing. Of course, the older man had laughed it off and threw a towel around his slim waist, but it had barely covered the essentials.

Harry had come home from Ron and Hermione's many a time to find his godfather laying around the flat either fully naked or barely covered. You could imagine the boy's despair.

Harry was almost worried that he was going to chafe with all of the wanking that he'd been partaking in since that first night. If it wasn't getting off while awake, he sure made up for it in his dreams. He has no idea where this crazy sex drive had come from, but it was really starting to put him in some sticky situations. Literally.

Which leads us to Harry's current predicament. He had just woken up from an amazing dream in which he was receiving an amazing blowjob from Sirius to find his sheets covered in his own cum. He quickly cast a cleaning charm on his pajama bottoms, but the sheets were Egyptian Silk and wouldn't withstand even the gentlest of cleaning charms. He had tried already.

Groaning, Harry stood and removed the soiled sheets and took them out into the hallway and into Sirius's washroom. Luckily, it was his turn to do wash this week and he wouldn't have to dodge any awkward questions like last week. Sirius had teased him for hours, wanting to know why his expensive sheets had cum stains all over them. He even suggested getting a mattress pad to save the bed itself from being ruined by Harry's new sex drive. Harry had just turned bright pink and stomped off to his room, Sirius' howls of laughter trailing behind him.

Harry decided that he would just sleep on the couch for the rest of the night with the television tuned into old black and white cartoons. He tried to fall asleep again, but started hearing noises coming from the hallway where their rooms were. Curious, and suddenly wide awake, Harry crept down the hall towards the source of the, now recognized, moans and gasps. He stopped in front of Sirius' room and the noise was definitely the older man gasping. The younger man worried his lip, unsure if his godfather was having a nightmare or something decidedly more interesting. His worry got the best of him and he cracked the door open silently. Low and behold, Sirius was actually awake and his actions make Harry's breath catch.

Sirius sat up in bed, one hand fisting his erection, twirling around the head on each up stroke, and the other tangled in his own hair, tugging. The older man had a light sheen of sweat over his muscled chest and was obviously trying, and failing, to hold back his moans of pleasure.

Harry watched, stunned and fascinated, before he quickly backed into the open hallway again and back towards the sofa. How could he sleep now? 'Dear lord,' Harry thought to himself as he tried to calm his own erection. His attempts to ignore it were futile, as he knew they would be. Deciding that a shower would help him, the younger man walked towards the back of the flat where the shower and washroom were located. Why the builder put the bathroom and bedrooms on separate ends of the apartment, Harry would never know, but he was glad for it. If he was lucky, Sirius would be too engrossed in his own fantasies to hear the shower going.

Harry quickly washed and then wrapped his hand around his straining erection, moving slowly to the thoughts of Sirius doing the same to himself. In his mind, Harry began to see the scene much more clearly.


Harry continued to stroke his erection, feeling the water flowing over him and not realizing that the door to the bathroom had opened. As Sirius slipped in, Harry gasped and tried to cover himself in embarrassment at being caught wanking in the shower. The older man just smirked, walking over and into the small shower stall.

"Let me help with that," he said, sinking to his knees before Harry. He peeled the younger boy's hands away and took a moment to gaze at the flesh revealed before him. After a moment, he brought his hand up to give Harry a few agonizingly slow strokes before licking a long strip up the underside of the boy's cock. He swirled his tongue around the head before slipping his mouth over the top.

Harry, though, was a moaning mess. He'd never had a blowjob before and he was clearly seeing stars as Sirius bobbed his head up and down. He moved one of his hands to the back of the man's head and grasped a handful of his long, black locks. Hearing, and feeling, the moan in response, Harry continued to grip the man's hair as he worked his magic on Harry's erection.

Finally, the boy had reached his limit and tried to warn Sirius that he was about to come, but it hit him so hard that his knees buckled and he had to use his one free hand to keep himself upright.


In the shower, Harry moaned and shot his cum over his hand. He was sure that he'd moaned his godfather's name, but he was sure that Sirius was finished and asleep by that point.

The young man shut the shower off and dried himself before wrapping the towel around his hips and making his way to the couch where he curled up and promptly fell asleep, not noticing the stunned figure in the shadows of the hallway.


AN: Please review? Please? Pretty please with a cherry on top? :D