Kyoko was looking for a pen in Rens briefcase. She found it, however she also hound a pair of handcuffs and a crop.
Kyoko's thoughts 'Hhmm I wonder Tsuraga-san has these. Maybe its a guy thing.I know I'll ask Moko-san.
She grabbed the pen and went back to Yashiro-san's office, where Mouko-san,Ren, and Yashiro-san were already sitting.
Sitting beside Mouko-san, she leaned over and asked in a whisper, "Mouko-san, what does it mean when a guy carries a pair handcuffs and a crop around with him ?"

She answered," He's a S&M pervert."
" Oh,ok" she said while blushing like crazy. She turned back to her script not really reading it.
'I wonder which one is Tsuraga-san. No! I shouldn't be thinking about my senpai like this. She peeked up in his direction. He was talking to Yashiro-san, and didn't look like he was reading her mind or planing to at all. So maybe it was okay to think those thought. I wonder which one is Tsuraga-san ? Sadist, he always llikes to tease me and likes doing it to. Wait no, he's a masochist I heard the president call him that once and so did Yashiro-san. Maybe they were warning him about the kind of women that are his mistress's like they could go out and tell everyone about Tsuraga-sans fetishes. Or maybe this is a part of the reason why can't be with the high school girl. She sounds so innocent maybe he didn't want to scare her with his fetish. Maybe that's why he's always so tense Tsuraga-san rarely dates and when he does he probably doesn't tell her about his fetishes. Oh poor Tsuraga-san all that pent up masochist sexual frustration. If he doesn't take care of it he'll become over stressed. If he becomes over stressed it will affect his work. I'm sure Tsuraga-san has to have a partner for this kinda thing. I have to help Tsuraga-san no matter how embarrassed I feel or else just a few results of to much stress from Fuofij-sensei,inability to concentrate,irritability,short temper,agitation, inability to relax
depression, aches and pains,frequent colds,eating more or less, sleeping too much or too little. Oh no I have to help him.

I hope you like it, please review i enjoy hearing your thoughts. :)