A series of one-shots, with different pairings as protagonists. Some of them may seem odd to you, so if you see that you are not comfortable with the couple, skip the chapter or chapters with them and wait for another.

Rated T

Yui x Kyoko

Rum Raisin

Summer had been specially mean that year. Waves of heat hit Japan one after another, effectively setting a new record in the country.

After many tortuous weeks inside the classrooms without air conditioner and slaving themselves weekly in the obligatory gym classes, the girls of the Amusement Club gathered one last time before Summer break started once and for all. They were currently lying on the floor, staying as still as possible until the bell would ring so they could finally go home.

"Hey, Yui?" Kyoko asked lazily from her spot, not too far away from the other girl, who barely acknowledged her with a low hum. "My air doesn't work..." Yui sighed tiredly at that. She knew what Kyoko was getting at.

"Just don't eat everything in my house." Kyoko smiled at her innocently and tilted her head as much as she could from her lying position. Yui didn't even have the strength to glare at her, so she settled for waiting in the heat like the rest of their friends. Maybe coming to the Amusement Club in a hot day hadn't been such a good idea after all. They could have gone to the Council room, now that she thought about it, but Kyoko had insisted on not going, adamant about avoiding Ayano after that love letter she had received the week before.

A pang of something settled in her stomach at the mention of the recent events. Yui didn't really understand why; she figured she was hungry or that her body needed some hydration.

"Gha! I can't go to your house today, Yui-sempai, I'm sorry!" Chinatsu spoke, teary-eyed. Yui managed to smile slightly at her.

"It's okay, Chinatsu-chan. Maybe next time." The pink-haired girl perked up visibly at the mention of a 'next time'. Yui was too tired to tell her not to get her hopes up like she was probably doing. She would have to talk to Chinatsu later about that little unhealthy crush she had on her. It was either that or they would end up avoiding each other like Kyoko and Ayano did.

"What about Akarin?"

But, as usual, nobody answered Akari-chan, leaving the redhead to sulk in her spot.

"Rum raisin!" Kyoko squealed as she barged in Yui's apartment and dove straight into the kitchen, already planning ro raid the fridge. Behind her, Yui rolled her eyes and went to the living room, grabbing the control for the air conditioner and turning the machine on. She sighed in relief once she started feeling the cool air hitting her skin, sweaty from walking all the way to her home.

"Yui!" Kyoko whined as she attached her body to Yui's, showing the dark-haired girl a rather cute pout. "Where's the Rum raisin?" The blonde demanded to know immediately.

"I never said I had any rum raisin." Yui's response was followed by a dramatic gasp from her childhood friend and a rather brusque shaking.

"You... you monster!" Yui got the blonde off of her and walked to the fridge, not even turning when the blonde threw herself on the floor and started fake-sniffing.

Yui's hand felt the cool air of the fridge as she searched for a suitable replacement for the rum raisin she had never promised to Kyoko. She grumbled incoherently as she tried to reach the ice-cream on the back, forgotten since the start of Summer. She clicked her tongue in triumph when her fingers finally grasped the cool surface, and pulled the iced object out. At least it hadn't been squished by the constant rum raising Kyoko seemed to fill her fridge with every weekend.

"Here." She threw the ice-cream on Kyoko's whining form without any care in the world, then settled in front of her tv, turning it on to watch the news. Behind her, Kyoko stopped all noises and examined the contents of the package curiously. She let out a huff of outrage, making Yui stop for a moment and gaze back at her.

"Yui, you moron!" Kyoko yelled at her, face flushing from indignation. Yui was taken aback by the sudden outburst.

"What now!" The blonde was impossible, honestly. First she barged in her house as if she owned the place, then she wailed and complained about her non-existent rum raisin, and now she was insulting her for whatever stupid reason.

"I don't like strawberry!" Was the simply response. The blonde placed the ice-cream on the table nearby and plopped down on the floor, pouting and huffing about Yui being an idiot. The dark-haired girl almost felt a migraine coming as she rubbed her temples. If she didn't get Kyoko to shut up now, she wouldn't shut up all night.

"Since when?" Kyoko had never disliked strawberry, not until now that was. The blonde suddenly blushed from head to toe and started fidgeting in her spot, catching Yui's entire attention in the process. There was no way that she wouldn't tell her after that tremendously cute mannerism she displayed.

"Kyoko..." Yui threatened, making the blonde know she was going to tell her at some point, so she better get it over with. Sometimes, Yui could be as scary as Kyoko if she put her mind into it. But, Kyoko always made a good effort as a friendly nuisance, so Yui felt no need to behave like that.

"It reminds me of Chinatsu, okay?" Kyoko snapped as she sat next to Yui, still blushing, and started the game console. "Now, what level were you on?" She was obviously trying to divert the conversation elsewhere. Yui narrowed her eyes. It wasn't often that Kyoko didn't speak up her mind; something was definitely odd with her. Maybe it was the Ayano subject?

Again with that stomach twist. She would have to get herself checked later.

Eventually, after thirty steady minutes of leveling up and customizing her character, Yui couldn't hold her curiosity down. She settled her controller on the floor before facing an incredibly tense Kyoko.

"Why Chinatsu? Weren't you hanging all over her just a day ago?" Another flip in her stomach, maybe she would call her doctor after she was done talking to Kyoko.

"You know what? That ice-cream doesn't sound too bad now." Kyoko commented with an uneasy smile as she stood up clumsily and got away as far as possible from Yui, who was more than confused to say the least. Didn't the blonde say that she did not like strawberry?

"Ah!" Kyoko yelped cutely as she opened the contents of the small package. Of course, Yui thought, after spending so much time outside the fridge it had melted. And the blonde, who seemed to be more distracted than ever, didn't even feel the pooling of the cream in the package. Yui immediately stood up and kneeled right beside the blonde, checking if the liquid had reached the clothes- or her floor for that matter.

The pink liquid sliding down Kyoko's hand had quite an interesting effect on Yui, who could only watch in marvel as it slowly travelled down her friend's soft skin.

Kyoko could only watch between a mixture of embarrassment and lust as the dark-haired girl reached her hand tentatively and licked the ice-cream off her hands. The hot tongue making contact with her cool skin was a contrasting yet pleasurable feeling that she didn't want to stop for anything in the world.

"You like strawberry, Kyoko?" Yui asked in a hushed whisper. The blonde merely stared back at the other girl in numb confusion.


A pair of soft lips clashed against her own, making her fall on her back with Yui on top of her form. Her mind immediately shut down, all thoughts running away from her. But it felt so good to have Yui kissing her like this that she couldn't stop; wouldn't stop. Instead she kissed the dark-haired girl with as much fervor, pouring all her pent up feelings in the lip-lock. She idly noticed that Yui did, in fact, taste like strawberry.

What was rum raisin compared to her strawberry Yui?