Disclaimer: Supernatural and all its characters belong to Kripke and the CW. I own nothing.

Challenge Word- try (or trying, tried…)

200 words

He couldn't take it. Sam couldn't take one more minute. It was all just too much. He'd tried to handle living the hunting life. He'd tried so hard. But all the fear, worry, and guilt it brought were tearing him apart. Sam's life was a vicious cycle of either sitting in motel rooms fearing for his family's safety or, like tonight, spending a hunt praying that he didn't screw up causing one of them to get injured or killed. Only this time he had and Dean had paid the price; maybe the ultimate price.

Sam choked back a sob. He didn't even know if Dean was alive. Their father had ordered him to the motel moments after arriving at the hospital. Dean could be…

The thirteen year old shivered in the rapidly cooling water. He thought of turning on the hot water but he just couldn't find the energy to move. The razor slid from his numb hand. His mind became foggy; the sound of splitting wood didn't even register. Sam's eyes slipped closed as his life force quickly drained.

A far away voice called. They were too late. Sam smiled. After years of trying, he'd finally done something right.